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英语新人教必修3课堂导学Unit 5 CanadaThe True North.docx

1、英语新人教必修3 课堂导学Unit 5 CanadaThe True North课堂导学基础巩固一、词汇详解 1.Rather than take the airplane all the way,they decided to fly from China to Vancouver. 她们不想一路乘飞机,决定先从中国飞到温哥华,要点提示: rather than 意思为“与其,不愿,不要,不是”,常用在 prefer to do rather than do句子中。 典型例句: Rather than make money in this way,I prefer to starve to

2、death. 我宁愿饿死,也不愿用这种方式挣钱。 I will have sweet water rather than pure water. 我想喝甜水,不想喝纯净水。 He was busy writing a letter rather than reading a newspaper. 他正忙于写信而不是读报。 相关链接: would rather 宁愿,宁可;not.but rather 不是而是 例如: I suppose I could lend them to him,but Id rather not. 我想我是把它们借给他的,可是我不愿意借。 Wed rather you

3、 didnt do it. 我宁愿你不做这事情。 or rather 更确切地说 You have to be 16 for cheap tickets,or rather under 16. 你必须16岁才买便宜票,更确切地说是不满16岁。 The committee does not deal with individual correspondence,but rather discusses issues in its newsletter. 该委员会不是处理个人信件,而是在简报中讨论问题。应用探究(1)The brave people in the village preferred

4、 to die rather than ,and encouraged others to fight more bravely in the anti-Japanese give in;it give in;which C.give in;this D.give in;which 解析:prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.是固定句式,第二个空因为前面出现and说明这是一个并列句,用it代替前面情况。如果没有and,则选择which。 答案:C (2)I would rather _ than ask him fo

5、r his autograph.So I would rather he _ here as soon as possible. A.die;leavingB.died;leaving C.die;leaveD.die;left 解析:would rather do sth.表示“愿意、宁愿干某事”,would rather后面跟从句时,从句用一般过去时态,故选D。 答案:D句型转换(3)The man wearing glasses dont teach the workers how to do it but learn from them.= The man wearing glasse

6、s dont teach the workers how to do it _ _ learn from them.答案:but rather2.It is the second biggest country in the world and as you go eastward,you will see mountains,. 加拿大是世界上第二大国家,当你向东走,你会看到群山连绵要点提示: eastward 与eastwards意义相同,副词,意思为“向东”。其他几个表示方向的词语用法与其一致。 典型例句: A couple traveled eastward. 一对夫妇朝东部旅行。 T

7、hey are encouraged to walk eastward until the end of the land. 他们被鼓励向东走直到大陆的尽头。 相关链接: eastward也可以作形容词,意思为“朝东的,向东的”。小幽默A stranger wanted to the hospital and was lost in the busy street,“Excuse me,where is the hospital?”he asked a lady. “Go eastward straight,it is 200 meters.” “I see.Thank you.” After

8、 a while,he returned with all the body wet.“You make fun of me,it is a lake not the hospital.” “There is a bridge on it.” “But you tell me to go eastward straight.”3.On the coast north of Vancouver some of the oldest and most beautiful forests in the world still remain. 在温哥华北面的海岸上仍然保存着世界上最古老和最美丽的森林。

9、 要点提示: (1)remain v.保持;继续存在,仍旧是;用作系动词,后接形容词、名词、分词和介词短语。(2)当remain作“剩下、留下”讲时可与不定式连用,remaining“剩下的,剩余的”,作定语。 典型例句: After years of hard work,Tom still remained a worker.多年的辛劳后,汤姆仍是一名工人。 That old man remained full of energy. 那位老人还是那么精力充沛。 She remained sitting when they came in. 他们进来时,她仍然坐着(没有站起来)。 A lot

10、of work remains to be done in the office. 办公室里需要做的工作很多。 The old man didnt know how to deal with the remaining vegetables. 这位老人不知道怎么来处理剩余的蔬菜。 相关链接: remain与stay辨析: remain与stay二者都有“停留,逗留,仍然是,依然是”的意思,表示保持某种状态时可以互换;remain严格说来指东西被取走后或者被破坏后残留下来的东西,或者别人离开之后留下的人,或者待在原地,通常不用进行时态; stay指在某地作短暂停留或者保持某种状态,可以指来访或者

