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本文(北师大版高中英语一轮复习讲练精品Part I 学案+作业 Unit 20New Frontiers作业.docx)为本站会员(b****0)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

北师大版高中英语一轮复习讲练精品Part I 学案+作业 Unit 20New Frontiers作业.docx

1、北师大版高中英语一轮复习讲练精品Part I 学案+作业 Unit 20 New Frontiers作业.完形填空(2010杭州高级中学高三二模) The simplest way to say it is this: I believe in my mother. My _1_ began when I was just a kid. I _2_ becoming a doctor. My mother was a domestic. Through her work, she observed that _3_ people spent a lot more time reading th

2、an they _4_ watching television. She announced that my brother and I _5_ watch two to three preselected TV programs during the week. Within our free time, we had to read two books each from the Detroit Public Library and _6_ her written book reports. She would mark them up with check marks and highl

3、ights. Years later we realized her marks were a _7_. My mother was illiterate. When I entered high school I was a(n) _8_,but not for long. I wanted the fancy clothes. I wanted to _9_ the guys. I went from being an Astudent to a Bstudent to a Cstudent. One night my mother came home from _10_ her vari

4、ous jobs and I complained about not having enough Italian knit shirts. She said, “Okay, Ill give you all the money I makethis week scrubbing floors and cleaning bathrooms, and you can buy _11_ food and pay the bills.” With everything _12_, you can have all the Italian knit shirts you want. I was ver

5、y _13_ with that arrangement but once I got through allocating (购买的) money, there was _14_ left. I realized my mother was a financial genius to be able to _15_ our heads and any kind of food on the table, _16_ buy clothes. I also realized that immediate satisfaction wasnt going to get me anywhere. S

6、uccess required intellectual preparation. I went back to my _17_ and became an Astudent again, and eventually I _18_ my dream and I became a doctor. My story is really my mothers storya woman with _19_ formal education or property who used her position as a parent to change the lives of many people

7、around the globe. There is no job _20_ than parenting. This is what I believe in.1A.belief BworkCeducation Dpromise【答案与解析】A由首段第1句“I believe in my mother”及末段最后一句“This is what I believe in”可知本文讲述的是“我”对母亲的“信仰”。2A.majored in Bgot used to Cdreamed of Dgot tired of【答案与解析】C由倒数第2段“and eventually I _18_ my d

8、ream and I became a doctor”可知“我”自小就“梦想”成为一名医生。3A.lazy Beasygoing Csuccessful Dreliable【答案与解析】C由下文“Success required intellectual preparation”可推知此题选C项。句意为“通过工作,她注意到,成功人士花更多时间在看书上,而不是看电视”。4A.spent Bpaid Ctook Ddid【答案与解析】D此处为避免重复累赘,用did指代前文的“spent a lot more time”。5A.could only Bcould not Cmust not Dsho

9、uld often【答案与解析】A句意为“她宣布,我们兄弟俩每周只能看两到三个(由她)预选好的电视节目”。could only“只能”,符合语境和逻辑。 to Bpresent to Cteach Dexplain to【答案与解析】B由后文“mark them up with check marks and highlights”可知“我们”交给母亲的是书面的读书报告,据此可排除其他选项。present sth to sb“把某物交给某人”,此句中宾语后移。7A.joke Bmeans Ctool Dtrick【答案与解析】D由后文“My mother was illitera

10、te”可知母亲目不识丁,“我们”后来才意识到那些标记原是个“骗局”。8A.Astudent BBstudent CCstudent DDstudent【答案与解析】A由后文“I went from being an Astudent to a Bstudent to a Cstudent”及“became an Astudent again”可知“我”入学时是个优生。 9A.get rid of Bhang out with Cbreak away from Dkeep in touch with【答案与解析】B由but转折可知,后来“我”“堕落”了,喜欢上了高档衣服和跟其他人出去鬼混。han

