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模块3Unit1 The world of our senses导学案.docx

1、模块3Unit1 The world of our senses导学案话题:人 际 关 系【词汇积累】【佳句背诵】1.stress v 强调2.considerate adj. 体贴的3.depressed adj. 失望的,沮丧的4.actually adv. 实际上5.shortcoming n. 缺点6.consequently adv. 所以;结果7.benefit n&v. 益处8.familiar adj. 熟悉的9.treasure v. 珍惜;珍藏10.appreciate v. 感激;欣赏municate v. 交流;沟通12.precious adj. 珍贵的13.rela

2、tionship n. 人际关系14.fall in love with 相爱;爱上 each other 相互信任16.turn to sb.for help 向某人求助17.look down upon 看不起;轻视18.take.seriously 认真对待1. Not until then did I realize the value of friends.直到那时我才意识到了朋友的价值。2.I will appreciate it if you can give me a hand to solve this problem.如果你能帮忙解决这个问题,我将不胜感激。

3、3.Being polite is the most important step to develop relationship among friends.礼貌是建立朋友关系当中最重要的一步。4.What I want to stress is that each of us should listen more to others.我想强调的是我们中的每一个人都应该更多的倾听别人。【写作模板】和谐的人际关系Some students dont realize the importance of getting along well with others. Sometimes they

4、quarrel or dont talk with each other.I think it is important to establish a pleasant relationship with people around us.For one thing, we need help from others when we are in trouble.If we are friendly to others,we are likely to make friends.For another, we will find life more enjoyable if we have g

5、ood friends.To develop a pleasant relationship, we should care more about people around us.We should try to understand them and put up with their shortcomings.Only by developing a pleasant relationship with others can we live in harmony with each other.单词拼写根据词义写出英文单词。1_ vi.&n.瞥一眼,匆匆看2_adv. 无处,到处都不3_

6、vt. 靠近,接近;着手处理n. 靠近;方法;路径4_vt. 抓紧,抓牢5_vi. 凝视,盯着看6_vt. 使连在一起;把附在上;认为重要7_adj. 镇静的,沉着的,平静的v. 使平静,镇静8_vt.& n. 预测,预报9_ vi. 流汗n. 汗水10_n. 缺陷;伤残11_ adj. 抱有希望的12_adv. 坚定地,牢牢地13_ v. 小声说;私下说14_v. 咬15_ vi.& n. 惊慌,恐慌16_adj. 可能的17_ n. 套装vt. 适合,满足需要18_adj. 松动的,松开的;宽松的vt. 释放,松开19_adj. 感激的,表示感谢的20_ n. 十字路口答案:1.glanc

7、e2.nowhere3.approach4.grasp5stare 6.attach7.calm8.forecast9.sweat10disability11.hopeful12.firmly13.whisper14bite15.panic16.likely17.suit18.loose19grateful20.crossroads.单词拓展写出下列单词及其派生词。1_ vt. 使糊涂,使迷惑_adj. 令人困惑的_ adj. 感到迷惑的_ n. 困惑,混乱2_ vt. 观察;注意到;评论_ n. 观察;观察力3_ vi. 犹豫,迟疑不决_ n. 犹豫不决4_ adj. 焦虑,忧虑_n. 焦虑

8、;担心5_ n. 轻松,宽慰_v. 减轻,缓解_ adj. 宽慰的6_ vt.& vi. 减轻;减少_ n. 缩小;缩减;减少_ adj. 可缩减的;可还原的7_vt. 认识,辨认出;意识到;(正式)承认_ n. 认识;认出;承认8_ vt. 忽视;对不予理会_ n. 无知_ adj. 无知的;没注意的9_vt. 吸引_n. 喜爱;吸引力_adj. 有魅力的;美观的10_ vt. 使用;雇用_ n. 雇主_ n. 雇员_ n. 雇佣;使用;职业答案:1.confuse;confusing;confused;confusion2.observe;observation3.hesitate;hes

