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1、人力师英语单选翻译管理师复习资料单项选择1. Executives or managers who coach, advise, and encourage employees of lesser rank are called .A. protgsB. teachersC. mentorsD. role modelsE. the HR managers preferences有一些管理者和经理,他们对下属知道、建议、鼓励,这些管理者和经理称为导师2. As an appraiser, you should try to do all of the following except .A. m

2、inimize criticismB. change the person, not the behaviorC. focus on solving problemsD. be supportive如果你是一个绩效评估者,你应该做下面的所有事情,除了:改变某个员工,而不改变他的行为。3. Individuals working internationally need to know as much as possible about all of the following host-country characteristics except .A. social and business

3、 etiquetteB. cultural values and prioritiesC. political structure and current playersD. cultural trends对于那些跨国工作的员工,他们应该尽可能多地了解东道国的一下特征,除了一点:文化趋势。4. Questions contained in structured job interviews should be based on .A. job analysisB. job designC. job specializationD. job utilization结构化面试中的问题应该来源于:工

4、作分析。5. Outplacement services are .A.useful methods of attracting individuals into a careerB.designed to help terminated employees find a job elsewhereC.rarely given to executive employeesD.vital parts of any career management system再就业服务被设计用来帮助那些被终止雇佣关系的员工再找到份工作。6. Which of the following is not a co

5、re skill that is critical for success abroad? .A. physical fitness and mental maturityB. effective delegatory skillsC. prudent decision-making skillsD. cultural adaptability要成功地在海外工作,员工需要很多关键核心技能,下面哪一个不属于其中之一:有效的管理技能。7. If your primary objective for a performance appraisal is to give employees devel

6、opmental feedback, which of the following appraisal methods should you use? .A. trait methodB. results methodC. behavior methodD. attitudinal method如果你实施一次绩效评估的主要目的是给与员工开发性的反馈,那么你应该使用哪一种绩效评估方法:基于行为的方法。8. Compensation programs that compensate employees for the knowledge they possess are known as .A.

7、skill-based pay plansB. performance-based pay plansC. merit-based pay plansD. seniority-based pay plans根据员工掌握的知识向员工发放薪酬的薪酬体系称为“以技能为基础的薪酬体系”。9. To implement a successful program in basic and remedial training, managers should do all of the following except .A.explain to employees why training will he

8、lp them in their jobsB.use a classroom-oriented approach so employees learn by lecturesC.provide feedback on employees progressD.relate the training to the employees goals为了实施一次对员工的行为和绩效有帮助的培训,管理者们要做下面的事情,除了:实施课堂培训,让员工通过接受授课来学习。10. Which of the following is not true of self-ratings of performance? .

9、A. They are beneficial when managers seek to increase the employees involvement in the review processB. Critics argue that self-ratings are more lenientC. Research has shown that self-ratings are as valid as, if not more valid than, test scoresD. They are free of most biases that other rating source

10、s may have对于员工自我评估,下面那个说法是错误的:“员工自评”没有其他评价来源的偏差。11. Performance appraisal methods can be broadly classified as either , , or approaches.A. trait, behavioral, judgmentalB. trait, behavioral, resultsC. behavioral, judgmental, resultsD. behavioral, judgmental, attitudinal绩效评估方法可以大致分类为:特征法、行为法、结果法。12.Th

11、e area from which employers obtain certain types of workers from within the organization is known as the .A. internal labor marketB. regional labor marketC. recruiting areaD. external labor market雇主从组织内部招聘员工,这种招聘来源称为:内部劳动力市场。13. Coaching is a technique that can be used to develop individual skills,

12、knowledge, and attitudes.教练式培训是一种在职培训,可以用来开发员工的技能、知识、态度A. on-the-jobB. off-the-jobC. web-based trainingD.classroom training14. The primary reason why organizations train new employees is to .A.increase their knowledge, skill, and ability trainees achieve personal career goalsC.comply wit

13、h government regulationsD.improve the work environment组织培训新员工最主要的目的是:增加他们的知识、技能、能力水平。15. The HR department in an overseas unit must be particularly responsive to all of the following environments except .A. political B. culturalC. technologicalD. legal在一个跨国单位的人力资源部,应该对下面环境特别敏感,除了:技术环境。16. Which of t

14、he following is not a primary impact that technology has had on HRM? .A. It has altered the methods of collecting employment information.B. It has speed up the processing of employment data.C. It has diminished the role of supervisors in managing employees.D. It has improved the processes of interna

15、l and external communications.技术对人力资源管理带来了很多影响,下面那一个不属于其中之一:技术减弱了主管管理下属的角色。17. Which management group has primary responsibility for the development of disciplinary policies and procedures? .A. the legal departmentB. top-level managementC. the HR departmentD. middle management哪一个管理团队对于开发纪律性的政策和流程有主要

16、的责任:人力资源部。18. To create a more flexible pool of employees, managers might most likely .A. rely on job-based pay structuresB. rely on skill-based pay structuresC. implement a gainsharing incentive systemD. implement an employee stock ownership plan为了打造更灵活的员工团队,管理者们应该依靠以技能为基础德薪酬体系。19. Which of the fol

