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1、如何提高高考英语听力得分技巧指导如何提高高考英语听力得分技巧指导高考英语听力备考 提高高考英语听力得分技巧 1. 安定听前情绪,预测所听内容 听力能力也是对考生心理素质水平的检测。过于紧张焦急的情绪容易产生恐惧心理,有碍考生的正常发挥,听力反应能力、把握信息的准确度也会大打折扣。听之前(或发卷时)首先要安定情绪,集中精神,做一点放松活动(比如数数、深呼吸、闭目片刻、整理试卷等),以便轻松、愉快、主动地进入答题状态。在正式放录音前,考生应及时、迅速地预读试题(包括题干和选项),根据题干中的语言信息,预测对话或短文的语境、大意、人物身份等可能涉及到的内容。这样听录音时就能做到有的放矢,有所侧重,提

2、高答题的准确率。 2. 抓住关键问题,优化处理信息 问题是解答考题的关键所在。抓住问题,把捕捉到的有关信息进行优化处理。对自己有把握 的试题快速作答;对无把握的试题也要在所听信息的基础上排除错误选项,果断处理;不会作答的,立即暂时搁置,准备听新的题目。一定要克服犹豫不决、优柔寡断的毛病,使整个答题过程更加顺畅。 3. 捕捉答语信息,听时速记要点 听录音材料时,注意力一定要集中在整体内容的理解上,重在听懂每句话的意思和内涵,千万不能只停留在个别单词或句子上,同时要特别倾听与所设置的问题相关的信息。听不清时马上放弃,不要强迫自己听清每一个词,要把重点放在听关键词即实词上,一边听一边把要点速记下来。

3、听短文独白时,注意文章的首句和首段,因为首句和首段常常是对短文内容的概括,如主要内容、作者的观点、故事发生的时间、地点及经过等。 听录音时,仅凭大脑的短时记忆是不够的,还要借助笔记,扼要的记录是十分必要的。所以要迅速捕捉文中所涉及的人物(who)、事件(what)、时间(when, what time)、地点(where)、原因(why)、方式(how)、程度(how long, how soon, how often, how much)、数字(how many/how much)、选择(which)等信息。 4. 领略主旨大意,概括话题内容 要求考生对听到的内容有一个整体的把握和全面的领会

4、。任何一段对话或独白都是围绕一个中心展开的,有时主旨大意较明显,有时则需要归纳、概括。常见的考查话题的问题有: What are the two speakers talking about? What are the two speakers doing? What is the talk/dialogue about? Whats the passage mainly about? Whats the topic of the passage? 5. 获取具体事实,把握信息联系 要求考生听清、听懂事实信息,精确理解具体细节、特殊信息,如时间、地点、人物、价钱 、数量、原因、目的、结果等,同

5、时,还要对所听到的信息做简单的处理,比如数字运算、时间顺序、比较筛选、同义转换、因果关系、深层推理等。理解具体信息有助于把握话题内容领会说话者意图,是听力考查的重点项目。常见的考查细节的问题有: When should Susan go to meet Professor Brown? What is wrong with the girl? What is the womans house number? On which day will the Japanese Music Concert be held? How many things did the salesman show to

6、 the buyer? Whats the mans job now? How does the man pay for the tickets? How much does the man want to change? Where is the woman going? What has John promised to do? Whom would they turn to for help? Which of the following is right/true? Why are many roads closed in the north? 6. 推测谈话背景,判断人物身份 要求考

7、生理解对话地点、背景和对话者之间关系。从某方面来看,对对话或独白发生的背景、说话者之间的关系的理解程度,也体现了考生对语篇整体输入、整体理解能力的高低。常见的考查背景的问题有: Where did the conversation most likely take place? Where are the two speakers talking? Who do you think Tom probably is? Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers? Who is the speaker? 7. 领会弦外之音,理解

8、观点意图 要求考生不仅能理解听到的内容的主旨大意,而且能通过其中的重要细节、具体事实,揣摩、推断说话者的意图、观点和态度等,因为说话者总会有他(她)的意图:提出意见、回答问题、表达想法或阐明观点。常见的有关意图的问题有: What does the woman mean? What does the speaker want to tell us? What can we know about the man? What can we learn from the speakers / conversation / story? What is the most probable result

9、 of the conversation? 8. 联系前后记忆,分析修正推理 听录音时,既要不断输入、理解、存贮信息,又要不中断听的过程;既要集中精力听,又要注意用心记,紧扣话题把握说话者的思路,捕捉信息词,连贯记忆主要信息。听完试题后要前后联系,利用后面听到的信息补充前面漏听或有疑问的信息,并对听前、听中的预测、判断加以推理、分析、修正,以使理解的准确性更高。 Why did the speaker get a parking ticket? 五步搞定英语语音语调 第一步:听录音,做标记 听录音对于英语学习者是件很普通的事情,但却很少有人能好好利用手中的录音取得满意的效果。先选择一盘或几盘语

