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1、02年托福听力文字02年9月 托福听力文字Part A:1, M: Hi Joe! I just saw your roommate coming out of the library. She looks different. Did she get her hair cut or something? W: Yeah, three days ago actually. And hardly any one has noticed. Q: What does the woman mean?2, W: Havent you heard? The field tripsve been calle

2、d off because of the weather. M: But Professor L told us just today to meet at four in front of the library, maybe I can still reach administrators office. Q: What will the man probably do?3, M: Im sorry to hear about your car getting heating in the parking lot (停车场).Did you find out the other drive

3、rs with insurance or cover it? (这句还是觉得有的地方不对,没听出来) W: Not yet, but Im looking into it. Q: What does the woman mean?4, W: I think our baseball teams got a good chance of winning the championship this year. M: What? Are you kidding? Have you seen them play recently? Q: What does the man imply?5, W: Ar

4、e you sure this is the right way to the M auditorium? I cant afford to be late. M: Oh, that wont happen; well be there in no time. Q: What does the man mean?6, W: John, Id like to talk to you about the way you come late everyday, it disrupts the class. M: Im sorry professor, I didnt realize I was bo

5、thering anyone, I will watch from now on. Q: What will the man probably do?7, W: The drummer club is holding auditions for their annual(一年一度的) play, its musical. What do you think? B: To tell you the truth, I dont really act all thing, but thanks for thinking of me. Q: What does the man mean?8, M: W

6、hat are you doing here? I thought you will be picking your brother up to the airport. W: Oh, well, he called last night to say he has the flu. Q: What does the woman imply?9, W: I cannot believe my phone bill this month, its way too high. M: Yeah, that happened to me a lot last year, but this year I

7、 have just tried to cut back on my long distance calls. Q: What does the man imply?10, W: What am I going to do, I have a big paper due Monday, But I promised Flora wed clean the apartment this weekend. M: Why dont you just see if Flora will postpone it for a week? Q: What does the man suggest the w

8、oman do?11, W: Didnt the comity say it would only take a month for them to complete the report?It took at least twice that long. M: Yeah, there must with way off the mark (不相关)。 Q: What does the man mean?12, M: Theres a group of us going skiing this weekend, are you interested? W: Not on your life,

9、dont you remember that trip to Mountain Hope, when I went up to (前往) the cast for two month? Q: Why does the woman imply?13, M: Please be sure to put all the lab equipment back on the shelves when you are through with your experiment. W: Oh, dont worry; Im always very careful about that. Q: What doe

10、s the woman mean?14, W: Thanks for picking up those grosses for me, how much do I owe you? M: very even, you paid for the concert tickets last week, remember( however)? Q: What does the man imply?15, W: The soccer championship is run right now on channel 8. M: If you dont mind, Id like to see the en

11、d view of this nature program; it should only take another ten minutes itself. Q: What will the man probably do?16, M: Why did I ever agree to work on the school newspaper the same semester on taking 5 classes? W: Thats some lolled; youve got your hands full of right. Q: What does the woman mean?17,

12、 M: Im trying to find someone to come with me to the new sculpture exhibit in the art museum on Saturday. W: Im not too crazy about art myself, but what about Mary? Shes taking an art history course and seems to be enjoying it. Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?18, W: You know, if you closed

13、 your windows all the way during the cold weather, your electricbills wouldnt be so high. M: Sure, but my housemate will never agree to that. Q: What does the man mean?19, M: Gee, it keeps raining like this; theyll probably cancel the play tonight. W: Yeah, too bad they cant move to an indoor stage.

14、 Q: What can be inferred from the conversation? 19,.cantjustmore20, M: Hi Susan, if you are not doing anything for dinner tonight, a bunch of us are going to that new Italian restaurant in town. W: Well, I am onthemood ofsomespaghetti and I have heard the food there is not bad. Q: What does the woma

15、n imply?21, M: There, the room looks really great now if we finally get the furniture, arent you glad we made it to a clearancesale? W: En, I still cant get over the huge discounts we got. Q: What does the woman mean? -清仓价22, M: Ive got to hurry home, my favorite television show comes on in a few mi

16、nutes. W: Dont you have anything better to do? Q: What does the woman imply?23, W: My car broke down and Ive got to the doctors appointment on the other side of town. M: Thats lucky you rang at me then, I can give you a ride on my way to work. Q: What does the man offer to do?24, M: This is the seco

