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1、牛津英语高一第一学期练习册答案牛津英语高一第一学期练习册答案牛津英语高一第一学期练习册答案【篇一:高一下英语练习册答案牛津版】xt关于高一下英语练习册答案,高一下英语练习册是高一英语下学习非常好的英语材料,大家在进行英语学习的时候,应该尽可能多地进行练习,为帮助大家做好高一下英语的练习工作,在这里为大家提供高一下英语练习册答案牛津版,供大家参考。【篇二:上海牛津英语高一上 unit 5 翻译练习(答案版)】p translation 一练 p101 1. 蔬菜中含有肉类中无法找到的各种各样的维生素。(variety) vegetables contain a variety of vitami

2、ns not found in meat. 2. 不要允许孩子在日常生活中喝可乐来代替喝水。(instead) children shouldnt be allowed to drink coke instead of water in daily life. 3. 这对双胞胎长得十分相像,很难区分。(tell). the twins look so much alike that it is hard to tell one from the other. 4. 健康专家告诫我们运动后不要马上喝过多的水。(warn) health experts warn us not to drink t

3、oo much water immediately after we do sports. 5. 正如人类生存离不开空气和水,人类生存也离不开彼此关爱,因为它是幸福的源泉。(without) just as human beings cannot survive without air or water, they cannot live without love and care for each other, for it is a source of happiness. 6. look at what youve done. you _. (该更小心才对啊) 怎牛 p94 7. 他告诫

4、我不要过分自信。(warn against) he warned me against being over-confident. 8. 给我出出主意,今年夏天去哪里度假?(advise) would you advise me where i should spend my holidays this summer? 9. 恐怕你要对一些不愉快的事有心理准备。(ought to) im afraid you ought to be prepared for something unpleasant. 10. 一些高糖分的食物,诸如糖果或果冻,几乎不含人体所需的营养。(contain) som

5、e foods (that are )high in sugars, such as candy or jelly, contain few nutrients your body needs.11. 这两幅画如此相似,只有专家才能分清原作和复制品。(tellfrom) the two paintings are so similar that only experts can tell the original from the copy. 练习p29 12. 这里不准吸烟。(must) you must not smoke here. 13. 学生不该上学迟到。(should) stude

6、nts should not be late for school. 14. 整个超市都挤满了顾客。(crowd) the whole supermarket was crowded with customers. 15. 午饭我要吃牛排和沙拉。(have) i will have the steak and a salad for lunch. 16. 手术以后,他没有胃口吃东西。(appetite) he lost his appetite for food after the operation. 17. 你早上该早点起床,锻炼锻炼身体。(should) you should get u

7、p early in the morning and exercise. 18. 我们老师病了,陈老师替她来教我们。(instead) our teacher was ill, so miss chen taught us instead. 19. 我们应该每天吃多种食物。(variety) we should get a variety of food every day. 20. 昨天晚上她没能叫出租车,只好走路回家。(have to) she could not get a taxi last night, so she had to walk home. 21. 没有问小组其他成员的意

8、见就不能做决定。(without) we cannot make a decision without asking other team members opinions. 报纸 22. 很多年轻人喜欢网络 购物,而不是去商店买。(instead of) many young people like to buy things online instead of going to the shops.23. 很多食物含有维他命b6,比如土豆和香蕉。(contain) a wide variety (range) of foods contain vitamin b6, such as pot

9、atoes and bananas.【篇三:高一第一学期牛津英语练习01】=txti. grammar and vocabulary 25% 1. it _ ten years since he left shanghai. a. was b. is 2. they _ to help but could not get here in time. a. had wanted b. have wanted c. had been c. was wanting d. will be d. want d. had taken d. will always lose 3. she showed hi

10、m the photo she _ the day before. a. has taken b. took c. was taking 4. he is too careless and he _ keys. a. always lost b. always loses 5. he _ home for nearly three weeks. a. has gone away b. has left 6. he said that honesty _ the key to success. a. was b. will be 7. _ you _? a. do, marry b. have;

11、 married 8. lets keep to the point or we _ any decision. a. will never reach b. have never reached c. is always losing c. has been away from d. went away from c. is d. is being c. have; been married d. are; married c. never reach d. never reached 9. sales of cds have greatly increased since the earl

12、y 1990s, when people _ to enjoy the advantages of this new technology. a. begin b. began c. have begun 10. thank goodness, youre here! what _ you? - traffic. a. keeps b. is keeping c. had kept 11. whats that terrible noise? - the neighbours _ for a party. a. have prepared b. are preparing 12. has sa

13、m finished his homework today? - i have no idea. he _ it this morning. c. prepare d. will prepare d. had begun d. kept a. did b. has done c. was doing 13. by the time you get there tomorrow, they _ for beijing. a. will have left b. are leaving c. will leave 14. hello! may i speak to jack, please? ye

