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1 unit1A.docx

1、1 unit1A课题Unit1 (1)课型New授课时间Sep.2年级科九年级英语主备课人高树香复备课人赵秋莲学习目标知识目标:掌握 flashcard, take notes等词汇,How do you study for a test? Why dont you? What about ? By +ving等语言结构。能力目标:学会谈论学习方法。 情感目标:客观评价学习方法;能针对学习中的困难,给别人提建议。 教学重点How do you study for a test? Why dont you? What about ? By +ving等语言结构。学习过程【温故知新创设情境】 We

2、 have been studying English for a long time, are you good at learning English? How can we improve our English? Please give us some good advice on how to learn English well. _【自主学习展现自我】采访:How do you want to learn English?至少五句。I want to study by working with a group, I also want to study by asking tea

3、chers for help. My good friend Li Lei wants._【教师点拨释疑】1) how 问方式,how often; how soon; how far; how much; how many意义各不相同。2) by在本课中是通过方式,后面要接动词ing形式。3) what/how about 问怎么样?后街名词,代词,动词ing形式。4) It +be +adj.+to do sth.5) Tooto 结构【合作探究,共同提高】1)how often; how soon; how far; how much; how many的意义,请举例说明_2)现在完成时

4、:意义;谓语动词;注意问题_【达标检测】一、用所给词的适当形式填空: 1Mary learns English by _ (watch) English-language videos. 2 What about _(listen) to tapes? 3_you _(learn) English by reading aloud? 4Lucy spoke too _ ( quick) and I couldnt follow her. 5Have you _(study) with a group?二、句型改写:1. I study English by asking teachers fo

5、r help. (对划线部分提问)_ _you _ English?2. Its too hard to understand the voices. (同意句改写) The voices are _ hard _ I cant understand.3. I read aloud to practice pronunciation. (用 my brother 做主语改写)My brother _ aloud _ _pronunciation. 4. I bought my car two years ago. (同意句改写) I _ _ my car for two years.5.翻译:

6、你曾经在小组里学习过吗?是的,用那种方式我学到了很多._学习总结:_课题Unit1 (2)课型New授课时间Sep.2年级科九年级英语主备课人高树香复备课人赵秋莲学习目标知识目标:掌握 flashcard, take notes等词汇,How do you study for a test? Why dont you? What about ? By +ving等语言结构。能力目标:学会谈论学习方法。 情感目标:客观评价学习方法;能针对学习中的困难,给别人提建议。 教学重点How do you study for a test? Why dont you? What about ? By +v

7、ing等语言结构。学习过程【温故知新创设情境】 A 翻译并默写下列短语1 发这个单词的音 2 拼读英语单词3 听懂口语 4 在语法上犯错5 怎样使用逗号 6 使得发音正确7 得到很多写作练习 8 首先9 开始 10 害怕在课堂上说11 嘲笑某人 12 做完整的句子13 秘密之一 14一个好的语言学习者15 做很多语法笔记 16 自己编写句子17 做。有困难 17 决定做某事B、翻译并背诵句子。1 我没有同伴练习英语。2 对我来说不容易去理解老师。3 如果你不理解每一个单词也没关系。4 做很多听力练习是成为一个好的语言学习者秘密之一。【自主学习展现自我】采访:How do you want to

8、 learn English?至少五句。I want to study by working with a group, I also want to study by asking teachers for help. My good friend Li Lei wants._【教师点拨释疑】知识快递:1、“三变得”become.get,turn是系词,后边要接上形容词做表语。2 another 是“另一。”,后边名词要用单数。3 sound”听起来”,smell“闻起来”,feel“感觉上去”,taste“尝起来”look“看起来”,后边接形容词做表语。_【达标检测】根据首字母完成单词1.

9、 We should read English a_ in the morning .2. They think they learn English by u_ English .3. He thinks studying grammar is a great w_ to learn a language .4. If you join the English club , you can get lots of p_ .5. Our football team won the prize . We were very e_ .6. He failed in the exam, becaus

10、e he made many m_ .7. I couldnt understand every word , because she spoke too q_ .8. Im going to work harder this t_ .9. She has trouble m_ complete sentences .10. Most people speak English a_ a second language .11. He finds watching movies _(失望)because the people speak too quickly .12. He thinks st

11、udying grammar is _ (学语言最好的方式).13.She likes to watch English movies because she can_(看到演员们说)3. I read aloud to practice pronunciation. (用 my brother 做主语改写)My brother _ aloud _ _pronunciation. 4. I bought my car two years ago. (同意句改写) I _ _ my car for two years.5.翻译:你曾经在小组里学习过吗?是的,用那种方式我学到了很多._学习总结:_

12、课 题Unit1课 型Revision备课时间Jan.6, 2010年级科Grade 9主备审议学习目标知识目标:by+Ving 能力目标:Talk about how to learn.情感态度价值观:Be interested in learning English. 教学重点Learn how to learn课前准备A media学 习 过 程Learn by yourself and show us:记住下列词组根本不 结束 犯错 以后 害怕去做 嘲笑 查阅 做记录/做笔记 组成 处理 对某人生气 过去/流逝 尽力做 突然中止 在某人的帮助下 把变成. 把和进行比较 学习做某事 做得

