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1、成长的烦恼Growing Pains 409Carol: This baby-care schedule really stinks. Ben: You gonna eat your cereal? Carol: No. This doesnt bother you? Ben: Not if I dont use your spoon. Mike: Morning house dwellers! And cave dweller. Hey, listen, did Mom leave for work yet? Carol: What do you care? Mike: Well, you

2、know, this being her first day back at work and away from the baby, I predict this being one of those sappy, tear filled scenes, that I for one. Mom! Dad! Good morning! Jason: Mike! Im sure youre gonna feel rotten at first. Youre gonna feel like youre abandoning your baby. Yes, youre gonna feel, Im

3、a terrible mother! Maggie: Oh Jason. Jason: Im sorry, Ive gone too far. Im sorry. Maggie: Ill be OK, just give me a minute. Jason: Hey, weve been planning our schedule for days, its gonna go like clock-work. Look at this; I got a big board made up and everything. Alright, attention please! Whats gon

4、na happen when Im with patients in the afternoon? Show of hands. Carol Seaver! Carol: I get out of school at two thirty, I then come straight home and attend to my only sisters every need. Jason: Yes! And when Carol cant get right home, Mike Seaver! Mike: My dog ate my homework sir. Jason: Mike. Mik

5、e: Alright, I get stuck with Chris. I mean, Ill take care of Chris. Mom, listen, you can count on me to do whatever it takes, to make sure that that little tyke is healthy, happy and gurgling spit. Jason: And on those days when Mike cant make it, for reasons that are hopefully school-related, or leg

6、al, Ben Seaver. Ben: Ill do it. I just hope that when its my turn to change Chrissys diapers, theres not a bullet in the chamber. Jason: Thank you Ben, for that heart-felt sentiment. Maggie, you see, were all in this together. Things are gonna work out great, sweetheart. Maggie: Oh, youre right. Bes

7、ides, youll be here the whole time too, and the baby should sleep most of the day anyway. Oh, thanks honey. Thanks kids! Mike: See you later Mom Carol and Ben: Bye Mom! Mike: Goodbye, good luck! Jason: Bye Mom. Maggie: Ill be back before she knows Im gone. (Baby cries) She knows. Colleague: Oh hi. H

8、ere, fill these out, and get them back to me by noon. Oh, but before you do, Mr. Slivervich would like to see you. Maggie: And I was worried nobody would miss me. Colleague: Sure we missed you Mary. Maggie: Its Maggie. I gave up spending time with my baby for this. Office workers: Surprise! Maggie:

9、I love you guys! Oh, I missed you! (on the phone) Maggie: Id forgotten how hectic things could be around here. The pressures, the deadlines, the office politics. Jason: Hey Maggie, if Id known things would got this smoothly with the baby, I would have kicked you out years ago. Maggie: Honey, thats s

10、o sweet. Carol: Right now Carols on her way home and my three o clock hyperkinetic wont be here for another half hour, so you just relax, enjoy being back. Maggie: Oh sweetheart, did I ever tell you that youre terrific? Policeman: Not in so many words, but. Jason: I love you. Maggie: I wasnt talking

11、 to you. Jason: Then who do you think is so terrific? Maggie: You Jason, dont be silly. Jason: Im glad I called. (puts the phone down) Alright Mr. Bombazi, hyperkinetic, two tense, goes too fast, way too. (baby cries) Daddys coming, Chrissy. Daddys coming. (door bell rings) Of course, my hyperkineti

12、cs early. Yoww, easy baby. Easy Bombazi, easy! Easy! (on the phone to Carol) Jason: Hey Carol, look, I really need to find Debby. No, Debby, I need to find Carol, yeah. shes supposed to be home a half an hour ago and. Carol Seaver, yes Im trying to find her. I did say that in the first place.

13、 Yeah.I. Mike! Mike! Hey, Mike! Mike: Dad, Dad, its not fair. Jason: I need you to take Chris. Mike: Dad, look, look, Dad, I know about babes, not babies. Jason: Yeah, well Ive got.Ive got a patient in my office, now look. Look, there you see, she likes you. Mike: Women. What if she starts crying? J

14、ason: Sing to her. Mike: And if that doesnt work? Jason: Feed her. Mike: And what if she still keeps crying? Jason: Burp her. Mike: Hey! I dont know nothing about burping no baby. Jason: Frankly Mike, I dont give a damn. Now come on, I havent got time to stand here and argue with you. Carols not her

15、e, youre next in succession, and I got to be with this patient. Mike: Great. Ben: Hey Mike. Mike: Yeah. Hey Ben, where the heck have you been? Ben: Ha? Mike: You know Dad is really ticked off! Carol ducked out of Chris duty. Ben: Duty? Mike: Yeah. And youre supposed to be filling in. Now Ive been co

16、vering for you. Ben: Youre supposed to take over when Carols not here; its on the big board. Mike: Oh, come on Ben! You know no-one can read the big board but Dad. Its your turn. There you go, no need to thank me Benny, after all, what are brothers for? Oh, and you might want to check if she needs t

