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1、全国自考英语一真题参考答案做试题,没答案?上自考365,网校名师为你详细解答!2009年10月全国自考英语(一)真题参考答案一、Vocabulary and Structure(10 points,1 point each)从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。1. The police asked them to describethe_ woman looked like.A. howB. whatC. thatD. who答案:B2. It is essential that you_any document carefully before signing

2、 it.A. readB. readingC. can readD. have read答案:A3. We knew the boss_be angry if we didnt finish the work in time.A. shallB. willC. wouldD. ought to答案:C4. When he was arrested,Terry_in crime for years.A. had involvedB. should be involvedC. must be involvedD. had been involved答案:D5. Some doctors claim

3、 that a vegetable diet is superior_a meat diet.A. toB. thanC. overD. against答案:A6. The black writer wanted the other members of the workshop to treat_asan equal.A. hisB. heC. himD. himself答案:C7. What she says_little relation to what she actually does.A. bearsB. givesC. reflectsD. possesses答案:A8. The

4、y knew they had to_action to deal with the plague before it spread toother areas.A. makeB. takeC. performD. adopt答案:B9. When the ship lost its engine power,the crew found themselves at the_ofthe wind.A. rateB. costC. momentD. mercy答案:D10. If you are unable to come to the interview,for_reason,you sho

5、uld informus ahead of time.A. howeverB. somewhatC. whateverD. no matter答案:C二、Cloze Test(10 points,1 point each)下列短文中有十个空白,每个空白有四个选项。根据上下文要求选出最佳答案,并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。1. I always enjoy the drive into Marley.It is a good straight road with pleasantviews of the countryside 1 either side.There are woods and

6、hills,villages and farmsand,about halfway,a large lake.And because there is rarely much traffic on theroad,I can usually enjoy the view 2 I drive along. I was rather 3 the other morning,therefore,when a small green car began to drivevery close behind me.I went a little 4,hoping to get rid of it.But

7、whenever Islowed down,the little car caught up 5 me.The driver,a middleaged man,was grinningand waving to me.6,I did not know him.“Perhaps I am doing 7 wrong,”I thought.I checked my lights and my indicator,butthey were both 8.And I certainly had not got a puncture.I did not slow down until Igot to M

8、arley.As I was crossing the railway bridge into Marley,the lights turned 9.Iwas waiting there when the little green car pulled up beside me.The driver got outand tapped on my window.I opened it.“Can I help you?”I asked rather 10.“Imtrying to help you!”the man said.“You see,your number plate fell off

9、 about fifteenmiles back.I tried to attract your attention,but you didnt take any notice!”(1).(A). of(B). by(C). on(D). with答案:C(2).(A). since(B). as(C). until(D). for答案:B(3).(A). annoyed(B). pleased(C). excited(D). disappointed答案:A(4).(A). slower(B). faster(C). earlier(D). later答案:B(5).(A). after(B

10、). along(C). on(D). with答案:D(6).(A). Therefore(B). However(C). Thus(D). So答案:B(7).(A). everything(B). nothing(C). something(D). anything答案:C(8).(A). in order(B). out of order(C). in place(D). out of place答案:A(9).(A). on(B). off(C). green(D). red答案:D(10).(A). coldly(B). helpfully(C). earnestly(D). ex

11、citedly答案:A三、Reading Comprehension(30 points,2 points each)从下列每篇短文的问题后所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。1. Joe was driving home one evening.Ever since the Levis factory closed,hed beenunemployed,and with winter raging on,the chill had finally hit home.Most of hisfriends had already left the Midwestern

12、 town,but he stayed on.After all,he was bornhere.It was getting dark and light snow was coming down.He almost didnt see the oldlady,but in the dim light of day,he could see she needed help.He pulled up in frontof her car and got out.Even with a smile on his face,she was worried.Was he going to hurt

13、her?He didntlook safe;he looked poor and hungry.Joe knew how she felt and said to her,“Imhere to help you,maam.Why dont you wait in the car where its warm.”She had aflat tire and Joe set about replacing it immediately.All this put the woman atease.She then rolled down her window and began to talk to

14、 him,telling him that shewas from St.Louis and was only passing through.Then the thankful woman asked Joe howmuch she owed him.But Joe told her that he had been given a hand in the past and ifshe wished to pay him back,she could give the money to someone who needed her helpnext time.A few miles down

