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1、三管轮英语资料一.Nice to meet you! (很高兴见到你Its very nice to meet you!非常高兴见到你)Glad to meet you!2. Whats your name?你叫什么名字)Could you tell me what your name is? 11.How old are you? (你多大?答:I am 27 years old.我27岁)3. When were you born?答:I am from lianyungang.(我是连云港人4. Are you married? 答:There are three people in m

2、y family. My wife, son and I. (有三口人,我的妻子、儿子和我6. How long have you ever worked on board? (你曾经在船上工作过多长时间答:I have ever worked on board for ten years.(我曾经在船工作10年7. Which company did you serve?(你在那家公司服务过?Which company did you work for?答:I have served for Lianyungang shipping corp.(我在连云港船务公司服务过8. Are thos

3、e ships you worked all Chinese ones? (你工作过的那些船是不是都是中国船?答:No, I worked on Chinese ships about 3 years, and 1 year on board under the Liberian flag.(不我在中国船上工作了三年,在利比里亚的船上工作了一年9. What is the name of the Liberian ship and whats her tonnage? (利比里亚船是哪一类船,吨位是多少?答:She is a bulk carrier, her gross tonnage is

4、 over 30 thousand tonnage.(是一艘散货船,总吨3万多10. Were the crew all Chinese? (船员都是中国人?答:No, they werent, including me。 there were only 4 Chinese in the deck department. We joined the ship at the same time. While the others came from different countries.(不,只有在甲板部有四位中国人,包括我在内。我们是同时上这艘船的,其余的人都是来自不同的国家。11. Whi

5、ch country did the captain come from?(船长是哪个国家的人?答:The captain came from Poland.12. Which certificate do you have now?你有什么证书?)Which certificate do you hold now?你持有什么证书?)答:I have AB certificate.13. What kinds of ship have you worked on? 14. How many countries have you ever been to?15. How many harbors

6、 have you ever been to?(你去过那些港口?答:Many harbors. Shanghai,16. How many departments are there on board? 17. How many important canals are there all over the world? (世界上有多少重要的运河?答:Two biggest canals: Panama canal, Suez canal.(两大运河,巴拿马,苏伊士18. The sailing route of our companys ships is very long. Arent y

7、ou afraid of the hardships? 19. Can you tell me what is the most important thing for a sailor?(你能告诉我对于一名水手来说,什么事情是最重要?答:Its safety, Safety first.Safety.Safety includes the safety for the ship, for oneself and for all the crew.(是安全。安全第一,安全为船舶,安全为全体船员。20. You are willing to work in our company, arent

8、you?(你愿意到我公司的船上工作吗?答:Im willing to be a sailor of you company. My experience and ability make me confident that I can be a qualified sailor in you company. If you do employ me, then I promise that I will definitely follow the companys instructions and faithfully stitch to my post. I sincerely hope I

9、 can draw you attention, and I am ready to offer my efforts for the prosperity of you company.1. 主机main engine2. 缸头cylinder cover3. 安全阀safety valve4. 示功阀indicator valve5. 起动阀starting valve6. 活塞piston7. 活塞环piston ring8. 活塞销piston pin9. 活塞顶piston crown10. 活塞杆piston rod11. 活塞头piston head12. 活塞环槽piston

10、groove13. 十字头crosshead14. 曲轴crankshaft15. 主轴承main bearing16. 锅炉boiler17. 进气阀air-inlet valve18. 排气阀air-outlet valve19. 造水机fresh water generator20. 左port21. 右starboard22. 副机auxiliary engine23. 甲板deck24. 机舱engine room25. 救生艇life boat26. 滑轮pulley27. 排水管scupper28. 压载水舱ballast tank29. 厕所water closet30. 起锚

11、机windlass31. 钢丝绳steel wire rope32. 备件spare parts33. 日用柜service tank34. 喷砂sand blast35. 增压器super charger36. 填料函stuffing box37. 分油机purifier38. 压力实验pressure test39. 位置position40. 塑料plastics41. 油泵oil pump42. 检修和修理overhaul and repair43. 手动的,人工操作的 manually operated44. 吊杆davit45. 污水泵sewage pump46. 克令吊crane

12、47. 钢丝刷steel wire brush48. 冷凝器condenser49. 喷射泵jet pump50. 摇臂rocker51. 压力表pressure gauge52. 锤子hammer53. 牛油枪grease gun54. 吊环hoisting ring55. 高压软管high pressure flexible hose56. 桥规bridge gauge57. 卷尺flexible rule58. 套筒扳手socket spanner59. 活扳手adjustable spanner60. 管钳子pipe wrench61. 锯saw62. 锉刀file63. 刮刀scra

