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1、写作常用句型与过渡词语写作常用句型与过渡词语 1表示开头的句型with the developmentimprovementrisegrowthrecognitionrealizationacknowledgementof ., welearnknowseefindfeelthat . 例文 With the development of traffic tools, the communication between us becomes more and more frequent. No matter where your friends and relatives live, it i

2、s always very easy to pay a visit to them if you would like. Therefore, when you meet an old friend on a strange street, you may exclaim: Oh, what a small world.With therapidamazingmarkeddevelopmentincreasegrowthexpansionof economy, China has becomeincreasingly prosperous 例文 With the help of the com

3、puter, this project was completed much earlier than planned. With a will of iron and a heart of love, Mother Teresa served the dying and desperate in India and around the world.Some peoplebelievesay maintainadvocateadviseholdthinkclaimthat., whileotherssaybelievemaintainthinkclaimadvocatearguepropos

4、ethat. 例文 Some people say the most important element to success is the luck, while others claim it is hard work. There is no doubt that successful people take advantage of opportunities. But if a man does nothing but wait for the chance to come will achieve anything but success.Now people ingrowingi

5、ncreasingsignificannumbers arebeginningcomingtorealizerecognizeunderstandacceptbe aware that. 例文 Now people in growing numbers are coming to recognize that the business spirit, which carries in its torrential course so many of the talents and energies of men into money - making, has shaped our cultu

6、re and influenced our ideals and aspirations as a people. For some time., it has been. 例文 For some time in the past it has been widely accepted that babiesand other creatureslearn to do things because certain acts lead to rewards: and there is no reason to doubt that this is true. But it used also t

7、o be widely believed that effective reward, at least in the early stages, had to be directly related to such basic physiological(生理)drives as thirst or hunger. In other words, a baby would learn if he got food or drink of some sort of physical comfort, not otherwise.According to recentsurveypoll stu

8、dyreportresearch, there have occurred. 例文 According to a Worldwide Wildlife Fund report, by 1970, only about 4,500 tigers survived throughout the world-half of them in far concernedWhen it comes to.In the case of就来说 例文 In the case of man, the difficulties with the environmental concep

9、t are even more complicated because we have to deal with man as an animal and with man as a bearer of culture.Researchers haveestablishedprovedindicatedshowndeclaredclaimedfoundannouncedmade it knownthat. 例文 Researchers have established that when people are mentally engaged, biochemical changes occu

10、r in the brain that allow it to act more effectively in cognitive areas such as attention and memory. This is true regardless of age.It has beenwell knownbelievedfoundprovedreportedestimateddemandedagreedthat.人们发现,据报道,据估计 例文 It is agreed that they enjoy making noises, and that during the first few m

11、onths one or two noises sort themselves out as particularly indicative of delight, distress, sociability, and so on. But since these cannot be said to show the babys intention to communicate, they can hardly be regarded as early froms of language. It is agreed, too, that from about three months they

12、 play with sounds for enjoyment, and that by six months they are able to add new sounds to their repertoire.A proverb says.As the old Chinese saying goes.Many people often ask this question.As we all know.As far as I know.常言道中国有句古话许多人常提出这个问题据我所知Various views exist as to.It goes without saying.No one

13、 can deny that.There is no doubt that.We must recognize that.What is more serious is that.Others may find this to be true, but I do not. I believe that.关于有许多说法人们都承认毫无疑问我们必须认识到更为严重的是别人也许觉得这个主张是正确的,但我不,我认为We might marvel atIn spite of/despitethegreatgiantextraordinarytremendousprogressstrideadvancemad

14、e inscience and technologynearly every field, but.remainbasically unchangedthe same as it ever they were 例文 We might marvel at the progress made in every field of study, but the methods of testing a persons knowledge and ability remain as primitive as ever they were. It is extraordinary tha

15、t after all these years, educationists have still failed to devise anything more efficient and reliable than examinations. “.”how often we hearwe are used to hearingmany people have heardsuchstatementwordscomplaintas this“.”Thats how onecollege studentofficialhousewifefatherdescribedcommentedcomplai

16、nedcriticized. 例文 All I have learnt in college is junk. - Thats how one college graduate described his frustration in looking for a job. He is hardly alone in the experience. Actually there are thousands of college graduates who complain that the degree they took away cant help them to secure a rewa

17、rding job, and the knowledge they acquired in class cant be transformed into useful job skills.“Whydohave.?”Many people oftenaskposeraisethe question like this 例文 Why does the idea of progress loom so large in the modern world? Many people often ask the question like this. Surely it is because progr

18、ess of a particular kind is actually taking place around us and is becoming more and more manifest. Although mankind has undergone no general improvement in morality, it has made extraordinary progress in knowledge and technology.PerhapsMaybe,we shouldit is time torethinkreexaminehave a fresh look a

19、ttheideavalueattitudewisdomdesirabilityof.One of thebiggest issueshottest topicsmost popular thingsmost serious problemsmany peopletalkcomplainargueabout now is . 例文 One of the most popular topics many city residents talk about now is the tide of the rural poor flooding the cities. They complain tha

20、t the migrants have brought crime and prostitution, that they are putting pressure on population control and social order: that they are threatening to take already scarce city jobs and exacerbating housing shortages; and that they have worsened traffic and sanitation problems. True, these are the p

21、roblems posed by the migration, but what about the contribution the rural workers have made to the citys development and prosperity?One of thesearchingburningpressinginterestingexcitingurgentproblemsquestionsfacingconfrontingournationsocietyworldtoday is . 例文 One of the basic questions facing our so

22、ciety today is: What promise or threat does new technology hold for our global future? Since the decision our society makes about technological development will undoubtedly have tremendous consequences in the years to come it is urgently necessary to explore this question, especially by examining sc

23、ience and technology in their relationship to the development of humanity.There is a public general muchconsiderabledebate discussioncontroversyargumentnowadaystodayat presentconcerningonaboutoveras to the problem of . Those whocriticizeopposeobject to .contendarguesaymaintainthat.Now PerhapsNowaday

24、s, the mostdangerousundesirableharmful.for ournationsocietyworldcollegeis the trendtendencyphenomenonof . which is apparent obviousevidentpervasiverampantunder wayin. 例文 perhaps most dangerous for our nation now is the official corruption which is rampant in nearly every field of our society. Once o

25、ur officials were content with television sets or imported cigarettes as payment for official services, they now demand land rights, stock certificates, and even directly dollars. All reliable datastatistic evidencescientific observationsavailable informationundoubted factspile up to showjustifypoin

26、ts tolend support to thefactviewthat. 例文 All available evidence points to the fact that more and more young people are declaring their allegiance to traditional values. Traditional weddings seem to be making a comeback, for example. But this is only a partial, not a complete, reversal.One mayattribu

27、teascribeowetheincreasedecreasechangeto.These factors, coupled with the growth changerecognitionrealizationoflead tocontribute toresult inhelp.Many VariousSeveralfactorsweighaffectheavilygreatlyfor againstin favor of. 例文 Two factors weigh heavily against the effectiveness of scientific research in i

28、ndustry. One is the general atmosphere of secrecy in which it is carried out, the other the lack of freedom of the individual research worker. In so far as any study is a secret one, it naturally limits all those engaged in carrying it out with effective contact with their fellow scientists.Recently

29、 the rise inphenomenon ofproblem ofquestions of. hasdrawn/arousedcaused/ arousedloomed uppublic/popular/grave/wide/general/considerableworld-wide attention/concern 例文 Recently, the alarm about the problem of the use of genetic technologies on human beings have caused wide public concern, and understandably so. With nuclear energy threatening global ca

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