10、音比较清晰的录音材料,或者找一些语音非常好听你愿意模仿的录音材料,先听六遍,按顺序在录音材料原文上做好标记。选择录音材料时切记量不要太多,难度不要太大。英语的发音规则是相同的,练习时贵在精而不在多。 第一遍感受录音的语音、语调。不要读出声音来,只要静静地听、仔细地感受就可以了。 第二遍标记单词的重音(wordstress),把耳朵听到的每个单词的重音标在录音材料原文上。不要因为已经背过这个单词,知道这个单词的重音,或者查过辞典就把这个单词放过去。一定要标记一次,因为在不同的语境中或者表示不同的含义时,单词的重音也会有所区别。 第三遍标记所有单词与单词之间的连读。有些连读如果不看录音材料很可能就

11、不理解意思,一些固定的连读方式也要引起注意。 第四遍标记句子的升调、降调,要体会不同的句型所使用的语调的变化。 第五遍标记句子的重音。这与单词重音不同,例如without这个词既可以做介词也可以做副词使用,这个词的重音很清楚,但是它在句子中出现时,如果不是特别强调这个词,一般情况下不能重读。相当一部分人在读英语句子时,每个单词都念得非常清晰,好像机器一样把每个单词都按词典里的发音念出来。但是现实生活中说话绝对不是这样。所以要注意句子的重音,一个单词本身有重音,但是这个单词在听到的句子里面并没有得到强调,它就不是句子的重心,例如:Itsnoneofyourbusiness.(这不关你的事)。其中

12、的Its就会念得很轻,同时noneof会连读,business会重读,这些地方都要标注出来。 第六遍标记句中的弱化,某一个音读得比较轻,甚至都感觉不到,这个音就是被弱化了,例如这样一句话:LastweekIwenttothetheatre.last中的t基本上就被弱化掉了,wentto中的t也被弱化了,但是如果不这样用心听是听不出来的。 做完以上工作后,录音材料已经被听了六遍,语音语调的每一个环节都已经受到了关注。 第二步:狂模仿,心要细 第一步工作做完,把该标记的东西都标记清楚以后,接下来就要开始疯狂的模仿。一段材料听了六遍以后,对它的语音语调已经印象比较深刻了,接下来的模仿就要好好下一番功

13、夫了。模仿大致可以分为两个阶段: 1.句子的模仿。先一句话一句话模仿,把每一个句子的语音语调模仿到位,不要着急去模仿整段甚至整篇文章,可能直接模仿整篇文章的自我成就感比较大,但这样做很难关注到每个句子的细节,所以还是踏踏实实先把每个句子模仿好。 2.段落的模仿。把单个句子模仿好之后,就可以把一段话连起来了,模仿时要特别注意句子与句子之间的衔接。 以上两个步骤将比较枯燥的模仿过程拆分开来,这样便可以各个击破、重点突出,如果不分青红皂白一上来就模仿,眉毛胡子一把抓,结果只能是事倍功半,费力不讨好。 第三步:勤朗读,练记忆 许多以英语为母语的人很难理解中国人学英语时为什么要做大量的朗读练习。从发音原

14、理来讲,英语和汉语的音节组合方式大不相同,发音方式也有很大区别。中国人的发音器官实际上并不熟悉或是不适应英语发音方式。大量的朗读练习实际上是在训练发音部位,让发音器官的肌肉适应英语的发音体系。 光是大量朗读是不够的,还需要练习记忆。在朗读的时候脑袋里要在播放听过的录音材料,经过前两步之后,录音材料已经深深印在学习者的脑海里了,朗读时就可以跟着脑海里浮现的声音一起进行了,不需要再听录音材料,也不要把录音上的声音彻底扔到脑后,按自己原来习惯的方式进行朗读。 第四步:找差距,再努力 一边大声朗读,一边回忆录音上的声音。如果觉得自己的朗读和录音的确有差距,没有读出录音上的那种味道,就要返回去再听听录音

15、材料,找其中的原因,做对比研究,看哪些地方不太像,再按第一步的方法标记一次。 第五步:再模仿,到满意 返回去听录音材料找到差距后,就要努力再进行模仿,这样循环往复一直到满意为止。 语音语调对于英语学习者来说是个门面,常常会在一些场合引导别人对学习者的英语水平进行评判,所以很多人都想拥有一口漂亮的语音语调,真正要达到这个愿望,非得下一番苦功夫。 高二英语Unit17 Life in the future 教案 Step 1 Revision 1 Check the homework exercises. 2 Ask the Ss a few random questions to revise

16、future time and introduce the topic of the unit. For example: What lessons do you have this afternoon / tomorrow? Are you going to do anything special this evening? What do you think the weather will be like tomorrow? What are you going to do on Saturday evening? Are you planning to do anything on S