11、g out“外出闲荡”,符合此处语境。10A.making Bstopping Cworking Dgetting【答案与解析】C题意:一天晚上母亲“做”完了她繁杂的工作回到家里。work“做;工作”,可用作及物动词,符合语境。其他选项与job搭配不当。11A.your brother Byourself Cyour sister Dthe family【答案与解析】D由“Ill give you all the money I make this week scrubbing floors and cleaning bathrooms”可推知,母亲把她这个星期擦地板和洗厕所赚的所有的钱都给“

12、我”,当然是要“我”为“全家”买食物和付账了。12A.left over Bpaid up Cused up Dcarried out【答案与解析】A由后文“there was _ left”可知,母亲想把买食物和付账“剩下的”全部的钱都给“我”。13A.angry Bpleased Cdisappointed Dbored【答案与解析】B由后文“but once I got through allocating money”可推知,作者开始听到这个消息,自然“喜出望外”。其他三项均表示消极、失望的情绪,不合语境,可排除。14A.anything Beverything Csomething

13、Dnothing【答案与解析】D由上文“With everything _”可知,本来是剩下的全部都归“我”,可是一旦我支配完钱(在买食物和付其他账)后,“什么”也没剩下。前后对比明显,故用nothing。15A.put an idea into Bgive an impression on Ckeep a roof over Dhave eyes in the back of【答案与解析】C此处题意为“我意识到母亲是位能为我们提供栖身之所和桌上之食的理财天才”。keep a roof over ones head“为某人提供栖身之所”。16A.let alone Blet out Clet

14、in Dleave alone【答案与解析】A题意:母亲是位能为“我们”提供食宿的理财能手,“更不用说”买衣服了。let alone“更不用说”,符合句意。leave out“删除”;let in“允许进入;放进来”;leave alone“不打扰;听其自然”。17A.guys Bmother Cstudies Dplay【答案与解析】C此事过后,作者经过反思,把心思重新收回到“学业”上来。由后文“became an Astudent again, and eventually I my dream”可推知。18A.made Bfulfilled Cchanged Dtried【答案与解析】B

15、由后文“and I became a doctor”可知作者“实现”了儿时的梦想。fulfill“实现”。19A.little Bmuch Cfew Dhigh【答案与解析】A由第2段最后一句“My mother was illiterate”可知母亲未接受任何正规教育。little“几乎不”,修饰不可数名词。few用于修饰可数名词。20A.more interesting Bless important Cmore important Dless interesting【答案与解析】C由上文“who used her position as a parent to change the li

16、ves of many people around the globe”可知“世界上没有比为人父母更伟大和重要的工作了”。.单项填空1If the young trees _, it would not die now.Ahave been wateredBwas watered Cwould be watered Dhad been watered【答案与解析】D条件从句表示与过去事实相反,故用过去完成时。2It is hard for me to imagine what I would be doing today if I _ in love, at the age of seven,

17、 with the Melinda Cox Library in my hometown.Awould not have fallen Bhad not fallenCshould fall Dwere to fall【答案与解析】B根据“at the age of seven”可知条件从句表示与过去事实相反,故用过去进时表示对过去事情的虚拟。 3She as well as the two guides _ the idea of climbing the mountain in such bad weather.Aopposed to Bobjected toCare opposed to

18、 Dapproved【答案与解析】B“反对某人/事”可用oppose sb / sth或be opposed to sb / sth,as well as连接并列主语时,谓语动词的单复数要根据as well as前的主语来确定;approve当“同意”讲时,是不及物动词,与介词of连用;object to“反对”,符合题意。4Ten years ago,John and Tom_ at the entrance to this restaurant;John went to the west to_ his fortune while Tom stayed.Aparted; seek Bsep

19、arated; huntCdeparted; seek Ddivided; found out【答案与解析】A考查动词词义辨析。题意:十年前,约翰和汤姆在这个饭店入口处分手;约翰去西部寻找发财的机会,而汤姆留了下来。part“分手”;separate“分离”;depart“启程”;divide“分开”,表示一个整体分成几份;“寻找发财的机会”为seek ones fortune。5He is an independent person. He always_ any offer of help.Adeclines Bdenies Cturns away Dturn in【答案与解析】A由句中i

