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1、龙岗镇七年级英语下册UnitNeighbours单元综合检测A卷无答案牛津Unit2 单元检测A卷一、单项选择题(共15题,共15分)1. Would you liketo help me _ my Chinese?A. onB. withC. forD. to2. That _ a good idea! Lets do it like that.A. listens toB. hearsC. soundsD. looks3. When and where _ we meet tomorrow?A. doB. areC. didD. shall4. They are havinga “_ ha

2、nds” meeting at the communitycentre. They are really _ volunteers.A. helping;helpfulB. helping;helpingC. helpful;helpfulD. helpful;helping5. Some _ people dont feel _because of the bad weather.A. ill; goodB. sick; wellC. sick; goodD. ill; well6. They are _ their neighbours.A. friends toB. friendly t

3、oC. friends withD. friendly with7.Millie is not good _ Englishand doing more reading is good _ her English;; atC.for; forD. for; at8. Since you arenew here, Ill let Jack show you _ thecommunity.A. ofB. aroundC. inD. at9. Is there _ wrong with your new computer?A. noB. nothingC. an

4、ythingD. something10. The girl isonly seven years old. She is afraid _.A. at flyB. at flyingC. flyD. of flying11. Sunshine Townis a beautiful town, isnt it?Yes. There areabout two _ visitors here every week.A.thousands ofB.thousandsC.thousandD. thousand of12. We used tocome to school _ bike, but now

5、 we allcome to school _ the school bus.A. by; byB. on; onC. by; onD. on; by13. There _ a meeting in our class next week.A. hasntB. isnt going tohaveC. isnt going tobeD. wont have14. I am going toHainan Island in my summer holiday next month._A.Glad to meet you.B. Sorry to hearthat.C. See you later.D

6、. Have a goodtrip.15. Have apleasant trip, Emma._A.Id love to.B.Thank you.C.Im afraid not.D. You arewelcome.二、完形填空(共10题,共10分)1.In China, we often say that a good neighbour is better than abrother far off. Its very important for us (1) a good neighbour. First, agood neighbour is a good (2) . When you

7、r family move to a new house, yourneighbours can help you (3) some furniture like tables and sofas and tellyou something about your neighbourhood. Maybe they will also (4) all themembers of your family to their homes to keep warm and have a hot (5) . Itis (6) to stay there.Second, a good neighbour i

8、s also a good relative (亲戚). (7) you travel, your neighbours will take care of yourhouse. And (8) can also help them when they have the (9) situations (境况).Finally, we can learn a very important lesson (10) ourneighbours that giving brings us as much happiness as receiving.(1)A. have B.has C.having

9、D. to have(2)A. friend B. hero C. teacher D. waiter(3)A. bring B. carry C. look D. take(4)A. ask B.let C.wait D. invite(5)A. food B.shower C.drink D. sleep(6)A. sad B.soft C.smooth D. comfortable(7)A. After B.Because C.When D. Before(8)A. she B.we C.they D. you(9)A. same B.large C.special D. differe

10、nt(10)A. for B.from C.of D. with三、阅读理解(共15题,共15分)1.阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。APetersuncle lives in the country. Once in summer, Peter goes to stay with him for afew weeks. Whenever they go for a walk or for a drive in the car and passsomebody, his uncle waves to the passer-by. Pe

11、ter is surprised and says, “UncleGeorge, you seem to know everybody here. Where did you meet them all?”“I dont know allthese people,” answers his uncle. “Then why do you wave to them?” “Well,Peter,” says his uncle, “when I wave to someone who knows me, he ispleased. Hegoes on his journey with a happ

12、ier heart. But when I wave to someone whodoesnt know me, he is surprised and says to himself, Who is that man? Why didhe wave to me? So he has something to think about during the rest of hisjourney, and that makes his journey seem shorter. So I make everybody happy.”(1)Petergoes to the country _.A.f

13、or hiswinter holiday seehis sick uncle C.tospend summer with his uncle D.becausehe gets into trouble(2)When passing somebody at any time, _.A.Georgestops and says hello to the passer-by B.Georgewaves to the passer-by C.Peterwaves to the passer-by D.Georgeintroduces the passer-by to Peter(3)Pete

14、r_ when he sees what Uncle George does.A.alwaysasks his uncle “Who is that man?” veryhappy notsurprised at all verysurprised(4)Georgetells Peter _.A.he knowsall the people B.he doesnot know all the people C.he onlyknows one of the people D.he doesnot know any one of the people(5)Georg

15、edoes that makeeverybody happy makePeter happy C.only tomake a joke makehimself happy2.BManyChinese children are busy. On weekdays, they have many lessons at school, andthey have to do homework in the evening. At weekends, they often take part inmany activities in all kinds of clubs