11、做客时暂住。选择填空(1)Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple,but it remains _ whether they will enjoy it. be seen C.seeingD.seen 解析:remain to be done表示“某事情有待被干”,此处正合题意。 答案:B(2)The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with the _. A.20 dollars remained B.20 dollars to

12、 re main C.remain 20 dollars D.remaining 20 dollars 解析:remain是不及物动词,所以表示“剩下的,剩余的”,用remaining而不是remained作定语。 答案:D (3)With the help of the first aid,a large number of people _ alive after the terrible earthquake. A.was remainedB.remained C.survivedD.was remaining 解析:remain意思为“保持;继续存在,仍旧是”,用作系动词,此处接形容词

13、作表语。 答案:B4.That afternoon in the train the cousins settled down in their seats.那天下午表姐妹俩才在火车上落了座。 要点提示: settle v.定居;安顿;解决 典型例句: After the war broke out they settled in Europe. 战争爆发后,他们在欧洲定居。 Theres no way to settle the dispute. 要解决争端没有办法。 The little bird settling in the branch is so beautiful that we

14、 take a picture of it. 栖息在树枝上的小鸟如此美丽以至于我们拍了照。 相关链接: 常用短语有:settle in a place 定居某处;settle the bill 结账;settle the dispute 解决争端完成句子(1)The famous scientist with his whole family _ _ _ (定居在中国) and decided to make a contribution to the motherland after new China was founded. 答案:settled in China (2)Nowadays

15、 China is playing a more and more important role in _ _ _ _ (解决国际争端) successfully and was recognized by all the other countries in the world. 答案:settling the international disputes5.Many of them have a gift for working with animals and they can win thousands of dollars in prizes. 他们中的许多人拥有与兽共舞的天分,因而

16、能赢得数千美元的 奖金 。 要点提示: have a gift for sth.有的天分,有天赋 典型例句: The man in black has a gift for drawing. 穿黑衣的人有画画天赋。 Many people want to have a gift for making money. 许多人想有赚钱的天赋。 相关链接: 另外,gifted表示“有天赋的,有天资的”。如“多才多艺的人”用 a gifted man 和 a man of many gifts表示。改错(1)Miss Black studies in Beijing University and she

17、 has a gift of music. 答案:of for (2)At seven oclock this afternoon,we are going to the bus station to see an gifting woman off. 答案:giftinggifted (3) Tom,can you tell me something about the teacher under the tree? He is clever and a man of many gift. 答案:giftgifts 6.Most Canadians live within 320 kilom

18、eters of the USA border. 大多数加拿大人居住在距离美国320千米以内的边境地带。 要点提示: within adv.& prep.在之内;不超过;在里面典型例句: The 10% price rise is well within(=is lower than) the limits set by the government.10%的物价上涨远未超过政府限定的范围。 相关链接: within与 in表达时间。 within指期限之内,而in指期限之外。例如: He will buy goods within ten days. 他将在十天之内买货物。 Mr Wang

19、will buy goods in ten days. 医生将在十天后买货物。翻译(1)Jim,what are you going to do? I want to play with my good friends. Thats good,but stay within hearing distance of the house. _答案:“吉姆,你要干什么?” “我想和好朋友一起玩。” “好吧,不要太远,免得家人呼叫 不到 。” (2)The children must remain within the school grounds during the P.E classes._答案

20、:上体育课时孩子们必须留在校园内。7.This city is at the top end of the Great Lakes,and it is a very busy port,although it is close to the center of the country. 这座城市位于五大湖的最上首,虽然它靠近加拿大的中心位置,但还是一个繁忙的港口城市。要点提示: close to 意为“离很近;在附近;几乎”。close有动词、形容词和副词的用法。 典型例句: My close friend Jack always helps me when I am in trouble.

