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1、高考英语熟记固定搭配击破语法改错17页高考英语熟记固定搭配击破语法改错一、考生须熟记以下常考的固定搭配1. 冠词的固定搭配全国卷英语高考对冠词的考查,并非仅仅局限于区分“特指”和“泛指”那般简单,在固定搭配中考查冠词也是很常态的考法。以下冠词的固定搭配就是高频考点:(1)含不定冠词的固定词组:in a mess 乱七八糟in a hurry 匆匆忙忙in a condition 处于状态have a gift for 在有天赋at a loss 不知所措all of a sudden 突然once in a while 偶尔once upon a time 从前go on a diet 节食k

2、eep a diary 写日记do sba favor 帮某人一个忙give sba lift 给某人提供顺风车as a result 结果;因此keep an eye on 照看have a word with 和某人谈话a waste of 浪费at an end 接近尾声a series of 一系列(2)含定冠词的固定词组:make the most / best of 充分利用on the spot /scene 在现场at the moment 此时此刻take the place of 取代;替代in the daytime 在白天in the distance 在远方in th

3、e end 最终on the whole 总体上on the left / right 在左/右边at the same time 同时as a result 结果;因此in the air /sky 在空中for the time being 暂时in a word 总之in the 1980s 二十世纪八十年代over the past 25 years 过去25年all over the world 全世界in the beginning 起初by the way 顺便说一下必须注意的是,有了短文改错作为载体,与零冠词有关的一些固定搭配,也开始“大行其道”,成为考查对象。如:at noo

4、n 在中午at night 在晚上at dawn 在黎明at dusk 在黄昏in public 当众by bus 坐公共汽车play football 踢足球make great progress 取得很大的进步2. 介词的固定搭配全国卷英语高考对介词的考查,主要是“形容词+介词”和“介词+名词”这两种搭配。但在语法填空或短文改错中,譬如apart from和according to这类词组,往往也会被考查,故考生们千万不可掉以轻心。由于介词种类繁多,且不同的介词又有不同的搭配,因此不少考生都感到介词短语的记忆比较散乱,难记易忘。鉴于此,笔者建议考生最好把同一个介词的相关搭配放在一起记忆。拿

5、with为例,如下:be angry with sb 因某事而生某人的气 be filled with 装满;充满be strict with sb 在对某人严格 be crowded with 拥挤be connected with 连接 be flooded with 充斥;涌入be familiar with 对熟悉/ 不熟悉 be compared with 比较be popular with 流行;受欢迎 be covered with 覆盖be patient with 对有耐心 be faced with 面临be frank with 对坦白 be concerned with

6、 关于be busy/occupied with 忙于 be infected with 感染be pleased/satisfied /content with 对满意 be fed up with 厌倦如此一来,记忆起来就不容易遗漏,而且能起到举一反三的连锁反应。3. 连词的固定搭配高考除了对连词的常规用法进行考查外,有时也会考查固定搭配。以下是连词常用的固定搭配:not but不是而是either or 要么要么neithernor 既不也不whetheror 是/不论还是not only, but (also) 不但而且when it comes to 当涉及到was/were doi

7、ng sthwhen 正在做某事,突然be about to do sthwhen 正要做某事,突然be on the point of doing sthwhen 正要/即将做某事,突然There was a time when 有一段时间;曾经4. 代词的固定搭配全国卷英语高考对代词的考查也是五花八门,细致入微。以下列举一些考生容易失分的关于代词的固定搭配:take it for granted that 认为理所当然make it a rule that 把作为规定make it clear that 声明make it +adj.for sbto do sth令得某人做某事很find

8、/ think / consider do sth发觉/认为做某事很make oneself +过去分词 使自己被5. 动词的固定搭配命题者也常常在短文改错中用以下的方式考查考生:少一副词:不及物动词后+宾语 (如:belong to sb写成belong sb)多一副词:及物动词+介词+宾语 (如:visit sb写成visit to sb)张冠李戴:用错动词或副词 (如:把put out误用作put off,turn on用成了take on等)6. 非谓语的固定搭配为也应对语法填空,考生除了掌握最基础的非谓语语法知识外,也不可忽略特殊搭配的积累。如:judging f

