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1、牛津英语7B期末测试题附答案 牛津七年级下学期英语期末模拟试卷 分10 分)(一)听句子,选择正确答案。25( 一、听力 sweater. blue a is It A. 1. a have to want I B. sweater. blue the at look blue. is sweater The C. yuan.five Its A. 2. money.enough have dont I B. please. yuan, Five C. yuan. 210 A. 3. yuan. 90 B. yuan. 270 C. Often C. Sometimes B. (很少)Seld

2、om A. 4. A A. 5. supermarket. field. football A B. bank. A C. eight. at school to come usually I A. 6. bike by come usually I B. usually I C. 7:00. at school to come are. we Yes, A. 7. basketball. playing like we Yes, B. football. playing arent we No, C. go Lets A. 8. there go usually I B. b

3、ike. by it.mend can I matter. doesnt It C. much. very walking like I A. 9. right. s ThatB. supper. after walk a have usually I C. 10.A. Tuesday.Its th10September Its B. . oclock.nine Its C. 分10 (二)听对话,选择正确答案。 persons? two the are Where 1. bookshop. a In A. restaurant. a In B. house.mans the At C. ?

4、(关系)relationshiptheir is What 2. student. and teacher are They A. B. classmates. are They wife. and husband are The C. school? for late Kate is Why 3. is she Because A. ill. broken. is bike her Because B. homework. her does she Because C. born? Bill Mrs was Where 4. France. in born was She A. German

5、y. in born was She B. Japan. in born was She C. cost? bags two will much How 5. yuan Three A. yuan. Six B. yuan. Two C. bike? her have woman the does long How 6. years. Four A. years. Five B. years. Six C. do? to want woman the does What 7. to wants She A. supper. cook supper. for out go to wants Sh

6、e B. home. at stay to wants She C. Baker? Mr is Where 8. home. at is He A. B. office. the in is He out. is He C. reading? man the is What 9. books. English A. English B. magazines. newspapers. English C. birthday?sons their is When 10. nd . 2October On A. nd2November On B. . nd . 2December On C. 分5

7、(三)听短文,选择正确答案。 very is it winter, In 1_. cold D. warm C. hot B. cool A. winter. in _sweaters need We 2 cool D. hot C. light B. heavy A. 3like_. I nice. is season Every 3 autumn A. all them D. winter C. spring B. much. _very summer in weather The 4 changed have B. changes A. change not does D. change

8、s not do C. spring. in sweaters heavy _ We 5 put B. off take A. on take D. off put C. on 分25 二、选择填空 Hello, 1. ? _ looking you are What you? help I can for C. after B. At A. of out D. Restaurant. Gaoyou to _ She 2. go to Prefer A. going prefer B. go to prefers D. goes prefer C. stay to _ wants Daniel

9、 3. today. _ with him we, D. he we, C. him us, B. he us, A. A. now right gate school the at you _ boy a Jim, 4. waiting is B. for waiting is A. A. waits D. for waits C. father his _ money borrows often He 5. CDs. buy to on D. with C. from B. to A. are There 6. there. over tree the under _ girls some

10、 singing are D. sings C. singing B. Sing A. A. glass. the in water some _ There 7. have D. are C. has B. is A. 8. yuan. 100 about me _ T-shirt favourite My pays D. spends C. costs B. uses A. 9. yesterday. show fashion a _ students Two Class The got D. showed C. gave B. took A. names. English the _ t

11、alk a us give will he Tomorrow 10. at C. with B. of A. on D. Amy. today, cool very look -You 11. . -_ it look dont I Oh, A. youThank B. you same The D. all at cool not am I No. C. new The 12. . _ very me fit shoes nice D. well C. much B. good A. How - 13. night? every sleep you do _ hours. 8 than Mo

12、re - long C. much B. often A. many D. yesterday? school _ Simon _ When - 14. 5:30 About - leave did, B. leave A.Does, A. leave was, D. left did, C. from? come _ does What - 15. sheep.from Its - silk A. wool D. leather C. cotton B. school? to go to start you did When 16. _ - months two In B. months T

13、wo A. ago months Two D. months two After C. shoe. a of shape the me_ cut shoemaker the Then 17. at A. A. into D. of C. on B. buy? to want you do _ - 18. Eight. Size - big How B. Which A. much How D. size What C. dog your take you do _ - 19. day? every walk a for Once. - often How A. times many How B

14、. much How D. long How C. What - 20. breakfast? _ have you do milk. and _ Some - biscuits for, A. bread with, B. cake for, C. eggs with D. raincoat. a _ _must You outside. raining Its 21. wear B. on put A. dress D. have C. . _ wear to likes Jim 22. jeans a A. jeans some B. jean blue a C. jeans of pa

15、ir a D. _.said I So say. to _ have didnt I 23. anything something, A. something anything, B. anything nothing, D. nothing anything, C. you?help _ let you Wont 24. I and friend my B. to friend my and I A. me and friend my C. to I and friend my D. mine. _ different is bag Your 25. C. with B. to A. for

