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1、初中名词复数练习题及答案初中名词复数练习题及答案精品文档 初中名词复数练习题及答案 一、可数名词变复数规则变化及发音: 1、绝大多数的可数名词在词尾加上s ; eg:bookbooks;deskdesks;penpens;carcars s遇t读浊辅音ts,遇d读清辅音dzeg:friendfriends; catcats; 2.、以s、x、ch、sh结尾的单词,在该词末尾加上-es;读音规则:读iz; eg:busbuses; boxboxes; watchwatchches; dishdishes 3、以辅音字母+y结尾的名词,要把y变为i,再加-es;读音规则:读z。 eg:flyfli

2、es; babybabies; 元音字母加y结尾的单词直接加s;eg:toytoys;boyboys; 4、以-f或-fe结尾的名词,要将-f或-fe变为-v,再加es;读音规则:读vz; eg:knifeknives;leafleaves; 5、以-o结尾的名词,初级阶段只有三个单词要加-es,其余都加-s;读音规则:读z。 eg:tomatotomatoes西红柿; potatopotatoes土豆; heroheroes英雄; NegroNegroes口诀:“黑人英雄喜欢吃土豆和西红柿”其余eg:zoozoos; 1 / 27 精品文档 hippohippos; 名词变复数不规则变化:

3、1.单词内部发生变化:口诀“oo常常变ee,男人女人a变e” eg:footfeet脚;toothteeth牙齿;manmen男人;womanwomen女人; 2.单复数相同:“羊鱼小鹿无变化,单数复数是一家” eg:sheepsheep绵羊;fishfish鱼;deerdeer鹿; 3.不规则变化:childchildren孩子;mousemice老鼠;GermanGermans德国人; 4“某国人”的复数有三种类型: 口诀“中日不变,英法变,其它S加后边” Chinese, Japanese单数复数同形,不需加s; Englishman, Frenchman, Dutchman复数要把 m

4、an 变为men; 其他各国人以an, -ian收尾的均直接加s。如:Americans, Australians, 5. 单复数相同有:fish, sheep, Chinese, Japanese,police,class,family 6.一般只有复数,没有单数的有:people, shoes, 2 / 27 精品文档 glasses, gloves, shorts clothes, socks 7.代词的复数。It he she I you this that 二.不可数名词: 不可数名词概念:不可以数出数目的名词叫做不可数名词。包括物质名词和抽象名词。 不可数名词特点: 不可数名词没有

5、复数形式,也不能与a, an及数词连用,常作单数看待。 例: waterTheres some water in the bottle. foodMy favourite food is noodles. 不可数名词如表数量,常和a bottle of, a glass of a pieces of 等名词词组连用。如表示复数,只把量词改为复数。 例:a bottle of pop一瓶汽水 , two glasses of orange juice 两杯桔子汁, three cups of tea 三杯茶 ,a piece of paper一张纸 有些物质名词有时可数,有时不可数,要根据上下文

6、决定,其意义也有所不同。 Glass glasses 集体名词看作整体时,谓语用单数; 指成员时,谓语用复数。 3 / 27 精品文档 His family is a large family. His family like animals. 指整体指成员 有的名词单复数意思不同: 例:hair 和fruit 通常作单数,表示总体。 My hair is black. 我的头发是黑色的。 I like fruit .Its good for you.我喜欢水果,水果对你的身体有好处。 但如果表示若干根头发或各种水果,则需用复数形式. Danny has three hairs.丹尼有三根头发

7、。 She likes pears, peaches and other fruits. 他喜欢梨,桃和其它水果。 名词单复数练习 . 写出下列单词的复数形式: fish- boy- watch- knife- leaf- wife- baby- family-man-woman- child- tooth- goose- mouse-sheep-peach-picture- Chinese- he-his- I- this- is- it-that- . 将下列句子改为复数句子: 1. He is looking after the . Its a big heavy box. _ 4 /

8、27 精品文档 3. This picture is _. She is a beautiful 5. Im a good child. _. Thats a delicious . 将下列句子改为单数句子: 1. These are red coats. _2. Theyre my 3. Theyre women workers here. _ . Those are beautiful . 划出下列单词中的不可数名词: meatpop shirtfood knife snow water ice tea orange truck carjamearbread milknoodleseras

9、er clothes 根据括号内的词填空 1. Is this your _ .2. Those are my two _ . 3. Thats my _ . . Theyre his _ . 5. These are my _ . Is she your _ 7. Here is my family _ . . Here are your _ . 9. The _ are on the dresser. 10. The 5 / 27 精品文档 _ over there is my brother. 11. The _ in red are his brothers. 12. Can you