17、unday? Step 2 Presentation SB Page 25, Part 1. Ask questions about the picture, and get Ss to tell you what they think is happening. Teach the new words majority, goods, industry. Read the introduction aloud. Step 3 Reading Say Now read the dialogue silently and find out this information: What is be

18、ing planned at this company? Allow the Ss a few moments to carry out the task. Check the answer. (A new factory may be built.) See if the Ss can guess the meaning of out of work. Step 4 Dialogue Speech Cassette Lesson 65. Play the tape of the dialogue for the Ss to listen and follow. Go through the

19、dialogue briefly and make sure the Ss understand it. Ask questions like these: What are people at the company talking about? Who is going to make the decision? Why does the company need to build a new factory? What is the difficulty? Why do some people want the new factory to be built? Why are some

20、people against the new factory? Explain that may have plans expresses uncertainty about the future. Play the tape again. This time the Ss listen and repeat. Then let the Ss practise the dialogue in pairs. You may wish to ask one pair to act the scene in front of the class. Notes: a People have been

21、talking of it a lot recently.: Note the Present Perfect Continuous Tense to express an activity which started in the past and is still continuing. b I simply dont know. = I honestly dont know. c Right now = At this moment d The problem is it. = Finding land for building the new factory is a problem

22、( i.e. difficult). e The majority of people = Most people f a number of people = quite a lot of people g out of work = do not have jobs h But some people built on. = Some people do not want them to build a factory on good farm land. Note the structure not want something to be done. i I can see the p

23、roblem. = I understand the problem. j is likely to happen = will probably happen k Its quite likely: Quite emphasizes likely and increases the possibility. Step 5 Practice SB Page 25, Part 2. Demonstrate how to make sentences from the table, then get a few Ss to make example sentences. Then let the

24、Ss do this exercise in pairs. At the end get Ss to write down 5 sentences from this table in their exercise books. Step 6 Workbook Wb Lesson 65, Exx. 1 - 4. After Ex. 1 is done orally, get the Ss to write the answers in their exercise books. Both Exx. 2 and 3 should be done in pairs first. Then chec

25、k the answers with the class. Get Ss to translate the sentences into Chinese and ask them to think if they will be able to put them back into English. Pay attention to the sentence structures. When doing Ex. 4, warn the Ss not to do word for word translation. Special attention should be paid to the

26、sentence patterns and word order. Step 7 Consolidation With a good class you can give the Ss the following phrases and get them to make up a dialogue. Write these phrases on the Bb. I believe youre right. What are the problems then? What do you think is likely to happen? Write them up on the Bb and

27、demonstrate with a good S how it is possible to make up a dialogue. A: I think the company will buy more land. B: I believe youre right. A: But it isnt likely that the manager will make a decision soon. B: What are the problems then? With an ordinary class, just practise the dialogue in Part 1 again

28、. Homework Finish off the Workbook exercises. Do Ex. 1 and part of Ex. 4 as written work. 高中英语阅读 Keep The Young Heart_课外阅读 编者按:为广大考生朋友整理了英语阅读资料,同学一起来学习吧! 我想,人们都有灰心丧气的时候,不过,不要怕,如果此时看一些励志的东西,它会给你很多的启示。那会是一种鼓励,然后会变成一种动力,再然后你就也许在这励志文章的鼓舞下重新拾回你的自信,拾回你自己。 Whether sixty or sixteen, there is in every human

29、beings heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of whats next and the joy of the game of living. In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long

30、are you young. 无论是60岁还是16岁,你需要保持永不衰竭的好奇心、永不熄灭的孩提般求知的渴望和追求事业成功的欢乐与热情。在你我的心底,有一座无线电台,它能在多长时间里接收到人间万物传递来的美好、希望、欢乐、鼓舞和力量的信息,你就会年轻多长时间。 An individual human existence should be like a riversmall at first, narrowly contained within its banks, and rushing passionately past boulders and over waterfalls. Grad

31、ually the river grows wider, the banks recede, the waters flow more quietly, and in the end, without any visible break, they become merged in the sea, and painlessly lose their individual being. 人的生命应当像河流,开始是涓涓细流,受两岸的限制而十分狭窄,尔后奔腾咆哮,翻过危岩,飞越瀑布,河面渐渐开阔,河岸也随之向两边隐去,最后水流平缓,森森无际,汇入大海之中,个人就这样毫无痛苦地消失了。 Youth

32、means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity,of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease.This often exists in a man of sixty more than a boy of twenty.Nobody grows old merely by a number of years.We grow old by deserting our ideals. 青春意味着战胜懦弱的那股大丈夫气概和摈弃安逸的那种冒险精神。往往一个60岁的老者比一个20岁的青年更多一点这种劲头。人老不仅仅是岁月流逝所致,更主要的是不思进取的结果。 Years may wrinkle the skin,but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, s

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