16、. At the same time, their parents are busytoo. They have to work, cook and drive their children for the activities. Somefamilies even do not have time to have dinner together. A community in Beijingwants to do something to make a change.Thecommunity takes Saturday out just for the families. People i

17、n the communitycall it “Family Day”. On Family Day, parents dont work and the children haveno lessons. All the families turn off their televisions and mobile phones. Theycook and eat together at home, and then the parents will play with theirchildren in the open air. They really enjoy the time toget

18、her.(1)According to the passage, many Chinese families are very B.happy C.busy D.easy(2)Whatdo many children do in the evening on weekdays?A.Theyplay sports. B.They dotheir homework. C.They goto clubs. D.Theywatch TV.(3)FamilyDay is on _.A.Monday B.Friday C.Saturday D.Sunday(4)Whatdont fami

19、ly members do on Family Day?A.Theycook together. B.Theyplay together. C.Theyeat together. D.They watchTV together.(5)Which is the best title for this passage?A.FamilyDay B.Acommunity in China C.Children and their parents D.Chinesenight life3.CIfyou have a good neighbour, you are a lucky person. You

20、have someone who caresabout your needs and your property (财产).Agood neighbour is someone who, for example, understands that your children mayrun across his garden, even though you tell them not to. He or she realizesthat children can be careless about things like that, and he wont make abig fuss abo

21、ut it unless it becomes a regular thing. He doesnt make a bigdeal about it.Agood neighbour is also respectful (尊重的) of yourproperty. For example, he or she wont plant a huge tree between your houseswithout asking how you feel about it. If he or she wants to put up a fence, heor she will let you know

22、 first. He or she might work with you to decide whereit should be placed.Agood neighbour will lend you some milk if you dont have any. He or she willgive you a ride to work if there is something wrong with your car, and let yourchildren stay at his or her house in the evening if you are really busy

23、withwork. You will do the same for him or her. Both of you will help make theothers life easier.(1)Whatwill a good neighbour do if a child runs across his or her garden?A.He orshe will punish the child. B.He orshe will try to understand. C.He orshe will take the child to his or her parents. D.He ors

24、he will take good care of the child.(2)Whatwont a good neighbour do?A.He orshe wont care if your child is careless about his or her things. B.He orshe wont plant a huge tree between your houses. C.He orshe wont put up a fence in front of his or her houses. D.He orshe wont refuse (拒绝) to give you som

25、e help if you need.(3)Goodneighbours make each others life easier by _.A.helpingeach other B.takingcare of each others children C.takingeach other to work D.workingtogether(4)What does the underlined phrase “make a big fuss” mean in Chinese?A. 无所事事 B. 大惊小怪 C. 漠不关心 D. 置之不理(5)The writer of the article

26、 thinks it is _ tohave a good neighbour.A.difficult B.easy C.lucky D.unlucky四、根据句意及汉语提示填空(共5题,共5分)1. Mr Wu is an _ (工程师). He is designinga new building for Sunshine Town.2. We mustntlaugh at _ (任何人)in trouble.3. I really wantto find a good job after I leave the _ (学院).4. Please read thestatements _

27、(下面)and decide whether they are true or not.5. Who knows whatwill happen in the _ (未来)?It is useless worrying all the time. Just relax and have fun.五、提示词填空(共10题,共10分)1. How many flatbuildings are there in your _ (neighbour)?2. In China eightis a _ (luck) number.3. Everyone wantsto make friends with

28、_ (help) people.4. More than halfa million _ (visit) came to our citylast May Day.5. There are two _ (policeman) in that police car.6. Its verydifficult for me _ (fix) the computer.7. Some doctorsand nurses from the centre _ (visit)the old people tomorrow.8. I dont knowwhere _ (go). I think Ive lost

29、 my way.9. Mr Wu asks us _ (keep) quiet in class.10. Kitty is alwaysready _ (help) others. She is helpful.六、补全句子(共4题,共10分)1.下个星期我将去上海看望我的一位朋友。Next week I am _ in Shanghai.2.你在为午饭吃什么而担心吗?_you _ whatto eat for lunch?3. 我们的社区里有许多乐于助人的人。There are a lot of_.4.老师要求学生们把作业检查一下。The teacher _ their homework.七

30、、任务型阅读(共1题,共10分)1.阅读下面的短文,根据文中信息完成文后表格。(每空一词)Many people live in the city. InHong Kong, most people live in tall buildings. There are too many people inHong Kong but the city is not very big, so the government builds a lot of tallbuildings for people. The buildings usually have 15 to 25 floors. Most of thepeople in Hong Kong like to live in tall buildingsbecause they can be close to their friends. They can get some help from theirfriends if they are in trouble.There are lots of good shops. Youcan enjoy shopping until midnight. You can buy expensive things in the bigshopping malls, or

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