17、 know. Ben: Hey Stink, what are you doing here? Stink: I dont know. My stupid parents bought this stupid gift for Chris. I dont see why I should get stuck delivering it. It really weird. Ben: Stay! Wait up. Whats your hurry? Come on. Sit. Relax. Want to hold my sister Chris? Stinky: why not

18、. Slivervich: Maggie. I need you to cover a breaking story. Maggie: Now? Slivervich: Yes now. Thats why its called a breaking story. Maggie: Im sorry Mr. Slivervich, I cant. Ive got to get back to my baby. Slivervich: Oh, is he sick? Maggie: She. No, its my turn on the big board to relieve Jason. Sl

19、ivervich: The big board? Maggie: Ah, yes, yes Mr. Slivervich. Im sorry, but I cant. I uh. Slivervich: Say no more. Id like to have had a reporter in this hostage situation, but I understand. I mean, when its your turn on the old big board, its your turn. Walf, how would you like to be a reporter? Po

20、liceman: Well it has always been my dream. Slivervich: Good. Policeman: Can I bring my gun? Maggie: Ok, Ill do it. Policeman: Ok, I wont bring my gun. Jason: Yes, look, excuse me for a minute. You just go ahead. Patient: Its Ok, slow down, slow down. You got to slow down. He hates me by the way. Did

21、 I mention that? Stinky: Oh, hi Doctor Seaver, this is a gift from my mum and dad. They said it helps fathers can share the nursing process. Jason: Uh hu. Stinky: Its kind of nice. Jason: Mi-i-i-ike. Jason: So damn clear. And how was your day? Maggie: Are you still talking to me? Jason? Maggie: Im t

22、hinking. Maggie: Was it that bad? Jason: Well I had to cancel all my appointments for the rest of the day. I got six loaded chambers. And to stop it all off, I found Stinky Sullivan breast feeding our baby. Trust me, you dont want to know about it. Maggie: Well where are the kids? I thought the kids

23、 were going to help. Jason: Yeah, so did I. look at this, every name in its own colour. Every hour a corresponding colour. No clashes. Maggie: Its a beautiful board. Jason: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Maggie: Where are the kids? Jason: I think they are upstairs at Mikes place. Waiting for you to come home. Th

24、ey are hiding. They thought with you as a witness, maybe I wont kill them. Little do they know, the thought of prison doesnt bother me. Carol: Mum, I know I should have phoned to say I was going to be late, but I knew Mike was home and . Kids: talking at the same time. Mike: arent you going to tell

25、us to shut up? Arent you at least going to blame somebody? Oh come on. Arent you going to yell? Ben: Im going to my room. This is too spooky. Mike: Alright, alright. We get the picture. Theyre grounded and I get no cable this month. Fine, no cable for two months. And Im going to leave right this min

26、ute before its three. How about a couple of hot heads! Maggie: Jason, what do we do? Jason: Well I think its time we talked about a concept that weve never really given a fair chance. Maggie: Oh Jason, we cant leave the kids and run off to Jamaica. Jason: I never thought of that. Maggie: I was kiddi

27、ng. Jason: Well I think that we should be hiring someone to come in here in afternoons, and help out. I know we always said that we didnt want a stranger to raise Chris, but I dont think that a couple of hours of light house work and baby sitting in the afternoon is exactly raising. What do you thin

28、k? Maggie: Well. Jason: Well what? Maggie: Jason, maybe I should just stay home. Jason: Honey, come on. Thats fatigue and emotions talking. You know how important your career is. Maggie: I just wanted to make sure you knew it too. Oh honey, where do we get someone to do this? I mean it sounds like a

29、 tough job to fill. Jason: Yeah, especially with minimum wage. Maggie: Who said anything about minimum wage? Jason: Me. Come on honey, were not the first couple to face this. Ill call some friends, well look in the newspaper, we find some agencies, well set up interviews. Well meet these people. Mag

30、gie: Ok. How about Friday? Jason: No, Im booked solid Friday. How about Thursday? Maggie: Cant. Wednesday. Jason: No. No way Wednesday. How about Tuesday? Maggie: This is Tuesday. Jason: So thats out. Maggie: Jason, by the time both of us get the chance to interview these people, Chris will be in co

31、llege. Honey, why dont you just handle it? Jason: We both should. Maggie: Now, I trust your judgment. After all, you did choose a great wife. Jason: Maybe I just got lucky. Maggie: Oh, its not worth it. Oh, Jason. Oh Cornish game and hen. Julie: Dum dee dee dee dum dee (singing) Maggie: Oh Hello. Julie: Hello. Oh, that must be Mrs. Seaver. Maggie Malone from news nineteen. Wow. Maggie: Thank you. Who are you? Julie: Oh yeah. Im Julie Costello. Dr Seaver hired me to help

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