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1、新东方名师李辉高考英语15天基础速成班讲义高考英语15天基础速成班开班介绍“考试成绩”的秘密高考英语15天快速提分班考试成绩=基础知识X解题能力高考英语15天基础速成班课后题0.1 考试成绩由哪两方面决定?答:1、基础知识 2、解题能力课程安排 【第一部分】词汇方法突破第1天:单词的秘密 不择手段背单词 遇到生词怎么办第2天:玩转“固定搭配”(上)第3天:玩转“固定搭配”(下) 【第二部分】语法系统复习第4天:句子的秘密“语法的精神”(英语逆袭心法)快速扫盲:十大词类/七大成分/五大基本句型第5天:谓语动词的秘密“谓语动词”之时态/被动“谓语动词”之虚拟/情态 【第三部分】阅读能力提升第11天

2、:读懂句子之“组件分析法”高分内功特训之“同步视译”高分内功特训之“断句朗读”第12天:读懂段落之“段落的十个秘密”高分内功特训之“主题阅读”第13天:阅读理解“内功提升”三步法【第四部分】写作能力提升第14天:微观雕琢五步造句法(最核心提分技术)造句魔鬼特训第15天:宏观打造书面表达标准段落结构及写法天龙八“步”作文法课后题0.2不论是学霸冲刺高分还是学渣完美逆袭,都需要哪四方面基础知识?答:1、_词汇_知识 2、_语法_知识 3、_阅读_高分技能 4、_写作_高分技能第一天 单词的秘密一、单词需要学多少?GRE/GMAT/LSAT:16000TOEFL/IELTS:8000-12000考研

3、:6500六级:6750四级:4500高考:3000-3500中考:16001800二、背单词的有效方法1、死磕法2、联想法 口诀联想法lie lied lied 规则的是说谎lie lay lain 不规则是“躺”lay laid laid 躺过就下蛋, 下蛋不规则。 谐音联想法shop/shopping angel athleteleader cookie amateurgene robust germcigar apology agonyimmigrate ambition yogurttoast nutrition admiregiant curse economybass adult

4、 timiddelta ambulance envelop 拆分联想法 motel chaos assesselegant candidate glovechill isolate donationsuperb leisure tuitiongenius scream protestschedule Inherit stimulatecargo abundanttenant crystal 课后题1.1 请写出下列单词的中文释义:Schedule abundant donation elegant immigrant3、词源法he she live evilbest worst melon -

5、 lemonplus minus tomb wombglad sad zealous jealousnear far hospitality hostilityaccuse excuse humble noblemake fake diction actionmonkey-donkey maximumminimumwild mild quantityqualityhost guest firehirejunior senior offenddefendarmy navy assign resignphysical mental arrow-bowhungry thirty import exp

6、ort 前缀 + 词根 + 后缀 改变单词倾向 + 决定单词意思 + 词性 inter + nation + al = international 原理 熟词生“词根” 加“前缀”表倾向 加“后缀”表种属(词性)词根词缀法可以用于记忆一些比较我勒个去的长单词pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosispneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis肺部的-极端的-微小的-观测-硅-火山-粉尘病矽肺病 前缀 + 词根:impossible 不可能的 = im- 不 + possible 可能的rebuild

7、重建 = re- 重、再 + build 建设prospect 展望 = pro-向前 + spect 看export 输出 = ex- 出 + port 运 词根 + 后缀reader 读者 = read 读 + -er 人dentist 牙科医生 = dent 牙齿 + -ist 从事某种职业者hopeful充满希望的 = hope 希望 + -ful 充满的hopeless 无希望的 = hope 希望 + -less 无.的 前缀 + 词根 + 后缀uncomfortable不舒服的 = un- 不 + comfort 舒服 + -able 能.progressive 前进的 = pr

8、o- 向前+ gress 走 + ive .的contemporary 同时代的 = con- 同 + tempor 时代+ -ary .的 ace “ac-”尖、酸 accuse v.指责;控告 acute a.敏锐的;急性的;锐角的 acid a. 酸的;尖酸 liquid a.液体的 solid a.固体的 spir=breathe,表示“呼吸” spirit n 精神;情绪 conspire v 同谋 expire v 断气;期满 inspire v 吸气;鼓励 perspire v 出汗 respire v 呼吸;恢复精神 transpire v 泄露dispirit v 使沮丧(d