9、rom / by 由判断generally speaking 笼统来讲all things considered 全盘考虑;整体看来be worth doing 值得做某事only to see/ find/ discover 结果却看见/发现to tell you the truth 实话实说to make things worse 更糟糕的是weather permitting 天气允许的话7. 名词为复数形式的固定搭配考生们在做语法填空时,凡涉及到固定搭配中的名词时,要注意其单复数形式;同理,命题者极有可能在短文改错中也会将其设为考点。常见的固定搭配有:as follows 如下shak

10、e hands with 和握手make friends with 与交朋友make preparations for 为做准备be in high / low spirits 情绪高涨/低落to make things / matters worse 更糟糕的是 have effects on / have an effect on 对有影响make efforts to do / make an effort to do 努力做某事make contributions to / make a contribution to 为做贡献8. 固定的特殊句型There is no denying

11、 that 毋庸置疑There is no need to do sth没必要做某事There is no point in doing sth 做某事没有意义It is no use / good doing sth做某事没用/不好It is / wasthat / who 正是It was not long before 很快Its (high) time that sbdid sth 该是某人做某事的时候了It is/was the+序数词+time that sbhas / had done sth 某人第次做某事9. 易混的词或词组before (用完成时态) / ago (用过去时

12、态)because (接句子) / because of (接名词/词组)have been to (到过) / have gone to (去了)ten years ago (用一般过去时) / since ten years ago (用现在完成时)long before (很久以前) / before long (不久之后)make sense of (理解) / make sense (有意义,说得通)take advantage of (利用) / take advantage over (比有优势)be tired of (对厌倦) / be tired from(因而疲惫)pay

13、 in cash(用现金支付) / pay by check(用支票支付)in 1990 (在1990年) / in the 1990s(在二十世纪九十年代)in the morning (在早上) / on the morning of last Monday(上周一早上)in summer (在夏天) / in the summer of 1997(在1997年夏天)in the past(在过去,用于一般过去时态) / in the past few years (在最近几年,用于现在完成时态)with time going by = as time goes by (随着时间的推移,w

14、ith是介词,而as是连词)in charge of (负责)/ in the charge of (由负责)at table(在吃饭) / at the table (在桌子旁边)at a time(一次) / at one time (曾经,同时) /at the time(当时;那时)a number of (许多) / the number of(的数目)a most +adj.(一个非常的) / the most +adj.(最的)a second time (又一次) / the second time (第二次)take place (发生) / take the place o

15、f (取代;替代)charge sbwith sth(因某事指控某人) / charge sbfor sth(因某事收费)be proud of = take pride in (引以为豪)be confident of = have confidence in (对有信心)二、高考真题分析1.语法填空 在空白处填入适当内容(1个单词)或所给词的正确形式。(1)_ the same time, they warm up again for the night.解析:At 考查固定搭配at the same time“同时”。(2) It took years of work _(reduce)

16、 the industrial pollution and clean the water. 解析: to reduce 考查固定句式It takes+时间+to do sth.“做某事花时间”。(3) I got a place next _ the window, so I had a good view of the sidewalk解析:to 考查固定搭配next to“紧邻;紧接”。(4) I heard a passenger behind me shouting to the driver, but he refused _ (stop) until解析:to stop 考查固定

17、搭配refuse to do sth“拒绝做某事”。(5) Nick said, “ The only reason a man would sell salt _ a low price would be because he was desperate for money. 解析:at 考查固定搭配at a low / high price.“以低 / 高价”。(6) I didnt understand why this would happen and my credit card had already been charged _ the reservation.解析: for 考

18、查固定搭配charge sb for (doing) sth“因(做)某事而收费”。(7) One day, the cow was eating grass _ it began to rain heavily.解析: when 考查固定句型was / were doingwhen“正在做突然”。(8)But my connection with pandas goes back_my days on a TV show in the mid- 1980s. 解析:to 因go back to为固定搭配,意为“追溯到”。(9)As_result,people will eat more fo

19、od to try to make up for.解析:因as a result为固定搭配,意为“其结果是”。(10)It ran for just under seven kilometers and allowed people to avoid terrible crowds on the roads above as they travelled to and_work.解析:from 因to and from work为固定搭配,意为“上下班”。(11)Corn production has jumped nearly 125 percent over_past 25 years,

