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选修6module 1学生自学导学案1.docx

1、选修6module 1学生自学导学案1Book 6 module 1第一部分:Introduction 自学 导学案一课前预习:1.请将如下单词在课文中标注出来definition n. 定义 positive thing 积极的东西 take place 发生 informal conversation 非正式的交谈 light conversation 轻松交谈 social occasion 社交场合 polite friendly conversation 有礼貌的友好交谈 ordinary or unimportant matters 普通的或不重要的事情 career 职业poli

2、tics 政治2 课文理解填空 What does a small talk really mean?1. 2.3. 4.二讲授新课。重点单词词组讲解1. small talk_2. refer to 译作:_ _ _ _词短语中to为_词,后接_ _ _作_,不可以接_.Eg. 查字典_=_the words in the dictionary.模仿造句:当你遇到困难时,你可以查阅笔记。_ When I said sb. was stupid, I wasnt referring to you._ Dont refer to this matter again please._3. info

3、rmal 词性_译作_构词 _+_其他的否定前缀有_例词_4. serious 词性_词义_短语be serious about _ 模仿造句:小明真想努力学习英语:_三预习reading 部分 第一题,如下词汇,填空damage 毁坏,encourage 鼓励,impress 留下.印象 ,prepare准备,recognize 认出1.The singer was really good! She _ me a lot!2.He had an accident and _ his bicycle.3.Dont shout at the children. You should _ them

4、 to do better.4.Make sure you _ for your English examination. Do more homework!5.At the party, I _a boy who used to attend my school.四预习reading 部分 第四题,如下词汇,填空sigh叹气yawn打哈欠 nod 点头 avoid 避免 lack缺少,缺乏 smile笑1.when I meet strangers, I dont like to talk about myself, so I _ answering personal questions.2

5、.where are very few foreign visitors to my town, so we _ the opportunity to meet people from other countries. 3.I said that we dont have enough opportunity to speak English and he _ his head in agreement.4.I think the man I spoke to was tired- he _a lot.5.He looked very sad when I asked him about hi

6、s home. He_ when he answered me.6.I felt very welcome when I arrived at the party. The host_ at me and shook my hand.Book 6 module 1第二部分:vocabulary and reading自学 导学案一课前预习:1.请将如下单词在课文中标注出来Cross 穿过 avoid 避免 recognize 认出 confidently 自信地 guest 客人 lack the confidence 缺少自信 advance planning 预先准备 prepare 准备

7、 low-risk conversation opener是低风险的开场白 damage 毁坏 develop 提高 a two-way process双向的过程 involve 涉及 impress 留下.印象 encouraging noise and gestures 鼓励的声音或姿势 contact 接触 yawn 打哈欠 sigh 叹气 in addition 除此之外 host 主人 a certain color 一种特定颜色二课文理解填空 1. Read the passage and decide what kind of book it is from. Choose fr

8、om. Choose from this list.(阅读课文,确定本文是出自什么样的书籍,从如下选项中选出)_1. an English teaching book2. A business course3. A book which tells you what to do at social events4. A book to help you prepare for a speaking examination2. 将文章八自然段分成四部分,并概括段意(提示,注意副标题)Part 1Para._Part 2Para. _Part 3Para. _Part 4Para. _3.读课文第

9、二部分,回答那些话题是低风险的开场白(1) (2)(3) (4)4.读第三部分,how to develop your listening skillsDosDonts1. 读最后一部分(找出不同文化下的一些社交规则)(1) (2)(3) (4)6.阅读课文回答课后第三题1.According to the article, should people plan what theyre going to say at parties?2.What do people think about those who talk too much?3.Descri

10、be two things you shouldnt do in a conversation.4.Why is it a good idea to nod and smile when the other person is talking?5.What does the quotation from Benjamin Disraele tell you about people?三重点单词词组讲解1damage 词性_词义_ _对造成损害_模仿造句:饮酒太多会损害你的健康_ 地震对四川人们造成巨大损害_2. impress 短语:sb be impressed with _模仿造句:我对老

11、师所说的话印象深刻_sth be impressed on ones mind _模仿造句:老师说的话深深地印在我的脑海里_3. make sure_ Make sure of / about _ Make sure that _模仿造句:你一定要确保明白我的话_模仿造句:我们必须确保孩子们的安全(safety)_4.confidently 词性_词义_adj._n._5. make friends with _模仿造句:我发现与你交朋友很难_6. lack 词性:_词义:_模仿造句:他们没钱送她上大学:_For lack of :_模仿造句:由于缺钱,我不能买那套房子:_Be lacking

12、 in:_ 模仿造句:他缺少信心:_=_A lack of _模仿造句:缺钱、水 nervous about _模仿造句:你知道他为什么紧张不安吗?_7. advance:词性:_词义:_advanced词性:_词义:_模仿造句:如果你能来,请事先通知我们_她总是有先进的想法:_8. think of _ think highly of _think nothing of _think of as_模仿造句:我正在考虑换工作_9.look away from _模仿造句:当老师讲课时,不要把目光移开她 addition _=_作_词 In addition to _=_相

