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1、小学四年级英语下册全一册练习打包14套陕旅版Unit 1 Our New House单元测试卷一、将下面的字母组成单词。1. o, r, o, m _ 2. e, w, n _3. s, u, o, h, e _ 4. y, t, u, d, s _5. e, n, c, a, l _ 6. t, e, k, i, h, n, c _二、连线。(1) bathroom A. (2) bedroom B. (3) living room C. (4) kitchen D. 三、选出下列单词中不同类的一个。( ) 1. A. room B. bathroom C. bedroom( ) 2. A.

2、 new B. big C. house( ) 3. A. brother B. Alice C. sister( ) 4. A. where B. what C. this( ) 5. A. mom B. dad C. beautiful 四、单项选择。( ) 1. _ do you watch TV?A. Where B. What C. Who( ) 2. I have _ new house.A. an B. a C. one( ) 3. My house is _ very big.A. doesnt B. dont C. not( ) 4. There _ two bedroom.

3、A. are B. is C. am( ) 5. We often watch TV _ the living room.A. on B. under C. in( ) 6. _ house is small.A. We B. They C. Our五、连词成句。1. home it is Whose (?)_2. it is But beautiful (.)_3. is our This house new (.)_4. he in is bathroom the (?)_5. bed the under is He (!)_六、读一读,选一选。A. Take a shower. B. R

4、ead a book.C. Have a sleep. D. Watch TV E. Have a snack(1) Go to the living room. _(2) Go to the study. _(3) Go to the bathroom. _(4) Go to the kitchen. _(5) Go to the bedroom. _七、根据问句选出答语。( ) (1) Is he in the living room? A. Oh, its beautiful.( ) (2) Where is he? B. In the kitchen.( ) (3) Welcome t

5、o my home, Alice! C. Thank you.( ) (4) Where are they? D. Oh, here he is!( ) (5) This is my new house. E. No, he isnt.参考答案 一、1. room 2. new 3. house 4. study 5. clean 6. kitchen 二、(1)-(4) DABC三、1-5 ACBCC 四、1-6 ABCAC C五、1. Whose home is it?2. But it is beautiful.3. This is our new house.4. Is he in t

6、he bathroom?5. He is under the bed. 六、(1)-(5) DBAEC七、(1)-(5) EDCBAUnit 2 Im Cooking in the Kitchen单元测试卷一、组合新单词。1. o, c, o, k 2. a, e, d, r 3. t, a, e_ _ _4. e, s, l, e, p 5. n, t, a, d, s 6. b, a, b, y_ _ _二、连一连。(1) A. sit(2) B. listen(3) C. dance(4) D. write(5) E. jump rope三、写出下列动词的-ing形式。1. do _ 2

7、. cook _3. read _ 4. sing _ 5. sleep _ 6. draw _ 四、单项选择。( ) 1. _ are you doing?A. What B. Where C. Who( ) 2. They are _ to music. A. listens B. listening C. listened( ) 3. There _ many people in the Park. A. is B. the C. are( ) 4. Listen! Alice is _. A. singing B. sing C. song( ) 5. What is _ doing?

8、 A. you B. she C. him( ) 6. They are listening _ music. A. a B. at C. to( ) 7. They are drawing _. A. picture B. pictures C. music五、英汉互译。1. 我正在做饭。 _2. 我们正在阅读。 _3. 你在干什么? _4. We are making a plane. _5. What is he doing? _6. We are happy every day. _六、看图,选择合适的句子。( ) 1. A. She is singing. B. She is rea

9、ding. C. She is swimming. ( ) 2. A. They are playing football. B. They are playing ping-pong. C. They are watching TV.( ) 3. A. They are at the sports centre. B. They are at home. C. They are in the park.( ) 4. A. He is good at riding a horse. B. He is good at swimming. C. He is listening to music.七

10、、选择正确的系动词填空。am is are(1) Her brother _ watching TV.(2) -What _ your sister doing?-She _ reading a book.(3) -What _ they doing? -They _having English class.(4) Look, Zhang Peng and Mike _ planting trees.(5) -What _ you doing? -I _ sleeping.八、选出错误的一项并在题后横线上改正。( ) 1. My mother are cooking dinner. _ A B

11、 C D( ) 2. I am writing an e - mail at home. _ A B C D( ) 3. Kate is reading the newspapers. _ A B C D ( ) 4. She is listening music now. _ A B C D( ) 5. He is doing him homework. _ A B C D九、根据情境,选择恰当的选项。Mike is my classmate. He is (1) American boy. He is from New York. He can (2) a little Chinese.