17、lowing does not alter the nature of jobs and the requirements of individuals needed to successfully perform these jobs? .A. downsizingB. adoption of teamsC. stable growth in product demandD. global change下面那一项没有改变工作的本质以及对于成功完成工作对于员工的要求:平稳增长的对与产品的需求。20. Wage survey data will normally be collected wit

18、h the use of .A. low-rated jobsB. key jobsC. high-rated jobsD. strategic jobs薪酬调查的数据经常通过分析关键岗位来获得21. When setting performance measures for incentive systems, we can say that the best measures are .A. quantitative, simple to understand, and show a clear relationship between output and rewardB. qualit

19、ative, flexible, and create competition between employeesC. those that allow employers to “ratchet up ” standards and base rewards on qualitative standardsD. those that reduce administrative costs, determine rewards based only on quantity, and reward only exceptional employees当我们为激励系统设定绩效标准是,最好的标准是:

20、量化的、容易理解的、在员工的表现和报酬之间有清晰关系的。22. To facilitate an egalitarian environment, which of the following HR practices should managers implement? .A. team-based trainingB. HRIS technologiesC. profit sharingD. team-based selection为了推动一种平均化的环境,管理者们要实施下面那一种操作:利润分享23. If a job analyst doubt the accuracy of infor

21、mation provided by employees, he or she should .A. challenge the employees with their false statementsB. report them to their supervisorsC. turn the task of job analysis over to someone with more HRM experienceD. obtain additional information from them or from their supervisors如果一个工作分析着对员工提供的信息准确性感到

22、疑问,他可以向该员工或其上级要求更详细的信息。24. Reasons for not hiring from within include all of the following except .A. motivational concernsB. lack of qualified internal candidatesC. a need for new ideasD. the risk of “employee cloning ”组织不愿意从内部招聘的员工包括以下因素,除了:激励性25. Executives or managers who coach, advise, and enco

23、urage employees of lesser rank are called .A. protgsB. teachersC. mentorsD. role models26. Which of the following is an example of a well-written performance standard? .A. Desk clerks are expected to check out approximately fifteen customers every half-hourB. Customer service representatives should

24、be energetic and pleasant to customersC. Resident dorm advisers should be easily accessible to studentsD. Police should respond to a call within a short period of time下面那一个是比较理想的绩效标准:前台人员被要求每半个小时接待大约15个客户27. In the development of a factor comparison scale, key jobs are normally ranked against all of

25、 the following factors except .A. skillB. performanceC. mental effortD. responsibility为了开发因素比较量表,关键岗位要和一下一些因素进行比较,除了:绩效28. An incentive plan is more likely to succeed in an organization when all of the following are true except .A. employees morale is highB. employees believe they are being treated

26、fairlyC. there is harmony between employees and managementD. employees believe that incentive payment are deferred当我们坐到以下几点后,组织中的激励体系更容易实施成功,除了:员工认为他们的激励报酬会延期发放。29. If you were developing a performance appraisal system for individuals on international assignments, it would be best to base individual

27、s appraisals on information from .A. host-country evaluationsB. home-country evaluationsC. both home- and host-country evaluationsD. peer evaluations如果你为外派雇员开发绩效考核体系,那么你设计的考核标准要:基于东道国和母国的标准。30. Human capital of a firm include the following except .A. the knowledge of a firms workersB. skills of a fi

28、rms workersC. the expertise of a firms workersD. the behavior of a firms workers组织的人力资本不包括以下哪一点:员工的行为。31. In general, in recent years the role of people in a determining a firms competitive advantage has .A. decreased in importance in manufacturing firms but increased in service firmsB. increased in

29、 importance in service firms but decreased in manufacturing firmsC. increased in importance in both service and manufacturing firmsD. decreased in importance in both service and manufacturing firms近几年,人们决定一家公司竞争优势的角色在制造业和服务业都增加了。32. Objectives accomplished through job analysis include all of the fol

30、lowing except .A. establishing the job-relatedness of selection requirementsB. determining the relative worth of a jobC. eliminating discrepancies between internal wage rates and market ratesD. proving criteria for evaluating the performance of an employee通过工作分析,我们能达到以下目标,除了:减少内外部薪酬水平的差距。33. 360-deg

31、ree feedback might be used for the following except .A. personal developmentB. appraisalC. payD. recruitment360度反馈法可以用作以下场合,除了:招聘。34. Employees who are coached, advised, and encouraged by employers of greater rank are known as .A. fast-trackersB. organizational studentsC. mentorsD. protgs有些员工被上级培训、指导、建议,这些员工称为被培训者。35. Which of the following isnt a form of performance-based compensation? .A. piece-rateB. profit-sharingC. minimum wageD. lump-sum bonuses下面那一个不是以绩效为基础的薪酬体系的一种形式:最低工资。36. Advantage of employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs)include all of th

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