15、 the road the lady went into a small caf.A waitress brought a cleantowel to wipe her wet hair.The waitress was nearly eight months pregnant,but shenever let the strain and aches change her attitude.The old lady wondered how someonewho had so little could be so giving to a stranger.When the waitress

16、came back togive the lady her change from a hundred dollar bill,she found a message on anapkin:“Take this.Someone once helped me out the way Im helping you now.If youreally want to pay me back,heres what you can do. Dont let the chain of loveend with you.”That night when she got home from work and c

17、limbed into bed,the waitress wasthinking about what the lady had written.How could the lady have known that she andher husband needed the money?With the baby due next month,it was going to behard.Knowing how worried her husband was,she whispered soft and low tohim,“Everythings gonna be alright,I lov

18、e you,Joe.”(1). Many of Joes friends left because.(A). it was too cold there(B). it was a lonely town(C). they had lost their jobs(D). they were not born there答案:C(2). The woman was worried because.(A). she had been attacked(B). she was poor and hungry(C). no one offered to help her(D). she was afra

19、id of Joes looks答案:D(3). Joe refused to be paid by the woman because.(A). he did not need the money at all(B). others had helped him in the past(C). the woman appeared to be pitiable(D). it was not difficult to replace a flat tire答案:B(4). Which of the following is probably true?(A). The woman left t

20、he caf when the waitress was getting her change.(B). The woman knew who the waitress was and decided to help her out.(C). Joe told the woman that his wife worked in a small caf not far away.(D). Joe knew that the woman would go into the caf and meet the waitress.答案:A(5). The best title for the passa

21、ge is.(A). Acts of Kindness(B). Sympathetic Hearts(C). A Lonely Country Road(D). A Woman from St.Louis答案:A2. I will never forget what my old headmaster had taught me.Normally when you areonly 15 years of age you do not remember most of the things that are preached byyour teachers.But,this particular

22、 story is one such lesson that I will neverforget.Every time I drift off course,I get reminded of this story.It was a normal Monday morning at an assembly,and he was addressing the students onimportant things in life and about committing ourselves to what was important tous.This is how the story wen

23、t:An old man lived in a certain part of London,and he would wake up every morning andgo to the subway.He would take the train right to Central London,and then sit at thestreet corner and beg.He did this every single day for almost 20 years.His house was filthy,and a horrible smell came out of it.The

24、 neighbors could notstand the smell any longer,so they summoned the police officers to clear theplace.The officers knocked down the door,cleaned the house and found small bags ofmoney all over the house.When they counted the money,they realized that the old manwas a millionaire.They waited outside h

25、is house in anticipation to share the good news with him.Whenhe arrived home that evening,the old man was met by one of the officers who told himthat there was no need for him to beg any more as he was now a millionaire.The old man said nothing at all.He went into his house and locked the door.The n

26、extmorning he woke up as usual,went to the subway,got into the train,and sat at thestreet corner and continued to beg.Obviously,this old man had no great plans,dreamsor anything significant for his life.We learn nothing from this story other thanstaying focused on the things we enjoy doing. We shoul

27、d remain true to our course,which may mean committing ourselves to thingsthat people around us would normally disapprove.Let nothing distract us from beinghappy;let nothing else determine our fate,but ourselves.What makes us happy is whatmatters in the end,not what we acquire.(1). The sentence“I dri

28、ft off course”might be replaced by.(A). I do not pass a course at school(B). I am determined to do something new(C). I fail to stick to what I have been doing(D). I come across difficulties in my studies答案:C(2). According to the passage,the old man.(A). lived in Central London(B). came from a poor f

29、amily(C). began begging as a child(D). begged in London every day答案:D(3). When they waited for the old man,the police expected he would be.(A). pleased to see the clean house(B). glad to know that he was rich(C). angry with what they had done(D). grateful for what they did for him答案:B(4). The old ma

30、n is admired mainly because.(A). he stuck to what he did(B). he had a splendid dream(C). he was confident in himself(D). he had great plans for the future答案:A(5). The old headmaster told the story to remind his students of the importanceof.(A). honesty(B). commitment(C). kindness(D). patience答案:B3.

31、I think it is true that parents often underestimate their teenage children andtend to forget how they themselves felt when young.And it is natural for youngpeople to be critical of their parents at times and to blame them for most of themisunderstandings between their parents and themselves.They are alwayscomp

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