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9A Unit 6 Detective stories2.docx

1、9A Unit 6 Detective stories29A Unit 6 Detective stories(2)第六单元侦探小说31. check的用法check用作名词,意为“核对”“支票”。如: They made a check on his calculation. 他们核对他的计算。They gave a document a quick check. 他们很快地审核了证件。His father gave him a check for fifty dollars. 他的父亲给他一张五十元的支票。He was observed using a check for $1,500 a

2、s a bookmark. 有人见他把一张一千五佰美元的支票当作书签。check用作动词,意为“检查”“核对”。如: She checked the door locks before she left. 她离开之前检查了一下门锁。Check you work through for mistake before you hand it in. 把你的功课从头看一遍,看看是否有错误,然后交上来。Can you check that weve got everything thats on the list? 单子上的东西是否都准备好了,你去检查一下好吗?32. “He was charged

3、with breaking into several computer systems over the last year,” said Detective Johes. “去年他被指控非法闯入几家电脑系统,”约翰侦探说。chargewith意为“指控”“控诉”“告发”“(因某事)谴责(人)”。如: The police charged the man with stealing the money. 警察指控这个人偷了钱。He was charged with murder. 他被控犯谋杀罪。They charged that the police had beaten three stu

4、dents to death. 他们指控警察打死三名学生。chargewith意为“指示”“委以某人责任”。如: The teacher charged me with calling the names. 老师指派我点名。He charged me with the task. 他把那任务委派给我。charge用作动词,意为“收费”,常可与for连用。如: He charged me ten yuan for mending my watch. 他要我付10元修表费。We charge $25 per night for a single room. 单人房间每晚收费25美元。Do you

5、charge for postage and packing? 你们要收打包费和邮费吗?charge用作名词,意为“价钱”“费用”。如: The charge for cleaning the curtains was $ 10. 清理窗帘的收费为10美元。What are the charges like in that hotel? 那个旅馆的住宿收费是多少?These books are free of charge. 这些书是免费的。in charge of是一个习惯短语,意为“负责”“主管”。如: She is in charge of the baby. 这婴儿由她负责照料。The

6、 school is in charge of Professor Li. 这学校由李教授负责。Miss Li is in charge of our class. 李老师是我们的班主任。Id like to speak to the person in charge. 我想跟你们的负责人尽句话。Who is in charge of the office while Jack is away? 杰克不在的时候由谁主管办室?33. So far, the only suspect is a short, thin man, who was seen running down Upper Str

7、eet at 10 p.m last night. 到目前为止,唯一的嫌疑人是一个矮的、瘦小的人,有人看见他昨晚10点的时候沿着阿佩尔街跑。so far意为“到目前为止”,相当于up to now,常和现在完成时连用,有时和一般现在时连用,可放在句首句尾。如: So far everything is all right. 到目前为止,一切都好。He said he would telephone but we havent heard from him so far. 他说要打电话来,但我们到现在还没有关于他的音讯。So far, I have understood the lesson.

8、到现在为止,功课我会了。I can only help him so far. 我能帮他的仅止于此。so far as用作连词,表示“就限度”“到程度”的意思。如: So far as I know, they are studying in the same school. 据我所知,他们在同一个学校上学。So far as I know, people began to use balloons as a kind of flying machine in the 18th century. 就我所知,人们是在18世纪开始把气球作为一种飞行器的。as far as表示“远到”的意思,既可用

9、于肯定句,也可用于否定句;当用作连词时,意为“就限度”,与so far as同义。如: We took a walk as far as the river yesterday evening. 我们昨晚散步一直散到河边。In the long jump, he can only jump as far as three metres. 在跳远中,他只能跳到三米。I cant throw a javelin so far as / as far as he. 我掷标枪不如他掷得远。As far as I know he has passed the exam. 就我所知,他已经通过了考试。34

10、. A witness reported that he was breathing heavily and had blood on his shirt. 一个目击者说,他喘得厉害,并且T恤衫上有血。breathe用作动词,意为“呼吸”“喘气”。如: We cant breathe without air. 没有空气我们就不能呼吸。Its good for the health to breathe deeply. 作深呼吸对身体有益。She was breathing heavily. 她气喘吁吁。breath用作名词,意为“呼吸”“一口气”。如: He blew his breath a

