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Unit 10 Its a nice day isnt it教案.docx

1、Unit 10 Its a nice day isnt it教案Unit 10 Its a nice day, isnt it教案Unit 10 It鈥檚 a nice day, isn鈥檛 it?鏁欐 绗 竴璇炬椂飦 偂鏁欏 鍐呭 涓庡垎鏋?飩屾暀瀛唴瀹? Section A 1a, 1b,1c 2a2b2c 飩嶆暀瀛洰鏍囷細 涓锛岀煡璇嗙洰鏍囷細 飩岃瘝姹囦笌鐭 锛?words and expressions 锛夛細 Franklin Lake , noon, by noon At Franklin Lake On a bus At a party In an elevator In a

2、bookstore At a ball game At school飩屽彞寮忎笌璇 硶锛坰entences and grammar 锛夛細 1. 鍙嶆剰闂 彞涓鑸 敱鈥滃姪鍔瘝+浜虹浠瘝鈥濇瀯鎴愶紝鐢湪鍙湯锛岃 姹傚 鏂圭璁竴浜涙垜浠 笉鏁偗瀹氱殑浜嬫儏锛屾垨瑕佹眰瀵规柟琛璧炲悓锛屽惈鏈夆滆繖鏄 湡鐨勫悧锛熲濇垨鈥滀綘鍚屾剰鍚楋紵鈥濈殑鎰忔濄?e.g It is very cold today, isn鈥檛 it? We had much time, hadn鈥檛 we? There is a little water in the cup, isn鈥檛 there? There is lit

3、tle water in the cup, is there? 2. 闄堣堪鍙殑鍔瘝鑻槸鑲 畾锛屽弽鎰忛棶鍙殑鍔瘝瑕佺敤鍚畾锛屽弽涔嬶紝灏辩敤鑲 畾銆?Mrs. Smith lives in Italy, doesn鈥檛 she? She can hardly speak German, can she? She has few friends in Germany, has (does) she? There isn鈥檛 anybody at home, is there? 3. 闄堣堪鍙笌鍙嶆剰闂 彞閲岀殑鍔瘝鏃舵佽 鐩稿悓銆?She had to go to France every s

4、pring, didn鈥檛 she? There was little water in the cup, was there? 4. 闄堣堪鍙笌鍙嶆剰闂 彞鐨勪富璇 繀椤绘寚鍚屼竴浜烘垨鍚屼竴浜嬬墿銆?She needs to have it repaired, doesn鈥檛 she? You had better go alone, hadn鈥檛 you? 5. 闄堣堪鍙殑涓昏 涓嶈 灞炰簬浣曠 璇嶇被锛屽弽鎰忛棶鍙殑涓昏 涓瀹氳 鐢汉绉颁唬璇嶃?Those are your friends, aren鈥檛 they? She hasn鈥檛 finished her homework,

5、has she? 6. 闄堣堪鍙殑鍔瘝涓?have, has, had, 浣嗕笉浣溾滄湁鈥濊鏃讹紝 鍙嶆剰闂 彞鐨勪富璇 箣鍓嶄笉鍙 敤have, has锛宧ad, 鑰屾敼鐢?do, does, did. You have nothing to say, do you? You have John do the work, don鈥檛 you? 7. 鍚 湁seldom; hardly; few; little; never; rarely绛夎瘝鐨勫彞瀛愶紝琚 涓烘槸鍚畾鍙?e.g. He seldom came here, did he? Few people knew the answer

6、, did they? None of us knew the way, did we? 8. nobody, none, no one, anybody, anyone, everybody, everyone 绛変笉瀹氫唬璇嶄綔涓昏 鏃讹紝鍏跺弽鎰忛棶鍙氬父鐢hey浣滀富璇 俥.g. Everybody came, didn鈥檛 they. 绁堜娇鍙悗闈殑鍙嶆剰闂 彞鐨勭敤娉曪細 1锛庣敱let鈥檚寮曞嚭鐨勭 浣垮彞锛岃偗瀹氱殑鐢hall we? 鍚畾鐨勭敤all right? 鎴朞.K.? e.g. Let鈥檚 start early, shall we? Let鈥檚 not go fi

7、shing, all right (O.K.)? - Let鈥檚 go dancing , shall we? -All right. 2锛庤偗瀹氱 浣垮彞涔嬪悗锛岃绀衡滆 姹傗濓紝鐢?will you? 琛滈個璇凤紝鍔濊 鈥濈敤won鈥檛 you? e.g. Let us have a look, will you? -Pass me the dictionary, will you? -Yes, with pleasure. Have some coffee, won鈥檛 you? Be careful when you cross the road, won鈥檛 you? 3锛庡惁瀹氱

