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1、人体工程学与空间展示之间的联系 人体工程学与空间展示之间的联系人体工程学是利用人体科学的理论、方法与生产技术相结合,并将其成果直接服务于生产或生活实际的一门应用科学,是研究人与环境关系的科学。人体工程学(human engineering)也称为人机工程学、人因工学、工效学,它是20世纪初在欧、美形成并发展起来的一门学科。随着人类社会的不断发展和人类生活水平的不断提高,人体工程学在各学科、各领域中也越来越广泛地被应用。特别是近些年来,随着对外交流的不断加强,人体工程学在环境艺术设计中的应用越来越多地受到人们的重视,应用也更加广泛。特别是在一些展示空间中的应用对于设计造物活动的完善起到了不可忽视

2、的重要作用。Human engineering (engineering), also referred to as ergonomics, for engineering, ergonomics, it is the beginning of the 20th century in Europe, America and developed a discipline. Human body engineering is the use of human scientific theory, method and production technology, and the results o

3、f direct services in the production or life is actually an applied science, is the science of human and environment relationship. With the continuous development of human society and human life level unceasing enhancement, in the human body engineering disciplines and is becoming more and more widel

4、y used in various fields. , especially in recent years, along with the foreign exchange and strengthen the human body engineering application in the environmental art design thought highly of by people more and more, and more widely applied. Especially in the application of some exhibition space for

5、 the perfection of design creation activities play an important role which cannot be ignored. 一、展示空间及其相关概念A, exhibition space and its related concepts 空间一词,前人对它的定义颇多,而从建筑学的角度来讲是一个相对的概念。它是相对于建筑中的实体部分而言的,即“空的部分”。空间及其围护物之间这种对立统一的辩证关系也就是所谓的虚实关系。由此可以得知,空间的效用与建筑实体之间是一种相辅相成的关系,要想充分实现空间的效用就必须同时考虑建筑空间的容积和建筑空

6、间的形态。展示空间是环境的一个组成部分,展示空间形态的生成与主题创意的表达也是通过空间的基本形态来反映的。展示空间不仅是个叙事的空间,还是一个人物互动和情感交流的空间。信息的传递,情感的交流都是通过展示形态的属性和特有的功能来实现的。一个好的展示空间可以通过空间造型形式、形状、光影、色彩等创造出不同的主题概念。The word space predecessors, definition of it, but from an architectural perspective is a relative concept. It is relative to the real part of t

7、he building, or part of the empty. Space and the unity of opposites of dialectical relationship between encroachment is false or true relationship. Can learn from this, the utility and construction of space is a kind of mutually reinforcing relationship between entities, in order to fully realize sp

8、ace utility must also consider the volume of building space and building space form. Exhibition space is a part of the environment, the generation and theme of the exhibition space form of creative expression is also through the space to reflect the basic form. Exhibition space is not only a narrati

9、ve space, or a space character interaction and emotional communication. Information transmission, the emotional communication is by showing form properties and special functions. A good display space through space shape form, shape, light, color, etc. Create a different theme concepts. 二、人体工程学在展示空间中

10、的应用Second, the human body engineering application in the exhibition space 在生活与工作环境的艺术设计及展示艺术设计领域,都会提到人体工程学问题。设计师必须妥善地解决和处理人体工程学问题,才能处理好人与展示空间及展品的和谐关系,使信息得到很好的沟通,人得到更多的精神享受和心理的满足。In life and work environment art design and display art design field, will be referred to the human body engineering probl

11、ems. Designers must properly solve the problem and deal with human body engineering, in order to deal with the good and harmonious relation of display space and the exhibits, make information to obtain the very good communication, people get more spiritual enjoyment and mental satisfaction. 1.展示空间中人

12、的观展行为习性1. Visitor behavior habits of the exhibition space 环境的刺激会引起人的生理和心理效应,而这种人体效应会以外在行为表现出来,我们称这种行为表现为环境行为。人类的环境行为是由于客观环境的刺激作用,或是由于自身的生理和心理需求所产生的。海吉布人类具有许多适应环境的本能行为,它们是在长期的人类活动中,由于环境与人类的交互作用而形成的,这种本能称为人的行为习性。而在展示空间的规划与设计中要充分考虑行为习性。Environmental stimulation can cause the physiological and psycholog

13、ical effect of people, and outside the body effect will be performance in behavior, we call this kind of behavior environment behavior. The human environmental behavior is due to the effect of stimulation of the objective environment, or because of their physiological and psychological needs. Humans

14、 have many instinctive behavior to adapt to the environment, they are in long-term human activities, due to the interaction of environmental and human form, and by the instinct which called peoples behavior habits. In the exhibition space in the planning and design should fully consider behavior hab

15、its. (1)求知性(1) the intellectual 求知性是观众的主要行为动机之一。展品的选择和介绍上要能给予观众知识,因此所展物品必须是观众所不熟悉的。Intellectual is one of the main motivation of the audience. Exhibits on the selection and introduction of knowledge wants to be able to give the audience, so all items must be audience is not familiar with. (2)猎奇性(2)

16、making sex 猎奇性是人的行为本性,因此在该展示空间中要求展品新奇、有特色,给观众新奇感,能吸引住观众。Sex is the behavior of people to see nature, therefore request exhibits in the exhibition space novel, distinctive, novelty to the audience, can attract live audience. (3)渐进性(3) progressive 人对知识的追求是一个渐进的过程,这要求展品选择有一个完善的内容,并按一定的秩序分区展示。People pur