21、我的挚友杰克在我困难时总是帮助我。 Please stand close to me and I want to have a word with you. 请站得离我近些,我有话对你说。 Would you mind closing the door? 关上门你介意吗? 相关链接: 另外,close与closely在副词用法上有区别,close多用来修饰由介词引导的短语,closely表示抽象的概念。而close常表达具体的概念,多修饰动词和过去分词。 We keep in touch with each other closely. 我们保持密切联系。 观察猜想观察下面几个句子中的clos

22、e意义和词性的不同 (1)When the bell rang announcing school was over.The students closed the windows and left happily. 答案:v.关上 (2)Take a close look at the photo;doesnt it remind you of someone? 答案:adj.仔细的(3)My mother and I are much closer than we were when I studied in the senior middle school. 答案:adj.亲密的(4)T

23、he three people stood so close that they want to have a short discussion which was very secret.答案:adv.靠近地(5)The chairman brought the meeting to a close. 答案:n.结束8.They were not leaving for Montreal until later,so they went on a tour of the city.他们要晚些时候才动身去蒙特利尔,因此就在多伦多市内游览了一番。要点提示: tour n.旅游,游览,常指观光、考

24、察等的环球旅行或者巡回各地的旅行。 典型例句: They want to go on a tour of France. 他们想去法国旅游。 相关链接: trip常指短距离的旅行,远足。 journey常指长距离的旅行,尤指陆地旅行。 travel常指长距离旅行或者国外旅行。 voyage常指海上旅行,航行。完成句子(1)If we are free this summer holidays,we will _ _ _ around the Greek islands. 如果我们这个暑假有时间,我们要周游希腊诸岛。 答案:go on a tour (2)“旅游”连线 good-will tou

25、r a.友好访问 package tour b.团体游 party tour c.包办游 round-the-world tour d.观光游 sightseeing tour e.环球游 答案:acbe d9.In the distance,they could see the misty cloud that rose from the great Niagara Falls.远处,她们可以看到湖的南边尼亚加拉大瀑布上方升腾着的雾霭。 要点提示: distance n.距离,路程,远处;(时间的)相隔,(意见等)差异典型例句: Keep a safe distance between ca

26、rs.保持车距! The town is a great distance away. (从这)到那个城市相当远。 相关链接: keep ones distance 客客气气,不亲近 keep (sb.)at a distance (对某人)保持疏远 know ones distance 有自知之明 in the distance在远处(的) at/from a distance 隔开一段距离,有些距离 at a distance of 有距离 例如: We saw a light in the distance. 我们看到远处有灯光。 This picture looks better at

27、 a distance. 这幅画稍远些看更好。 介词填空(1)Mr Brown.What is the distance _ your home _ the coast? Not too far,only half an hours ride. 答案:from;to (2)When the sun set down,I saw some smoke _ the distance.I thought farmers must have burned the rubbish an hour ago. 答案:in (3)My brother has been away for twenty year

28、s and I find there has been no warmth _ this distance of time. 答案:at (4)In some countries,distance is measured _ miles instead _ kilometers.答案:in;of10.They spent the afternoon in the lovely shops and visiting the artists in their workplaces beside the water. 整个下午她们穿梭于布局可爱的商店,还拜访了水边工作坊里的艺术家。 要点提示: be

29、sideprep.意思为“在旁边,和比较起来”。典型例句: The little cat is brave enough to lie beside the dog. 那只小猫胆子真大,竟然卧在狗的旁边。 His speed is much quicker beside his sister. 他的速度比你姐姐的速度快多了。 相关链接: 相近词besides的用法: prep.除了之外还有;adv.再者;而且;更Three were three more visitors besides me. 除了我之外,还有三位访客。 She is still young and beautiful be

30、sides. 她仍年轻而且漂亮。填空beside 与besides二选一(1)He wants to build up a processing factory _ the sea and make a contribution to the economy in that area.答案:beside (2)I think you wanted to know something about your composition.The teacher said that the critical is that your article is _ the subject. 答案:beside (3) _ being a scholar,he was a famous writer.Of course he is admired greatly by all of us. 答案:Besides (4)It is too late to go out

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