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1、物流仓储运输服务协议中英文协议编号:_Contract No.签订日期:_年_月_日Date :甲方:物流有限公司(以下简称甲方)Party A:LOGISTICS CO., LTD. (Hereinafter referred to as Party A)乙方:(以下简称乙方)Party B: (Hereinafter referred to as Party B)依照中华人民共和国合同法及其他有关法律、法规,在公平、诚实信用的基础上,为明确双方在服务期间的权利义务,双方本着平等互利、协商一致的原则,达成如下条款,以便共同遵守。Based on the Contract Law of the

2、 Peoples Republic of China and other relevant laws as well as regulations, and on the basis of justice, honesty, in order to specify rights and obligations of both parties during the service, the two parties reach the following terms on the principle of equality and mutual benefit and of negotiated

3、consensus in order to together abide by the contract signed.一、服务范围及期限Scope and Term of Service经双方友好协商,甲方根据乙方实际需求,可向乙方提供仓储、运输配送服务项目。Through negotiation of both parties, Party A shall provide Party B with service of warehouse, transportation and distribution according to actual demand of Party B.本协议自年

4、月日起生效,有效期至年月日。合同到期,一方如需续签,应在合同期满之前30日提出,双方就服务内容重新协商签订书面合同;若无已续签,合同到期自动终止。This Contract shall come into effect from,valid till. If one of the parties needs to renew the Contract at the expiration, it shall be proposed 30 days in advance, and the two parties shall re-negotiate and re-sign a written co

5、ntract on the service content; the Contract shall expires automatically without any intention of renewing.二、服务内容及条款Content and Clauses of Service(一)仓储需求及报价Warehouse Demand and Quoted Price1.乙方租用甲方管理的仓库,存放普通类货物。具体存入货物的品名、规格、数量(包装、质量、件数应具体明确)等以入库手续为准。Party B leases a warehouse managed by Party A to st

6、ore general goods. The name, specification, quantity (package, quality and quantity shall be specified) of stored goods are subject to warehousing formalities.2.租用面积为800平方米,租用时间自货物进仓之日起至本合同有效期满为止。The leased warehouse covers an area of 800 square meters. The lease term starts from the date when goods

7、 enter the warehouset and expires when the contract comes to an end.3.仓库地址:Address of warehouse:4.甲方提供服务的工作时间为8:00-22:00,包含双休日,超出部分及国假期间按加班计算,具体加班费用参照相关劳动条款。4. The working hours of service provided by Party A are 8:00 -22:00, including the two-day weekend. The exceeding part and working hours in nat

8、ional holidays shall be calculated as work overtime, and the detailed overtime pay refers to the relevant labor clauses.5.甲方为乙方存放于仓库的货物提供进出库作业,具体收费标准见附件一Party A shall provide warehouse entry and delivery of the goods stored in Party Bs warehouse, detailed standards for charges referr to Attachment I

9、.(二)入库及系统Warehouse Entry and System1.甲方应根据乙方负责人提出的“入库通知单”(正本邮件,请勾选)在入库前进行验收。Party A shall check out the goods before the goods enter the warehouse based on the“Warehouse EntryNotice”(OriginalE-mail, please click) submitted by director of Party B.2.甲方不负责货物内在质量及品质方面的验收,货物验收的内容为:Party A shall not be re

10、sponsible for the checking on interior quality of the goods. The contents of goods checking are as follows:A、货物的品名、规格、数量、重量是否与乙方所述相符,如有不符,以验收结果为准。Whether the name, specification, quantity, and weight of the goods are in consistent with what Party Bs description, in case of any inconsistent, the chec

11、king result shall be prevailed.B、货物的外包装是否完好。Whether the outer package of the goods is intact.3.甲方验收货物时,如发现货物外包装受损或货物受损或数量、品名、规格等异常问题,现场与乙方送货司机确认,并通知乙方确认异常及处理方式。In case that the outer packages of the goods are damaged or goods are damaged or the quantity, name and specifications of the goods are abno