11、gainst the mirror. 他把气吹到镜子上。He often takes a deep breath. 他经常用一次深呼吸。Lets go outside a moment for a breath of fresh air. 我们出去走一会,吸一口新鲜空气吧。We ran so fast that we were out of breath. 我们跑得太快而喘不过气来。35. However, the suspect had evidence to prove that he was at another place at the time of the crime and in

12、sisted that he was not guilty. 但是犯罪嫌疑人有案发时在另一场所的证据。并且坚持说他是清白的。prove用作动词,意为“证明”“证实”。如: Can you prove your theory to us? 你能向我们证明你的理论吗?How did you prove that he was the robber? 你如何证明他就是那名强盗?I am unable to prove the truth of what he said. 我不能证实他所说的话。She proved herself to be an able secretary. 她表现出自己是一位能

13、干的秘书。prove可用连系动词用,接to be时,常省去to be而直接跟形容词或名词。如: It proved (to be) a terrible mistake. 这被证实是个严重的错误。What he said proved (to be) right. 他所说的证实是对的。This book proved (to be) interesting. 这本书很有趣。The plan proved (to be) a success. 这计划结果成功了。36. insist的用法 关于insist的用法详见Unit 537. reward的用法reward用作名词,意为“报酬”“奖赏”“

14、酬谢”“报答”“奖金”。如: He worked hard without any hope of reward. 他努力工作却不期待报酬。He was given a medal as a reward for his good service. 他因为良好的服务而获得一枚奖章。They offered a reward of $2000 for information about their missing son. 他们悬赏2000美元,找寻失踪的儿子。She got nothing as a reward for her kindness. 她的好心没有得到一点报答。As a rewa

15、rd for passing his exams, he got a new bike from his parents. 作为对他考试及格的奖赏,他父母给他买了辆新的自行车。The police are offering a big reward for information about the murder. 警察为获得这一凶杀案的线索而重金悬赏。reward用作动词,意为“报答”“酬谢”“奖赏”。如: I will reward you later. 我以后再答谢你。How can I reward your kindness? 我如何才能报答你的好意呢?He rewarded the

16、 boy for bringing back the lost dog. 他奖赏了那个男孩,因为他找回了走失的狗。His parents bought a bike to reward him for passing the exams. 他的父母买了一辆自行车给他,奖励他考试及格。38. The police investigation 警察调查investigation用作名词,意为“调查”“搜查”“研究”。如: The police have finished their investigations into the crime. 警方已经完成了对这件罪行的调查。The matter

17、is still under investigation. 这事件仍在调查之中。The police are making (carrying out) investigation into this accident. 警方正在对这起交通事故进行调查。They made investigation into the cause of the fire. 他们对失火原因进行了调查。investigate用作动词,意为“调查”“研究”,相当于look into。如: The police began to investigate the murder. 警方开始调查这起谋杀案。Who is go

18、ing to investigate the cause of accident? 谁去调查这起事故的原因?A murder was reported and the police were sent to investigate. 凶杀案发生后,警察被派去调查。【注】investigator用作名词,意为“调查者”。39. Commonly confused verbs常见易混淆动词commonly用作副词,意为“通常地”“普遍地”“一般地”。如: He is commonly known as “Joe”. 人们通常叫他“乔”。Women commonly live longer than

19、 men. 女性通常比男性长寿。common用作形容词,意为“普通的”“常见的”“平凡的”,强调“普通”,并含有不高贵,地位低下之意味,其反义词为rare,有比较级的变化。如: He wasnt a hero but just a common man. 他不是英雄而是一个普通人。This sort of weather is quite common. 这种天气非常常见。A dog is one of the commonest pets. 狗是最常见的宠物之一。This flower is common is spring. 这种花在春天很常见。Its a common mistake.

20、这是常见的错误。Pine trees are common in many parts of the world. 松树在世界上许多地方都很常见。common作形容词用,还要表示“共有的”“共同的”的意思,没有比较级变化。如: Parks in town are common property. 城市中的公园是公共财产。A great interest in music was common to them. 他们对音乐都有着共同的强烈兴趣。English is often used as the common language at the international meetings. 在

21、国际会议上,常把英语作为共同语言使用。Britain and American share a common language. 英语和美国使用同一种语言。in common意思为“和有共同之处”,常用havein common这一结构。如: They are brothers, but they have nothing in common. 他们是兄弟,但彼此之间毫无共同之处。The twins have a lot in common. 这两个双胞胎有许多共同之处。What we have in common is the habit of early rising. 我们所共有的一点就

