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1、在汉语里,则一般是通过说话人的语气变化来实现的。而在英语中是借助于时态变化来完成的,来表达说话人的主观意愿,往往与客观事实不一致。本册为大家准备的语法解释及其练习,深入浅出,浅显易懂,切中要害。4阅读阅读对理解力要求很高,建议用逻辑的方法去阅读,在情景中思考。John runs a successful furniture business, John had a very good day and put his wallet containing 3,000 into the microwave ovenfor safekeeping.(Lesson 7)5听力部分这是我们制作该光盘的一个

2、亮点。我们为大家精心准备了一系列的经典电影等许多力作,比如Titanic,Forrest Gump, The Graduate等影片的精选对白;还有经典英文歌曲The Greatest love of all等;以及一些有关美国背景知识的听力理解材料。一定会使你在欣赏的同时,无法拒绝语言的诱惑。6写作部分我们在相应的经典文章中,精彩句子的讲解中,及时补充,扩展,模仿。针对性强,培养英语的写作意识。讲解段落的构成和布局,纠正母语思维,进行写作思路的锻炼。7. 英文习语谚语是润色语言的手段。同比喻之类形象的语言一样,是语言保持其独特性,有别于其它语言的关键语言成分。在每一课讲解之后,都为大家精心挑

3、选和准备了适量,易懂有趣的谚语,以飨读者。8复习部分复习部分是非常人性化的设计。人的记忆是伴随着造忘的一个动态过程,从生理的角度来看重复是保证记忆的必然和有效手段。在复习部分,我们为大家节选了最精华的课文部分的讲解,以快捷的方式,温故而知新!9练习部分为了巩固学习的成果,检查学习效果,还为你准备了大量的有针对性的课后练习,国内英语4、6级考试以及研究生英语人学考试的例题。10全书最后八课,即从53-60课作为阅读理解请大家将其作为泛读来做,以作为自己的学习能力的综台检查。Give me a fish, I11 eat for a day; and teach me to fish,I11 ea

4、t for a life time.衷心希望大家通过这本好书,学到的不仅仅是有形的东西,更加重要的是体会征服英语的一种行之有效的方法,以及能在征服之后,品尝成功的快乐,从而更加增进你学习英语的兴趣,并最终在您的学习和工作之中受益,是我们的心愿所致。请你相信我们和你们的命运息息相关!忠于您年轻时的梦想!Lesson 1 A puma at large一、 单词讲解 New words and expressionspuma pju:m; pum 美洲狮 a large cat-like animal liontiger leopard 豹 jaguardgju 美洲虎 cougar 美洲豹 ch

5、eetah ti:t; i:t 猎豹 lynx 大山猫pantherpn 黑豹 a black leopardcat-like 像猫一样的mother-like childlike (lovely)childish (immature)at large large powerful - out of control eg. The desperate criminal is still at large. escape: to get away from a dangerous situation that is likely to harm you if you do not leave 逃

6、跑(成功的逃离危险)flee away: run away from danger 见 到危险就跑开了scatter away: in different directions 四散逃窜evade tax 逃税 (evade:逃避自己应该负担和承担的责任)desertdesert ones army(一般指军人离开自己的部队;开小差,逃跑了) cut class 学生逃课spot n./v.n. 点,斑点a beauty spot 美人痣solar spot 太阳黑子spotlight 聚光灯be in the spotlight 众人瞩目的中心eg. Tom Cruse is in the

7、spotlight in American film industry.(to achieve a lot of attention)eg. A leopard will not change its spot. 江山易改,本性难移。v. to see or find sth with difficulty不易察觉observe :to see and notice sth(正式)观察,观测discover : to find sth already in existencerecognize: to figure out sth/sb know already detect : to dis

8、close something hidden or in disguise 探测(往往指用仪器才能探测到)explore: to examine sth thoroughly in order to test or find out about it 彻底的和仔仔细细的搜索和勘察 Internet Explorerevidence n. 证据witness 证人judge法官jury 陪审团court of law (法庭的正式说法)self-evident a. 不言自明的The Declaration of IndependenceIt was draw up by Thomas Jeff

9、erson in 1776 and one of the most important documents ever published. Here is the first sentence which shook the ruling classes of Europe. “We hold these truths to be self-evidence, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with the certain unalienable rights, that among

10、 these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”oblige : be made to do sth by law or morality (often in passive vice )feel obliged to do eg. Men feel obliged to take the responsibility for family. compel: to make people have a particular feeling or attitude 9-years compulsory education 九年义务教育

11、drive: to make someone feel or do sth bad or unpleasant drive sb nuts 都快使人疯了eg. The terrible music drove me nuts. hunt v. 打猎,狩猎hunt for 搜寻,寻找hunt for a job hunt for a love go hunting for 去寻找job hunter 四处找工作的人head hunter 猎头bargain hunter 到处去买便宜货的人human being(s)(god and animal )mankind eg. In the long

12、 history of the mankind 在人类历史的长河中human race: all people, considered together as a single group (强调人类的种族群体) men: it sounds like a little sexismbe 存在 hamletwhen he hesitated to kill his uncle to be or not to be 是生存呢还是灭亡being 1) -creature god being animal being 2) -existence coming into being 形成,成立eg.

