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1、TeachingPlanofUnit2详解 Teaching Plan of Unit 2 -王亚静Teaching Content: Unit 2 English around the World (NSEFC Book 1) Period 3: learning about languageTeaching Objectives: Knowledge objectives: Be able to understand the meaning of following words, phrase and use them properly. Important words:elevator,

2、 petrol, official, voyage, native, apartment, actually, gradually, identity, fluent, presentImportant phrases:Because of, than ever before, even if,come up, base on, make use of, a large number of, the latter Ability objective:Be able to use the words and phrases to express their meaning in our real

3、 life.Be able to speak them fluently. Emotional objectives: Be able to be interested in English study, and know general knowledge of different kinds of English such as British English and American English.Teaching Important Points: Be able to master the following words and phrases.native, actually,

4、gradually, identity, fluent, presentbecause of, come up, base on, make use of, a large number of, the latter Be able to distinguish the usage of “because” and “because of”.Teaching Difficult Points: Learn to use the words and phrases to communicate with others in our real life.Teaching Aids: 1. A bl

5、ackboard 2. Media player 3. A projector and a computer for multimedia Teaching procedures:Step I Greetings Step II revision Fill in the blanks to review the text. (3 minutes)AD450-1150English was based on _AD800-1150 and settlers enriched the English language. Shakespeare made use of a wider vocabul

6、ary._Some British settlers moved to America.LaterEnglish began to be spoken inThe language was settled.the answers:German By the 1600s Australia In 1620 in the 18th century By the 19th century Danish French Fill in the blanks. Finish the Ex.1 on Page 11 to check how many words have they remembered a

7、fter learning the text. (3 minutes)The answers:1 B 2G 3C 4F 5A 6E 7D 8H Step III learning about language (28 minutes) Activity 1:combined with the contextLet students find the new words in the text and read the sentences. Activity 2: using pictures1. voyageA. Let students find the new words in the t

8、ext and read the sentences.B. Show two pictures of the movie Pirates of the Caribbean. On the picture, students can see both ships and sea .Then let them the meaning of voyage.C. Teach them how to use the words. 注意voyage是可数名词,常和make搭配构成make a voyage to或make voyages to,表 示“航行到”。单数表示一次航行。D. Ask studen

9、ts to make sentences about the pictures with voyage.They went on a long sea voyage. The ship hit huge waves on its voyage. 2. than ever beforeA. Show a picture of bride and say a sentence about it. Then let them guess the meaning of the phrase. The bride looks much prettier than ever before 意为“比以往任何

10、时候更”B. The usage 常与比较级连用 The bride is happier than ever before.3. identitya) Paraphrase the word. personality characterb) Show a picture of the movie MEN TU and ask students to make sentences about the picture with identity. Police are baffled as to the identity of the killer. His identity is still

11、a question mark to most of us. His real identity is policeman. Activity 3: comparative method1. because ofA. let students remind of the usage of becauseB. Compare the usage between because and because ofbecause of / because 辨析:because of “因为,于是介词短语,表示原因,后接名词,代词,动名词或名词性从句。because 是从属连词,引导原因状语从句或表语从句。

12、C. Practice more即学活用:1) He was late _ the heavy rain. 2) He was late _ it rained heavily. 3) He suffered a lot _what he had done.because of because because of2. be different fromA. Let students find the phrase in the text and read the sentences.B. Compare the usage between be different from and be t

13、he same as.Chinese cuisine is very different from European. 中国烹饪与欧洲烹饪有很大区别。His dictionary might be the same as yours.3. the latterA. Let students find the phrase in the text and read the sentences.B. Paraphrase the word. the second of two things or people already mentioned Did he walk or swim? The l

14、atter seems unlikely C. Compare the usage between the latter and the former. the latter 一般与 the former 连用 I prefer the latter picture to the former Of these two men, the former is dead but the latter is still alive.4. such as A. Let students find the phrase in the text and read the sentences.B. Comp

15、are the usage between such as and for example. such as 列举部分 for example 列举一个 (逗号,位置)Some of the European languages come from Latin, such as French, Italian and Spanish. Noise, for example, is a kind of pollution. His spelling is terrible! Look at this, for example.5. even ifA. Let students find the

16、phrase in the text and read the sentences.B. The usageeven if =even though 引导让步状语从句。Ill go there even if it rains tomorrow.6. graduallyA. Let students find the phrase in the text and read the sentences.B. Paraphrase gradually: slowly Nowadays, many old customs are gradually dying out C. Compare the