17、suit of knowledge is a gradual process, which requires exhibits choose to have a perfect content, and partition display according to certain order. (4)抄近路(4) cut corners 为了达到预定的目的地,人们总是趋向于选择最短路径,这是因为人类具有抄近路的行为习性。因此在展示空间的规划与布局过程中要充分考虑到参展观众的这一习性。In order to achieve predetermined destination, people al

18、ways tend to choose the shortest path, this is because human behaviour has cut corners. So in the process of exhibition space planning and layout to fully consider the audience of this habit. (5)向左拐和向右看(5) on the left and look to the right 多数观众进入展厅以后,习惯向左拐,特别是人多拥挤时更加表现出这一特性。此外,人习惯从左向右,从上至下观看(文字等)。因此

19、展览路线要从左开始,序言最好设在入口左侧,展览从左至右布置。Turn left after entering the hall, most of the audience habits, especially when more people crowded more shows this feature. In addition, the person habit from left to right, from top to bottom (text, etc.). Preface so exhibition route must start from left, is located i

20、n the entrance to the left, the best display from left to right. (6)向光性Phototropism (6) 人的向光性要求在展厅设计的时候为了避免眩光问题的出现,要提高展品的亮度,一般情况下陈列背景不能太亮。因此展厅最好采用高侧光或顶光,照度不够时可加局部照明,一定要避免展厅环境照度过高而影响展示效果,并且绝度不能在观展视野中出现炫目现象。Phototropism requirements in the exhibition hall design in order to avoid glare problems, to im

21、prove the brightness of the display, typically display background cant be too bright. So best exhibition hall adopts high side or top light, intensity of illumination is not enough to add local lighting, must avoid exhibits high intensity of illumination and environment effect, and absolutely can no

22、t blinding phenomenon which appears in the exhibition field. 2.人体工程学在展示设计中的设计原则2. Ergonomic design principles in display design 首先,内部的展示空间必须以人的动态、静态尺寸和比例为依据,同时采用动态的、有序列的、酿酒设备有节奏的空间展示形式。使人在流动性很强的展示空间中参观或购物时感到舒适和安全,也使观众介入展示活动时,既满足功能的需求,又得到精神上的享受;在空间处理上做到有节奏感和流畅性,感受到空间的连续性和变化的魅力,以及设计的无限趣味。First, inside

23、 the exhibition space to people on the basis of the dynamic and static size and proportion, and dynamic, sequence and rhythm of space form. Make people to visit in the space to show strong liquidity or feel comfortable and safe when shopping, also involved in presentation, the audience meets the fun

24、ctional requirements, and spiritual enjoyment; Do have a sense of rhythm and fluency on dimensional processing, feel the charm of the continuity of space and change, infinite taste and design. 其次,在展示设计中使空间更好地服务于人,特别是一些无障碍设计,既要考虑到健全人群的需求,更要充分考虑残疾人的这种参展需求,也是人性化因素的体现。声色俱全的展示效果,信息丰富的展示内容,安全便捷的空间规划,考虑周到的

25、服务设施,等等。例如对于室外各功能空间,应设置导航牌和一些易懂的标志性的设施。从情感上讲,内部空间环境设计应更注重细节,需要创造一个给人心理上亲近温暖感觉的空间,注重对人的精神层面的关怀和尊重,包括人的情感、隐私、归属感、渴望被承认等。Second, make the space in the display design to better serve the people, especially some barrier-free design, both must consider to improve the peoples demand, more should give full

26、consideration to the participation of disabled persons demand, is also the embodiment of the human factor. Melody available display effect, informative content, safe and convenient space planning, considerate service facilities, and so on. For each function outdoor space, for example, some simple na

27、vigation card should be set up and the iconic facilities. Emotionally, the interior space environment design should be more attention to detail, need to create a psychologically close to the person warm feeling of the space, pay attention to the mental care and respect for people, including peoples

28、emotions, privacy, sense of belonging, and desire to be admitted. 最后,必须将展示空间与展示的内容结合起来考虑,不同的展示内容有与之相对应的展示形式和空间划分。同时要根据展品的不同加以装饰,在展架和展柜的搭配上也给予相应系列化的设计,突出展示空间的和谐与系列化,以增强对人的视觉冲击,给人留下深刻印象。Finally, must combine exhibition space and display the contents of the consideration, show different content and at

29、the same time display of the form and space division. At the same time according to the different items to decorate, on exhibition frames and cases to collocation also gives corresponding seriation design, highlight harmony and seriation of the space, to enhance peoples visual impact, give a person

30、leave deep impression. 3.展示空间中的展示流线与向导3. The display in the exhibition space and streamline wizard (1)展示流线(1) shows streamline 展示流线包括展厅的功能流线和观众及工作人员的活动流线。展示空间按的组合根据展示的性质、内容、规模和方式的不同也有所差异,一般都包含展览区、观众服务区、库房区、办公后勤区。Show flow including exhibition hall of function streamline and audience and streamline s

31、taff activity. Exhibition space according to the combination according to the nature, content, size of the display and the different methods of differences, generally contains exhibition, audience service area, warehouse, office logistics area. 展厅设计成功的关键在于对观众流向、流量、流速和行走方式的控制。Is critical to the succe

32、ss of the exhibition hall design flow, flow, velocity of flow to the audience and the way of walking control. (2)展示布局(2) shows the layout 根据展厅的不同展示内容,满足不同观展路线的要求,同时保证灵活性。常见的布局方式有以下几种,各种空间因为布局形式的不同而导致其又有各自的特点。According to the different display of exhibition content, meet the requirements of different exhibition line, guarantee flexibility at the same time. Common layout has the following kinds, because all kinds of space layouts form of the different and causing them to have their own characteristics.

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