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1、复合句练习题一、单项选择1 The Dragon Boat races are so exciting, but our boat is still behind. Dont worry. I am sure _ our team will win!A. if B. / C. whether D. of2Why not listen to BBC news to improve your listening skillsIts difficult for me follow.A. too; to B. so; that C. such; that D. so; too3. Yesterday

2、there were many people in the park I almost lost my way. It was the May Day holiday. Lots of people wanted to have fun there.A. quite; that B. so; that C. enough; that D. very; that4This lesson was so boring _ some students began to sleep in class.A. that B. and C. when D. how6-The doctor told me no

3、t to eat too much, but I found it difficult.-The doctor is right. _ you eat, _ you will be.A. The less, the healthierB. The less; the more healthilyC. The more; the healthierD. The more; the more healthily7It seems _ you like to work with children.Yes, they are so lovely. 8 I want to know if the ide

4、a _ she has thought up works out fine.A. who B. where C. that D. how9You speak _ fast _ we cant follow you.I will speak slowly.; that B. such; that C. such a; that D. too; to10Are you sure the news _ you received from the Internet is trueA. that B. where C. what D. how11Could you tell me _Sorry, I d

5、ont know.A. how can I get to the Water Sports Center B. when will Mr. Black come backC. why is Tom late for classD. where Mr. Green has gone12These days the long TV play is popular my mother often keep watching it for two hours without a rest a day .A. so, that B. too , to C. very , that D. such , t

6、hat13I dont know .A、what does he doB、whats the matter with herC、what he says just now14There are always _interesting stories in the series that _ many people watch them.A. so, so B. such, suchC. such, so D. so, such15Sichuan food is hotter than Shanghainese food. Thats _.A. what I like it do I like

7、it C. why I like it do I like it16Im going to buy a new car. Any advice, John Well, it depends on _. If money isnt a problem, you can buy a BMW.A. when you will buy one B. where you are driving C. what color do you like D. how much you can afford 17Do you know _ Im not sure. Maybe an artist.A. what

8、the man with long hair is B. what is the man with long hairC. who the man with long hair is D. who is the man with long hair18I dislike shopping online, I prefer to actually see and touch what Im buying before I pay for it, especially for clothes and shoes.Thats .A. Seeing is believing B. Clothes do

9、 not make the manC. The first step is always the hardest D. You are never too old to learn19-Who can tell me_ -Every 15 minutes.A. when the bus will arrive. B. how often the bus arrivesC. how long has the bus been away D. when will the bus arrive20 I wonder when they _ for Beijing. I will go to the

10、train station to see them off when they _.A .leave, will leave B. will leave, leave C. will go, leave D. go, leave21.What will you do if it _ tomorrowI will stay at home and watch the match on TV.A、rain B、rains C、will rain D、is raining22I didnt see Tom yesterday. Do you know A、what happened to him B

11、、where he has beenC、why didnt he come23-Do you know if he will come tomorrow-No,but if he ,Ill call you to have a meal together. come t come t come24Many countries are setting up nation parks animals and plants can be protected.A. when 25 The second book _I want to read is Business the Speed of Thou

12、ght.A. which B. that C. what D. as复合句( )1.(2013年甘肃白银)Could you please tell me _ Certainly. should I do to improve my English can I get to the reading room she is looking for shall we have a parents meeting( )2.(2013年甘肃白银)I know a place _ we can have a big meal. ( )3.(2013年贵州贵阳)What do you think of t

13、he school uniformsVery like clothes _ make me feel comfortable. ( )4.(2013年黑龙江大庆)Zhangjiajie is the most beautiful tourist site _ Ive _visited.; never ; never ; ever ; ever( )5.(2013年黑龙江大庆)He puts the flowers in the shade _the sun will not burn them. order to that as to that( )6.(2013年黑龙江大庆)He wants

14、 to know _. the Lon don Olympics will begin will the London Olympics begin the London Olympics will begin will the London Olympics begin( )7.(2013年湖北孝感)Do you know_ London for the 30th Olympic Games Next month. they visited will they visit did they visited they will visit( )8.(2013年江苏镇江)We will go t

