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1、初一英语翻译句子专项练习初一英语专项训练之翻译训练1 你经常和丹尼尔步行走路回家吗_ _ you often _ _ _ _ _ _Daniel2 我爸爸晚饭后要看半小时的书。My father _ for after supper.3 他每个星期天都要去足球场踢足球。He _ _ _ the football field _ _ _ _。4 她看不清,因此她经常戴眼镜。She cant see clearly, so she .5 我们都喜欢吃鱼。We .6 Millie每周去读书俱乐部2次。Millie _ _ the Reading Club _ _ _ .7 我每天花2个小时做家庭作业

2、。I _ two hours _ _ _ every day.8 是吃早饭的时间了吗Is _ time _ _Is _ time _ _ _9 学生们每天8点开始上课。The students _ _ _ _ every day.10 他每天骑车去上学。He _ _ _ _ _ every day.11 我给他们一些苹果作为招待。I _ _ some apples _ _ _。12 我在学校里有许多朋友,你想要认识他们吗I have _ _ _. Do you _ _ _ _13 他没有时间和你交谈。He _ _ _ _ _ with you.He _ _ _ _ _ with you.14

3、我爷爷每天花一个半小时听收音机。My grandpa _ _ _ _ _ _ listening to the radio every day.15 放学后,我们经常练习打排球。We often _ _ _ after school .16 你觉得新学校怎么样_ _ _ _ your new school_ _ _ _ _ your new school17 我们都期盼着出去痛快地玩一天。We are all _ _ _ a day _ .18 每周二她都在校门口与西蒙碰面。She _ up _ Simon _ _ school _ every Tuesday.19 早操能帮助我们为一天做准备

4、。Morning exercises can _ _ _ a new day .20 请不要对老人搞恶作剧。Dont _ _ _ old people.21 你想给你的女儿买什么礼物呢What present do you _ _ _ _ your daughter 22 Millie在学校非常喜欢唱歌跳舞Millie _ _ _ _ very much at school.23 在这个特别的日子里, 彼得常打扮成狮子王。Peter often _ _ _ Lion King on the _ day.24 你会用这纸做个大风筝吗Can you _ a big kite _ _ the pap

5、er25 做一个南瓜灯笼并不困难。Its not _ _ _ a _ lantern 26 我们10月份有个长假。We have a long _ in _ .27 我想学习如何包粽子。Id like _ _ _ _ make rice dumplings .28 彼得在家一点家务活都不干。Peter _ do housework _ _ at home.29 你能从你祖父母那里拿到红包吗Can you get _ _ from your grandparents 30 我们读书是为了学到更多有关世界的知识。We read books _ _ _ about _ .31 那个穿着特殊的戏服的人

6、是谁Whos the man _ _ _32 孩子们想玩一种叫“不招待就使坏”的游戏。Children want to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .33 这是我第一次来到中国。Its my _ _ _ _ _ China .34.在端午节我们吃粽子。 At _ _ festival, we eat _ _ .35 你可以用很多方法来回答这个问题。You can answer this question _ _ _ .36 那些学生为什么在花园里跳舞呢_ _ _ _ _ in the garden37 Lucy 正在海南度假。 Lucy _ _ _ _ in Hainan .38 他们每年都聚

7、在一起,庆祝春节。They _ _ _ _ together every year.39. 我们需要为聚会买三瓶牛奶。We need to buy _ _ _ _ for the party.40. 我们需要很多能量踢足球。We need _ _ _ _ play football.41. 安迪,是时候改变你的生活方式了。Its _ _ _ your lifestyle, Andy.42. 餐间吃零食会让你变胖的。You will get fat if you _ _ _ _.43. 这个故事一点都不有趣。This story _ _ _ _.44. 你应该打电话向警察求助。You shoul