13、最好方式 处理;应付 将视为 决定(不)做某事 抱怨 练习做某事 做某事有困难 足够有趣重点句子 1我通过和小组一起来学习。 2理解这些声音太难了 3他学习英语已六年,他真的很喜欢它。4大声读练习发音怎么样?5. 它不是个问题,是个挑战喜欢面对它。8.如果你不会品写生词,查字典。6作为年轻的成年人在我们老师的帮助下,尽我们最大努力处理我们教育中的每一个挑战是我们的职责。7为什么不加入英语俱乐部练习说英语呢?(同义句)Discuss in groups:1.tooto/sothat/notenough 2.回顾现在完成3.提建议的方式 4.动名词(to do不定式)作主语、表语5.疑问词+to

14、do不定式 7.enjoy/practice/have trouble doing 8. 感官系动词6.find+adj/find it +adj +to do 9.unless/if 10.instead/instead of11.Its +adj/n. for/of sb to doA test in class中考连接1.Oh,Mary is not here these days,Is she ill?_.Her mother to1d me that she was in hospitalA.I am afraid so BI hope not C.I dont mind DI do

15、nt think s (2007年扬州) 2.-l dont know _ to do with this maths problemIts too hard -You can ask your cIassmates or teachers for heIpAwhich Bhow Cwhat Dwhen 3.Ba Jin,one of the greatest writers in China_ as“Peoples Writer Ais regarded Bhas regarded Cis regarding Dregards (2007年安徽)4.(2007年威海)Will you ple

16、ase speak_? Im afraid I cant follow you Aloudly Bpleasantly Cslowly Deasily5.(2007年河北)Dont be afraid of making mistakes in classYou wont be _ (嘲笑)6.(2009山东)Lin Lin often practice English _chatting with her American friend.Awith Bin Cof Dby7You will be late_ _you hurry up. Aafter Bwhen Cunless Dif课题U

17、nit2 (1)课型New授课时间Sep.2年级科九年级英语主备课人高树香复备课人赵秋莲学习目标知识目标:掌握A部分词汇、语言结构。能力目标:学会谈论过去的事情。 情感目标:客观评价自己的变化。 教学重点Used to语言结构。学习过程【自主预习】一、 短语大荟萃。过去经常 非常害怕的 入睡 最后(3种) 作决定 卷发/直发 即使尽管 对.注意 放弃 对感兴趣 在游泳队 亮着卧室的灯 1我过去害怕黑夜。2 Tom 过去有红色的卷发,不是吗?3 他对弹钢琴感兴趣并在游泳队。4 我亮着卧室的灯睡觉。5 难道你不记得我了吗?【教师点拨释疑】1. used to / be used to 用法,以及否

18、定句、一般疑问句、反意疑问句的转化。 2. 反意疑问句的转化和回答。3. 球类前,乐器前冠词的运用。【达标检测】( ) 1. Uncle Li stopped _ the bicycle when he heard someone knocking at the door. A. to mend B. mending C. mend D. mended( ) 2. This kind of cake smells _, tastes_. A. well, badly B. good, badly C. well, bad D. good, bad( ) 3. Mario used to _ i

19、n the morning. A. practice swimming B. practicing swimmingC. practice swim ( ) 4. Guo Jingjing is _ the national swim team. A. on B. to C. in D. Both A and C( ) 5. The movie is so _ that I am very _ in it. A. interesting, interesting B. interested, interestedC. interesting, interested ( ) 6. Li Tie

20、plays _ soccer in England. A. a B. an C. the D. /( ) 7. Xiao Ming plays _ piano in his free time. A. a B. an C. the D. /课题Unit2 (2)课型New授课时间Sep.2年级科九年级英语主备课人高树香复备课人赵秋莲学习目标知识目标:掌握 1.Talk about what you used to be like .2. What did you use to do ?能力目标:学会谈论过去的事。 情感目标: 教学重点Used to 学习过程【预习】 1讨厌体育课 _2担心 _

21、3一直 _4嚼口香糖 _5步行去上学 _6放学后 _ 7在学校足球队_8不得不 _单三_1. 和聊天 _如此多时间 _3我的日常生活_4. 整天 _5直接回家 _6在方面花费时间(金钱)_7. 几乎不 _8不再 _9看连环漫画书 _10在过去的几年里 _.Sentences: (Translate and remember)1.我过去不喜欢考试。 _2.我们过去常常步行上学。 _3.我过去讨厌上体育课。 _4我过去是足球队员。 _5我不担心考试。 _6我们不得不乘公共汽车去上学。_7I used to _(嚼口香糖) a lot.8._your food well before you swa

22、llow it .食物要先嚼再咽。9.我最大难题是我太忙了 。 _10. 当我小时候我常常有大量的时间。 _11.如今我很早就起床,并整天呆在学校。 _12.在上中学前,我常常花大量的时间与朋友一起做游戏,但现在我再也没那个时间了。 _ 13.然后我就直接回家。 _14.在过去几年里,我的生活发生了很大变化。_15.我真的怀念过去的那些日子。 _【主动探究 拓展延伸】Task 1 按要求完成:1.We used to walk to school.(同义句) _2.I dont worry about tests. (同义句) I _ _ _ _tests.3.I used to like tests. 变否定

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