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高中英语知识点总结 自动保存的.docx

1、高中英语知识点总结 自动保存的高考英语重点语法一 、高中英语知识点总结1.名词9.非谓语动词2. 冠词10. 连词和并列句3. 代词11. 连词和状语从句4. 介词12. 定语从句5. 形容词和副词13. 名词性语从句6. 情态动词14. 特殊句式7.虚拟语气15.构词法8. 动词的时态和语态二 、知识清单1. 名词(n.)的分类普通名词 可数名词个体名词:book,child,face,desk,fan, player, student, boy 等集体名词:family,group,police,crowd,people,class 等不可数名词物质名词:milk,tea,coffee 等

2、抽象名词:beauty,attention,pride,fun等专有名词America,China,Shu-How Lin, the Huston2.冠词的分类及用法不定冠词(a/an)的用法用于n.前表类指: A girl wants to see you.用于单数集体n.前 :The city has a population of 3 billion.用于物质n.前,表单一概念:It s a very good cheese.用于抽象n.前:He is a success./ I am quite at a loss.用于专有名词前:A Mr. Brown came to see you

3、 yesterday. 定冠词the的用法特指说话双方都明白的人或物:The children have gone to the beach.指上文提到过的人或事:He has a pen. The pen is black.与单数名词连用表一类人或事物:In many places in China, the bicycle is still popular.the + adj. 表示一类人:the young/ the old/ the poor/the rich用在序数词和最高级前:He is the first to reach.the +姓氏复数,指一家人或夫妇二人The Green

4、s are at table. 零冠词不可数名词、复数名词表泛指,用零冠词:Horses are useful animals.Water is changed into steam by heat and into ice by cold.三餐、球类和棋类、学科前,用零冠词:play football季节、月份、星期、假日等前,用零冠词:Winter has come. Is spring far away? Thanksgiving Day falls on the 4th Thursday in November.3.代词pron. 考点清单人称代词主格:I you he she it

5、we you they宾格:me you him her it us you them物主代词n.性:my your his her its our your theiradj.性:mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs反身代词 myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves 指示代词 this these that those 互相代词 each other , one another连接代词详见名词性从句关系代词定语从句疑问代词what, which,

6、who, whom, whose等不定代词both, all, either, neither, some, any, noneother, another, others, the other, the others复合不定代词something, someone, somebody, anything, anyone, anybody, nothing, no one, nobody4.介词 按结构分简单介词at, in, on, before, after, for, during, by, behind, from, like, until, under, with, since, a

7、s 等合成介词into, inside, without, outside, through, toward, within分词介词given=considering(考虑到),including,following短语介词According to, due to, owing to, thanks to, ahead of, because of, apart from, except for, in spite of, in need of, for fear of, in charge of, in search of, as well as, as a result of按意义分表示时

8、间at, in, on, by, after, since, for, during, within, through, over, until, 表示方位at, in, on, for, toward, into, out of, along down, up ,from, off , above, over, below, under, inside, outside, beside, near, across, through, around, among表示原因because of, owing to, due to, for, as a result of, at表示方式with(工

9、具), in(语言,材料), by(方式) 表示除外besides, except, except for, but, apart from 表示数量about, round, around, over表示关于about, on 表示增减by ,to短语中的介词动词+介词agree with, think about, worry about, care about, aim at, date from, benefit from, suffer from, result from, result in, account for, succeed in, send for, call for,

10、 care for, long for, look after, break into, burst into, look into, run into, approve of, dream of, depend on, feed on, carry on, insist on, deal with, do with, act as 动词+副词+介词date back to, catch up with, do well in, get on with, break away from, come up with, team up with, get down to, get close to

11、, look forward to, look down upon动词+名词+介词take care of, catch sight of, lose sight of, make fun of, make roomfor, make sentences with, make use of, take advantage of, take part in, pay attention to, show respect for, show interest in, havean effect on, play a role in, play a trick on, take the place

12、ofbe+形容词+介词be interest in, be crazy about, be accustomed to, be addicted to,be devoted to, be similar to, be used to, be strict with sb./in sth. , be crowded with, be satisfied with, be equipped with, be fond of,be aware of, be proud of, be tired of/from, be famous for /as, be familiar with, be fit