8、浣垮彞涔嬪悗锛岃绀衡滆 姹傦紝鍒欏彧鐢ill you?鈥?e.g. Don鈥檛 open the window , will you? 浜岋紝鎶鑳界洰鏍?1.鎺屾彙鑻辫 閲屽弽鎰忕枒闂 彞鐨勭敤娉曪紱 2.宸浐宸插 杩囩殑涓冪 鏃舵侊紱 3.瀛細鐢嫳璇 棽鑱娿?涓夛紝 鎯呮劅鐩 爣 瀛細鐢嫳璇 棽鑱婏紝瀛細涓庝汉鐩稿 锛屼笌浠栦汉鏇村鐨勬矡閫氥?飦 偂鏁欏 閲嶇偣銆侀毦鐐瑰垎鏋愶細 飩屾暀瀛噸鐐癸細 1.鍙嶆剰鐤戦棶鍙紙Tag Question锛変篃鍙 檮鍔犵枒闂 彞锛屾槸涓绉嶅父鐢簬鍙 鐨勭枒闂 彞寮忥紝涓昏 鐢扁滈檲杩板彞锛嬮檮鍔犵枒闂 濇瀯鎴愶紝闄勫姞鐤戦棶閮垎鐨勫姩璇嶄竴鑸 涓庨檲杩伴

9、儴鍒嗙殑鍔瘝鐩稿 搴旓紝闄勫姞涓闂婚儴鍒嗙殑涓昏 瑕佷笌闄堣堪閮垎鐨勪富璇 浉瀵瑰簲锛屽 鏋滈檲杩伴儴鍒嗙殑涓昏 鏄 悕璇嶈瘝缁勶紝鍒欓檮鍔犵枒闂 儴鍒嗙敤鐩稿簲鐨勪唬璇嶈绀恒?鍙嶆剰鐤戦棶鍙富瑕佹湁涓被锛屽嵆鈥滈檲杩板彞锛嬪弽鎰忛檮鍔犵枒闂 濆拰鈥滈檲杩板彞锛嬮潪鍙嶆剰闄勫姞鐤戦棶鈥濄傝繖涓被鍙堝彲浠垎涓轰互涓嬪洓绉嶅舰寮忥細 a. 鑲 畾鐨勯檲杩板彞锛嬪惁瀹氱殑闄勫姞鐤戦棶鍙?渚嬪 锛歍hat clock is slow, isn鈥檛 it? b. 鍚畾鐨勯檲杩板彞锛嬭偗瀹氱殑闄勫姞鐤戦棶鍙?渚嬪 锛?That clock isn鈥檛 slow, is it? c. 鑲 畾鐨勯檲杩板彞锛嬭

10、偗瀹氱殑闄勫姞鐤戦棶鍙?渚嬪 锛?That clock is slow, is it? d. 鍚畾鐨勯檲杩板彞锛嬭偗瀹氱殑闄勫姞鐤戦棶鍙?渚嬪 锛?That clock isn鈥檛 slow, isn鈥檛 it? 鍓嶄袱绉嶅舰寮忔槸涓昏 鐨勶紝鍚庝袱绉嶅舰寮忎娇鐢満鍚堣緝灏戙?鍙嶆剰鐤戦棶鍙篃鍙 敱鈥滅 浣垮彞锛嬮檮鍔犵枒闂 濇瀯鎴愩?渚嬪 锛欳arry this box for me, will you? Remember to buy some meat, won鈥檛 you? 2瀵逛簬鎴戜滑宸茬粡瀛繃鐨勪竷绉嶆椂鎬侊紝杩欓噷鍚勪妇涓緥锛?涓鑸 幇鍦椂锛歀ily likes going s

11、hopping, doesn鈥檛 she? They aren鈥檛 students, are they? 鐜板湪杩涜 鏃讹細You鈥檙e going to the cinema, aren鈥檛 you? She isn鈥檛 waiting for me, is she? 鐜板湪瀹屾垚鏃讹細They have been to Singapore, haven鈥檛 they? Jack hasn鈥檛 finished his homework, has he? 鐜板湪瀹屾垚杩涜 鏃讹細You have been living in Beijing all these years, haven鈥檛