20、ndependent“独立的;不依赖别人的”可知,空格处想表达“拒绝”的意思。decline“委婉地拒绝”,符合题意。deny“否认”;turn away“拒绝帮助(别人)”;均与题意不符。turn in“上交”。6This accident_ by driving beyond speed limit.Ais believed to cause Bis believed to have been causedCbelieved that it was caused Dis believed to have caused【答案与解析】B题意:人们认为这场车祸是由于超速行驶导致的。be beli

21、eved to do“被认为”,这里由于车祸已发生,故应用不定式的完成时,且accident与cause之间为被动关系,故选B项。7I would have gone to America with my friends, but I _ by my mother.Awas stopped Bstopped Cstop Dwould stop【答案与解析】A题意:我本打算和朋友去美国,但是被我母亲阻止了。be stopped by sb“被某人阻止”。8Would you please _ the paper for me and see if there are any obvious mi

22、stakes? Alook around Blook into Clook up Dlook through 【答案与解析】Dlook around “环顾四周”;look into“深入调查”;look up“拜访某人;查阅”;look through“浏览;审阅”。9_ to give up smoking, he threw away his _ cigarettes.ADetermined; remained BDetermined; remainingCDetermining; remained DDetermining; remaining【答案与解析】Bbe determined

23、 to do sth“下定决心做某事”。remaining“剩余的”,通常作前置定语。10The popularity of the plant lies in its good _ to the environment.Aadaptation Badjustment Cadoption Dindependence【答案与解析】A题意:这种植物很普遍,这在于它对环境的良好的适应性。adaptation“适应”,符合题意。 .阅读理解(2010 天津) In the kitchen of my mothers house there has always been a wooden stand

24、(木架) with a small notepad (记事本) and a hole for a pencil. Im looking for paper on which to note down the name of a book I am recommending to my mother. Over forty years since my earliest memories of the kitchen pad and pencil, five houses later, the current paper and pencil look the same as they alwa

25、ys did. Surely it cant be the same pencil! The pad is more modern, but the wooden stand is definitely the original one. “Im just amazed you still have the same stand for holding the pad and pencil after all these years.” I say to her, walking back into the livingroom with a sheet of paper and the pe

26、ncil. “You still use a pencil. Cant you afford a pen?”My mother replies a little sharply. “It works perfectly well. Ive always kept the stand in the kitchen. I never knew when I might want to note down an idea, and I was always in the kitchen in these days.”Immediately I can picture her, hair wild,

27、blue housecoat covered in flour, a wooden spoon in one hand, the pencil in the other, her mouth moving silently. My mother smiles and says, “One day I was cooking and watching baby Pauline, and I had a brilliant thought, but the stand was empty. One of the children must have taken the paper. So I ju

28、st picked up the breadboard and wrote it all down on the back. It turned out to be a real breakthrough for solving the mathematical problem I was working on.” This storywhich happened before I was bornreminds me how extraordinary my mother was, and is also a gifted mathematician. I feel embarrassed

29、that I complain about not having enough childfree time to work. Later, when my mother is in the bathroom, I go into her kitchen and turn over the breadboards. Sure enough, on the back of the smallest one, are some penciled marks I recognize as mathematics. Those symbols have traveled unaffected thro

30、ugh fifty years, rooted in the soil of a cheap wooden breadboard, invisible (看不到的) exhibits at every meal. 1Why has the authors mother always kept the notepad and pencil in the kitchen?ATo leave messages. BTo list her everyday tasks. CTo note down maths problems. DTo write down a flash of inspiration. 【答案与解析】D细节题。从“I never knew when I might want to note down an idea” 到下一段的 “and I had a brilliant thought, but the stand was empty” 可知正确答案。2What is the authors original opinion about the wooden stand?AIt has great value for the family. BIt needs to be replac

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