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1、三至六年级教材总结英语科三至六年级英语教材总结全文三年级上下册三年级上册1-5hi hello喂 I 我Nice to meet you! 很高兴见到你too也 Ms女士 Whats your name?你叫什么名字 my我的 be(am, is, are) 是whats this?这是什么 it它 pen钢笔 book 书bag 书包pencil 铅笔goodbye(bye)再见 a(an)一个。 How are you?你好吗 Im fine, thanks.我很好,谢谢 Lets play a game!让我们来玩个游戏 touch 触摸nose鼻子 mouth 嘴eye眼睛 ear耳朵

2、 look看,瞧 Good morning, class.同学们,早上好 in在。里 guess 猜toy玩具 turtle乌龟 no 不,不是have(has) 有big大的 panda 熊猫long长的 arm 手臂and和,与 leg腿 monkey猴子 yes是,是的 Thank you.谢谢 dad爸爸 head头 small小的 who谁 she她 new 新的teacher 老师ruler直尺 eraser橡皮 desk书桌 that那,那个 pupil小学生 he 他Mr先生 our我们的 go to school上学 OK 行,好where在哪里 on the table在桌

3、子上 red 红色的,红色chair椅子 colour 颜色blue蓝色1; Hi. Im Andy. Nice to meet you! hello. Im Li Xiao. Nice to meet you, too! Whats your name? My name is Wang Li. Whats this? Its Andys book/a book. 2; Hello. Zhou Lin! How are you? Im fine, thanks. Lets play a game! One ,touch your nose! Two, touch your mouth! Thr

4、ee, touch your eye! Four ,touch your ear!3; Whats in it? A toy turtle. No. Its has two big eyes. Its has long arms and long legs. Its has a small/big head. Whats in your bag?4; Who is she? She is Ms Xu. She is a new teacher. Is this your ruler? Yes, it is. Thank you. Is this your eraser? No, it isnt

5、. Is that your desk? No, its Zhang Jias. who is he? He is Mr Liu. Hes our teacher.5; Lets go to school. Where is your book? Its on the table. Is this your book? No. My book is red. Wheres your bag? What colour is your bag? My bag is blue. Its a blue bag.6-9Lets see. 让我们想想egg 蛋apple苹果 Good evening. 晚

6、上好Please请,请问 How many(are there)?有多少。?Green绿色,绿色的 yellow黄色,黄色的 mum 妈妈There are有Happy birthday! 生日快乐How old are you? 你多大了?Im ten years old.我十岁了look at 看cake蛋糕 for为,给 card卡片 gift礼物 beautiful漂亮的basketball篮球 they他(她,它)们 draw 画PE体育 like喜欢 me我 shoot射门 goal射门得分 English英语 Chinese中文 Music音乐 fish鱼 ugly 丑的cool

7、 酷cat猫 cute可爱的 dog狗6;How many apples are there? There are eight apples. There are eight apples. Seven green apples and one red apple.7;Happy birthday! Thank you! This is for you! A card and a gift. Oh,thank you! The card is beautiful. How old are you? Im ten years old. Look at my cake.nine,ten,eleve

8、n,twelve8;Hes Mr Yu. He is our PE teacher. Do you like PE? Yes, I do. I like PE. Me, too.Who is your English teacher? My English teacher is Ms Li. Do you like English? Yes, I do.9;This is my fish. Do you like it? Yes, I do./No, its ugly! This is my turtle. Its cool! This is my cat. Do you like it? Y

9、es, its cute. Is that your dog? Yes, its likes cats.Does Wang Li like the cat? Yes, she does. Does Amy like the dog? No ,she doesnt. She likes the dog. He likes the cat.三年级下册1-5 Good to see you again! Nice to see you again! Glad to see you again!很开心再次见到你 Please be quiet!请安静 Welcome back ! 欢迎回来close

10、关door 门诊open 开window 窗户 sit down 坐下classroom 教室great好极了 friend朋友 Good afternoon.下午好 Miss小姐 horse马 to 介词run跑jump跳 read 读write写 do做,干 sleep 睡watch TV看电视 sing唱,唱歌 Whats your favourite food?你最喜欢的食物是什么 rice米饭 or或者,还是 noodles面条 bread面包 love喜欢 partner搭档 a box of一盒 watermelon西瓜 Pass me the milk, please! 请把牛