9、is去掉+spirit精神) 关于词根词缀法的几点补充说明1、词根词缀法只能用来背单词,不能用来猜单词yellowish reddish brownishScottishEnglish2、有些单词无法用词根词缀法解释fianc fiancelatte cappuccino spaghettitsunami volcano tornado课后题1.2请写出下列单词的中文释义:Prospect visualize contemporary export 4、语境法 记单词=为单词建立“语感”语感=把语言和感觉直接联系起来的能力。“pig” 我们: “pig” - p - i - g - “猪”老外

10、: “pig” - (猪的图片)(右图) 利用“语境”杠杆,撬动单词记忆1、【原理】单词量 = 阅读量2、【方法】制造缘分,多次遇见,每次见面,打个招呼。 不靠智商,靠情商 不靠勤奋,靠缘分3、【要求】利用阅读、完型,每天收集50个生词,当天能记得就行。“只求曾经拥有,不求天长地久” 背单词基本过程形同陌路似曾相识 允许遗忘!一见如故刻骨铭心 艾宾浩斯记忆曲线课后题1.3 1、背单词,最重要的是为单词建立_2、背单词,一定要”允许”自己_三、遇见生词怎么办 1、段首句中有生词:看懂下文解释 2、并列部分有生词:认识一个就行 3、段落中间有生词:直接涂黑试试 4、生词若是关键词:可以模糊翻译 5

11、、段尾句中有生词:总结上文意思A century ago, the immigrants from across the Atlantic included settlers and sojourners. Some of them were looking to make a permanent home in the United States, while others didnt to stay - they would make some money and then go home. Between 1908 and 1915, about 7 million people arr

12、ived while about 2 million departed. Today, we are much more rigid about immigrants. We divide newcomers into two categories: legal or illegal, good or bad. We hail them as Americans in the making, or brand them as aliens fit for deportation.Crop pickers, violinists, construction workers, entreprene

13、urs, engineers, home health-care aides and particle physicists are among todays immigrants. They are energetic participants in a global economy driven by the flow of work, money and ideas. They prefer to come and go as opportunity calls them. They can manage to have a job in one place and a family i

14、n another.推测词义的本质 在于对英语段落结构的深刻理解!课后题1.4在以下几种情况中,遇见生词怎么办? 段首句中有生词,看懂_下文解释_ 并列部分有生词,认识_一个_就行 段落中间有生词,直接_涂黑_试试 生词若是关键词,可以_模糊_翻译 段尾句中有生词,总结_上文_意思第二天&第三天:“介词”和“介词短语”的秘密45个基本介词的用法1、about【原始含义】a-b-out “A在B外面”【引申含义】prep (1)在到处,在各处 here and there eg: We wandered about the town for an hour or so. He looked ab

15、out the room.(2)在附近 next to a place eg. She lives about the office. (3)关于 in connection witheg: a book about English studyI dont know what you are talking about. adv (1)大约 close to eg: We left there about 10 oclock. It costs about 500 dollars. (2)到处,各处 eg: The children were rushing about in the gard

16、en.(3)在附近 eg : There is no food about. 【常见搭配】作介词时的搭配:一.动词+(about+名词)(1)arrange (about sth) 安排关于某事(2)argue (about sth) 讨论某事 (3)ask (about sth) 询问关于某事(4)boast (about sb/sth) 吹嘘.(5)care (about sb/sth) 关心,对感兴趣 (6)chat (about sth) 谈论某事(7)complain (about sb/sth) 抱怨(8)dream (about sb/sth) 梦见某人/某物(9)go (abo

17、ut sth) 着手做.;从事.(10)hear (about sth) 听说. (11)know (about sth) 了解.(12)learn (about sth) 得知某事(13)put (about sth) 散布(谣言等)(14)quarrel (about sth) 为.争吵(15)see (about sth) 负责处理.(16)talk (about sth) 谈论.(17)think (about sth) 考虑. (18)warn sb (about sth) 告诫某人关于某事 (19)wonder (about sb/sth) 对. 好奇(20)worry (abou

18、t sb/sth) 对.担心二、名词+(about+名词)(1)concern (about sb/sth) 对的关心/关怀(2)curiosity (about sb/sth) 对的好奇(3)doubt (about sb/sth) 对的怀疑(4)ethusiasm (about sth) 对的热情(5)information (about sb/sth) 关于的信息(6)remark (about sth) 对的评论(7)opinion (about sth) 对的意见(8)view (about sb/sth) 对.的观点三、be+adj+(about+名词)(1)be angry (a