10、bring some _ to school 13. Those are my _ . 14. Lets play _ . 15. Lets play the _ . 16. We have many _ _ . 17. Ed Smith has a great _ . I like playing computer _ . 19. He has tennis _ .20. He has _ and _ . 21. He doesnt play _ .2. Do you like _ 23. Do you like _ 4. He like _ . 25. They have _ for de

11、ssert. She doesnt like _ . 27. I like _ . 8. I like _ . 29. He has some _ of his . For breakfast, she likes _ and _ . 31. For dinner, she has _ .32. Some _ are under the tree. 6 / 27 精品文档 32. Nick doesnt like his _ .3. My _ are all red. 34. This T-shirt is seven _ .5. How much are these _ 36. I need

12、 some _ .7. Do you need _ for _ 39. Anybody can afford our _ .40. My _ are black. 名词单复数中考习题集锦 22. Im so hungry. Please give me _to eat. A. three breadB. three pieces of breadC. three pieces of breads B 考查不可数名词数量的表示。句意为:我非常饿,请给我三片面包吃。Bread 为不可数名词,不能用数词直接来修饰,同时不可数名词没有复数形式,故选B。 29. What can I do for yo

13、u Err, I want a glass of milk, some bread and_. A. some chickens B. any chickens C. some chicken C 考查名词的用法。chicken当鸡肉讲为不可数名词,7 / 27 精品文档 没有复数形式,故答案为C。 本题考查名词的辨析。由下文I like bananas best.可知上句问的是最喜欢吃的水果是什么。故选B。 29. Could you give me some _ on how to learn English _ Sure. Practice makes perfect. A. advic

14、e; good B. suggestions; good C. advice; wellD. suggestion; well C 考查词语的辨析。learn 是动词,后面应当用副词well作状语,可排除A、B;suggestion是可数名词,当前面有some修饰时,应当用复数,可排除D。 51. Just search the internet, you can get almost all the _ you need. A. informations B. information C. pictureD. story B 考查名词。 句意:上网搜一下,你就能得到你需要几乎所有的信息。in

15、formation,信息,不可数名词。故选B。 名词词义辨析。Actor“演员”,scientist“科学家”,artist“画家”,doctor“医生”。根据句意:“一个能用图画描述崇山峻岭、蓝色海洋和其它很多事情的人,8 / 27 精品文档 是画家。”,所以选C。 22. There are some _ on the floor. A. milk B. child C. boxes C 考查名词在语境中的辨析。there are 后应接可数名词复数,milk 是不可数名词,应排除;child 是可数名词单数,也应排除。故应选C。 23. Are there any _in your sc

16、hool Yes, there are. A. GermenB. GermansC. German B 本题考查名词复数形式。由句中be动词are可知此处应名词复数形式,German的复数形式为Germans。故选B。 36. The students didnt find much _ about the topic on that website. A. reportB. article C. information D. story C 考查名词的用法 句意:学生们在网上没有发现有关这个话题的很多信息。Much之后要用不可数名词,只有information是不可数名词。其他的report

17、,article和story都是可数名词。 33.What would you like to drink, girls ,_ please. 9 / 27 精品文档 A. Two glass of water B. Two glass of waters C. Two cups of tea D. Two cups of teas C 考查名词的数 glass和cup是可数名词,两杯应用复数形式,因此A、B错误;tea是不可数 名词,没有复数,故选C。 20. Kate is _ girl. Shes very happy at school. A. a eighteen-year-oldB

18、. an eighteen-year-old C. an eighteen-years-old D. a eighteen-years-old B 考查冠词和数词的用法。在元音音素开头的单词前面用冠词an;在辅音音素开头的单词前面用冠词a;数词和名词用“-”连接,名词用单数。所以选择答案B。 28. Mum, Ive heard that we cant eat _ these days. Is it true Take it easy. It is safe to eat cooked meat. A. chickenB. chickensC. a chicken D. the chicke

19、n A 考查名词的用法。chicken鸡肉,为不可数名词,故不可以加冠词a,后也能加s ,泛指吃鸡肉也不需要加冠词the,所以选择答案 A。 6. I saw some _ and _ dancing in 10 / 27 精品文档 the street the day before yesterday. A. Germen; Englishmen B. Germans; Englishmans C. Germans; Englishmen C 考查名词复数形式。句意:前天我看到一些德国人和英国人在街上跳舞。复数形式:德国人:Germans; 英国人:Englishmen,所以选择答案C。 2