12、rmal when checking, Party A shall check with the delivery driver of Party B on site and inform Party B to confirmthe abnormalities and the solution.甲乙双方以入库单留档为WMS系统账目核对依据,并对其商品货物,提供计算机信息管理系统WMS系统,建立出入库明细账目。The two parties shall file the warehousing entry as the checking evidences for accounts of WMS

13、 system and provide the goods with the computer information management system WMS system to set up detailed accounts of warehouse entry and delivery4.甲方为乙方提供准确的出入库报表、在库报表及乙方需求业务报表,按乙方需求发送每月报表。甲方应在库存发生变化时,及时向乙方提供商品的库存信息。Party A shall provide Party B with precise warehouse entry and deliveryreports, s

14、tock reports and business reports Party B demands, and send monthly reports to Party B according to thedemand of Party B. Party A should provide Party B with stock information of goods when the inventories are changed.6.甲方不得将乙方货物作其它使用,因甲方原因导致的损坏、短缺、丢失货物,甲方将按照乙方货物价值(按乙方产品的出厂价或者采购价(不含税)计算)根据责任比例进行赔偿(或

15、双方协商赔偿)。Party A should not make any other use of Party Bs goods. In case that the goods are damaged, in shortage or lost due to Party A, Party A shall compensate on proportion of liability according to the value of Party Bs goods (calculatebased on the factory price or purchasing price of the goods

16、(exclusive of tax) (or to compensate through negotiation).7.乙方存入甲方处的货物,其一切管理工作(入库、出库)均由甲方负责,因管理不善而发生的全部经济损失,由甲方负责赔偿。All the managements (warehouse entry and delivery) of goods Party B stored in the warehouse of Party A shall be in the charge of Party A. All the economic losses caused by mismanagemen

17、t shall be born by Party A.(三)出库及操作:Warehouse Delivery and Operation1.乙方以正式邮件或者双方确认之出库单。Party B shall check out warehousing delivery notice by formal E-mail or check with Party B.2.出库操作中,拣货及组装,由乙方为甲方提供教育训练。甲方安排专人专项配合拣货、组装、出货。Party B shall provide Party A with educational training on picking and asse

18、mbling in operations of warehouse delivery. Party A shall arrange special personnel to specially cooperate in picking, assembling and shipping.3.乙方应至少提前一天安排供货需求,并且发出库申请或发货单(邮件或者正本)。Party B shall arrange supply demandat least one day in advance and send out shipping applicationor invoices (E-mail or

19、original).4.甲乙双方出库发货时,都需在表单上确认,并以留档为盘库依据。如发现货物外包装受损或货物受损或数量、品名、规格等异常问题,现场与乙方送货司机确认,并通知乙方确认异常及处理方式。When deliver the goods, the lists shall be checked on and filed as stocktaking evidences by Party A and Party B shall check on the lists and file them. In case that outerpackages of goods are damaged or

20、 the goods are damaged or the quantity, name and specifications are abnormal, Party A shall check with the delivery driver of Party B on site and inform Party B to confirmthe abnormalities and the solution.(四)运输服务Transportation Service货物装卸与交接Handling and Delivery of Goods1.货物装车时,甲乙双方均应在现场清点交接(甲方仅需确认

21、货物外包装完好且装车箱数准确),如发现数量短缺或外包装破损现象,由甲乙双方当场核实,如乙方仍要求运送该批货物,由乙方在托运单据上注明货物实际情况并由甲乙双方签字确认。When the goods are loaded, both parties shallcheck and deliver the goodsat site (Party A only needs to make sure that the packages of goods are intact and the number of loading cases is correct). In case that the good

22、s are in shortage or the packages are damaged, both parties shall check out on site. In casethat Party B still demands to deliver the goods, Party B shall indicate the actual status of goods on shipping document which shall be signed and confirmed by both parties.2.货物运达指定地点后,由乙方指定收货人负责卸货,甲方与收货人应在场清点

