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1、1.外文资料翻译译文设计和开发多可触摸E-餐饮管理系统摘要餐厅已经投入很多财力来通信技术,如触摸屏,PDA,无线局域网等方式提升用餐体验。本文重点介绍了一些基于PDA的点餐系统的局限性,并提出了多可触摸E-餐饮管理系统作为解决方案。系统由多可触摸互动式餐饮菜单,允许用户使用在繁忙时间下单并方便地在开发的手指多可触摸餐桌的管理系统。由客户做出订单将立即更新到一个集中的数据库,随后到达收银台分别厨房模块。管理人员可以使用系统以数字化管理餐厅经营,从创立的食品为多可触摸互动式餐饮菜单,开始其删除或者管理客户订单来计费它所有的方式。该系统使用Adobe Flash ActionScript 3的建成,

2、PHP脚本和Zend框架的顶部MySQL数据库。【关键词】 多可触摸互动式餐饮菜单;多-可触的餐桌;无线局域网(WLAN);E-餐饮管理系统;Zend公司。引言信息和通信技术(ICT)的发展导致了越来越多的行业使用网络作为信息交流的媒介。在餐饮业,基于Web的计算机系统建议来管理订单的流量,产生正确的计费报告,减少客户等待时间,提高工作流程的效率,降低误差范围1。现代无线设备,诸如个人数字助理(PDA)已经通过进入餐厅系统取代采取使用笔和纸订单常规方式。用这样的计算机系统中,在餐馆重复任务可以以最小的错误,如果没有无递送。然而,基于PDA的订餐系统已知的限制如人员培训的要求,需要有服务员在高峰



5、入设备,如键盘和鼠标,需要额外的空间的需要。因此,多点触控技术的改编成餐桌将是伟大的组合作为餐桌现在可以充当餐桌,桌子表面上用手指进行数字订餐平台,和一个娱乐平台,而等待送达的食物。希望这将提高客户的用餐体验,尤其是在高峰时段。B.餐馆点菜系统的餐馆总是一直支持经济几十年来的主要产业之一。在餐馆订餐的通常指令过程开始通过与客户服务员作出命令,然后传递信息给厨房工作人员准备食物,最后达到收银台记录计费4 5。然而,往往错误和延迟发生在整个订货过程中,最终导致不满意的客户。因此,新的技术和方法被引入需要以提高效率和最小化食品订购系统的误差为目的。一个已经通过餐厅内的技术是基于PDA的无线点餐系统。


7、 lmenu并为了引入8。Byintroducing数字化菜单,一个合适的系统,它可以让管理者和员工进行修改和更新的餐饮菜单,工作流程和没有太多的麻烦,其内容后追捧。基于Web的餐饮管理系统是在功能性,灵活性和成本方面一个很好的方法。III问题所面临的PDA点餐系统和提出的解决方案对于基于PDA的订货系统,客户抵达时,餐厅的服务员将他们护送到自己的座位,并与传统的菜单呈现出来。随之而来的将参加其他表在等待客户做出他们的决定。为了,随之而来的将协助客户使用PDA,使订单。这些订单将被发送到厨房和食物会做好相应的准备。每当客户希望他们的法案进行结算,餐厅的服务员会用PDA来检查客户的订单,并产生一

8、个法案。订购使用PDA食品时的整体服务程序。然而,也有到基于PDA的订购系统的某些限制。例如,传统的菜单仍在使用呈现食品。任何更新的食物,如价格,供货,促销等,都需要手动修改菜单。此外,传统的菜单通常具有的信息量有限。因此,服务员将需要了解菜单不够好发出命令时提供额外的辅助工具给客户。那么人类的记忆尤其可能成为一种责任时,食品会经常更新。此外,在订购过程中,客户将不能够从PDA装置随着屏幕尺寸I S相当小查看定单食品列表。为了使订单采取没有错误,处理PDA设备的服务员将需要全面的培训,以及了解设备的工作原理9。在硬件方面,根据Patel等。10时,基于PDA的订货系统需要连续替换和电池长时间使




12、地使用桌子上的系统。2外文资料翻译原文Design and Development of Multi-Touchable E-Restaurant Management SystemAbstractNumerous efforts have been taken by restaurants to adopt information and communication technologies such as touch screen, PDA, wireless LAN etc. to enhance dining experience. This paper highlights some

13、 of the limitations of the PDA-based food ordering system and proposed the Multi-touchable E-restaurant Management System as a solution. The system consists of the multi-touchable interactive dining menu that allows customers to make order conveniently on the developed multi-touchable dining table d