11、奶递给我。Here you are.给你。 Youre welcome. 不用谢。ice-cream 冰淇淋water水 cup杯子 candy 糖果1;Hi. Gook to see you again! Good to see you ,too!Please be quiet! Good morning, class! Welcome back!Good morning, Ms Li!Wang Li, close the door, please!Yes, Ms Li.Thank youOpen your books, please.Welcome back!2;This is our c

12、lassroom. Do you like it? Yes, I do.Who is she? She is Luo Xiao mei. She is a new pupil. She likes cats and dogs. Great! Mum! Luo Xiao mei is my new friend. What does she like? She likes cats and dogs.Mum, this is Luo Xiao mei. She is my new friend!Good afternoon. Nice to meet you! Do you like eggs?

13、 Yes, I do. No, I dont.Dad, who is she? She is Miss Zhang. She is my friend. What does she like? She likes cats and horses.3:I like running. Do you like running? No, I dont. I like jumping. Do you like reading? Yes ,I do. I like writing, too. What do you like to do? I like to sleep. I like watching

14、TV. What does she like to do? She likes to sing.4; Whats your favourite food? my favourite food is rice! Do you like rice or noodles? I like noodles! Do you like bread? Yes ,I do. I love it! Five boxes of noodles. A bag lf nice. OK. A bag of rice, please. One bag of rice. OK. Two boxes of noodles, a

15、 bag of rice, three watermelons, four pieces of bread, six eggs ,five apples5;Pass me the milk, please! Here you are. Thank you. Youre welcome.Pass me the ice-cream, please. Its in the box.6-9Crayon 蜡笔one一 cut剪 paper 纸scissors剪刀 boy 男孩together一起 glue 胶水black黑色的,黑色 call给。打电话 her她的 number号码 May I spea

16、k to , please? 我能跟。说话吗?in the park在公园 school学校 his 他的at school 在学校at home在家 in the classroom在教室 pet宠物 bird 鸟animal 动物snake 蛇help 帮忙,救命duck 鸭子rabbit兔子 cow奶牛 elephant 象so这么,那么 cap帽子 zoo 动物园tiger老虎 go to the zoo去动物园 want想要 see看见,看 go to the park去公园6;Lets draw a panda! Pass me the crayon, please.This on

17、e?No. The blue one.Here you are .Thank you.Lets cut the paper. Pass me the scissors, please. Here you are. Thank you.Good. Cut the paper, please. Where are the scissors? Here!7:Lets call Wang Li. OK. Whats her number? 99543816. Hello? Hello. This is Zhou Lin. May I speak to Wang Li, please? Speaking

18、. Where are you? Im in the park. Im at school. Im at home.8:Do you have a pet? Yes, I do. I have a bird. What colour is it? Its blue and yellow.9:Lets go to the zoo! I want to see the tigers! Look at the tiger. Its so big! The bird is small.Look at the monkeys! It has two small ears. Its has long ar

19、ms and long legs.His/her favourite animal is the elephant. 四年级上册Can 能,会blackboard 黑板computer计算机 bear熊 car汽车 story故事 notebook笔记本use使用,借用 sorry抱歉的 any任何的,任一的 give 递给,拿给sure当然 lesson课,课程 email 电子邮件picture 图画,照片good friends 好朋友we 我们play football/basketball/ping-pong 打/踢easy 容易的swim游泳 fun有趣的 fast快速的 frui

20、t水果 May I have 。我可以吃。吗?oranges桔子 some一些,若干 banana香蕉 sweet 甜的grape 葡萄Im home.我回来了 Would you like?你想要吃.吗?yes , please 好,谢谢thirsty口渴的 lunch午餐 hungry饥饿的 tomato西红柿 vegetable 蔬菜juice 果汁shop 商店shirt 衬衫dress连衣裙 May I help you? 我可以为你效劳吗?of course 当然可以.have a look at看一看 sock短袜 bookshop书店 clothes 衣服camera照相机 p

