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1、仁爱九年级下册教案仁爱九年级下册教案【篇一:英语仁爱版九年级英语下册全册教案】 英语仁爱版九年级英语下册全册教案 unit 5 topic 1 section a section a needs 1 period. section a需用1课时。 the main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。 . aims and demands目标要求 1. master some new words and phrases: tourist, a number of, fetch, introduce, lie in 2. learn attributive

2、clauses which use“that”and“which”. (1)china is a great country that has about 5,000 years of history. (2)its a book which introduces china in detail. 3. learn about the geography of china. 4. cultivate the students patriotism through learning about the geography of china. . teaching aids教具 录音机/长城和五岳

3、的图片/幻灯片/中国地图 . five-finger teaching plan五指教学方案 step 1 review 第一步 复 习(时间:15分钟) 让学生尽可能地和同伴说出他们最喜爱的名胜,激活他们的英语思维,培养他们的爱国之情。呈现新词,引出并学习定语从句。 1. (学生很快谈论一下my favorite place is .,激活他们的英语思维。) t: china has a long history. its very beautiful. it has many places of interest. what place have you been to? s1: ive

4、been to mount huang. t: do you like it? why? s1: i like it very much. the scenery is very beautiful. t: whats your favorite place? s2: t: can you describe it for us? s2: (结对活动,谈论my favorite place is , 并对其加以描述。) 2. (教师出示长城图片。) t: have you been to the great wall? (学生可能没去过,教师自己介绍。)(板书画线部分的生词和短语,然后解释,并领

5、读。最后以四人小组形式让学生用所学新词说出他们最say them like this: my favorite place is it lies in it attracts many/a number of tourists (然后介绍同组同学kangkangs favorite place is ) t: in our country, many places of interest attract many tourists. and china also has a number of beautiful mountains and rivers. can you say some?

6、(学生很快说出名山和河流。) t:i think a number of students want to know more about our country. now i can fetch you a book. here “fetch”means“go and bring sth. back”. t: the book is guide to china. it introduces china in detail. i can also say:guide to china is a book that/which introduces china in detail. (教师由此

7、引出由that/which引导的定语从句,并用汉语解释。然后给出几组简单句,合并成含有定语从句的复合句。) china is a great country. it has about 5, 000 years of history./my favorite place is kunming. it is known as the spring city./in china there are many places of interest. they attract millions of tourists from all over the world every year. (也可继续学

8、习活动2。) step 2 presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟) 呈现并学习1a,同时完成1b。 1. (学生合上课本,听1a的录音,准备回答问题,教师可以先把这些问题写在小黑板上。) t: now, please close your books and listen to the tape. prepare to answer the questions: t: please find out attributive clauses. then i will tell you how to use them. 3. (让学生完成1b,教师抽查。) t: fill in

9、the form of 1b. then i will ask some of you to give your answers. step 3 consolidation 第三步 巩 固(时间:7分钟) 巩固1a。1. (让学生跟录音朗读,两遍后,可让学生脱离课本跟录音朗读,并用/标出定语从句的停顿之处。) t: please listen to the tape and read after it. pay more attention to the pronunciation and intonation and the pause of attributive clauses. 2.

10、(让学生根据1b复述1a。) t: please look at 1b and retell 1a. step 4 practice 第四步 练 习(时间:6分钟) (方案一: 通过活动2,继续学习并操练定语从句,而后进行活动3的听力训练。) 1. (教师展示一幅中国地图,练习定语从句。) t: what place is this? ss: its hefei. t: where is it? ss: its in anhui province. t: we can also say this is hefei which/that lies in anhui province. (然后老师

11、手指多个地点,先让学生一起说,再找几个学生个别地说。) 2. (让学生看2中的例子,然后仿照例子编对话。有条件的可以用幻灯片把五岳的图片展示出来,这样学生可以不看课本中的例子,真正地脱离课本进行交际。) t: ok. look at the example in 2, please. then you can make dialogs after the example while looking at the pictures. ss: (然后教师抽几对进行表演,检查效果,特别注意学生在使用定语从句时会不会用关系代 词。) 3. (让学生先看3,脑中形成初步的印象,然后听录音,听两遍后再让学

12、生填空。第三遍检查,有必要时停顿。如果效果好,听两遍亦可,灵活把握。) t: please look at 3. after a while, i will play the tape. just listen for the first time. for the second time, you can listen and write down the answers. (方案二: 让学生介绍自己的家乡,进一步练习定语从句,完成3。) 1. (由五岳名山过渡到学生家乡的山、水、人。) t: we all know, mount tai, mount hua, mount heng, mo

13、unt song are in different areas. they also have their own special scenery. what about your hometown? where is it? are there any beautiful mountains or famous rivers? (给学生3分钟时间组织语言。)3. (为降低难度,教师也可以给学生提供一个范例。) example: my hometown is a small town that lies in . there is a beautiful river flowing in fr