12、 you? Denis hasn鈥檛 been watching TV, has she? 涓鑸 繃鍘绘椂锛歍hey had a good time at the party last Saturday, didn鈥檛 they? Fanny didn鈥檛 go home last night, did she? 杩囧幓杩涜 鏃讹細You were making dinner when I called, weren鈥檛 you? She wasn鈥檛 sleeping at this time yesterday, was she? 涓鑸 皢鏉椂锛歐e will have wonderful

13、 summer holidays, won鈥檛 we? They won鈥檛 come back until midnight, will they? 飩嶆暀瀛毦鐐癸細 鍏充簬鍙嶆剰鐤戦棶鍙殑鏋勬垚锛屾湁浠笅鍑犵偣鍊煎緱娉剰锛?a.褰撻檲杩伴儴鍒嗙殑涓昏 鏄痚verybody, everyone, someone, no one, nobody, somebody绛夋寚浜虹殑鍚堟垚璇嶆椂锛屽弽鎰忕枒闂 彞鐨勯檮鍔犻儴鍒嗙殑涓昏 鍦 寮忚 浣撲腑閫氬父 鐢e銆?渚嬪 锛?Everybody knows what he has to do, doesn鈥檛 he? Nobody wants to

14、go there, does he? None of the boys can do it, can he? 鍦潪姝紡璇 綋涓 垯寰寰鐢hey銆?渚嬪 锛歂obody phoned while I was out, did they? Everyone enjoyed the party, didn鈥檛 they? Somebody borrowed my dictionary yesterday, didn鈥檛 they? 浣嗚嫢闄堣堪閮垎鐨勪富璇 槸everything, anything, something, nothing绛夋寚鐗殑鍚堟垚璇嶆椂锛屽弽鎰忕枒闂 彞鐨勯檮鍔犻儴鍒嗙殑涓昏

15、 鍙 兘鐢t銆?渚嬪 锛歂othing could stop them, could it? Everything is ready, isn鈥檛 it? 飦 偂 璇惧墠鍑嗗 飩屾暀甯堝噯澶囦富鎯呮櫙鍥剧殑鏁欏 璇句欢銆?飩嶆暀甯堝噯澶囩 甯拰褰曢煶鏈恒?飦 偂 鏁欏笀璁捐 鏁欏 姝 寤鸿 鍜岃 鏄?锟終鐑 韩/澶嶄範锛圵arm-up/Revision锛?飩?enjoy the song 锛坱he more we get together the happier we鈥檒l be锛?a. 鏁欏笀鎾 斁褰曢煶锛屽笀鐢熶竴璧峰悷鍞卞苟瑙傜湅銆?b. Daily English: How are y

16、ou , today ? How is the weather ? It鈥?s a nice day, isn鈥檛 it ? what day is it , today? It鈥檚 Monday , isn鈥檛 ? what was the date yesterday ? It was 鈥?wasn鈥檛 it ? c. 璇峰 鐢焪atch the screen杩涜 闂 瓟銆傚 锛?Where are they ? What are doing ? what are they talking about ? 锟終鍛堢幇/鎿嶇粌锛圥resentation/Practice锛?飩?鏁欏 鍙瀷 鈥

17、淚t鈥檚 a nice day ,isn鈥檛 it ?鈥?a. T: Do you like making friends ? Can you guess : 鈥渨here are they ? What are they doing ?鈥?b. S1 : 鈥? c. S2鈥?. d. S3:鈥?T: what are they talking about ? Do you know? S1: They 鈥?.? 飩嶈 瀛敓watch the screen杩涜 闂 瓟銆傚 锛?Where are they ? What are doing ? what are they talking abo

18、ut ? 鏁欏 鍦扮偣鍚嶈瘝Franklin Lake, shop ,museum, elevator 鍜屾椂闂村悕璇嶃傚湪瀹為檯鎯呮櫙涓 細杩愮敤璇棶鍜岃皥璁哄彂鐢熺殑鎴栨湭鍙戠敓鐨勪簨鎯呮潵杩涜 浜祦銆?a. T : Do you know what the students are talking in the bookstore? Get Ss to watch the screen to teach the people in different places . ( the bookstore ,the platform , the museum , the train stati

19、on ) b Task One- Test your memory (3 minutes) (Pictures1a) pairs work S 1: He鈥檚 really good, isn鈥檛 he? S 2: He sure is! I come to all his concerts. S 1: Do you have his new CD? S 2: Yes, I do. 飩?Listening (5 minutes) (Audio cassette, the recorder) Have Ss listen to the tape and do the listening exer

