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1、高中英语专项练习固定搭配教学提纲高中英语专项练习(固定搭配)英语语法综合测试系列 2011/10/7 (本项语法包括固定搭配)1. I thought he would get _ trouble, and now he is really _ trouble.A. into; in B. into; into C. in; in D. in; into2. He is _ as any of us. A. a good swimmer B. a swimmer as good C. so good a swimmer D. as a good swimmer3. They are nice

2、boys and Im sure youll get on _ them very well.A. by B for C. to D. with4. They came to help us as soon as they got _ their work.A. through B. with C. over D. on5. We must get rid _ flies.A. with B. of C. off D. against6. The French soldiers wanted to help the Swede _ his difficulty.A. out of B. fro

3、m C. for D. out from7. Please help _ some fish.A. you with B. yourself with C. yourself to D. you to8. She _ the place.A. was in trouble to find B. had trouble to find C. troubled in finding D. had trouble in finding9. The Italian boy had no _ the tall tree.A. difficulty in climbing B. difficulties

4、to climb C. difficulties of climbing D. difficult climbing10. Mr Smith often helps me _ my study. A. for B. with C. in D. about11. No one can _ the wheel of history. A. hold up B. get hold of C. hold back D. take hold of12. If anything happens _ the machine, please let us know.A. with B. on C. to D.

5、 at13. _ of danger you must keep calm. A. At time B. At times C. In times D. In time14. Who is _ the children here? A. on charge of B. in charge for C. to charge in D. in charge of15. They started at once in search _ the missing child. A. with B. for C. of D. from16. He stole the money and was put _

6、 .A. at prison B. in prison C. at the prison D. in the prison17. The blind men were dressed _ . A. into a rag B. in rags C. all rags D. with the rags18. He gets up early and reads English aloud. _ he has greatly improved his English.A. On the way B. In this way C. By the means D. In this means19. No

7、w that the fog is clearing, you can see the mountain _ .A. at a distance B. at a distant C. in the distance D. in the distant20. Mr Wang kept trying and his hard work led to success _ .A. at the end B. on end C. in the end D. by the end21. The bat left the birds _ and went over to the beasts. A. in

8、hurry B. hurry up C. in a hurry D. in so hurry22. Well have tea in the garden _ the sitting-room.A. instead B. instead of C. instead in D. instead of in23. Our school is _ English teachers.A. needed B. wanted C. in great needing of D. in great need of24. Hell finish writing the letter _ .A. in no ti

9、me B. at any time C. without any time D. out of time25. His father left home two hours earlier, _ missing the train.A. in fear that B. for fear of C. in fear with D. for fear with26. The Great Wall was built to keep _ the invaders. A. in B. out C. up D. off27. Newspapers keep us _ the world.A. in wi

10、th B. touching with C. in touch with D. in touch to28. Mr Crossett couldnt keep his hands _ shaking.A. out of B. from C. with D. off29. If we can keep _ this speed, well arrive there in two or three hours.A. on B. to C. up D. at 30. Can you see the sign over there which reads: Keep _ the grass?A. on

11、 B. out C. away D. off31. It is very important for you to keep all this _ mind. A. at B. on C. in D. with32. The noisy children were asked to keep _ the library. A. out B. back C. out of D. in33. He ran fast and soon left the other runners _ . A. back B. behind C. away D. far34. Lets help each other

12、 and _ .A. learn each other B. learn from each other C. learn each others D. learn from each others35. The teacher asked us to learn the text _ heart.A. into B. at C. by D. with36. -What a pity! I forgot her telephone number! - Dont worry, you can look it _ in a directory. A. up B. on C. over D. fro

13、m37. The trouble lies _ the engine. A. on B. upon C. in D. to38. Jim was too tired to work. He _ down and soon fell _A. lie; sleep B. lay; asleep C. laid; asleep D. lain; sleep39. The doctor said that she had to _ liquid food for some time.A. live on B. live with C. live in D. live by40. The First W

14、orld is _ two superpowers, the U. S. S. R and the U. S. A.A. made of B. made from C. made up of D. made up from41. Wood can be made _ paper. A. into B. of C. from D. out of42. Im determined to _ the lost time.A. make up B. make up of C. make of D. make up for43. How long _ she _ Robert?A. has; marri