9、itation4.anxious;anxiety5.relief;relieve;relieved6.reduce;reduction;reducible7.recognize;recognition8.ignore;ignorance;ignorant9attract;attraction;attractive10.employ;employer;employee;employment1_ 瞥一眼2_ 看得到,在视力范围之内3_ 盼望,企盼4_ 伸出(手)5_ 欣慰地6_ 凝视7_ 留心,密切注意8_ 偿还9_ 在远处10_ 保持冷静11_ 卷起来12_ 方向感13_ 把错当成14_ 和相反

10、15_ (使)暖和起来;(使)热身16_ 突然17_ 充分利用18_ 和有联系答案:1.glance sight3.wish for4.reach relief6.stare out back9in the distance10.keep calm11.roll up12.a sense of direction13.mistake.for.14.contrary to.15.warm up16.all of a sudden17.make the most linked to语境填词During the se

11、cond world war,a group of (1)_(士兵) were going through a forest.Some of them were (2)_(残疾的) and they lost their way and were in a (3)_(惊慌)Unfortunately,it was (4)_(黑暗的) and there was a thunderstorm at that time.Thunder and (5)_(闪电) came along.The next morning,there was a heavy (6)_(雾) in the forest.T

12、he soldiers were (7)_(忧虑) and (8)_(小声说) to each other frightenedly.Two days later,they found a native person and they were safe at last.答案:(1)soldiers(2)disabled(3)panic(4)dark(5)lightning(6)fog(7)anxious(8)whispered1find oneself现在分词(作补语)Polly found herself staring up at the face of an old man with

13、a beard.仿写当他醒来时,发现自己躺在一个小山脚下。 When he woke up, he _at the foot of a hill.2作表语的形容词后,用不定式主动形式表示被动意义While sleeping,wear a nightshirt that is pleasant to touchit will make us sleep well.仿写 她发现这个男孩很难相处。She found the boy hard_3动词sb./sth.介词the身体的部位Hit the shark on the nose with your fist.仿写杰克不知道为什么他爸爸给了他一耳

14、光。 Jack wondered why his father hit him _4“倍数形容词/副词比较级thanB”结构Youre 30 times more likely to be hit by lightning than be attacked by a shark.仿写 这座桥的长度是那座桥的两倍。This bridge is twice_答案: 1.found himself get along the face4.longer than that oneIt was 1._ foggy weather that Polly had to

15、go to Green Park by train first.As she observed the passengers on the train,she sensed that a tall man was watching her.2._ the rest of the passengers were getting out,she glanced at the people around her,but the man was 3._ to be seen.When she got to the station entrance,it was empty.There was 4._

16、one in sight outside.She lost her way in the terrible fog.She was frozen 5._ fear for a moment when 6._ man offered help,but then she judged that he was kind 7._ his voice.With the mans help,Polly had no trouble in arriving home.She was 8._ when the man told her that he was blind.答案:1.such2.While/Wh

17、en3.nowhere4.no5.with6a7.by8.surprised observevt.观察;注意到;看到;监视;遵守;庆祝(节日)(教材P2)As Polly observed the passengers on the train,she had a feeling that she was being watched by a tall man in a dark overcoat.正当波莉打量地铁里的乘客时,她感觉到有一个穿黑色外套的高个儿男人在注视着她。(2014高考北京卷单项填空)Observe carefully if any change occurs when do

18、ing experiments in the lab.在实验室里做实验的时候如果发生任何变化要仔细观察。Officers observed Cox driving on the wrong side of the road.警官们注意到考克斯在逆向行驶。The old couple observed their 55th wedding anniversary last August.那对老夫妻去年八月庆祝了他们第55个结婚周年纪念日。易混辨析look,see,watch,observelook不及物动词,着重“看”的动作,接宾语时须加介词at。see及物动词,意为“看见”,着重“看”的结果,