20、cises on Page 76 1b. Encourage Ss to give the answers by having a competition among them 纾佸甫鍐呭 Conversation 1. Girl 1: He鈥檚 really good, isn鈥檛 he? Girl 2: He sure is! I come to all his concerts. Girl 1: Do you have his new CD? Girl 2: Yes, I do.Conversation 2. Girl 3: This line is moving slowly, isn

21、鈥檛 it? Woman: Yes, it is. We鈥檝e been here for 20 minutes already. Girl 3: I hope the movie is good. Woman: So do I. Do you think it鈥檚 going to rain? Girl 3: I hope not. Woman: Me, too.Conversation 3. Boy: The train is late, isn鈥檛 it? Man: No, today is Sunday. The trains only run twice an hour on Sun

22、day. Boy : Oh, I didn鈥檛 know that. I usually take the train on weekdays. Man: Oh, do you take the train to school? Boy: Yes, I do. 锟終鎷撳睍/宸浐锛圗xtension/Consolidation锛?飩?. Interview (10 minutes) (Photos, the projector) situation 1: 浣犳 鍦帓闃熶拱鐢靛奖绁 紝鍙 槸闃熶紞寰鍓嶅姩鐨勫緢鎱 傝繖鏃跺鍙堝揩涓嬮洦浜嗭紝浣犱細鎬庢牱寮濮嬩笌鏃佽竟浜虹殑闂茶皥銆?瀹屾垚浠诲姟鎵闇

23、瑕佺殑璇 缁撴瀯锛?This line is moving slowly, isn鈥檛 it? Do you think it鈥檚 going to rain? (鈥 ave been waiting for twenty minutes already, forgot to bring umbrella鈥? situation 2: 鏃笂锛屼綘姝湪绛夊叕鍏辨苯杞幓涓婂 锛屽鍙堟 鍦笅鐫澶洩锛坰nowing锛変綘绛変簡濂戒竴浼氬効浜嗭紝浣犱細鎬庢牱寮濮嬩笌鏃佽竟涔熷湪绛夎溅鐨勯檶鐢熶汉闂茶皥锛?鍙 互鍙傝冧互涓嬪彞鍨嬫潵寮澶达細 It is snowing heavily, isn鈥檛 it?

24、 The bus is always late, isn鈥檛 it? situation 2 3: 鍦功搴楅噷锛屼袱浜烘 鍦祻瑙堜功绫嶏紝鍏朵腑涓浜轰細鎬庢牱寮濮嬩笌鍙竴浜虹殑璋堣瘽鍛 紵 鍙 互鍙傝冧互涓嬪彞鍨嬫潵寮澶达細 These books are really great, aren鈥檛 they? situation 2 4: 鍦綋鑲查 閲岋紝浣犳 鍧愬湪搴綅涓婄湅鐞冭禌锛屾暣涓 閲屽骇鏃犺櫄甯 紝鍦轰笂涓釜绡 悆闃熶篃姝墦寰楁縺鐑堛備綘鎬庢牱寮濮嬩笌鏃佽竟瑙備紬鐨勯棽璋堛?鍙 互鍙傝冧互涓嬪彞鍨嬫潵寮澶达細 It鈥檚 really exiting, isn鈥檛 it? You l

25、ove basketball, don鈥檛 you? 宸浐缁冧範锛圗xercises锛?飩?瀹屾垚鐩稿簲鐨勭粌涔狅紙璇弬鑰冩浠剁殑锛?飦跺畬鎴愩婁綔涓氭湰銆嬩腑鐩稿簲鐨勭粌涔犮?飦稨omework a. 瀛敓鍦 鍚 綍闊宠窡璇汇?b. 鎶勫啓鏈 鏃跺嚭鐜扮殑鍦扮偣鍚嶈瘝锛屽彞褰? c. 閲囪 鍚屽 瀵瑰悇绉嶅満鍚堝 浣曡繘琛屽紑鍦虹櫧骞跺仛濂借 褰曪紝涓嬭妭璇捐 鍚戝 鐢熷仛姹囨姤銆?銆愬悓姝揪绾茬粌涔犮?鈪狅紟鍗曢閫夋嫨銆?( ) 1. Dick got up into a tree _ he saw the bear. A锛巜hile B锛巃s soon as C锛巙ntil D锛巌f (