22、是有早起的习惯。【注】in common with引导的短语,意为“和一样”,在句中用状语。如:In common with most educated people, he prefers classical music to jazz. 如同大多数受过教育的人,他也喜欢古典音乐而不喜欢爵士音乐。In common with many other boys, he liked baseball. 他和很多其他的男孩一样喜欢棒球。ordinary用作形容词,意为“通常的,普通的”,指由于与一般事物或人的性质和标准都相同,毫无奇特之处,因而显得“平常”“平淡无奇”。如: Although she

23、 was rich, she was always in ordinary clothes. 尽管她很富有,但她总是穿着平常的衣服。He is an ordinary worker. 他是普通工人。He is an ordinary looking person. 他是一个相貌平常的人。They live in an ordinary house. 他们住在一所普通的房子里。 usual用作形容词,意为“通常的。平常的,惯例的”,表示按惯例,通常如此,即习惯性。如: She arrived later than usual. 她比平时晚来一些。As is usual with children

24、, they soon got tired. 孩子们一贯如此,他们很快就厌倦了。You made the usual mistakes which all beginners make. 你犯的就是那些初学者老犯的错误。It is usual for him to sit up late at night. 他对熬夜已习以为常。general用作形容词,侧重“普遍的、大体的、概括的”之意,表示在大多数人或物中流行并受到关注。如: I have got the general idea of what he said just now. 我已明白了他刚才所说的大体意思。It is a matte

25、r of general interest. 这是一件引起大众兴趣的事。40. confuse的用法confuse用作动词,意为“把人弄糊涂”“使迷惑”“混淆”。如: The difficult question confused me. 这人难题使困惑。People were confused by a lot of information. 人们被大量的信息弄糊涂了。They confused me by asking so many question. 他们提了这么多问题,把我都弄糊涂了。I often confuse Lee with his brother. They look ve

26、ry much alike. 我常把李和他弟弟弄混淆了,他们十分相似。confused用作形容词,意为“糊涂的”“迷惑的”“不清楚的”“难懂的”。如: The old lady easily got confused. 这个老太太容易糊涂。I thought I knew what to do, but now Im confused. 我原以为我知道我该做什么,可是现在我被搞糊涂了。【注】confusion为名词,意为“迷惑”“混淆”“混乱”。41. Hear means to be aware of sounds. Hear的意思是听到的结果。aware用作形容词,意为“知道的”“意识到的

27、”“觉察到的”,可与of连用。如: He wasnt aware of the danger. 他没有意识到有危险。I am aware of the difficulties you face. 我知道你面对的困难。I suddenly felt aware of somebody watching me. 我突然感到有人在注视我。I am aware that you will face difficulties. 我知道你将要面对困境。42. When you look at something, you concentrate and pay attention on that thi

28、ng. 当你看见某事物后,你会引起注意。concentrate用作动词,意为“集中(思想、注意力等)”“专心于”,常与on连用。如: I cant concentrate on anything when I am hungry. 我饿了就无法集中精力。He concentrated on finding somewhere to live. 他集中精力找住处。Be quiet. Im trying to concentrate. 安静点,我在试图集中精力。I must concentrate on my new task. 我必须专注于我的新工作。【注】concentration用作名词。4

29、3. You watch something that is changing, moving or developing. 你观看事物的变化,移动或发展。develop用作动词,意为“发展”“开发”“养成”“发育”“使产生”。如: I believe that sports can develop mind and body. 我想运动有益身心发展。The city has developed into the center of industry. 这个城市已发展为工业中心。He developed an interest in collecting stamps. 他培养了对集邮的兴趣。

30、She has developed the good habit of making notes while reading. 她养成了读书时记笔记的习惯。We must develop new sources of energy/markets of medicine. 我们必须开发新能源/药品市场。But later, people developed a way of printing. 不过后来人们开发了一种印刷术。develop可用来表示“显(影)”“冲洗(胶片)”解。如: Photographers return and the photos are quickly develop

31、ed. 摄影记者回来了,照片很快洗印出来。I think these photos will look nice when they are developed. 我想这些照片洗出来以后将会很好看。【注】developed countries意思是“发达国家”,undeveloped countries意思是“不发达国家”,developing counties意思是“发展中国家”。44. no criminal record没有犯罪记录record用作名词,还要表示“记录”“成绩”。如: A doctor keeps a record of his patients illness. 凡是医生都记录病人的病情。He makes (keeps) a record of his ever

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