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1、A. anywhere; to cry B. somewhere; to cry C. anywhere; crying D. somewhere; cryingHe is afraid _ out at night.A. of go B. to going C. going D. of going2、But now I feel a little more confident.但现在感觉有点自信了。a little more confident更自信一点 more confident是confident的比较级a little. “ 一点” much “得多”,两者都可以放在比较级前,表程度

2、。This bag is much is much heavier than that one. 这个包比那个包重得多。-What do you think of our school? -Oh, its _ than before. A. very beautiful B. quite beautiful C. more much beautiful D. much more beautifulIf more people ride to work, there will be_ pollution.A. less B. fewer C. more D. much 3、Cycling can

3、 help us save energy and it doesnt cause air pollution.骑自行车能帮助我们节约能源,并且不会造成空气污染。save energy“节约能源”类似搭配:save time“节约时间”; save money “省钱”如:We should turn off lights after school to save energy.放学后,我们要关灯以节约能源。【链接】save ones life “救某人的命”air pollution “空气污染”water pollution“水污染” noise pollution“噪音污染”【拓展】pol

4、lute v“污染” 工厂和汽车导致空气污染。Section B知识点4、We should wear bicycle helmets when riding.骑自行车的时候我们应该戴头盔。此处when riding是“when we are riding”的省略形式。在以when,while,if等引导的状语从句中,若从句的主语与主句一致,且含有be,则可以省略从句的“主语+be”。when (we are) crossing the street,we should be careful.5、If we break the traffic rules, we may get a fine

5、and even be in danger.如果违反了交通规则,我们会受到惩罚,甚至会很危险。break(动词)“打破;违反” break the traffic rules “违反交通规则”反义词组为obey/follow the traffic rules “遵守交通规则”break(名词) “停顿;休息” have/take a break “休息一下”fine (名词) “罚款”,(动词)“处以罚金”。get a fine“被处以罚金” 如:He got a heavy fine.他受到严重处罚。be in danger“处于危险中”=be dangerous“be in +名词”表示

6、处于某种状态中,如: be in peace 处于和平中 be in trouble 处于困境中 be in good health 处于良好的身体状况中We are _ trouble. Could you help us? A. on B. with C. in D. forIf we break the traffic lights, we may be in _. A. dangerous B. danger C. safe D. safetyIf a man breaks the traffic rules, he may _.A. be the winner pushed

7、 awayC. get a fine D. be carelessSection C知识点6、The bicycle is one of the most important vehicles in the world.自行车是世界上最重要的交通工具之一。one of +adj最高级+名词复数 “最的之一”The legend of phoenix(凤凰传奇)is one of _music groups in China. A. famous B. more famous C. the most famous D. much famousMo Yan is one of the _ writ

8、ers in the world now.(2013湘潭)A. famous B. more famous C. most famous7、Bicycle riding can make riders hearts and lung strong.骑自行车有助于强健骑车者的心肺。Bicycle riding在此时动名词作主语。Doing eye exercise is good for your health.做眼保健操对你的眼睛有好处。make sb/sth+adj“使某人(某物)” 如:Drinking milk makes your body healthy.喝牛奶使你的身体健康。8、T

9、he bicycle riders must pay attention to the traffic around them.骑车者必须注意周围的车辆。pay attention to (doing)sth“注意(做)某事”,其中to为介词,后接doing。类似用法的短语:look forward to;be/get used to如:Pay attention to listening to the teacher when having classes.上课时注意听讲。When you visit a museum, you should _ the instruction(指示) an

10、d dont be against them.(2013呼和浩特)A. compare with B. look forward to C. pay attention to D. try outYou should _ your health, or you may get sick.A. look out B. work out C. think over D. pay attention to Everyone should pay attention to _ what he/she said.A. follow B. follows C. followed D. following9

11、、In case of an accident, bicycle riders should know how to give first aid.万一发生事故,骑车者应该懂得如何进行急救。in case of“如果,万一”,后接名词或doing短语。give first aid “进行急救”如:Doctors gave first aid to the child in time and he was saved.医生们对孩子及时施以急救,孩子得救了。_traffic accident, please call 122.A. In case B. In case of C. In any c

12、ase D. in that case10、In a word, the best way to be safe is to be careful.总之,保持安全的最好方法就是小心谨慎。in a word=in short “总之”the (best)way to do sth “做某事的(最好)方式”如:The best way to raise money is to sell newspapers.The fastest way to travel to Yunnan is by plane.去云南旅游,最快的方式就是乘飞机。_, students should finish homew

13、ork first.A. In any words B. In a word C. In any space D. In the endSection D知识点11、Qinghai Lake, the largest salt-water lake in China, lends its name to the province of Qinghai.青海湖是中国最大的盐水湖,以青海省命名。A lend As name to B “A以B的名字命名A”12、Today the race covers around 2000 miles. There are 21 timed stages ov