14、ont of my house. its not wide, but long. the water is clean and clear. my hometown is surrounded by high mountains. the mountains are is famous for the red mountains. there are many kinds of delicious food in my hometown, especially is that the people are very friendly. welcome to 4. (任务设置的目的是调动全体学生

15、参与到活动中来,展示的同时要注意让学生都有事做,所以在group work的展示中,一个说,三个听并作评委,要求四个人中每个人都说一次,同时每个人都作三次评委,选出最优秀的那个。) t: tell your partners about your hometown. choose the best one in your group. 5. (完成3。) t: first read 3. then fill in the blanks while listening to the tape. (小组讨论复习所学中国地理,通过语法练习和作文形式进一步巩固所学定语从句。) step 5 proje

16、ct 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:7分钟) 收集地理知识,用which/that引导的定语从句交谈。 1. (进行一个group work, 复习所学的中国地理。) (1)教师将事先准备好的中国地形图分给各组。 (2)要求各组拿出笔、纸进行查找和记录中国的名山、大河。 (3)组与组间进行汇报。 (4)教师选个别的组进行展示。 t: lets find out the beautiful mountains and famous rivers on the map of china. write them down on a piece of paper. (3分钟后)group a repor

17、ts your result to group b. group c reports to group d (2分钟后)please tell me your results. group a: group b: group c: group d: 2. (进行一个语法练习,巩固which/that引导的定语从句。) (1)(教师出示一块小黑板,要求用that/which来连接两个句子。)3. homework (2)布置对话,主题为旅游。 要求: 出现旅游景点:名山,大河。 尽量用定语从句。 (下节课同学们可以带来各自的旅行照片。) .疑点探究 its mount tai that/whic

18、h lies in shandong province.此句并非强调句子,it代指place。 section b section b needs 12 periods. section b需用12课时。 the main activities are 1a and 2a.本课重点活动是1a和2a。 . aims and demands目标要求1. master some new words and phrases: have fun, above, come true, so that , not only but also 2. go on learning attributive cla

19、uses which use“that”and“which”. (1)could you tell me something about the places that you visited there? (2)thats the most fantastic place that i have ever heard of. 3. learn more about the geography of chinathe qinghai-tibet plateau and west lake. 4. cultivate the students patriotism. . teaching aid

20、s教具 录音机/幻灯片/青藏高原图片/打印材料/小黑板 . five-finger teaching plan五指教学方案 step 1 review第一步 复 习(时间:10分钟) 检查作业,然后用师生课前准备的旅行照片谈论他们去过的景点,复习旅行的话题。 1. (检查作业。) t: last class i asked you to make a dialog about travelling. who can act it out to us with your partner? s1: . s2: 2. (教师出示自己的旅行照片与学生交流。) t: its a beautiful pi

21、cture. can you find me in it? ss: yes. t: you can ask me some questions according to the picture. s3: where did you go? t: i went to mount tai that lies in shandong province. s4: when did you go there? t: last summer holiday. s5: did you have a good time and what did you see? t: yes. i saw suise. it

22、 made me surprised and excited. the scenery there is fantastic. mount tai is well worth visiting. thats the most beautiful mountain that i have ever been to. i wish you to go there some day. ss: ok. i will. 3. (学生与同伴交流他们去过或喜欢的景点,教师给出一些单词和词组。) t: you and your partner can talk about your pictures. ill

23、 give you some words and phrases.4. (1)(呈现青藏高原图片,并教授此词。) t: can you guess what place it is? ss: 青藏高原。 t: yes. in english its the qinghai-tibet plateau.(2)(教师可以针对青藏高原进行简单的问答,为下一步呈现扫清障碍。) t: where is the qinghai-tibet plateau? s6: its in the west of china. s7: its in the north of china.【篇二:九年级化学教案(仁爱版

24、、下册)】 凯里市碧波中学20132014学年度第二学期 九年级化学教案 教材版本:仁爱版 执 教: 吴春周 执教班级:九(2、3、4) 2014年2月20日专题7 初识酸碱和盐 单元1 酸性溶液和碱性溶液 【学习目标】 1. 了解溶液的种类及溶液酸碱性的鉴别方法。 2. 掌握溶液酸碱度的测定方法。 3. 提高学生对溶液酸碱度在生活和生产中的应用能力。 【学习重难点】 溶液酸碱性的鉴别和酸碱度的测定方法。 【学习时数】 2课时 第一课时 (1) 【复习提问】 混合物的分类是怎样的? 【学习新课】 一、酸性溶液和碱性溶液: 【实验】:“观察思考” 增加实验:“氯化铵溶液”的实验 【学生自评】:

25、p3 “填表” 1、检验溶液的酸碱性常用酸碱指示剂 2、酸碱指示剂的分类: (1)紫色石蕊试液 (2)无色酚酞试液 3、溶液的分类:使紫色石蕊试液变红色 酸性溶液使无色酚酞试液不变色 中性溶液:不能使指示剂变色 使紫色石蕊试液变蓝色 碱性溶液使无色酚酞试液变红色 备注:含铵根离子的物质溶于水溶液的温度显著降低,溶液显酸性。 课内练习:复习本节课知识。 课外练习:列举生活中常见的酸性溶液和碱性溶液。 【板书设计】 一、酸性溶液和碱性溶液: 1、检验溶液的酸碱性常用酸碱指示剂 2、酸碱指示剂的分类: (1)紫色石蕊试液 (2)无色酚酞试液 3、溶液的分类:第二课时 (2) 【复习提问】 1、用什么