21、icnic野餐 a bottle of一瓶 oclock.点钟 time to go to 该去的时候了Winter Camp 冬令营What time is it? 几点了train 火车station车站 backpack 背包Here it is.在这里 have fun玩得高兴 ticket票 clock时钟 seat 座位number号码 Excuse me!对不起,打扰一下 at在的时刻 am 上午pm下午 from来自 Canada加拿大 India印度 UK英国 China中国 US美国 Malaysia马来西亚Japan 日本Italy意大利pizza 比萨饼smell有的气

22、味 taste 吃起来durian榴莲 bad不好的,坏的 but 但是putinto把放入 thing东西 today今天 go home回家 talk谈话 miss 想念next year 明年paint画,绘 eat吃1/This is our classroom. What can you see? I can see a blackboard. I can see many desks. Is there a computer? Yes, there is. No, there isnt. two computers, eight desks, three turtles, four

23、 monkeys. an eraser 2/Lets write a story! /Lets make a card! OK. Do you have a notebook? Yes, I do. May I use your pen/eraser/glue? Sorry, I dont have a pen/an eraser/any glue. Please pass me the ruler! Here you are! Thank you. (computer, scissors, paper, crayon)3/Can you play football/swim/jump/run

24、? Yes, I can./ No, I cant. What can you do? I can run fast.Can he/she swim fast? Yes, he/she can. No, he/she cant. its easy. Its fun.4/ Lets have some fruit. Great! May I have some grapes? Sure. Have some bananas, please. they are sweet. Thanks!/Thank you! I like bananas. I dont like oranges. May I

25、have an apple? Here you are. Do you have any bananas? No. we dont have any bananas. May I have three oranges? Here you are. (1-10)5/Would you like some water? Yes, please. Im thirsty. What would you like for lunch? Id like rice, please. Im hungry. Would you like some tomatoes? Yes, please. I love ve

26、getables./ No, thanks. Im not hungry. ( some bread, some juice, some milk)6/A: May I help you? B: May I see the dress, please? The red one? No, the blue one. Can I have a look at the blue shirt, please? This one? No, that one. (shop, shirt, socks, bag, T-shirt)7/Good morning. Its 6 oclock. Time to g

27、o to Winter Camp. What time is it? Its 8:30. Lets go to the train station. Wheres your backpack? Here it is. May I see your ticket, please? Sure. Excuse me, is there a train to Beijing at 6 oclock? Yes, there is./No, there isnt.(10:00,6:30,3:20,7:12,9:00)8/Where are you from? Im from China/UK/India/

28、US/Australia/Malaysia/Italy/Japan.Where is she/he/Lali from? She/he is fromWhats your favourite food? My favourite food is pizza. Its smells great. What do you like? I like durian. Whats a durian? Its a fruit. Its smells bad but tastes great!9/What are you doing? Im writing an email to my mum. Im pu

29、tting things into my bag. Im going home today. Whats he/she/Mike/doing? Hes sleeping. Shes talking to her mother. Hes swimming. Hes putting things into his bag.( singing,reading,jumping,running,painting,eating)四年级下册1/need需要 make a list 列清单coat上衣,外套 Why not?为什么不。呢take 拿,取umbrella雨伞 good idea好主意 What

30、about?。怎么样kite 风筝cloudy多云的,阴天的 shoe 鞋library 图书馆cold寒冷的 camp野营 tent 帐蓬Lets go to the park. Great! What do we need? Lets make a list. We need coats. why not take an umbrella? Good idea. What about a kite? No, its cloudy. What does she/he/xxx need? He/she needs a football.2/garden 花园grass 草地tree树 flow

31、er花 tell告诉 about关于 plant 植物uncle 叔父,姨父sunflower 向日葵bamboo 竹子potato马铃薯 rose玫瑰 leaf(leaves)树叶 kid小孩This is my garden. Its beautiful! The grass is so green. There is an orange tree in my garden. There are many flowers, too. Please tell us about this plant, Uncle Wang. This is a sunflower. It is big an

32、yellower. Is there any bamboo? Yes, there is. /No, there isnt. Are there any snakes in your garden? No, there arent. There are no snakes. 3/island 岛get on 登上boat船 river河,江 take a photo照相 fight打架 sheep 羊,绵羊How many orange trees are there? There are twelve orange trees. Look at the ducks in the water. Are they playing? Yes they are./No, they arent. What are they birds doing? They are playing

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