14、er three weeks. 如今,自行车赛的路程长达2000英里。有21个计时赛段,历时3周多。Cover此处为(动词)“包含”,还有“覆盖,遮盖”。常见搭配: cover A (with/in B) “用B覆盖A”A be covered with B“A被B覆盖着”如:The roads were covered with snow. 路上覆盖着雪。12、The roads are very difficult to ride on.=Its very difficult to ride on the road.道路很难骑。类似表达:Its comfortable to live in

15、 the house.=The house is comfortable to live in.四、情景交际用语:表示同意和不同意的用语I disagree with you. “disagree with sb” 意为“不同意某人”,是agree with s=b的反义短语。-I think collecting stamps is great fun. -_ We can also learn a lot from it.(2013漳州)A. I agree with you.B. No, I dont think so.C. No, I dont like it.-I like eati

16、ng vegetables and fruits.-_They are good for our health.A.I agree B. Me, too C. I dont agree. D. Its me.-I think students should have mobile phones to call their parents. -_ They often use them to play games instead.A. I hope so. B. I dont agree. C. No problem. D. Good idea.-Its too hot. Why dont we

17、 go swimming in the river? -_A. Good idea. B. Yes, please.C. Im afraid its dangerous for us. D. No, I dont.-The summer holiday is on the way.Well have more freedom. -_. But we should learn to manage ourselves.(2013山西)A. Id love to B. I agree with you C. Im afraid I wont五、重点语法:条件状语从句表示主句动作发生的条件,由if(如

18、果),as long as(只要),unless(除非)等引导。主要有以下3种情况:1、主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时(主将从现原则)。I wont go if he doesnt go. 如果他不去,我就不会去。We wont pass the exam unless we study hard.除非努力学习,我们才会通过考试。2、主句用情态动词must, may, should, can等引导,从句用一般现在时。If we break the traffic rules, we may get a fine and even be in danger.3、“祈使句+and/or引导的简

19、单句”。祈使句在意义上相当于条件状语从句。Hurry up, or you will be late.=If you dont hurry up , you will be late.快点,否则你会迟到。Study hard and you can catch up with others.=If you study hard, you can catch up with others.努力学习,你就会赶上别的同学。I dont know if he_ tomorrow. If he _, well climb the mountain.(2013牡丹江)A. comes, comes B.

20、comes. will come C. will come, comes Your handwriting will certainly improve _ you practice it every day.(2013大连)A. though B. before C. if D. untilIf he_ the early bus, he_ there on time.A. catches, will get B. will catch , will get C. will catch, gets D. catches, gets If it is fine, the school spor

21、ts meet_ two days.A. last B. lasts C. lasted D. will lastWe should make sure who it is _ someone knocks at the door in dark.A. whether B. while C. as D. if -Shall we play basketball on the playground this Saturday afternoon? - Well go if it_.A. rains B. will rain C. doesnt rain D. wont rain -Lucy, w

22、hat about going camping if it_ tomorrow? -Sounds great! (2012衡阳)A. didnt rain B. doesnt rain C. wont rain If there _ no buying and selling of animals, there_ no killing in nature.(2012青海)A. is ; will be B. will be; will be C. is; is D. will be ; is - Will Amy go to the party tomorrow? -If you dont,

23、_.A. she will, too B. she wont ,eitherC. she does, too D. she doesnt, eitherThe radio says there_ rain tomorrow.A. is B. have C. will be D. will have六、易错题练习1、用所给词的恰当形式填空。 1) He may come here if he (have) time next Sunday. 2) If you break the rules, you (get) a fine. 3) Our teachers often tell us not

24、 to be (care) in the exams. 4) I found a book on the ground when (walk) in the street. 5) Why dont we to the park swimming? (go)6)If it _ (not rain) tomorrow, we _ (go) hiking.7)He _ (pass) the exam if he _ (work) harder at it.8)If everyone _ (obey) the traffic rules, the roads _ (be) safer.9)Its im

25、portant for us _ (know) about traffic rules.Unit 6 Topic 3 自测题I选出与句中画线部分意思相同或相近的选项1. He is the top of his class. A. the highest B. the best C. better D. the tallest2. I know you obey the traffic rules very well. A. learn B. break C. use D. follow3. I can not find my book anywhere. A. nowhere B. ever

26、ywhere C. here and there D. somewhere4. I warned you not to go out at night. A. about going B. against going C. of going D. cant go5. Playing basketball is more popular than any other sport in the USA. A. any sport B. all the sports C. another sport D. the other sportsII选择题1. Mary passed the test at

27、 last. Such kind of brought her great joy. A. sadness B. illness C. courage D. success2. It seems impossible to him. He is bad at chess. A. beat B. win C. hit D. lose to3. All of the following are traffic signs except . A. save water B. stop C. no parking D. danger ice on road4. Would you like to come to the party tonight? I will Im not too busy. A. if B. because C. so D. but5. The soldier rushed into the room

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