13、当于_词Book 6 module 1 第三部分:Grammar 复习情态动词+have done 结构1. didnt have done 表示过去_做某事,事实上_2. neednt have done 表示过去_做某事,但事实上_.3. couldntcant have done 表示过去_,也可以理解为对过去事实的_猜测。4. must have done 表示_5. maymight have done 表示_6. should ought to have done 表示_7. shouldntoughtnt to have done 表示_8. must do 表示_ 9.cant

14、 do 表示_随堂练习。Book 6 module 1第四部分 reading and writing 自学 导学案课前预习:1.请将如下单词在课文中标注出来1 I have a favor to ask. 我有一事恳请帮忙 2 reception 欢迎会3 the Chinese Embassy 中国大使馆 4 senior high 高中5 teenagers青少年2.根据教材第七页中电子邮件的内容如下问题。1 What is the writer going to do next week?2 Who is he going to meet?3 What is his problem?4

15、 What is he always worried about?5 What is his aim for writing this letter?6 There are certain questions that we shouldnt really ask people, please give us some examples. (1) _ (2) _ 2.讲授新课:如何向笔友介绍社交礼仪回信案例呈现3. 写作指导:(1)先确定文体,本文是 ,属于 。内容是 。(2)确定人称、时态: 本文应用第 人称写。时态应用 。(3)确定文中框架:本文最好分为 段。a:b:c:(4)常用句型搜索

16、:请将如下句子译成汉语a: 电子邮件信件开头客套语:很高兴收到你的来信。_谢谢你的电子邮件。_你最近好吗?自从我上次收到你的电子邮件已经很长时间了。_b. 正文中常用的句式在见面时,人们经常_做是好的方式_被认为是不好的方式,在_在一些国家,你不许_不要问一些像“你多大了?”这样的私人问题_在餐桌上,你不许_c. 常用结束语我希望这些信息有用_5范文讲解Book 6 module 1第五部分:Reading and vocabulary 自学 导学案一课前预习:1.请将如下单词在课文中标注出来firm 公司 ,outspoken 直言不讳的,坦率的 , motto 座右铭 , major sh

17、ortcoming 主要的缺点,complete absence完全的缺少,basic rules 基本规则,as a consequence 结果, systematic 非偶然的,coincidence 巧合,customer 顾客,mature 成熟的,awkward 尴尬的, teased 戏弄,嘲弄,contradict 反驳,与相矛盾,apology 道歉, cautious 谨慎的 messy 棘手的,难办的, divorce 离婚 hairstyle 发型modest 谦虚的 discourage使泄气 brunch 早午餐 anniversary 周年纪念日 dating 约

18、会 ugly 丑陋的 interrupted 打断2.猜测如下句子中划线词的含义(1)“Nice to meet you, ”she said.” How old are you?” The customer looked awkward.(2)-On another occasion ,Esther teased a typist ,“Hey!When is your baby due?”-The typist went red and contradicted Esther.” Actually, I am not pregnant,” she said.(3)Esther was nev

19、er cautious about other peoples feelings. One of her acquaintances, a salesman in the firm, was going through a very messy divorce and was very depressed.(4)One day at work, a clerk came into the office with a new hairstyle.Reading and vocabulary 二。课文理解Step 1 .阅读课文后回答如下问题:1. What was her motto ? and

20、 translate it into Chinese 2. What did she ask the customer?Why did the customer look awkward? 4. How did the typist contradict Esther? 5. What was wrong about esters advice to the salesman? 6. What did ester ask about the clerks haircut? 7. What did ester think of her old school friends husband?Ste

21、p2 Look at the sentence in the box and try to answer the questions?1. Nice to meet you. 2. How old are you? 3. Nice haircut 4.Id like to meet my husband.5.How much did your haircut cost?回答教材中,第9页第三题1. Find the things you can say when you make small talk.2. find the things you should not say 3. one w

22、ay of replying to questions which you dont wish to answer.三重点单词词组讲解1. outspoken 词性 词义 、 、 、e.g. 他经常坦率地发表他自己的意见。_2. 句子分析:every time 为 作 词,引导 从句。译成 。类似的名词短语还有 、 、 、 。模仿造句:我们第一次在一起工作,就过得很愉快。_the moment instant second minute 也可以引导时间状语从句模仿造句:我们第一次在一起工作,就过得很愉快。_ 有当副词也可以充当连词,引导时间状语从句。 、 、 。模仿造句:我们第一次在一起工作,就过得很愉快。_3. absence 词性 词义 。adj. 短语: 在某人不再时 = in the absence of sb模仿造句: 当你妈妈不在这时,我将来看你。 In the absence of sth .译成:因缺乏模仿造句:因缺少钱,我不能买那套房子了。 a consequence= = .译成 As a consequence of = 译成 模仿造句:我起床晚了,因此,我上学迟到了。 5. tease 词性 词义 tease sb to do 模仿造句:小明缠着他爸爸要钱。_

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