13、for, be successful in介词+名词in trouble, in danger, in surprise, in detail, in silence, at war, at table, at desk, on business, on fire, on show, on watch, on strike, on sale, on holiday, on vacation5.形容词和副词 1)、形容词和副词的基本用法,在句中的位置形容词. adj.基本用法:作定语、表语、补足语、状语. adj.做后置定语的情况:adj.短语做后置定语;修饰复合不定代词. 分词adj -ed

14、形容词,(人)感到的 -ing形容词:令人的(事). 表示类别或整体:the old, the young, the wounded, the rich, the poor副词.adv. 基本用法:作状语,修饰v. adj. 另一个adv.或整个句子.adv. 在句中的位置: enough 放在所修饰的adj./adv.的后面频度副词常放在be动词、情态动词之后,行为动词之前.搭配特别的adj.和adv: a heavy rain / rain heavily /a sound sleep2).形容词和副词的比较级和最高级平级比较. 用asas, notas/soas 引导。 He gets

15、up as early as I. as + 形容词 + as +数词 + 名词 =数词 +名词 + 形容词。 The building is as tall as 100 meters.=The building is 100 meters tall. 看似平级比较结构的一些惯用语。 as long as只要, as soon as 一就, as well as 既 又超越比较. 比较级的修饰语常见的有rather, much, still, even, far, a lot, a little, by far, a bit,three times 等。The students study

16、even harder than before. “the +比较级 ,the+比较级 ”表示“越 越”The harder you study, the more knowledge you will learn. “比较级 + and + 比较级”表示“越来越”The new city is becoming more and more beautiful. “the + 比较级 + of the two +名词 ” 表示“两个中较 的 ”The taller of the two boys is my brother.6.情态动词情态动词主要用法典型例句can/could表示能力He c

17、an play table tennis quite well.表示理论上的可能性,“有时会;可能会”Even an experienced teacher can make mistakes.表示请求和允许表示请求,口语中常用could代替canYou can have my seat. Im going now.Could you give me a hand? may/might表示请求、允许、许可,might比may语气更委婉You may use my dictionary.Might I have a look at your new phone?must表示“必须”We must

18、 study hard and make progress every day.表示“偏要;硬要”If you must smoke, please go out.shall用于第一、三人称的疑问句中,表示征求对方的意见Shall I open the door?用于第二、三人称的陈述句中,表示说话人给对方的命令、警告、允诺或威胁;此外,当颁布法律,规定时也用shallYou shall get an answer from me by tomorrow. He shall go first, whether he wants or not.This law shall come into e

19、ffect on May 1st.shouldshould表示劝告和建议,作“应该”讲You should learn from each other.表示惊讶、意外等情绪,意为“竟然”I cant bear that he should speak ill of me.用在if 条件句中,表示可能性很小,但也不是完全不可能If anyone should come, say Im not at home.will/would表示意志或意愿I have told him again and again to stop smoking, but he will not listen. 表示“请求

20、;建议”。would 比will 委婉、客气Would you like some more coffee?表示习惯:will 可以表示现在的习惯,意为“总是;习惯于”。would 表示过去的习惯性动作 She will sit for hours reading in the room.When she was young, he wound listen to music alone in his room.表示事物的某种性质和倾向Wood will float on the water.need表示“需要;必要“,用于否定句、疑问句和条件从句中- Need we take the tes

21、t?- No, we neednt.dare表示“敢;敢于“,主要用于疑问句、否定句和条件从句,一般不用于肯定句。I dare say 是习惯说法,”我想,大概“How dare you talk like that?The little girl doesnt dare go out in the evening.ought to表示义务,意为“应当“,语气比should强,表示不十分肯定或含蓄的推测,意为“应是,应该“Everyone ought to obey the traffic rules.He ought to be home by now.7.虚拟语气 .虚拟语气在非真实条件句