13、per64. 剪刀shears65. 螺丝刀screwdriver66. 专用工具special tool67. 垫圈washer68. 测深管sounding pipe69. 膨胀节expansion joint70. 舵机steering gear71. 压缩机compressor72. 制冷机refrigerator73. 分油机oil separator74. 绞缆机capstan75. 起货机cargo winch76. 主轴瓦main bearing shell77. 阀头valve head78. 阀杆valve rod79. 阀座valve seat80. 阀杆填料valve

14、stem packing81. 阀弹簧 valve spring82. 耐火土fire clay83. 进口处entrance84. 出口处exit85. 丝杠lead screw86. 舱cabin87. 舱口hatch88. 舱底bilge89. 聚四氟乙烯Teflon90. 橡胶rubber91. 增压泵bppster pump92. 蝶阀butterfly valve93. 磨损wearing94. 阀卡死valve sticking95. 除锈derusting96. 皮碗leather cup97. 凸轮轴camshaft98. 平面变形plane deformation99. 平

15、面弯曲plane bending100. 压载舱ballast tank101. 离心泵centrifugal pump102. 热交换器heat exchanger103. 联轴器coupling104. 叶轮impeller105. 进水suction106. 出水discharge107. 卫生水泵sanitary pump108. 塞尺filler gauge109. 甘油glycerin110. 液压千斤顶hydraulic jack111. 木塞wooden plug112. 闸阀sluice valve113. 密封剂sealant114. 循环泵circulating115.

16、调速器governor116. 测量记录measuring record117. 日用油柜oil daily tank118. 油封oil sealing119. 往复泵reciprocating pump120. 震动vibrate121. 铁水泥iron cement122. 鹅颈头gooseneck123. 灭火器extinguisher124. 说明书instruction book125. 止回阀check valve126. 截止阀stop valve127. 曲轴拐档差 deflection of the crank shaft128. 研磨grind129. 光车lathe13

17、0. 吊出lift out131. 没对中misalign132. 现场on the spot133. 修补patch134. 修理单repair list135. 换新renew136. 抓斗grab137. 安全帽safety hat138. 机座bedplate139. 螺栓bolt140. 螺nut141. 间隙clearance142. 冷却水cooling water143. 曲柄箱crankcase144. 气缸套cylinder jacket145. 柴油机diesel engine146. 拆卸dismantle147. 气焊gas welding148. 重油heavy o

18、il149. 键key150. 漏泄leakage151. 测量measure152. 刮油环oil scraping ring153. 操作operation154. 过度磨损over- worn155. 氧气oxygen156. 压力实验pressure test157. 结垢scale158. 舷梯gangway159. 伙食吊provision crane160. 空冷器air cooler161. 锅炉给水泵boiler feed pump162. 球阀ball valve163. 污水井bilge well164. 合格证certificate165. 腐蚀corrosion166

19、. 双层底double bottom167. 机舱天窗engine-room skylight168. 过路器filter169. 首尖舱fore peak170. 饮用水drinking water北落诗门(2009-2-08 21:43:18希望对您 有所帮助!上海船人(2009-3-23 20:02:11English For Interviewed by Ships owner1. Could you introduce yourself?您做一下自我介绍好吗?My name is x.x.x. I am x.x years old. I hold a xxx certificate.

20、 I have experienced of xx. Xxx. Xxx. I can use a computer system for management(maintenance. I suppose that my English is good enough for work. I am married(single. There are 3 people in my family, my daughter and my son.我的名字叫XXX。我XX岁了。我有XXX证书。我经历过XX,XXX,XXXX。我可以使用电脑做维护保养工作。我想我的英语水平足以完成工作。我结婚了.我毕业于某

21、大学?您在那个公司做过?I have served xxx.xxxx.我在某某公司做过。5What certificate (license do you hold now?您现在持有什么证书?I have xxx certificate, or I hold xxx certificate, or I am the holder of xxx certificate. 我持有某某证书。6How long do you have the certificate of C/E(2/E,3/E.?您持有轮机长证书多久了?I hold the xx certificate(xx years in x

22、xxx.我持有轮机长证书有某某年了,或在某某年我持有轮机长证书。上海船人(2009-3-23 20:02:507. What kinds of ship have you worked on?您都做过那些类型的船?I have worked on many ships, like xxx ships, xxx ship and so on.我在许多船上工作过,像某某船,某某船,等等。8Which classification society is your ship registered with?您的船是在那个船级社注册的?DNV, OR NK, BV, LR, CCS.9. Where was your last vessels trading area? Which ports have you called?你上一条船的航行区域?都到过那个港口?Ocean-going, world widely, globally,fixed route.远洋, 全世界,全球,固定航线。10Have you serve

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