19、bout sth) 为而生气(2)be anxious (about sth) 为忧虑 (3)be careful (about sth) 当心(4)be cautious (about sth) 谨防.;对.持谨慎态度(5)be certain (about sth) 确信关于某事(6)be curious (about sth) 对感到好奇(7)be disappointed (about sth) 对感到失望(8)be excited (about sth) 对感到兴奋(9)be glad/happy (about sth) 对感到高兴 (10)be hopeful (about sth

20、) 对抱有希望(11)be crazy/mad/wild (about sth) 对痴狂;酷爱某事(12)be nervous (about sth) 为感到不安/因.感到紧张(13)be optimistic/positive (about sth) 对.是积极乐观的(14)be particular (about sb/sth) 对. 讲究,挑剔(15)be sad (about sth) 为而难过(16)be serious (about sth) 对认真(17)be sorry (about sth) 对.抱歉 作副词时的搭配: 名词+动词+about(1)sth come about

21、 某事发生(2)sth get about 某事(尤指消息等)传开(3)sb turn about 某人转身(4)sb wander about 某人徘徊,游荡(5)sb walk about 某人走来走去2、above【原始含义】a-b-over “A在B上方” 【引申含义】prep. (1)在上方 at or to a higher place than sth/sbeg: The sun rose above the horizon.(2)数目大于/重量超过/价格(能力、地位)高于 more than sth.; greater in number, level or age than

22、sb./sth. eg: There is nothing in the store above 50 cents.(3)重要性或质量超过、胜过 of greater importance or of higher quality than sb/sth eg. I rate her above most other players of her age. (4)声音超过 louder or clearer than another sound eg: I couldnt hear her above the noise of the traffic. (5)不至于,不屑于做某事 too go

23、od or too honest to do sth eg. She is above suspicion. 【常见搭配】一、动词+(above+名词)(1)live ( above ones income) 入不敷出地生活(2)put A (above B) 把A看得比B更重要(3)rise (above sth) 克服.,不受.的影响(4)talk (above ones head) 高深莫测地谈论二、be+(above+名词)(1)be (above oneself ) 兴高采烈= be in ones high spirit(2)be (above ones head)难以理解/超出某

24、人理解能力3、across 【原始含义】a-grass “一片草坪”,across指在平面上经过,就像人走过一片草坪那样。【引申含义】prep. (1)穿过from one side to the other sideeg: She walked across the road.(2)在.对面 on the other side of The bar is just across the street.(3)交叉 crosseg: He sat with his arms across his chest.(4)在.各处,遍及. everywhere eg. The opini

25、on is common across the university. 【常见搭配】动词+(across+名词)(1)A come (across B) A偶遇B(2)A cut (across B) A走B捷径;A打断B(3)A go (across B) A穿过B(4)A put (across B) A 解释清楚B;A把B送到对岸(5)A run (across B) A横穿B;A偶然碰到B 4、after【原始含义】“A在B之后(强调顺序)” 【引申含义】prep(1)在之后 (时间顺序、空间顺序) later than sth; following sth in time eg: A

26、fter dinner, they went out for a walk.(2)在后面,仅次于(按重要性)next to the following eg. Your name comes after mine in the list. (3)与对照、对比 in contrast to sth eg. It was cool after the heat outside. (4)照着的样子 following the example of sb/sth eg: Read the sentence after me, please.adv 后来、以后 later in time, afterw

27、ordseg:Soon after, she came back to her hometown. The prince and princess lived happily ever after. 【常见搭配】作介词时的搭配一、名词+动词+(after+名词)(1)A chase (after B) A追赶/追求B(2)A go (after B) A追逐B.(3)A look (after B) A照顾B.(4)A model (after B) A 以B为榜样、原型;A效仿B(5)A name(after B) A用B作名字.(6)A run (after B) A追求/追赶/追逐B.(

28、7)Asearch(after B) A研究B.(8)A see(after B) A照顾B(9)A seek(after B) A寻找B.(10)A take (after B) A与B相像.二、(after+名词)(1)(afterawhile) 过了一会,不久(2)(after all) 毕竟;终究(3)(after ones own heart) 正合.的心意;5、against【原始含义】a-g-a“相对”【引申含义】 prep(1)碰着、靠着 touching, close to or hitting sb/stheg: She was leaning against a tree.(2)反对 opposing or disagreeing with sb./stheg: We should fight against crimes.(3)预防 in order to prevent sth from happeningeg: Save money against a rainy day. 未雨绸缪(4)违反(违反法律、制度) eg: It is against the law to hunt tigers.(5)不利于 not to the advantage or favor of sb./stheg: What

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