15、ed B. has; married with C. has; been married to D. has; been married with44. Have you made up your_ to give it up? A. thought B. opinion C. idea D. mind45. Make _ that he is at home before you call on him.A. sure B. safe C. certainly D. out46. It doesnt _ if I miss my train, because theres another _

16、 .A. important; lately B. mind; later C. matter ; lately D. matter ; later47. Is this the same _ that one? A. like B. with C. as D. for48. I asked her _ . A. keep a secret B. to keep it a secret C. keep it secret D. do keep it a secret49. Is this seat _ ? A. taken B. used C. owned D. sat50. He seems

17、 to have a lot _. A. worries B. to worry C. to be worried D. to worry about51. Now plastics has taken _ of many natural materials. A. place B. the place C. places D. a place52. The people taught the cruel governor a good _. A. class B. lesson C. beating D. lecture53. They _ their childs rapid progre

18、ss.A. took a pride on B. took pride on C. took a pride in D. took pride in54. Will this be _ ?A. too heavy for you to carry B. too heavy for you to carry itC. so heavy for you to carry D. so heavy for you to carry it55. Miss Chen speaks Japanese so well that people often take her _ a Japanese girl.A

19、. in B. to C. after D. for56. To _ the truth, Ive forgotten all about my promise.A. say B. speak to C. talk D. tell57. They warned her _ the danger when walking in the streets alone at night.A. of B. about C. with D. to58. Wait _, I cant catch up _ you.A. moment; with B. a moment; with C. a minute;

20、of D. a minute; of59. In fact, I would rather leave for Shanghai _ in Beijing.A. by staying B. than stay C. than staying D. to stay60. _ this book?A. How do you think of B. What do you thinkC. How do you think it about D. What do you think of 61. _ the population of the U. S. A.?A. Whats B. How much

21、 in C. How many is D. What number is62. _ is your new friend _ ? A. How; like B. What; as C. What; like D. What; liked63. The pen I _ is made in Shanghai.A. am writing B. write C. write of D. am writing with64. My younger brother is very fond _ stamps.A. to collect B. collecting C. of collecting D.

22、at collecting65. _ Wang Fang met a friend of his.A. On the way to home B. On his home way C. On his way to home D. On his way home66. Its very kind _ invite me. A. from you to B. of you to C. by you to D. with you to67. Let me get a chair for _ . A. your sitting on B. you to sit down C. your sitting

23、 down D. you to sit on68. John has been saving money to buy _ .A. a his own car B. a car of his own C. a car of himself D. a car of himselfs69. She is young for the job, but on the other _ she is well trained.A. way B situation C chance D. hand70. The doctor _ the patient last night. A. operated wit

24、h B. operated at C. operated in D. operated on71. When you do fine, close work, such as reading or drawing, raise your eyes _ and look into the distance.A. once in a while B. once for a while C. once at a while D. once upon a while72. Read the notice and then _ . A. pass it B. pass it on C. pass it

25、by D. pass on it73. We hope that she will _ soon.A. returns back B. reach to home C. reach for D. pull through74. We must show concern _ each other. A. with B. for C. at D. to75. I _ too much reading.A. am tiring B. tired out because of C. am tired out in D. tired myself out with76. I owe _ you _ Im

26、 still alive.A. /; because B. for; for C. it for; that D. it to; that77. That shed protects the animals _ the rain. A. from B. of C. out of D. on78. He patted Tom _ shoulder. A. on his B. in the C. on the D. at the79. Do try and have _ the children. Remember that you were young once.A. patient with

27、B. patient to C. patience with D. patience to80. New ways have been found to prevent the river _ .A. not to be pollute B. against polluting C. from polluting D. from being polluted81. A young man knocked him down and robbed _ .A. his watch B. his watch from him C. him of his watch D. a watch of his8

28、2. Madame Curie _ one of the greatest scientists in the world.A. regarded to B. regarded as C. is regarded as D. is regarded to be83. We went to the airport to see our friend _. A. by B. on C. with D. off84. Try to separate the good apples _ the bad ones.A. with B. out of C. off D. from85. I spend a

29、 lot of time _ my stamps. A. for B. in C. on D. at86. He finally _ the driving test after failing three times.A. succeeded in passing B. succeeded to passC. could pass D. managed passing87. I _ seeing you here in Sanming. I thought you had gone to Shanghai.A. surprised B. surprised at C. was surprised D. was surprised at88. Mathilde went to the palace ball jus

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