17、usage between gradually and quickly. Darkness was gradually closing inIt gets cold quickly when the sun goes down Activity 4: analogism and expansion1. Come upA. Let students find the phrase in the text and read the sentences.B. Show two pictures and let them guess the meaning of come up.Picture 1 t

18、he sun rising The sun has come up. Picture 2 the flowers blossoming The grass will come up again in the spring.C. The usagecome up vi. 无被动语态 A.走近,靠近 come up to sb/sth B.(指植物)长出地面 C.(日,月或星星)出现,升起 被提出,被讨论 E.(问题)出现,发生体会下列句中come up 的含义:1) He came up to me and asked if I knew the time. _ 2) A new plan ca

19、me up at the meeting. _ 3) Ill tell you if anything comes up. _come up 上来, 走近; 被提出; (植物)发芽; (太阳)升起come up to sp 上某地来come up with 提出 想出He came up with a good idea in the meeting. The problem came up in the meeting.Pay attention come up 被提出,其主语是被提出的内容,没有被动语态。come up with sth 提出,其主语是提出者,with 后面的宾语才是被提出

20、者。1) The question was never came up. (T or F) The question never came up.2) He _ a new idea at the meeting. (提出)came up withD. 知识链接come across 偶然遇见,碰到 come about vi. 发生come on 加油,快点,得了吧 come out 出来,出版,显露出来E. Practice more His car _B_ the terrible traffic jam, so he had to call off his appointment wi

21、th his doctor. A. came about B. came across C. came up D. come on -How did it _B_ that you made such a silly mistake? -I myself havent figured it out yet. A. bring about B. come about C. come across D. come on Please tell me how the accident _ D_. I am still in the dark. (江西 2005) A.came by B.came u

22、pon C.come to D.came about2. make use ofA. Let students find the phrase in the text and read the sentences.B. The usage make (good/full/no) use of 1) We could make good use of our resources.2) Every minute should be made good use of.3) Good use should be made of every minute.C. Expansion make the mo

23、st ofmake the best oftake advantage ofActivity 5: expansion and Consolidation exercise1. official adj. 官方的,正式的 official language official news n. 政府官员An important official will visit our school. officer n. 军官He is an officer in the army.2. Native A. adj. 本地出生的,本国的。 native land /language/speaker 常用短语

24、 be native to (植物,动物)当地土生的 1) Elephants are to Africa and Asia.2) 香蕉是台湾的特产。Bananas are native to Taiwan B. n.某地出生的人。 of Hes a of American.3. Actually: in fact/as a matter of fact 事实上,实际上 Have any of you actually seen a UFO?4. Present点拨A. present n. un. 现在、当前at present = at the present time for the p

25、resent 目前、暂且 cn. 礼物、礼品= giftpresent adj. 在场的、出席的,通常只用作表语或后置定语,常用于 be present at 意为“参加、出席” 现在的,通常只用作前置定语。 my address.B. at present =at the moment present (adj.) 现在的,目前的,可作前置定语出席的,在场的,可作后置定语the present situation/the people presentbe present at the meeting即景活用1) 现在他正在度假。 He is on holiday at present2) H

26、ere is a present for you.3) The present situation is very good.4) There were 50 students present.5)Thirty guests _ _ _(出席了)the ceremony.5. be based on/upon 以为基础 base sth on sth 以为基础He based his hope on the good news we had yesterday.The movie is based on a novel.6. a number of 大量的(其后谓语动词用复数) A numbe

27、r of people have come. the number of 的数目(其后谓语动词用单数) The number of homeless people has increased. 只要是number后面的名词都是可数复数 只能修饰可数名词的:a large/ great/ good number of, a good/ great many, dozens of, scores of, quite a few 只能修饰不可数名词的:a great deal of, a large amount of, quite a little, a large sum of,much 既可修

28、饰可数也可修饰不可数名词的:plenty of, a lot of, lots of, a large quantity ofStep IV. Review the phrases (3 minutes)A. Fill in the blanks with the following phrases such as; because of; base on; come up; believe it or not; at the end of1. He realized that she was crying _ what he had said.2. _, John has passed th

29、e driving test.3. This book is _ a true story.4. A beggar _ to us and asked for money.5. They had an English exam _ last month.6. Girls _ Ann and Lucy are very friendly.The answers:because of Believe it or not based on came up at the end of such asB. Finish the Ex.2 on Page11 (3 minutes)The answers:Native English speaker actually vocabulary apartment elevator

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