8、d _ the police _ _ .45. 那个公园是约见朋友的好地方。 The park is a _ _ _ _friends.46. 在这儿你可以吃到不同种类的食物。 You can eat foods here.47. 我能看看你们的贴纸吗 Can I _ _ _ _ your stickers48. 我没有足够的钱来买一张CD。 I dont have _ _ _ buy a CD.49. 我们正在讨论为希望工程筹款。We are _ _ _ _ _ Hope Project.50. 你能帮我选择该穿什么衣服去聚会吗Can you help me _ _ _ _ to the p

9、arty51. 妈妈叫他看书时开灯。Mother asks him to _ _ _ _ when he reads.52. 汤姆比他们班其他任何男孩都高。Tom is taller than _ _ _ in his class.53. 所有的父母都想让自己的孩子有礼貌且乐于助人。All the parents want their children _ _ _ and _.54.一月一日是元旦。 _ 1st is _ _ Day.55.十二月二十五日是圣诞节。 _ 25th is _ .56.我将在10月5日下午2点去看病。 Ill see a doctor 2 . the afterno

10、on October 5th.57.在10月31日西方人庆祝万圣节。 People in the West _ Halloween on _ 31st.58 Sandy的父母是北京人,但她不和他们在一起生活。 Sandys parents _ _ Beijing, but she _ live with them. 59 Any努力学习汉语,她想到中国工作。 Any works hard _ _ Chinese, she want _ _ in China. 60. 她的狗已经2岁半了。 Her dog is 2 _ and 6 _ old。61. Simon家有四口人。 _ _ four _

11、 in Simons family. 62. 健康的饮食对于运动员来说很重要。A _ _ _ is very important _ _ a sportsman.63. 我们必须对我们的饮食小心. We must _ _ _ _ _ _ our diet.64.这个女孩很少去上舞蹈课. This girl _ _ goes to the _ _ lesson.65. 去年的衣服打折。 Theres a _ _ _ _ last years clothes.66. 你可以在这个书店发现不同种类的书。You can find _ _ of books in the bookshop.67. 鲜花是

12、给女孩们的好的生日礼物。 Flowers are good _ _ _ girls.68. 俱乐部是一个结交朋友的好地方。The club is a good place _ _ friends.69. 这个购物中心有五层商店。There are five _ _ of shops in the _ _ mall.70 那么我就能在图书馆再呆十分钟了。I can spend _ _ minutes in the library then.71. 我可以试穿一下这条牛仔裤吗Can I _ these jeans _ _72. 孩子们都穿着五颜六色的衣服,看起来既神奇又摩登。Children ar

13、e all _ clothes and look _ and modern.73. 今天的时装表演就到这儿了。Thats all _ todays _ show.74 他今天下午没空,你呢 He _ _ _ this afternoon, _ _75为什么不帮助她搬所有的袋子呢 Why _ help her _ _ the _76这双褐色的鞋子和她的外套很般配。 This pair of _ _ _ her coat _.77你叔叔够强壮的可以搬动这个重的箱子。 Your uncle is _ _ _ carry this _ box.78埃米请我们在公共汽车站等她. Emily want u

14、s to _ _ her at the _ _.79. 你不再是个小孩子了。 You _ a little _ _ _.80. 他是我最好的朋友之一。 He is _ _ my_ _. There is a car race near our town every year. In 1995,there was a very big were hundreds of people there. My wife and I were at the race. Our friends Julie and Jack were there, too. You can see us in the cro

15、wd. We are standing on the left. There were twenty cars in the were English cars, French cars, Geman cars, Italian cars, American cars and Japanese cars. It was an exciting finish. The winner was Billy Stewart. He was in car number fifteen. Five other cars were just behind him. On the way home, my w

16、ife said to me, “Dont drive so quickly!Youre not Billy Stewart!” there a car race near our town every year _ many people are there in the big race of 1995 _ was at the race with the author(作者) _ they standing on the left_ there thirty cars in the race_ there any Chinese cars in the race_ finish was exciting, wasnt it_ was the winner of the race_

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