26、来检验溶液的酸碱性? 2、溶液的分类有哪些?举例。 3、不同种类的溶液使指示剂变色是怎样的? 【学习新知】 二、溶液酸碱度的表示方法 h 1、溶液酸碱性的强弱程度用p值来表示。 2、ph值的范围:014之间 ph=7 中性溶液 ph7碱性溶液ph7 酸性溶液 【随堂练习】 现有下列8种溶液,请按要求填空: 、ph7.5 (2)、ph6.6 (3)、 ph8 (4)、ph4 (5)、ph7 (6)、ph13(7)、ph0 (8)、ph10(9)、ph2.1 (10)、ph3.7 (1)、显酸性的溶液是 、酸性最强的是、酸性最弱的是 ; (2)、显碱性的溶液是 、碱性最强的是、碱性最弱的是 ; (

27、3)、显中性的溶液是。 3.溶液ph值得测定方法 (1)ph试纸(初略测定) (2)酸度计(准确测定) 【备注】:ph试纸的使用应该注意:(1)、不能用水先打湿试纸后再测定溶液的ph;(2)、不能将试纸直接伸入被测的溶液中,避免被测溶液被污染。 【探究活动】 学生尝试操作实验 三溶液在生活中的应用 【指导学生自学】p6-7 练习: 1. 复习本节课内容 2. 单元作业:1、2、3、4 【板书设计】 二、溶液酸碱度的表示方法 1、溶液酸碱性的强弱程度用ph值来表示。 2、ph值的范围:014之间 3.溶液ph值得测定方法 (1)ph试纸(初略测定)(2)酸度计(准确测定) 三、溶液在生活中的应用

28、 单元2 几种常见的酸和碱 【学习目标】 1、会认识酸、碱类物质。 2、掌握酸的性质。 3、掌握碱的性质。 4、理解置换反应和中和反应。 5、提高学生在生活中和生产中的防腐意识。 【学习重难点】 酸和碱的性质。 【学习时数】4课时 第一课时 (3) 【复习提问】 1、怎样测定溶液的ph值? 2、ph值测定的范围是怎样的? 【学习新知】 一、什么是酸、碱 1、常见的酸、碱。 【提出问题】 生活中常见的酸和碱有哪些? 【学生讨论】 【师生小结】: (1)、酸溶液都能导电的原因是应为酸溶液中都存在自由移动的氢离子和酸根离子。 hcl = h+ + cl-h2so4 = 2h+ + so42- hno

29、3 = h+ + no3- h2co3 = 2h+ + co3- (2)、碱溶液都能导电的原因是应为碱溶液中都存在自由移动的金属离子和氢氧根离 子。 naoh =na+ + oh-mg(oh)2 = ng2+ + 2oh- ca(oh)2 = ca2+ + 2oh- 【提出问题】:通过上面探究活动的学习,你怎样来给酸碱下一个定义? 【学生思考、讨论】:(略)【师生小结】: + 酸: 溶于水时只生成h和酸根离子的化合物叫做酸。 备注:溶于水时有h+ 生成的物质不一定是酸、可能是酸式盐。 如nahco3 khco3。 碱:溶于水时只生成金属离子和oh-的化合物叫做碱。 备注:溶于水时有oh-生成的

30、物质不一定是碱,可能是碱式盐。 如cu2(oh)2co3。 3、酸、碱的组成特征。 【提出问题】 分组讨论,说一说酸、碱的组成有特点? 【学生自学、归纳】:p9-10 酸的组成特点:只由氢元素和酸根两部分组成。(左氢右酸根) 碱的组成特征:只由金属离子和oh-两部分组成。(左金右oh-) 练习: 写出下列物质的化学式。 硫酸硝酸盐酸 氢硫酸 碳酸氢氧化钠 氢氧化铁 氢氧化亚铁 氢氧化铜 【板书设计】 酸: 溶于水时只生成h+和酸根离子的化合物叫做酸。 碱:溶于水时只生成金属离子和oh-的化合物叫做碱。 3、酸、碱的组成特征。 酸的组成特点:只由氢元素和酸根两部分组成。(左氢右酸根) 碱的组成特

31、征:只由金属元素和oh两部分组成。(左金右oh )【篇三:仁爱湘教版初中英语九年级下册全册教案】 2010春季九年级教案 庄丽萍 unit 5 knowing about chinatopic 1 how much do you know about china? section a the main activity is 1a. i . teaching aims and demands: 1. learn some new words and phrases: 2. learn the attributive clauses which use“that”or“which”. 3. learn about the geography of china. 4. cultivate the students patriotism through learni

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