13、The Peoples Republic of China came into being in 1949. for the time being 眼下eg. For the time being, the cheetahs are hard up. 眼下,猎豹手头比较紧。(Lion King)corner n./v. the corner in the corner (一个空间的内部)eg. The Negro is still languishing in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile

14、in his own land. 美国的黑人在美国社会的各个层次和各个方面都饱受着痛苦,发觉自己是自己家乡土地上的流亡者。around the corner: is coming 事即将发生/来临eg. The New Year is around the corner.cut corners 走捷径v. 被逼到墙角eg. The puma wont attack a human being unless it is cornered. eg. A cornered beast will do something desperate. 困兽犹斗,狗急跳墙trail a trail of a t

15、rail of mud a trail of blood eg. Wherever he went the playboy left behind him a trail of broken hearts. print n. 印痕,痕迹foot print paw print finger print 二、课文讲解Pumas are large, cat-like animals which are found in America. be found (there be ) : 产于,分布eg. Penguins are found in the Antarctica (南极洲).eg. P

16、andas are large, bear-like animals which are found in China. When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London. they were not taken seriously.同位语从句简单记忆: 同位语从句与中心词是等同和等值的关系,而不是修饰与被修饰的关系。这一点与定语从句截然不同,定语从句与其先行词是修饰与被修饰的关系。 定语从句的引导词 that/which在句中作成分(主语或宾

17、语),而同位语从句的引导词that为连接词,只起连接主句与从句之作用,不做任何成分。eg. I was shocked when I heard the news that his father died yesterday. (the news is that his father died yesterday. )能连接同位语从句的名词有:beliefinformationfact suggestionidea problemdoubtorderrumordiscoverevidenceopinionconclusionPractice 1. An idea came to him _ h

18、e might write to her to ask for more information about the matter. 答案: that2. I got information from my friend _there will be a marvelous American movie titaniceg. News has just come into the studio that over 90% of our population are watching the Spring Festival Entertainment Show. south of 在以南they

19、 人称或指示代词的替代含义要回到句子的切近部分寻找它的中心含义。take sth seriously 认真对待take sth slightly 不把发在心上eg. Every one ought to take life seriously. eg. Education is so important that we should take it seriously. eg. When news came into the national museum that an ancient tomb has been spotted 100 kilometers south of Xian, i

20、t was taken seriously. However, as the evidence began to accumulate,however 语篇标识词(即显示语篇发展的词语)。引出作者真正意图,表明事实真相,往往前后形成鲜明,相反的对比。However, as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate, for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were ext

21、raordinarily similar.for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the pumafor 说明原因英语一般来说,总是把最需要表达的东西放在一个句子的最前边,汉语总是先因后果;而for并不引导一个强因果关系,因此是处于从属地位而不置于句首。As 不强调原因的重要性Since 既然 ,若因果关系Because 强调直接的原因claimed to have done 动词不定时的完成时体现它所表示的动作发生在谓语动作之前。eg. Till now, no organization claimed to

22、 have been responsible for this bombing. the puma were extraordinarily similar.Be similar to sb. in character (have a lot in common)eg. The brothers are similar to each other in character.bear a resemblance to resemble (宛如),酷似 father 父亲look/be like 像 father爸爸take after 随 father 爹含义取决于说话人的文化和受教育程度The

23、 hunt for the puma began in a small village where a woman picking blackberries saw a large cat only five yards away from her.pick blackberries pick apples pick mushroom pick noses pick ears pick teeth It immediately ran away when she saw it, and experts confirmed that a puma will not attack a human

24、being unless it is cornered. ,and experts confirmed that a puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered.unless: if not eg. A : May I have the loan ?B : _ you offer good security A. But B. Unless C. Provided D. But for (要不是,虚拟语气中遇到的标志性的词)中国学生学英语易犯的一个小错误,是母语的思维。If you offer good security,

25、you may not have the loan.The search proved difficult, for the puma was often observed at one place in the morning and at another place twenty miles away in the evening.prove difficult prove(to be) difficult consider sth(to be) 认为是后者的东西turn out(to be) 尽然是英语从19世纪初,甚至更早而逐渐成为一种世界超级语言,被强行推广,发展到今天我们的后现代社

26、会,语言作为交际的手段而更加趋向简洁,这也是现代英语的一个发展方向。Wherever it went, it left behind it a trail of dead deer and small animals like rabbits. Paw prints were seen in a number of places and puma fur was found clinging to bushes.bushbeat around the bush 拐弯抹角,旁敲侧击Several people complained of cat-like noises at night and

27、a businessman on a fishing trip saw the puma up a tree.on a fishing trip toon the honey-moon trip to Pairson way to 在去那里的路上on business toThe experts were now fully convinced that the animal was a puma, but where had it come from? As no pumas had been reported missing from any zoo in the country, thi

28、s one must have been in the possession of a private collector and somehow managed to escape.reported missing 挂失this one must have been in the possession of a private collector and somehow managed to escape.must have been/ done sth 是作者主观的肯定判定,是事实总结、归纳的标志。,this one must have been in the possession of a private collector and somehow managed to the possession of 为所有,主语为物

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