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1、高考单句语法填空话题练高考单句语法填空(话题)第1练 学校生活1He delayed (finish) his homework because he was addicted to the computer games.2The experts are seeking a higher quality of education to make the children more (create)3My spoken English has (great) improved with the help of my teacher.4I am really grateful to my teac

2、hers their support,which has made me a better person.5The big library offers a wide (vary) of books to the teachers and the students.6The young man came to this strange city, (aim) to lead a better life.7The boy came (realize) that only by working hard at school could he succeed.8The teacher asked t

3、he students to behave (they) while they were staying there.9Tom was often late for class, made his teachers very angry with him.10To our (excite),our school team has defeated the other team in the final game.11The teacher expressed his satisfaction, (add) that everybody did a good job this time.12Th

4、ey didnt intend to let him know any information (concern) there search project.13He is so naughty he often plays a joke on his classmates in class.14Though (lack) money,her parents managed to send her to a very famous school.15I was weak in English my best friend was good at it,so she often helped m

5、e with it.16 (blame) by his teacher,the little boy was always in low spirits these days.参考答案 realize8.themselves9.which10.excitement11.adding12.concerning13.that14.lacking15.while16.Blamed第2练 语言学习1Only by (practice) hard can you learn a foreig

6、n language quite well.2When reading articles (relate) to science,we often come across some unfamiliar words.3Ill try my best to improve my (speak) English so that I can get that job.4He had many opportunities to communicate foreigners in English when he was at college.5Believe it or not,there is no

7、such thing standard English in the world.6We went to see him and he offered us some advice how to learn English well.7The foreign student had much trouble (understand) what the teacher said in his lecture.8Its because of her efforts in class she got the first place in the English contest in our scho

8、ol.9Her English was so (limit) that she couldnt understand what the native speakers said.10My daughter has a good command of English and thats she has got the good job.11The learning of any language can be valuable and rewarding, it is not suitable for everyone.12In my opinion,you can get your broth

9、er (help) you with your spoken English.13In many ways,the education system in the US is not very different from in the UK.14There are some easy tips that will promote any learner to achieve success no time.15 (watch) TV shows and movies can speed up the language learning process rapidly.16If you had

10、 read the directions (careful),some mistakes in the oral test would have been avoided.17My entire family were learning English at the time,and so (be) all my good friends.18We all like the professors new approach to (teach) a foreign language.参考答案:1.practicing2.related3.spoken4.with5.as6.on7.underst

11、anding8.that9.limited10.why11.but12.tohelp13.that14.in15.Watching16.carefully17.were18.teaching第3练 个人情况1The (confuse) matters have made him unable to concentrate on his work.2She is considered a (create) scientist and people have come to love her.3Dick walked in the forest cautiously,afraid of (atta

12、ck) by big animals.4Most people think highly of him,but (person),I think he is actually dishonest.5My first (impress) of her was that she was a kind and thoughtful young woman.6Im sure that the great effort I have been making will pay someday.7The middleaged man had to do an extra job after work,for

13、 he had a big family (support)8The young man left his village, (determine) not to return again.9You are an adult now and you need to be responsible what you have done.10The woman sat there, (reflect) on how much had changed since she had bought this farm.11My old friend had changed so much that I co

14、uld (hard) recognize him.12My father is a great scientist and he enjoys nothing but (listen) to music.13In the end she married the kind man because of he had done for her.14The woman has devoted most of her time to (take) good care of the homeless children.15Her daughter Mary is an active girl her s

15、on Tom is a man of few words.16Last night my father worked late in to the night, (prepare) a report for the meeting.参考答案:1.confusing2.creative3.being listen13what14.taking15.while16.preparing第4练 兴趣与爱好1I lik

16、e fishing. One of its (advantage) is to take in fresh air in the open air.2It is his love for this work and years of hard work have made him what he is today.3Your (suggest) is very good in theory,but in practice it will not work.4If you like swimming,set yourself a (distant) or time challenge.5The