19、不能用于进行时。其后接不带to的不定式或现在分词作宾语补足语,但被动结构的不定式要带to。看戏、看电影、看展览、观光等多用see。watch及物动词,意为“观看;注视”。指全神贯注地观看、观察或注视某物的活动、变化和发展。看比赛、看电视、看表演多用watch。observe及物动词,意为“仔细观察;注意到”,后接名词或代词,其复合结构与see,watch,notice相同。 温馨提示observe后接 sth.或者sb.doing sth., 被动相应变为:be observed to do/doing sth.。【活用】用observe的正确形式填空(1)Though having

20、 lived abroad for years,many Chinese still _ the traditional customs.(2)The scientist devoted most of his lifetime to _the behavior of the chimps.(3)_by a colony of seals,we landed in a natural sheltered harbour.(4)Its the first time that I _ Christmas.答案:(1)observe(2)observing(3)Observed(4)have obs

21、erved nowhereadv.到处都不,无处(教材P2)The tall man was nowhere to be seen.哪儿也看不到这个高个子男人了。be nowhere to be seen/found/heard哪儿也见/找/听不到from nowhere 不知来自哪里,从不知名的状态get nowhere 没有结果,没有进展get nowhere with. 没有进展nowhere near 离(某地方)很远;远不及,远没有,差得远The poor has nowhere to live.这个可怜的老人无处可住。 温馨提示当nowhere用作副词放在句首时,句子要部分倒装。

22、Nowhere else in the world can_you_enjoy more attractive country scenery than in Shangrila.这个世界上其他任何地方你都欣赏不到比香格里拉更迷人的乡村风景了。【活用】用nowhere的相关短语完成句子(1)他在姐姐的帮助之下作业才有些进步。He was _his homework until his sister helped him.(2)她远不如她妹妹聪明。Shes _as clever as her sister.答案:(1)getting nowhere with(2)nowhere near app

23、roachvt.接近,靠近;着手处理n靠近;方法;路径(教材P2)As she walked along the narrow street,she heard the sound of footsteps approaching.当她沿着狭窄的街道走时,她听到脚步声临近了(1) approach to (doing)sth.做的方法make an approach to. 对进行探讨at the approach of. 在快到的时候easy/difficult of approach (场所)易/难接近的;(人)易/难亲近的(2)“做某事的方法”的常见表达方式:the way of doi

24、ng sth./to do sth.the method of doing sth.the means of doing sth.the approach to doing sth.(3)“接近,临近”的常见表达方式:approach/draw near/come/be around the cornerThey were getting more and more excited as the time for launching Tiangong1 was approaching.随着发射天宫一号日子的临近,他们越来越兴奋。There are several ways_of_approac

25、hing the problem.处理这个问题有好几个方法。All the approaches to the airport were blocked by the police.所有通往机场的路都被警察封锁了。I dont like his new approach_to_solving this problem.我不喜欢他解决这个问题的新方法。 温馨提示approach表示“(做)的方法”之意时,后接介词to,构成approach to (doing) sth.。【活用】一句多译冬天临近,天气转冷。(1)With winter_,the weather becomes cold.(2)A

26、s winter_,the weather becomes cold.(3)_winter brings the cold weather.答案:(1)approaching(2)is approaching(3)The approach of hesitatevi.犹豫,迟疑不决(教材P2)Polly hesitated.波莉犹豫了。(1)hesitate to do sth.犹豫/不想去做某事hesitate about/over sth. 关于犹豫不决hesitate in(doing)sth. 在方面犹豫hesitate about疑问词to do sth. 对于犹豫不决(2)hesitation n. 犹豫without hesitation 毫不犹豫地have no hesitation in doing sth. 毫不犹豫地做某事She hesitated to hurt the childs feelings.她不想伤害孩子的感情。Dont hesitate_about your decision once you think it over.只要你考虑清楚了,就不要

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