23、交接,待收货人确认无误后,由收货人在回单上签字和盖章。如发现短缺现象时,由甲方与收货人当场核实后,由收货人在签收单据上注明并签字盖章。如收货人拒收的,甲方应及时通知乙方,并按照乙方的要求处理,在通知乙方后,甲方应妥善保管货物,使其免予损坏、丢失,所支出的费用由乙方承担。否则甲方需承担因保管不当所造成的货物直接损失。Goods shall be unloaded by the consignee appointed by Party B when the goods are delivered to the destination, and Party A shallmake an invent

24、ory and deliver the goods with the consignee at site. The consignee shall sign and seal on the receipt after confirmation. In case that the goods are found in shortage, the consignee shall indicateas well as sign and seal on the receipt after confirming with Party A. In case thatthe consignee refuse

25、s to sign for the goods, Party A shall inform Party B in time, and handle according to the request of Party B. After informing Party B, Party A shall properly keep the goods so as to prevent them from damage and loss, and the expenses shall be born byParty B. Otherwise, Party A shall take the respon

26、sibility of direct losses of goods caused by improper keeping.3.如收货人不能履行货物签收手续,无论何种原因(不在乙方提供的回单上签字和盖章),甲方不得将货物交付收货人,否则将由甲方承担因此而给乙方带来的直接损失。在征得乙方同意后,甲方可将货物运回乙方指定的库房,所支出的费用由乙方承担。Party A shall not deliver the goods to the consignee for any reasons (not sign nor seal on the receipt offered by Party B)in

27、case that the consignee fails toexecute the goods receipt receiving formality,or Party A shall bear the direct losses brought to Party B there from. Party A shalldeliver the goods to thewarehouse appointed by Party B with Party Bs approval, and the expenses shall be born by Party B.4.货物运达指定地点,由收货方卸货

28、时,甲方对因收货方不当装卸等其他收货人的行为所导致的货物损坏,不承担赔偿责任,但应如实记录并通知乙方,以便乙方进行索赔。Party A shall not responsible for the damages of goods caused by r behaviors ofother consignees like improper unloading of the goods by the consignee when the goods are delivered to the destination, but shall faithfully record and inform Pa

29、rty B so that Party B can claim for compensations.5.运输期间为从商定的装车时间开始至货物运达乙方指定卸货地点,由乙方收货人签收完毕止。上述时间也是甲方的承运责任期。在运输期限内发生任何意外情况时,需在1小时内通知乙方(由于意外情况造成通讯中断的不受该时限限制,但甲方应尽快告知乙方)。根据乙方要求准确提供有关货运数据及信息反馈。The period of carriage shall be from the loading time agreed by both parties to the time when the goods are de

30、livered to the destination appointed by Party B and signed by the consignee appointed byParty B. The aforementioned period shall be also the liability period of Party A. In casethat accident happens in the period of carriage, Party A shall inform Party B within 1 hour (Communications blackout caused

31、 by accident shall befree from the time limit, but Party A shall inform Party B as soon as possible). Party A shall offer exact data and feedback related to the carriage according to the requestof Party B.6.在货物已被签收,且货物的损坏当时无法从外部包装上发现,应经双方共同开箱检查确认,除乙方有充分证据证明该损坏系因甲方过错、过失造成的,否则甲方不承担对货物损坏的赔偿责任。In case t

32、hat the goods have been damaged and signed forbutnot found fromouter package, the goods should be examined unpacked by the two parties. Unless Party B has adequate evidence to prove that the damage is caused by the mistake and fault of Party A, or Party A shall not be responsible for compensating for the damages of the goods.7.甲方需在完成运输任务后,将乙方委托运输所发生的全部货运票据、凭证等交乙方备案存档。All shipping papers and vouchers produced in the transportatio

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