14、uring the busy hours using their fingers. Orders made by the customers will be updated instantly to a centralized database and subsequently reach the cashierand the kitchen module respectively. Management staff could use the system to manage the restaurant operations digitally, starting from the cre

15、ation of food items for the multi-touchable interactive dining menu to deleting it or to manage orders from customers all the way to billing it. The system was built using Adobe Flash ActionScript 3, PHP scripting and MySQL database on top of Zend Framework. Keywords Multi-touchable Interactive Dini

16、ng Menu;Multi-touchable dining table;Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN);E-restaurant Management System;Zend.I. INTRODUCTIONThe advancement of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has led to an increasing number of industries to use web as a medium for information exchange. In the restauran

17、t sector, web-enabled computer system was suggested to manage the traffic flow of the orders, generating proper billing reports, reduce customer waiting time, increase the efficiency of workflow and to reduce error margins 1. Modern wireless device such as Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) has been a

18、dopted into restaurant system to replace the conventional way of taking orders using pen and paper. With such a computer system, repetitive tasks in restaurants could be delivered with minimum errors, if not none.However, the PDA-based food ordering system has known limitations such as the requireme

19、nt of training of attendants, the need of having attendants to operate, the inefficiency during peak hours and small screen size. Hence by introducing a multi-touchable dining table, such problems could be eliminated and the efficiency could be enhanced when integrating it with a web-based computer

20、system. The multi-touchable dining table will be operated by customers themselves and orders made will be processed by the restaurant management system. This paper describes the implementation of the web-based Multi-touchable E-restaurant Management System (MEMS) with aims to enhance the dining tabl

21、e service. The MEMS consists of the multi-touchable interactive menu that allows customers to view and order food on top of the dining table by using their fingers and the orders will be transmitted directly to the restaurants server in real-time. The MEMS allows different staff personnel to access

22、the centralized server to perform daily works digitally in a systematic workflow. For example, chefs in the kitchen could use the system to view and prepare food the moment customer made their order, while the cashier could use it to pre-processing bill. From time to time, restaurants manager could

23、access the system to evaluate the business status by generating billing reports, make necessary changes to the food items in the multi-touchable dining menu, updating advertisements etc. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed MEMS, it was deployed and tested on the cashier terminal, the kitch

24、en terminal and the multi-touchable dining table that serves both as a dining table as well as input device for customers to order food. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2, a brief reviews on multi-touch technology. Problems faced by the PDA food ordering system and the propose

25、d solutions are described at Section 3. Section 4 describes the detail implementation of the proposed MEMS. Finally, conclusions are given in Section 5.II.LITERATURE REVIEW A.Multi-touch Technology Multi-touch technology is an enhancement to the existing touch technology whereby users are allowed to

26、 control and perform operations simultaneously on the electronic visual displays using multiple fingers or gesture inputs. Large displays such as from the tabletop and the wall-screen are deemed to be essentials when dealing with multiple users sharing the same display for information visualization

27、purposes. It is reported that the social interaction is highly improved among users using a shared display and input 2. Users using multi-touch tabletop technology are provided with natural direct manipulation and are granted full control to the digital content by using just fingers 3. This eliminat

28、es the need of having input devices such as keyboard and mouse that require additional space. Thus, the adaptation of the multi-touch technology into a restaurant table will be of great combination as the restaurant table can now acts as a dining table, a platform for digital meal ordering using fin

29、gers on the table surface, and an entertainment platform while waiting for the food to be served. This will hopefully enhance customers dining experience especially during the peak hours. B.Restaurant Ordering Systems Restaurants are always one of the main industries that have been supporting the ec

30、onomy for decades. The usual instruction process of a meal ordering in a restaurant begins with customers making an order through waiter, then passing the information to kitchen staff for food preparation, and finally reach to cashier to record the billing 4 5.However, often mistakes and delays will

31、 occur throughout the ordering process resulting in unsatisfactory among customers.Thus, new technologies and approaches are introduced into restaurants with the aim of improving efficiency and minimizing errors of the food ordering system. One of the technologies that been adopted by the restaurant

32、 is the PDA-based wireless food ordering system. Various applications have been developed specially for such restaurant ordering system, which include iMenu, a web-based ordering system that runs on wireless connection and Easy-Order, the first application developed to communicate with computers to

33、deliver e-commerce tasks 6. Business that implemented such mobile technologies generally improved their operation efficiency, reduced operation costs, and improved service quality 7.Another important aspect of restaurant ordering system is the dining menu. Dining menu ought to be informative, attractive and updated all th

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