15、o the square to watch the raising of the national flag _ it rains tomorrow. C since ( )9.(2012年四川成都)Could you tell me _ Hes a bank clerk. A .who your father is your father does your father works( )10.(2012年湖北武汉)Can I join you Sure, we are talking about _. shall we go to the movie can we go there sho

16、uld we go with we like the movie( )11.(2012年四川德阳)Do you know _ this time yesterday Sorry, I dont know. she is doing was she doing she was doing( )12.(2012年江苏扬州)One of the most interesting places in Yangzhou _ are often visited by foreigners is the West Slender Lake. D./ ( )13.(2012年湖北十堰)Ive become g

17、ood friends with several of the students in my school _ I met in the English speech contest last year. ( )14.(2012年天津)John is the boy _ legs were b adly hurt in the accident. ( )15.(2012年四川达州)Where did you go last week I went to Zhang Aipings hometown and visited the house _ he was born in. ( )16.(2

18、012年浙江宁波)I hear the famous singer Xu Song may come to Ningbo next month. Really_ he comes, my younger sister will be very excited. ( )17.(2012年山东临沂)Zhou Libo is Shanghais favorite funny is good at making people lively shows were _ hot that tickets sold out in minutes. ( )18.(2012年黑龙江哈尔滨)As we all kn

19、ow, planting trees is good for the class will go to the Sun Island soon as we _ there, well begin to plant trees. arrive ( )19.(2012年山东滨州)Mary, could you tell me if your mother _ our school sports meeting tomorrow I think she will come to school if she _ free. take part in; will be part in; is take

20、part in; is part in; will be( )20.(2012年陕西)If there _ no buying and selling of animals, there _ no killing in nature. ; will be be; will be ; is be; is 第一组( ) man said _ he saw many strangers coming into his village. D./( ) teacher told us the earth _ the sun. around around around gone around ( )3.W

21、hat are you doing now We are talking about _. shall we go to Tianjin we like Tianjin should we go with station should we go ( )4. (2014原创)Why dont you tell me _ I dont know either, so I cant tell you _. is that man in blue; who is the man that man in blue is; who is the man is that man in blue; who

22、the man is that man in blue is; who the man is ( ) tell me have some gifts for him. has Robert come Robert is will Robert leave does Robert like ( ) dont know the you tell me _ is her name old is she is she she comes from( )7.What did your teacher say this morning She asked me _. Tom would get to sc

23、hool will Tom do at school did Tom come to school was Tom late for school( )8.I cant find s she Sorry, I dont know _. has she been she has been has she gone she has gone ( ) is a famous writer _ works are sold around the world. s ( ) _ you told me is not true. ( ) st ill remember the day _ we spent

24、together. ( ) of the apples _ are put on the table are red. ( ) boy jumped into the sea _ h e got to the beach. soon as that ( ) didnt work _ it was dark. that ( )15.You study _ hard _ youre sure to pass the exam. Thank you for saying so. ; to ; as ; that ; that( ) Tom _ the game, well give him a su

25、rprise. ( ) dont know if she _ to my birthday party she _, Ill be very happy. ; comes come; comes ; will come come; come( )m waiting for my f , Ill go shopping alone. she comes she wont come she doesnt come she came( ) speaks very loudly _ all the people can hear him clearly. that ( )re playing on t

26、he ground _ I arrived. 第二组( )m surprised that he _ in the library for the whole day yesterday. ( ) dont know _, and now Im thirsty. I put the cup did I put the cup I put the cup did I put the cup( )3.Im new you please tell me _ s over there behind that tower. the youth centre is the library open s f

27、ar is the amusement park can I get to the subway station( ) teacher found _ shes a clever girl. ( ) woman asked the policeman where _. post office is post office was the post office the post office( ) havent found out _, but we have known _. he is; how to search it he is; to search it how is he; how

28、 to search it is he; to search it how ( )7.Can you tell me _ home is next to the cinema. is Steve doing Steve is doing does Steve live Steve lives( )8.May I come in Im sorry I am late. Come in, could you please tell me _ do you come to school were you doing then you talked with you are late again( )s the museum _ we saw the worldfamous painting last month. ( )m going to start a club to help students _ are not interested in schoolwork. ( ) will be a stamp show in the museum _ we visited last week. ( ) Lantern Festival is the se

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