14、s, speaking. oh, i _ your voice first. d. had done d. are to leave a. dont recognize b. didnt recognize c. hadnt recognized d. havent recognized 15. home and overseas visitors cant help but _ the masterpieces of michelangelo. a. to admire b. admire c. admiring d. admired 16. i am _ excited to attend

15、 my cousins wedding ceremony. a. less than b. rather than c. more than d. better than 17. ms wang _ that jane was a very active and intelligent student in class. a. remarked b. stated c. spoke d. told 18. the programme super girls will begin in five minutes, but my father is still _the tv. a. hesita

16、te turning on b. hesitating about taking upc. hesitating to turn on d. hesitating turning on 19. what a day! the _ meeting _ for 3 hours. i was completely _ it. a. bored, lasted, tired with b. tiring, was lasted, bored with c. dull, lasts, bored of d. boring, went on, tired of 20. we must _ the dang

17、er of war by controlling different weapons. a. reduce b. lose c. clean 21. i dont _ much of his speech. he was just doing empty talks. a. regard b. think c. take 22. after a whole days hard work, he _ with relief. d. believe d. against a. signaled b. signed c. sighed d. sighted 23. the two lovers _

18、each other for a long time, unwilling to say goodbye to each other. a. gazed at b. stared at c. glanced at d. glared at 24. a society is made up of people from all _. a. works of different kind b. walks of life c. over the world d. parts of the world 25. any ordinary person would find it hard to ima

19、gine what michelangelo had _ in those years of hard and _ work. a. got through, alone b. gone through, alone c. got through, lonely d. gone through, lonely ii. cloze 10% a gesture is an action that sends a message from one person to another _26_ using words. we use gestures in order to _27_ with eac

20、h other. there are some gestures, however, which have completely _28_ meanings depending on when and where they are used for example, an american who wants to show that something is good or ok will raise their hand and make a circle with the thumb and forefinger. the _29_ sign has only one meaning t

21、o an american. however, in other countries this gesture can mean _30_ very different. in japan, for instance, it represents money. in france, it means valueless or worthless. such differences can lead to _31_ when foreigners meet. but why does the same gesture have so many different meanings? in the

22、 past, many people made a sign to show that they were holding something very small between the tips of their thumb and _32_ when they wanted to show that something was exact or precise. _33_, a circle is made with the fingers. many people from all over the world do this when they want to make a spec

23、ific point while they are speaking. this signal now means _34_ right or perfect to some people. this is _35_ the famous ok sign originated(开始,发生) 26. a. with 27. a. know 28. a. the same 29. a. money 30. a. anything 31. a. disagreement 32. a. middle finger 33. a. in this way 34. a. wonderfully 35. a.

24、 why b. by b. talk b. different b. circle b. everything b. understandings b. little finger b. by the way b. especially b. how c. without c. exchange c. clear c. zero c. something c. misunderstandings c. forefinger c. on the way c. probably c. when d. through d. communicate d. other d. thumb d. nothi

25、ng d. explanation d. ring finger d. in the way d. exactly d. whereiii. reading 35% (a) every culture has its own body language, and children absorb its nuance (细微差别) along with spoken language. a frenchman talks and moves in french. the way an englishman crosses his legs is nothing like the way a ma

26、le american does it. in talking americans are apt to end a statement with a droop of the head or hand, a lowering of the eyelids. they wind up a question with a lift of the hand, a tilt(翘起)of the chin or a widening of the eyes. with a future-tense verb they often gesture with a forward movement. the

27、re are regional idioms too: an expert can sometimes pick out a native of wisconsin just by the way he uses his eyebrows during conversation. your sex, cultural background, social class and personal style all influence your body language. nevertheless, you move and gesture within the american idiom.

28、the person who is truly bilingual is also bilingual in body language. new yorks famous mayor, fiorello la guardia, politicked (从事竞选活动) in english, italian and yiddish. when films of his speeches are run without sound, its not too difficult to identify from his gestures the language he was speaking.

29、one of the reasons english-dubbed foreign films often seem flat is that the gestures dont match the language. one of the most potent elements in body language is eye behavior. americans are careful about how and when they meet one anothers eyes. in our normal conversation, each eye contact lasts onl

30、y about a second before one or both individuals look away. when two americans look searchingly into eachs eyes, emotions are heightened and the relationship becomes more intimate. therefore, we carefully avoid this, except in appropriate circumstances. communication between human beings would be jus

31、t that dull if it were all done with words. but actually, words are often the smallest part of it. 36. the main idea of this passage is that _. a. each culture has its own language b. body language is different in each culture c. body language is almost the same in some countries d. many people use words rather than body movements 37. they wind up a question with a lift of the hand, a tilt of the chin or a widening of the eyes, wind up here means _ . a. end b. ig

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