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1、状语从句重难点复习性讲练状语从句重难点复习性讲练 一、时间状语从句。引导时间状语从句的连词有:before; after; when; while; as; since; until; till; the week/year; all the time; any/every/each time; the first/last time; by the time; whenever; once(一就); as soon as; the moment/minute/instant/second/time.; immediately/instantly/directly; soon/shortly

2、after;no sooner+过去完成时+than+一般过去时; hardly/scarcely +过去完成时+ when +一般过去时;_(无论什么时候) we met with difficulties, they came to help us. My sister came _(一就) she got my message._(每次) I catch a cold, I have a pain in my back. _(第一次) I climbed onto the wall, I felt nervous.注意:如果把no sooner, hardly, scarcely, ba

3、rely置于句首,主句部分就要倒装,如:She had no sooner heard the news than she fainted. No sooner_.She had hardly heard the news when she fainted. Hardly _.1. as, when, while 的用法与区别:when:表示“当的时候”,从句谓语动词可以是延续性的也可以是瞬时性的,即引导的从句可表示“一段时间”也可表示“一瞬间”。(从属连词)When they arrived, it was already midnight.从句和主句的动作同时发生,但因为从句动作arriv

4、ed是非延续性的,表示的是“一瞬间”,此时不可用while,但可用as替换。_(时间是5点钟) when he left home. (从句和主句的动作同时发生)When the clock struck eleven, _(所有的灯都熄灭了). (从句的动作在主句之前发生)When he ran to the stop, _(公共汽车已经走了). (从句动作在主句动作之后发生)He read a newspaper _(当他在等公共汽车时).从句动作和主句动作同时发生,而且从句动作waiting是延续性的,表示的是“一段时间”,此时可用while替换。、when = and then, 意为

5、“这时. 就在这时.”。(并列连词,连接两个分句)常用句型:was/were about/going to do sth when 2. was/were on the point of doing sth. whenwas/were doing sth. when 4. had just done sth. when was/were+介词短语+when.例如:I_(正准备出去)when a man came to visit me.I was wandering in the street _(这时突然一只狗咬了我一口).I _(刚刚起床) when a man came to visit

6、 meChuck was on a flight across the Pacific Ocean _(这时他的飞机突然失事了).可作“既然”讲,用于引出“使某人的行为看似出乎意料的情景”。It was foolish of you to take a taxi_ (既然你能够很容易地5分钟内走到那里).Why does she always drive to work_ (既然她能够很容易地乘到火车)?可作“如果”讲,用于“作出某事总是正确或属实”的概括。How could you expect to learn something_(如果你上课从来不听课)?We use “an” _(如果

7、下一个单词以元音开头).while、while意思是during the whole of the time that,指在“一段时间”里,所引导的从句中的动词是延续性的,可译为“在.期间, 在.之时”She visited a lot of places_(她呆在美国期间). He fell asleep_ (他在看电视时).、while可用作并列连词,连接两个分句,表鲜明的对比,中文常被翻译为“而;然而”My son likes to watch boxing games_ (而我宁愿听音乐).Some people waste food_ (而别人不够). (朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨)、w

8、hile 可引导让步状语从句, 通常位于句首,意思是“尽管;虽然”。如:_(虽然我同意你的理由) I cant allow it._(虽然他爱学生), he is very strict with、多用于动作发生时间较短时,常有“正当.之时” 之意 She fell of the bus _(她下车时).表“边边”或“随着.”之意时常用as He whistled_ (一边骑车). _(随着时间的推移), he became less active. as还可表 “由于.” ,引导原因状语从句 Im not going out _(由于我有很多事要做). as还可用于倒装句表“

9、虽然;尽管”,引导让步状语从句 _(虽然她很年轻), she is already a professor. _(虽然他是个孩子), he knows a lot.2、since的用法:since表从过去某一时间或动作、事情起到目前为止,“自.以 来”、引导状语从句时,主句用现在完成时或现在完成进行时,从句中用一般过去时。Ive been living here_ (自从我来到北京). _(我给家里写过四次信了) since I came here.、常用句型: it is (has been).+ since +一般过去时It is five years since I began to l

10、earn English.注意: since句型中如果从句谓语是延续性的,则它所表示的时间从该动作或状态结束时算起!翻译下列句子并进行比较:It is 3 years since I smoked( gave up smoking) (自从我戒烟以来) _。It is 3 years since I began to smoke. (自从我开始抽烟以来) _。It is 5 years since he was a soidier. _。It is 5 years since he joined the army. _。I have never seen him since he was il

11、l. 他_我还没见过他。I have never seen him since he fell ill. 他_我还没见过他。.It has been 5 years since he lived here. 到现在为止他_。3、until与till的用法与区别:在句首时多用until.肯定句:用于主句谓语动词为延续性动词时。意为“主句动作延续到从句表示的时间才停止”Lets wait _(直到雨停止).否定句:用于主句谓语动词为非延续性动词时,即 not.until意为“主句动作直到从句表示的时间才开始”She _(才回来) until this morning.、not.until的倒装句和