20、while rice has increased only 7 percent.(2018全国卷)解析:the 因over the past 25 years意为“过去25年”。(12)I was searching_these three w estern lowland gorillas Id been observing.解析:for 因searchfor为固定搭配,意为“寻找”。(13)I work not because I have to, _ because I want to.解析:but 因not but为固定句型,意为“不是而是”。句意:“我”工作并非迫不得已,而是心甘情愿

21、。(14)On our way to the house, it was raining_hard that we couldnt help wondering how long it would taketogetthere.解析:因“sothat”为固定句型,意为“如此以至于”。句意:雨下得如此之大,以致我们不禁纳闷要过多久才能到达那里。2.短文改错 以下每个句子都有一处错误,请指出并改正过来。(1) In a fact, he even scared my classmates away解析:把a去掉,因为in fact是固定词组,“实际上”。(2) As result, the pla

22、nts are growing everywhere. 解析:在as后面加a,因为as a result是固定词组,“结果”。(3) and with the help by our father, my sister and I planted some cherry tomatoes. 解析:把by改为of,因为with the help of是固定词组,“在的帮助下”。(4) We can lie on the grass for a rest, or sit by the lake listen music.解析:在listen后面加to,因为listen to是固定词组,“听;倾听”

23、。(5) Now I am living in a city, but I miss my home in countryside. 解析:在in后面加the,因为in the countryside是固定词组,“在农村”。(6) Unfortunately, on the development of industrialization, the environment has been polluted. 解析:把on改为with,因为with the development of是固定词组,“随着的发展”。(7) My best friend, Aigulie, used to shar

24、e her Nang to me. 解析:把to改为with,因为sharewith是固定词组,“和分享”。(8)My uncle says that he never dreams becoming rich in the short period of time.解析:在dreams后面加上of;把the改为a 有两个错误,都是固定短语形式问题。一个是需要添加介词of,以使短语dreams of(梦想)完整,另外一个错误是冠词使用错误。本句中应该用a short period of time。(9)It was a relief and I came to a suddenstop jus

25、t in the middle on the road.解析:把on改为of 因in the middle of为固定搭配,意为“在中间”。(10)I have grown not only physically,and also mentally in the past few years.解析:把and改为but 因not only. but also. 为固定搭配,意为“不仅而且”。(11)Still I was unwilling to play the games for them sometimes.解析:把for改为with 因play the games with sb为固定搭

26、配,意为“和某人一起玩游戏”。(12)Fromthenon, I started to play my football with classmates after school.解析:把my去掉 因play football为固定搭配,中间不加任何冠词或者代词,故将my去掉。三、实战演练1.语法填空 在空白处填入适当内容(1个单词)或所给词的正确形式。1. He is always responsible _ whatever he does.2. She spoke in such _ low voice that she couldnt make herself heard.3. The

27、 students are busy making _ (prepare) for the coming exams.4. He was absent from the lecture _ some reason.5. People were sleeping soundly _ the destructive earthquake occurred.6. Strictly _ (speak), what you said just now is not exactly correct.7. Id appreciate it _ you could do me a favor and help

28、 me out.8. He had no choice but _ (wait) aimlessly for another two hours.9. If you go on behaving like that,youll risk _ (lose) your job.10. When he woke up, he found himself lying in _ open air.答案与解析1. for 因be responsible for是固定搭配,意为“对负责”。2. a 因in a low voice “低声地”。3. preparations 表示“为做准备” ,用固定搭配ma

29、ke preparations for。4. for 因forreason 是固定搭配,意为“出于原因”。5. when 因was / were doing when “正在做某事突然”。6. speaking 因Strictly speaking是独立主格结构,意思是“严格来说”。7. if 固定句型Id appreciate it if意为“假如的话,我会不胜感激”。8. to wait 特殊句型have no choice but to do意为“除了做外,别无选择”。9. losing 因risk doing sth,是固定用法,意为“冒险做某事”。10. the 因in the open air是固定词组,意为“在户外”。2.短文改错 以下每个句子都有一处错误,请指出并改正过来。1. So busy am I that I spend little time on my son every week.2. The other day, she paid visit to the Summer Pal

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