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荆 州 市初 中 升 学 考 试英 语 试 题.docx

1、荆 州 市 初 中 升 学 考 试英 语 试 题荆 州 市 初 中 升 学 考 试英 语 试 题 注意事项:1 本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。第一卷1至6页,第二卷7至10页。共120分,考试时间120分钟。2 答题前,将准考证号、姓名清楚地填写在密封线内和答题卡上的相应位置;答题卡上准考证号下面对应的数字和作为本考试科目代号的矩形框“”用2B铅笔涂黑。3 第8页右侧的座位号填写准考证号最末两位数。4 第一卷(选择题)在答题卡上答题,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题号答案的代号涂黑,在试卷上答题无效;第二卷(非选择题)的答案用钢笔或圆珠笔直接写在试题相应的位置上。 祝 考 试

2、顺 利 _ 第一卷 选择题(五大题,共70分)I听力对话理解(共5分,每小题1分) 根据你听到的小对话从每小题的三个选项中选出正确选项。每小题听两遍。 1When did the Smiths move to Beijing? AIn 2010. BIn 2003. CYesterday. 2Where are they talking? AIn a restaurant. BIn a shop. CIn a classroom. 3. Whats the possible relationship(关系) between the two speakers? ADoctor and patie

3、nt BHusband and wife CTeacher and student. 4. How was Mrs Blacks travel? AComfortable. BExciting. CUnpleasant. 5. What do you know about Jacky? AHe exercises a lot. BHis favorite sport is running. CHe likes ball games. 听力篇章理解(共10分,每小题1分) 听下面A、B篇的两段对话和C篇的一段独白,并从每小题的三个选项中选出一个正确答案。对话或独白听两遍。(A) 6. What

4、are they talking about? APlaces of interest. BPlan for vacation. CWeather in different places. 7. Where does the woman want to go? AItaly. BIndia. CSydney. 8. How long is she going to stay there? AA week. BThree weeks. CA month.(B)9. Where does the conversation probably take place? AIn the womans ho

5、use. BIn a restaurant. CIn the mans office.10. What does the woman advice the man to do to improve his cooking? ATake a course. BTeach himself. CLearn from her. 11. Why does the man want to make a phone call? AHe wants to call his wife. BHed like to learn how to cook.CHe wants to talk to his secreta

6、ry(秘书).(C) 12. Where does the speaker work? AIn a house company. BIn a restaurant. CIn a hotel. 13. What can Peter see from the rooms? AViews of the lake. BTall buildings of the city. CNothing at all. 14. How much should Peter pay for the rooms? A$150. B$300. C$45015. Which meal is free? ABreakfast.

7、 BLunch. CSupper. (第VI大题,听力完成任务,请在第二卷第7页答题)单项填空(共10分,每小题1分) 从每小题的四个选项中选出一个能填入题中相应空白处的最佳答案。 16Is the woman a teacher? Yes. She teaches _ English. Ayou Bus Cour Dyour17. Do you think yesterdays math problem was difficult? Yes. I could _ work it out. Ahardly Beasily Cfinally Dnearly 18. Which province

8、is the _ one in winter? It should be Hainan Province, I think. Acoldest Bhotter Cwarmest Dcooler19. Are you going to Tibet for vacation? Yes. I want you to _ me with some information about it. Aoffer Bgive Cshow Dprovide20. Wheres her second son? I havent seen him for a long time. He _ Maine looking

9、 for a place to work. Awill go to Bhas gone to Chad gone to Dgoes to 21. Peter, what if your parents go out? They ask me to _ myself. Alook after Blook up Clook for Dlook through22. Meat isnt really dangerous, is it? Oh! _! Its not at all good for our health. AYes, it isnt BNo, it is CYes, it is DNo

10、; it isnt23. Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon? _. Ill have to help my parents. ASorry, I cant BYes, Id love to CLets go DNo, I dont think so 24. Why didnt Betty come to school yesterday?_ she was ill. ABut BThough CIf DBecause25. When will the 2010 World Expo(世博会) come to a close? Itll

11、 close at the end of _. ASeptember BOctober CNovember DDecember. 完形填空(共15分,每小题1分) 先阅读短文,然后从文后每小题的四个选项中选出一个可以填入短文中相应空白处的最佳答案。 A young man was about to finish school. For a long time he had 26 to get a beautiful sports car. He knew his father could well 27 it, so he told him that a sports car was all

12、he wanted. Then on the morning of his graduation(毕业),he was called to his fathers room. His father told him how 28 he was to have such a fine son, and told him how 29 he loved him. He handed his son a beautiful gift box. 30 , the young man opened the box and found a lovely Bible(圣经)with his name on

13、it. Angrily, he raised his 31 to his father and said, “With all your money you give me a Bible? ” He then 32 out of the house, leaving the Bible. Many years passed and the young man was very 33 in business, and had a beautiful home and a wonderful family. 34 that his father was very old, he thought