12、强调句。He didnt stop until he had finished all his work。倒装句: Not until _.强调句: It was _ that _.强调句句式为:It was/is not until that4. before 的用法: before 有时翻译成“才”,“不到就”,“趁还没就”,“还没(来得及)就”. 如:We had sailed four days and four nights _(我们才看到陆地). We hadnt run a mile _(他就感到疲劳了).Please write it down _(趁你还没忘记). _(我还没

13、来得及解释), she had got very angry.另外,注意before的以下句型:It will be +一段时间+ before 要过多久之后才/就It will be half a year before I come back. It wont be long before we meet again.It was +一段时间+ before 过了多久之后才/就It was 3 years before he died.巩固练习:It is five years _ he graduated. It is five years ago _he graduated.It wa

14、s five years _he graduated. It will be five years _he graduates.It was five oclock _ he left home. It was at five oclock _ he left home.We had walked a long way _ we found some water.We had just walked four miles _ it began to rain.二、地点状语从句引导地点状语从句的连词有where, wherever (no matter where) 等,例如:There are

15、 plenty of trees_. 我住的地方树很多。_I will be thinking of you. 不管我在哪里我都会想到你。_, I will be right here waiting for you!不管你去哪里,不管你做什么,我都会在这等着你! Bamboo grows well _(在暖和和潮湿的地方). You may go _(你喜欢的任何地方).有时,- where构成的复合词也可以引导地点状语从句,如:_(他们所到之处), they were kindly received / warmly welcomed. Well go _(党指引我们去的任何地方).三、原

16、因状语从句(1)引导原因状语从句的连词有 because, as, since, now that, seeing (that), considering that, given that ;when(既然).如:Since/ Now that /Seeing he refused to help us, there is no reason why we should now help him.It was foolish of you to take a taxi _ you could easily walk there in five minutes._(考虑到他们是新手), they

17、 are doing quite a good job.(2) because, since, as, for 用法比较:、because: 语气最强,回答why提出的问题,所表示的是直接的因果关系,不能同so连用。Why are you late? Because there is a traffic jam.、 since: “既然.” 表对方已知的事实或理由,常放在句首。Since you havent got enough money with you now, you can come and buy it next time.、as: “由于.” 语气较弱,较口语化,表明显的原因或

18、已知的事实,常放在句首。As he had been ready for the worst, he was not disappointed at the result.、for是一个并列连词,连接的是两个并列的分句,其他三个是引导状语从句的从属连词。 for不能放在句首。It must have rained last night, _(因为地面是湿的).四、条件状语从句 引导条件状语从句的连词有:if, unless (if not), on condition that, given (that), provided/providing (that), suppose/ supposi

19、ng, granted/ granting, assuming; so/as long as, in case(万一); once(一旦);Youll fail the exam unless you study hard.Once environmental damage is done, it takes many years for the ecosystem to recover.注意:有时可以把祈使句作为条件从句,祈使句后面要搭配and/or/otherwise,如: Give him an inch _(他将会) take a mile. (= If you give him an

20、 inch, hell take a mile. )当表示否定的条件时,用连词or 或otherwise, 如:Start at once, or / otherwise _(你会错过火车). (= If you dont start at once, ) (= _ you start at once, youll miss the train.)五、目的、结果状语从句(1)引导目的状语从句的连词有lest, for fear that , in case(注意:后面不能加that); so that(以便), in order that.引导目的状语从句时,从句中常有can, could,

21、may, might, would (2) 引导结果状语从句的连词有:so that(以致); sothat; suchthat其句型为:so + 形容词/副词/分词 + that引导结果状语从句 such + (形容词) + 名词 + that引导结果状语从句注意:如果把so/such 部分放在句首,那么主句要部分倒装。_(这本书如此有趣) that I have read it twice.倒装句:So _(3)such + a/an +形+单可名+ that引导结果状语从句 so +形+ a/ an +单可名+ that引导结果状语从句 Its so _(如此好的天气) that we

22、all want to go outing.= Its such _ that we all want to go outing.注意:只有单数可数名词才有这两种表达方式。复数可数名词和不可数名词则只能用_。(4)如果修饰名词的形容词为many, few, much, little(少的)时,前面则用so,即 so many/ much / few / little +名词比较:so many / few flowers so many people so much / little money such nice flowers such a lot of people such rapid

23、 progressIt is not surprising that _little worms eat _ little grain.填空并变倒装句:1. There were _(如此多的人) in the bus that I could hardly move.2. She put _(那么多的黄油和糖) in the cake that I didnt dare to eat too much.3. Mike is _ an honest worker that we all believe him.=Mike is _ honest a worker that we all bel

24、ieve him.4. It is _ fine weather that we all want to go to the park .5. He earned _little money that he couldnt support his family.六、让步状语从句(1)引导让步状语从句的连词有:though/although/while(虽然;尽管) even if/ even though; as倒装句;疑问词-ever; no matter +疑问词; whether(不管,无论)_ you believe it or not, it is true.(2)whoever, whatever, whichever还可引导名词从句。而no matter who/ what/ which 只能引导让步状语从句He didnt want t

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