16、 D. from 分)2分(每小题40 三、阅读理解 (T,F) 判断正误,阅读短文A. in lives Hank tbegins and city big a in (工作)joba finds he then but town, small a his and wife his with there live o children. two new their in Saturday first the On garathe of out car red new his takes Hank house, new Hanks sees he When comes. friend A it

17、. washes and (车库)geit at looks he car, him. sees and turns Hank Then, minute. a for car. nice a Thats “ says, friend The yours?” it Is answers.Hank “Sometimes!” mean?”you do “What says, he “Sometimes!” surprised. is friend The slowly, Hank answers “Well,” daughtmy to (属于)belongsit party, a theres “W

18、hen When Joe. son, my to belongs it game, football a theres When Jane. er, iand it, wash I mto belongs it clean, not is it when And wife. my to belongs it clean, and nice looks t e.” father.Joes and Jane is 1.Hank ) ( in works he but town small a in lives 2.Hank ) (city. big a car. the in games foot

19、ball watch to goes 3.Joe ) (car.a drive cant wife Hanks 4. ) ( car. the washes Hank 5.Only ) ( . 选择最佳答案,阅读短文B. (1) a in born is (青蛙)frog A Hehome. his is river the young, is he When river. small sisters. and brothers of hundreds has he but parents, his know doesnt aabout swims He nhas He parents. hi

20、s like look esnt dohe time, that At time. the all them with plays nd o fish. a like looks he So . (尾巴)tailbig a has he and legs He tail. short very a and legs four has he And shorter. and shorter gets tail his Then parents his like looks ). 害虫s(insectbad of lot a eat to going hes Then now. born? fro

21、g a is 1.Where 1. farm a On A. land the On B. sea the In D. river the In C. right? is following the of 2.Which 2. parents. his only knows and home at stays frog baby A A. A B. parentshis know doesnt he and bird a like looks frog baby them.know doesnt he but parents his like looks frog baby A C. sist

22、ers. and brothers of lot a has he and fish a like looks frog baby A D. ? time the all with play frog a does 3.Who Insects D. Fish C. sisters and brothers His B. parents His A. frog A 4. 3. . has very a and legs four A. tail. short tail. long a has he but legs four B. tail. long a has he but legs no

23、C. fish. a like looks he and legs no D. . frog baby 5.A 4. swim nt caA. insects bad eat cant B. insects bad eat can D. tail no has C. (2) to go didnt Mike filminteresting very a watched He night. last late very until bed morning this oclock two (坚持到)tillup stay to had He TV. on twanted he because fi

24、lm. the of end the see o face his washed and up got He up. him wake to had mother his morning This ain sbus the to way the all fast ran He breakfast. for anything eat didnt He . (匆忙)hurry the saw he When top. schohis left he that remembered (突然)suddenlyhe coming, bus bag the in homework and (课本)text

25、bookshis put He home. at olbag hHe night. last alrwas class English his school, to got (终于)finallyhe When it. get to back go to ad over. eady night? last bed to went he before do Mike did 1.What 1. homework. his did A.He B. film. interesting an watched He games. computer played He C. reading. some d

26、id He D. couldnt hy 2 morning?this up wake Mike ill. was he Because A. clock.a have didnt he Because B. C. to go to want didnt he because night. last late bed to went he Because D. 2. morning? this breakfast for have Mike did What 3. breakfast. big a had He A. A. had He B. B. nothing. f

27、ood. little a had He C. C. know.dont We D. D. go to have Mike did 4.Why home? back home. at schoolbag his left He A. breakfast. have to home back go to wanted He B quickly. home back go to him asked mother His C. C. and B Both D. you do How 5. 3. morning? this feel would Mike think tired C. worried

28、B. happy A. (激动的)excited D. (3) habits, study good have you When : (好习惯)habitsgood have to need students All easily. them remember also You quickly. things learn you you Do usuais it because place good a not is This room? living the in study to like noisy. too lly will place quiet A bedroom. your li

29、ke place, quiet a in study to need You about think only you help better. learn will you and thing, one to forget not do study, to begin you Before (台lightdesk good A desk. your clean there if easily tired el feYoull too. important, is 灯). (光线)lightenough not is . will you habits, study good have you

30、 When 1. easily things remember B. quickly things learn A. thing one about think C. B and A both D. it because study for place good a not is living-room The 2. . too is good C. noisy B. quiet A. clean D. is light the if easily tired feel Youll 3. . wonderful D. bad C. enough B. good A. 4. study. you

31、 before to remember should You clean A. room the tidy B. desk the light the on turn C. bedroom the to go D. is (文章)passagethis for (标题)titlebest The 5. . bedroom the in Study A. habits study Good B. Desk D. study to How C. (重要的)importantis light 分10 四、完形填空 The soon. come will Christmas musChristmas

32、playing are (广播电台)stationsradio familMany shopping. Christmas their doing are People busy. very 1 stores the and ic, already. homes their 2 trees Christmas got have ies Lisa families. their for ) 礼物presents( 3 or make people year the of time this At likes sister elder Her sister. elder her for book new a buy to going is . 4 anotin lives sister elder Her Day. Christmas 5 together get usually families Her Christmason arrive to going is 7 sh

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