14、perhaps he should go to see him. He had not seen him 35 that graduation day. Before he could go, he received a 36 telling him that his father had died. He had to go home immediately and take 37 of the things that his father left him. When he began to search through his fathers importantpapers, he sa

15、w the still new Bible, 38 as he had leftit years ago. He opened the Bible and began to 39 the pages. As he was reading, a car key with a tag(标牌)dropped from the back of the Bible. On the tag was the 40 of his graduation, and the words “PAID IN FULL”. Sadness and regret(悔恨)filled his heart. 26. Aexpe

16、cted Bbelieved Cenjoyed Dfelt27. Aafford Bspend Ccost Dpay28. Aexcited Bproud Cangry Danxious29. Afar Bmuch Clong Doften30. AInterested BTired CSurprised DRelaxed31. Ahand Bhead Cvoice Dsound32. Alooked Bmoved Cwalked Drushed33. Acareful Bhelpful Cwonderful Dsuccessful34. AWanting BSuggesting CNotic

17、ing DRealizing35. Aon Bsince Cafter Dfrom36. Abag Bticket Cphone Dbook37. Acare Bpart Cnotes Dtime38. Ajust Bonly Calways Dalready39. Ause Bopen Cturn Dclose40. Aplace Bdate Ctest DnameV. 阅读理解(共30分,每小题2分)先阅读短文,然后根据短文内容从文后每小题的四个选项中,选出一个能完成所给句子或回答所提问题的正确答案。(A) Birthdays are celebrated(庆祝)all over the

18、world. Some ways to celebrate birthdays are rather similar from county to country: candles, cakes, and birthday wishes. But there are also different ways to celebrate birthdays. Here are a few: 41. When someone is having a birthday in Denmark, you can see _ outside the window. Aflowers Bpresents Ca

19、flag Da chair42. In _ flowers are put on the chair of the birthday child. AJapan BDenmark CIndia DHolland43. In _, only birthday children wear colored clothes to school. AIndia BHolland CDenmark DJapan44. In Japan, the birthday is more important for boys when they are _. A15 B7 C5 D345. The passage

20、is mainly about _. Asimilar ways of celebrating birthdays in some countriesBdifferent ways of celebrating birthdays in some countries Cchildrens birthdays in western countriesDthe importance of childrens birthdays(B)The weather is getting hotter. You are thirsty playing basketball or riding home fro

21、m school. A cold drink may be just the thing. But be careful what you are drinking. Something that looks cool may not be good for your health. There are plenty of energy drinks on the market. Most of them have beautiful colors and cool names. The lists on them tell you they are helpful to your healt

22、h. Sounds great! But after a careful check you may find that most energy drinks have lots of caffeine (咖啡因) in them. These drinks are especially aimed at young people, students, busy people and sports players. Makers sometimes say their drinks make you better at sports and can keep you awake. But be

23、 careful not to drink too much.Caffeine makes your heart beat fast. Because of this, the International Olympic Committee has limited( 限制) its use. Caffeine in most energy drinks is at least as strong as that in a cup of coffee or tea. Possible health dangers have something to do with energy drinks.

24、Just one box of energy drink can make you nervous, have difficulty sleeping and can even cause heart problems. Scientists say that teenagers should be discouraged from taking drinks with a lot of caffeine in them.46. Many people like drinking energy drinks because of the following EXCEPT that _. A.

25、they have beautiful colors and cool names B. they have lots of caffeineC. they can keep them awake and better at sports D. they are said to be helpful to health47. The main reason for people not to drink too much energy drinks is that they may cause _.A. heart problems B. nervousness C. sleeping dif

26、ficulty D. possible health dangers48. The underlined word discouraged can be replaced(替换) with _.A. encouraged B. stoppedC. helped D. disliked49. From the passage we can know that _.A. advertisements are important in getting people to buy energy drinksB. energy drinks are helpful to teenagers studyC

27、. sports players need to drink a lot of energy drinksD. energy drinks are especially aimed at teenagers50. Which of the following can be the best title(标题) of the passage?A. Whats the Use of Energy Drinks?B. Who Can Drink Energy DrinksC. Whats That in Energy Drinks?D. Why Cant We Buy Energy Drinks?(

28、C)As a child, I was really afraid of the dark and of getting lost. These fears were very real and caused me some uncomfortable moments.Maybe it was the strange way things looked and sounded in my own room at night that scared me so much. There was never complete darkness, but always a streetlight or

29、 passing car lights, which made clothes on the back of a chair take on the shape of a wild animal. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the curtains(窗帘) seem to move when there was no wind. A very low sound in the floor would seem a hundred times louder than in the day. My imagination (想象) would run wild, and my heart would beat fast. I would lie very still so that the enemy(敌人) would not discover me.Another of my childhood fears was that I would get lost, especially on the way home from school. Every morning I got on the school bus right near my home. That was no problem. Af

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