26、 ) 2. It鈥檚 a fine day, _ it? A锛巌s B锛巇oes C锛巇oesn鈥檛鈥檛 D锛巌sn鈥檛 ( ) 3. Peter has taught _ English for two years. A锛巋im B锛巋is C锛巋imself D锛巋e ( ) 4. There is little water in the bottle, _? A锛巌s there B锛巌sn鈥檛 there C锛巘here is D锛巘here isn鈥檛 ( ) 5. Don鈥檛 open the door, _ ? A锛巗hall we B锛巜ill you C锛巇o you D锛巇

27、on鈥檛 you 鍦姩鐢荤墖涓 皟鍔 鐢熸儏鎰燂紝钀犳皼鍥达紝瀵煎叆涓婚 銆傝 瀛敓閫氳繃watch and answer鏉煿鍏诲 鐢熺殑璇 鑳藉姏鍜屽惉鍔涜兘鍔涘苟鏈夋剰璇嗗湴澶嶄範鍓嶉潰瀛繃涓鑸 繃鍘诲彂鐢熺殑浜嬫儏銆備娇瀛敓鍦畬鎴愪换鍔殑鍚屾椂鑳芥湁鏁堝湴澶嶄範浜嗗墠闈 杩囩殑鍔瘝銆?鐪熷疄鐨勬儏鏅 娇瀛敓鏄撳 浼?Students like new challenge, so testing their memory will arouse their interest. And this task provides speaking practice using the target

28、 language 鈥淲ere there 鈥?鈥?鈥淒id you see 鈥?鈥?姝椂鐭瘑鐨勯傚綋鎷撳睍瀵瑰 鐢熸潵璇村 鏄撴帴鍙楁湁涓嶈 寰楃獊鐒躲?鐪熷疄鐨勭幆澧冿紝婵璧蜂簡瀛瓙浠 鐨勬 鏈涳紱闅惧害閫備腑鐨勪换鍔紝浣垮閮垎瀛瓙鏈変綋楠屾垚鍔熺殑鏈轰細銆傚洜姝篃瀹规槗杩涘叆鏂拌 鐨勬暀瀛係tudents are curious to know the places their classmates traveled, so this task gives them the chances to use the target language 鈥淒id you go 鈥?鈥?瑙嗚 涓婄殑

29、宸 紓鑳界獊鍑洪噸鐐癸紝瀹规槗鍚稿紩瀛瓙浠 殑娉剰鍔涖?璇椿鍔潪甯哥畝鍗曪紝鍙 互浣挎瘡涓 鐢熼兘鏈夎兘鍔涘弬鍔犮?姝椂鐭瘑鐨勯傚綋鎷撳睍瀵瑰 鐢熸潵璇村 鏄撴帴鍙楁湁涓嶈 寰楃獊鐒躲?鐪熷疄鐨勭幆澧冩湁鍔簬瀛瓙浠 瑷鐨勮緭鍑恒?鏈鍚庯紝璁 鐢熷湪浼樼編鐨勬棆寰嬩腑缁撴潫鏈 鐨勬暀瀛紝骞惰揪鍒板珐鍥虹殑鐩 殑銆?II. Blackboard design Unit 10 It鈥檚 a nice day , isn鈥檛 it? I. places II. Sentence patterns At Franklin Lake It鈥檚 a nice day , isn鈥檛 it? On a bus

30、 Yes , it is . No , it isn鈥檛 . At a party You love his music ,don鈥檛 you ? In an elevator Yes, I do. / No, I don鈥檛 . In a bookstore There were not many people, were there? At a ball game Yes, there were. /No, there weren鈥檛. At school III. Competition Group 1 Group 2 Group3 Group 4绗 簩璇炬椂飦 偂鏁欏 鍐呭 涓庡垎鏋?

31、飩屾暀瀛唴瀹? Section A 3a-4 飩嶆暀瀛洰鏍囷細 涓锛岀煡璇嗙洰鏍囷細 飩岃瘝姹囦笌鐭 锛?words and expressions 锛夛細 Sandy alone elevator cross bookstore 飩屽彞寮忎笌璇 硶锛坰entences and grammar 锛夛細 It is very cold today, isn鈥檛 it? DengYaping is short,isn鈥檛 she? Liu Xiang runs fast,doesn鈥檋e? LiYundi was born in 1982,wasn鈥檛 he? There isn鈥檛 anybod

32、y at home, is there? She had to go to France every spring, didn鈥檛 she? There was little water in the cup, was there? She needs to have it repaired, doesn鈥檛 she? You had better go alone, hadn鈥檛 you? None of us knew the way, did we? We hadn鈥檛 much time, had we? We could hardly hear what she said, could we? We seldom see them now, do we? One can鈥檛 be too careful, can one? Be careful when you cross the road,

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