22、中的运用从句主句典型例句与现在事实相反的假设If +主语+v.过去式(be-were)主语+should/wound/could/might +v.原形If I were you, I would seize the chance to go abroad.与过去事实相反If +主+had+过去分词主语+should/ would/could/might + have + 过去分词If you had taken my advice, you would not have failed in the exam. 与将来事实相反1.if+主+did2.if+主+were to+ v原形3.if+

23、主+should + v原形主语+should/would/ could + might + v.原形If he should not come tomorrow, we should put off the meeting till next Monday.虚拟语气在名词性从句中的运用1). 用于宾语从句中wish 后的宾语从句一般用虚拟语气,表示一种不可能实现的愿望。I wish (that) I were a bird and could fly freely in the sky.我希望我是一只小鸟能在天空中自由飞翔I wish (that) I had met that film s

24、tar yesterday. 我希望昨天见到那个明星了。How I wish it werent raining now! 我多希望现在没下雨啊 !用于 if only + 句子 = How I wish + (that)从句。Eg:If only I were a flying bird! =How I wish I were a flying bird! 我要是一只飞鸟该多好!If only I had seen the film!=How I wish I had seen the film!我要是看了那部电影多好!用于表示建议、愿望、命令等动词后的宾语从句中,常见的动词有:demand

25、, order, require, insist, suggest, recommend, urge, propose, advise等。 宾语从句中的虚拟语气结构为:should+动词原形,should可以省略。He suggested that we (should) start off early the next day.他建议我们第二天早点出发。在would rather 后的宾语从句中也用虚拟语气,其结构为:would rather sb. + 过去时would rather sb. + 过去完成时(had done)例:I would rather they didnt hear

26、 of the news. 我宁愿他们听不到那个消息。 I would rather I had not told him the bad news. 我宁愿没告诉他那个坏消息。2). 虚拟语气用于主语从句中 It is desired/suggested/proposed/recommended/necessary/important + that从句, 从句的谓语动词用“should +动词原形”,should 可以省略。例:It is suggested that the meeting (should ) be put off till next week.人们建议会议推迟到下周3).

27、 虚拟语气用于表语从句和同位语从句中。My idea is that we (should) think it over before accepting it.我的观点是在接受它之前要 反复考虑。We all agree to his suggestion that we (should) go to Dalian for sightseeing.我们都同意他让我们去大连旅游的建议。. 虚拟语气在as if/as though 引导的从句中的运用主句和从句的谓语动词 的先后从句的时态同时发生过去时as if引导的从句谓语动作早过去完成时(had + done)as if 从句动作晚过去将来时

28、(would+ do)8. 动词的时态和语态 时态一般现在时.现在的状态 . 经常性或习惯性的动作. 客观真理 .在某些状语从句中用一般现在时代替将来时一般过去时. 过去的动作或状态 . 过去经常性或习惯性动作. 在某些状语从句中用一般过去时代替过去将来时一般将来时. will/ shall do sth. . be going to do . be to do .be about to do过去将来时从过去某个时间看将要发生的动作或存在的状态现在进行时(be doing).说话时正在进行的动作 .特定的安排或计划. 与always 连用表示赞扬、厌烦等语气 过去进行时was/were doi

29、ng. 过去某个时间正在进行的动作或某一阶段内频繁发生的动作 .表示某一动作发生时另一动作正在进行将来进行时will be doing表示某个特定的时间正在进行的活动现在完成时have/has done.表示过去的动作对现在的影响.表示某一动作从过去某一时间开始一直持续到现在.在时间状语从句中,现在完成时可以代替一般一般将来时过去完成时had done.表示“过去的过去” .用于一些固定句型,hardlywhen,no soonerthan.表示未曾实现的希望、打算、诺言等,had hoped/planned现在完成进行时用来表示从过去某一时刻开始一直持续到现在(还要持续下去)的动作,have been doing动词的被动语态各种时态的被动语态典型例句被动语态一般现在时am/is/are doneRice is grown in South China.一般过去时was/were doneThe glass was broken by Tom yesterday.现在进行时Am/is/are being doneThe project is being carried out.过去进行时was/were doneThis road was being built this time yesterday.现在完成时have/has been don

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