12、Its Friday. Mike and I are (3) duty. We are in the classroom. We are (4) our homework. We are (5) the classroom. Mike is sweeping the floor and I am cleaning the blackboard.( ) (1) A. / B. the C. a D. an( ) (2) A. say B. speak C. talk D. teach( ) (3) A. on B. in C. at D. of( ) (4) A. not doing B. do

13、ing C. does D. do( ) (5) A. clean B. washing C. cleaning D. clean十、根据对话内容填空。John: Hello.Mike: Hello, John. This is Mike. What are you doing? John: Im watching TV. What are you doing? Mike: I am cleaning the room.John: What is your mother doing?Mike: She is washing clothes.John: Do you want to play f

14、ootball?Mike: Sure. When?John: 9:00 a. m.Mike: OK.(1) John is _ _.(2) Mike is _ _ _.(3) Mikes mother is _ _. (4) John and Mike are going to _ _.(5) They will meet at _ a. m.参考答案一、l. cook 2. read 3. eat 4. sleep 5. stand 6. baby 二、(1)-(5) EDCBA三、1. doing 2. cooking 3. reading4. singing 5. sleeping 6.

15、 drawing四、1-7 ABCABCB五、1. Im cooking.2. We are reading.3. What are you doing?4. 我们在做飞机。5. 他在做什么? 6. 我们每天都开心的。六、1-4 BACB七、(l) is (2) is; is (3) are; are (4) are; am (5) are; am八、1. B; is 2. B; writing3. D; newspaper4. C; listening to5. C; his九、(1)-(5) DBABC十、(1) watching TV(2) cleaning the room(3) wa

16、shing clothes(4) play football (5) 9:00Unit 2 Im Cooking in the Kitchen课后检测一,写出下列单词的ing 形式。1, draw _ 2, read _3, cook _ 4, do _ 5, write _ 6, fly _二,动动脑筋,想一想。( )1,What are you_ ?A do B doing C does ( ) 2, What _ Mike doing?A am B is C are ( ) 3, I am _ now.A cook B cooks C cooking ( ) 4, I _ a book.

17、A am read B am reads C am reading ( )5, - _ are you? - Im in the study.A What B How C Where三,连词成句。1, doing you are What_?2, a am book I reading _ .3, am TV watching I now_ .4 is He in the study_ .Unit 3 Is It Snowing单元测试卷一、根据图片写单词。 _ _ _ _ _ _二、选出不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. sunny B. windy C. rainy D. snow( ) 2

18、. A. Beijing B. Shanghai C. tree D. Xian( ) 3. A. cat B. dog C. elephant D. umbrella( ) 4. A. worry B. rain C. snow D. wind( ) 5. A. you B. mine C. he D. she三、根据要求写单词。1. What is (缩写形式) _ 2. Were (完整形式) _3. sun (形容词) _ 4. lets (完整形式) _5. warm (反义词) _ 6. rain (现在分词) _四、想一想,连一连。(1) windy A. go swimming

19、(2) raining B. make a snowman(3) hot C. raincoat(4) snowy D. fly a kite五、单项选择。( ) 1. Look _ the clouds in the sky.A. at B. in C. on( ) 2. _, Its snowing.A. Watch B. Look C. Listen( ) 3. There _ no cloud.A. are B. be C. is( ) 4. Let _ put them on.A. us B. is C. s( ) 5. You should take _ raincoat.A. a

20、n B. a C. one( ) 6. Is there a wind?_, Its snowing.A. No B. Yes C. OK六、读一读,按要求完成句子。1. It is snowing. (改为一般疑问句)_ _ snowing? 2. It is cold today. (改为感叹句) _ _ it is today!3. Is there a wind? (作否定回答)_, there _.4. Is it raining now? (根据实际情况回答)_七、让我们来一起观察天气。FebruaryAprilOctoberAugust(1) In February, the w

21、eather was _.(2) In April, the weather was _.(3) In October, the weather was _.(4) In August, the weather was _.八、连词成句。1. is wind a there (.) _2. are We busy (.)_3. a want I house (.) _4. us Let a take raincoat (.) _5. at Look sun the beautiful (.) _九、看图,判断句子。(对打“”,错打“”)1. Its rainy.2. Its cold. We

22、should put on our coat.3. Its windy, and its cool, too. 十、读一读,判断句子正()误()。1. Toby: Look! It is raining.Tony: Oh! I havent got my umbrella.Toby: Dont worry. You can use mine.( ) Toby hasnt got his umbrella.2. David: Whats the weather like?Hank: It is snowy.David: What can you do?Hank: I can make a sno

23、wman.( ) Hank can make a snowman.3. Nancy: What is Kathy doing?Billy: She is cleaning the snow.Nancy: Shall we go to join her? Billy: Good idea.( ) Kathy is playing with the snow. 参考答案一、rain snow cloud wind raincoat glasses二、1-5 DCDAB三、1. whats 2. we are 3. sunny 4. let us 5. cool 6. raining四、(1)-(4

24、) DCAB五、1- 6 ABCABA六、1. Is it 2. How cold 3. No, isnt 4. Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.七、(1) snowy (2) rainy (3) windy (4) sunny八、l. There is a wind.2. We are busy.3. I want a house.4. Let us take a raincoat.5. Look at the beautiful sun.九、1-3 十、1-3 Unit 4 What Do You Do on Saturday单元测试卷一、组成新单词。t; k i e i f l m_ _ o f o l t b a l s w a h _

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