17、boy was listening attentively in class,with his eyes (fix) on the blackboard.6I remember you told me that you were interested playing with little children.7The young engineer is crazy this job,so he has put all his heart into it.8Uncertain about how to fix the new toy plane,he stopped (think) carefu

18、lly.9I finally got the job I dreamed about. Never in all my life (have) I felt so happy!10 (absorb) in his research,the man often forgets to go home.11After having mixed the three together,the teacher dipped one of his (finger) into the cup.12This is one of the most exciting football games I have ev

19、er seen.13It was he was ill that he missed his favorite football match that evening.14Her son was addicted to (play) computer games,which made her very worried.15The famous scientist has made a great achievement and he often listens music in his spare time.16The man often spent a lot of money (trave

20、l) around the world,which made his wife annoyed.1.advantages2.that3.suggestion4.distance5.fixed6.in7.about8.tothink9.had10.Absorbed11.fingers12.that13.because14.playing15.to16.travelling第5练 计划与愿望1I was blessed with a happy childhood, that most children would want to have.2I mentioned in my last lett

21、er,Ill be back to see my dear teachers in August.3Never feel (hope) if you were turned down by someone. Remember tomorrow is still bright.4No matter happens,I will try my best to carry out my new plan.5It is still discussion whether the old bus station should be replaced with a modern hotel.6The gir

22、l is working hard,expecting there (be) a chance to go abroad for further reeducation.7It is natural that everyone desires (live) in a world free of worries and pains.8The day of all of us had been looking forward to (come) at last!9A few schools will adopt policies that prohibit (share) students con

23、tact information.10The government plans to offer some new books to the villagers have receivedlittle education.11Onceyoumakeapromise,youmustcarryitnomatterwhathappens.12There is no need to worry. Ill have Mike (help) you finish the rest of the work.13I will spend one half of my holiday finishing my

24、homework and the other half (relax) myself.14 (natural) enough,the mother wanted her children to grow up fit and strong.15 (plan) so far ahead makes no senseso many things will have changed by next year.16Since all the preparations for the task (complete),lets start at once.17The young man has the i

25、ntention of (set) up a company of his own someday.参考答案 be7tolive8.came9.sharing10.that/who11.out12.help13.relaxing14.Naturally15.Planning16.have been completed17.setting第6练 饮食与健康1. (read) in the sun really does harm to your eyes.2Exercising (regular) can help us

26、enjoy a much healthier and longer life.3A (balance) diet and regular exercise will contribute to a healthy body.4If you dont feel well,remember (consult) your doctor before taking some medicine.5 (expose) to the sun for a long time is harmful to your skin.6Across the world,there are still a great ma

27、ny families (go) hungry every day.7In that poor area,most of the people have no access clean drinking water.8Coffee has been a part of peoples lives,and today it is still one of the (favor) drinks in the world.9Staying in the countryside where the air is very fresh will be (benefit) to your health.1

28、0Only after you have lost your health can you realize the (important) of it.11The health center serves all patients well regardless their ability to pay.12Generally speaking,those who pay attention physical exercise are in good condition.13Nowadays,more and more children are being overweight,so keep

29、ing a (health) diet is very important.14There are some health problems that,if not (treat) in time,can become bigger ones later on.15The old couple often take a walk after supper in the park with their pet dog (follow) them.参考答案 consult5.Being exposed6.going7.to8.f

30、avorite9.beneficial10.importance11.of12.to13.healthy14.treated15.following第7练 工作职业1My sister has been out of work for three weeks. Now she is considering (find) a new job.2The young man has been working very hard in order to get (promote) soon.3The new employee was fired as a result of his casual at

31、titude his work.4In order not to lose her job,Susan always works extra hours (please) her boss.5The boy does not want to give up this job despite the (press) from his father.6We hope to work with you to bring about a good opening towards a (peace) settlement.7Urged by his friends,he decided to have his first novel (publish) the next month.8We regret (inf

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