17、nd time this month that my bosss asked me to work extra hours, I am glad to get a bigger paycheck, but I just dont want her to give me such a heavy schedule. W: Better watch your step(谨慎).A lot of people would like to trade places with you. Q: What does the woman imply the man should do? 25, M: I do

18、nt know what I could have done to make Bob so mad at me. W: Me neither, but its likely to stay that way until you say youre sorry. Q: What does the woman mean?26, W: Hi Mike, I hear you and Peter down a new place. M: Yeah, the apartment is pretty nice, but after living there a couple of months, I am

19、 wondering if I can afford to stay in it. Q: What does the man imply?27, A: This mirror is the perfect size for our bathroom, and its half off. B: We wont have time to hang it today, itll still be here next week. Q: What will the women probably do?28, M: Please tell me I havent missed the deadline f

20、or tuition payment. W: Im afraid you are about a week late. Q: What does the woman mean?29, M:I pretty much decide that I want to play on the soccer team next semester. W: You are certainly good enough, but well, would you just tell me about how you really need to concentrate on improving your grade

21、s next semester? Q: What does the woman imply?30, W: I find Dr Ns style of lecturing is so tedious. M: Isnt it? And Ive got a short of tension span. Q: What does the man mean?Part B:31-35, listen to two students talking: 31-35,.sketches-素描画(这个应该是对的)W: Hi, Mark, I didnt know you could paint.M: Well,

22、Im just learning. its for my studio art one of one class.W: Its pretty good for a beginner.M: Oh thanks, Judy. The instructor really liked my schedules, but she hasnt seen my painting yet.W: En, there seems to be something wrong with it though.M: Yeah, I know what you mean. It doesnt look like to me

23、 either.W: I think I know, look here at the sky, it just seems to filled in with other colors of paining.M: What do you mean? Everyone knows the sky is blue.W: Well, that depends. Sometime it is and sometime it isnt, as sunset can be full of reds and purples. Well, even now, look at now Mark, what d

24、o you see?M: It looks blue to me.W: Look again. do you see a kind of tallish color? M: Oh yeah, I see what you mean.W: By adding some tan to your sky, I think youll get more actual picture, and the color will look more natural.M: I think Ill try that. Gee, how do you get to know so much about painin

25、g? Have you taken a lot of courses?W: No, actually. But my father is an artist.M: A professional artist?W: Oh yeah. He shows his stophin lots of exhibits, everything is when we were kids; he always talks to us about his work.M: I wish we could talk some more Judy. How about going for a cup of coffee

26、? Im ready for a break.W: Id love to. but I have to study for a history exam. In fact, I was just on my way to the study group, and I think I am already late. Maybe tomorrow?M: Great, Ill meet you at the students center after my class. a little after three, OK?W: Sounds good. Get around now.M: Bye,

27、Judy.31, What are the speakers mainly discussing?32, What is the man doing?33, What does the woman suggest the man do?34, How did the woman learn about painting?35, What does the woman plan to do next?36-39 listen to a conversation between two students. They are discussing material from US history c

28、lass. 36-39,.stuffyoumissed.pulledalongbyhorsesM: Hey Teresa! thanks for agreeing to help me review all this history material.W: No problem, Bob. So do you want to start with the stuff missed yesterday? They are part about urban problems in the colonial period?M: Yeah, thatll be great.W: Ok. Well, w

29、hen the British were building cities in American colonies, they had to figure out how to make the cities run smoothly, right? Like.take traffic for instance.M: Traffic? They had traffic that then?W: Well, not the same kinds of traffic cities have today. Back in 18th centenary there were not any auto

30、mobiles like there are now. But there were other vehicles like coaches and cars, you know, the kind had been pulled by horses say. Only few people could afford to have their own coaches then. but there were more and more public coaches. And cars, they were a big problem cause car driver usually over

31、loaded their cars. And these oversize clumsy cars would slow down the traffic, and when you added to that all the farm animals.M: Farm animals? In the cities?W: Lots of them, cattle, pigs and other live stuck rolls in the streets. And they really caused trouble, although the pigs at least had good r

32、easons for being their.M: They did? W: Yeah, the towns people used pigs to clean up the garbage that was thrown into the streets. But then the pig interfered with traffic.M: So what do the colonists do?W: Well, they passed traffic laws. Like one that said, if your animals were found wondering in the street, they could be se

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