20、2. She is a _ girl with two big eyes. A. six-years-oldB. six-year-oldC. six years old B 考查复合形容词的表达。句意:她是一位有着两只大眼睛的六岁女孩。复合形容词,中间加-连接,名词用单数形式。a six-year-old girl= a girl of six years old。所以选择答案B。 29. Jason likes the_of the cake. It is a heart. A. colorB. sizeC. smellD. shape D 考查名词的用法。color表示颜色,size表示

21、尺寸,smell表示味道,shape表示形状。根据“It is a heart.”的句意“它是一个心。”可知此处说的是蛋糕的形状,故答案应选D。 11 / 27 精品文档 29. Eating more vegetables is good for our health. I often eat lettuce, broccoli and _. A. tomatoB. tomatosC. tomatoes D. potato C 考查名词复数的辨析。看选项可知B项是错误的。tomato西红柿;tomato西红柿,复数;potato土豆。A项和D项都为单数,如果A可以,那么D项也可以。所以选择答

22、案C。 21. The _ often eat grass on the hill. A. chicken B. horse C. cowD. sheep D 选D。此题考查名词的可数与不可数。Chicken,horse和cow的复数形式应该加s,而sheep的单复数形式相同,同时动词eat说明应该填复数形式,由此选D。 全国各地中考英语真题分类汇编名词 34. “What do we need for the salad” “We need two apples and three _.” A. orange B. tomatoes C. broccoli B 考查名词的用法。orange意

23、为“橘子”,是可数名词;tomato意为“西红柿”,是可数名词;broccoli意为“西兰花”,是不可数名词。根据句意:你们的沙拉还需要些什12 / 27 精品文档 么,我们需要两个苹果和三个西红柿。故选B. 28. I have _ in learning English and Im so worried. Could you help me with it Sure, Id love to. A. joy B. interestC. trouble D. fun C考查名词的辨析。joy“快乐”;interest“兴趣”;trouble“困难”;fun“有趣”。根据“我很担心”以及“你可

24、以帮助我吗”可知此处表示“我英语学习有困难”,故选C。 students of Grade visited Mikes farm and saw many_ there. A. bird B. duck C. sheep D. Rabbit C 根据many可以知道后面为名词的复数形式,C为集合名词单复数同形 32. The Internet is very useful. We can get a lot of _ from it. A. thingB. message C. informationsD. information D 根据句意从CD中选择,而information为不可数名词

25、。 36. What is your favorite food I like _ best. I had a large bowl last 13 / 27 精品文档 night. A. potato noodle B. potatoes noodles C. potato noodles D. potatoes noodles C Potato做定语,复数形式在noodle后面变化。 12. Could you please give some _ to the _ teachers A(advice; man B(advices; menC(suggestion; man D(sugge

26、stions; men D . Zhang was sent to teach English in a poor mountain village last year. She said she would never forget some pleasant _while working there. A. experiments B. expressions C. experiences D. emotions C 体验为可数名词,其余为不可数名词 11. I like _best of all the vegetables. A. potatoesB. tomatoC. breadsD

27、. rice A. 考查名词。D是“米饭”,而不是“蔬菜”;C答案是“面包”,不可数名词;B答案是单数形式;因此选择A答案。 28. Whats your favorite fruit 14 / 27 精品文档 I like _ best. A. apples B. broccoli C. potatoes D. cabbages 28. A考查名词辨析。apple“苹果”; broccoli“花椰菜”; potato“土豆”; cabbage “卷心菜”。问句提问的是最喜欢的水果。只有apple属于水果。故选A。 47. Mum, 1 am hungry. May 1 have some_

28、Of course. But dont eat too much. A. bread B. noodle C. dumpling D. hamburger 考查名词辨析。bread“面包”;noodle“面条”;dumpling“水饺”;hamburger“汉堡”由下文的too much,修饰不可数名词,可知空格处也须用不可数名词。故选A。解答此题的关键在于too much,由too much可推测上文空格处的词性。 26. Would you like some _ Yes, a little please. A. apple B. banana C. orange D. milk D 由下

29、文的a little可知此处为不可数名词。 24. Im going to the supermarket to buy some _ this afternoon. A. paper and pencil B. apples and bananas C. milk and eggs D. bowl and spoons C 15 / 27 精品文档 24. Miss Li, could you give me _on English learning Certainly. First you should speak English every day. A. any advices B. many advices C. some advice C 名词的数 一

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