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版一轮优化探究英语外研版练习必修二 Module 2 No Drugs Word版含答案.docx

1、版一轮优化探究英语外研版练习必修二 Module 2 No Drugs Word版含答案课时作业(七)题型组合练练速度(限时:40分钟).阅读理解AIf you are a high school student who will graduate in 2018,or 2019,we invite you to explore all that Harvards Secondary School Program has to offer.Challenge yourself academically while attending college coursesNeuroscience,ph

2、ilosophy,creative writing,and computer sciencethese are just a few of the 200plus courses you can choose from.Branch out from typical high school offerings,and explore more advanced topics that you have no chance to learn back home.Youll study with Harvard teachers who teach the same courses to Harv

3、ard College students during the academic year.Expand your world viewLearn and connect with students from all over the globe.Youll broaden your horizons,build a lasting network of diverse individuals,and gain a better understanding of other cultures.On campus you can enjoy all that Harvard has to off

4、er.Conduct experiments in Harvard labs,perform research in the worlds largest university library,or work out in our fully equipped fitness facilities (设施)Become a strong college applicantYou can participate in a variety of activities that expose you to college academics,campus life,and the admission

5、 process,including:A college fair with more than 60 colleges,including Duke,Stanford,Columbia,the University of North Carolina,and many moreOrganized visits to New England colleges such as Brown and YaleCollege counseling sessions with assistant deans who can help you select the university thats rig

6、ht for youWorkshops to prepare you to write a college application essay or take college examsThe transformation begins hereFrom the moment you step on campus,youll be lost in the Harvard experience.Along with fellow students from around the world,youll learn,grow,and have fun in the process.语篇解读这是一则

7、广告,主要介绍了哈佛大学中学项目为即将在2018或2019年毕业的高中生举办的活动。1. What do we know about the courses offered?AThey will last for about 2 years.BTheyre unavailable in high school.CTherere just a few choices.DTheyre specially designed for high school students.解析:细节理解题。第二段提到了该项目提供200多种课程,紧接着说“Branch out from typical high sc

8、hool have no chance to learn back home”,由此可知,这些课程是高中没有的,故答案为B项。答案:B2What benefit can students get from the Program?AEnlarge their circle of friends.BImprove their attitude toward life.CFind where their interest lies.DBe more likely to be admitted to Harvard.解析:推理判断题。根据第三段中的“Learn and c

9、onnect with students from all over the globe.”和最后一段中的“Along with fellow students from around the world,youll learn,grow,and have fun in the process.”可推知,在活动期间,你会结识来自世界各地的学生,这样就可以扩大自己的朋友圈。故选A项。答案:A3What can students do in the Program?AHave a tour of Yale University.BTake college entrance exams.CDecid

10、e on their future university.DJoin in various cultural activities.解析:细节理解题。根据文中的“Organized visits to New England colleges such as Brown and Yale”可知,学生可以参观耶鲁大学。故选A项。答案:A4What is the purpose of the passage?ATo list ways of preparing for college.BTo advertise a program from 60 colleges.CTo introduce a

11、studentcentered program.DTo show readers how excellent Harvard is.解析:作者意图题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了哈佛大学中学项目为即将在2018或2019年毕业的高中生举办的活动。故作者写作本文的目的是介绍一个以学生为中心的项目,C项符合题意。答案:CBIts cold and dark outside,and your bed is so warm and comfortable.Going for a run seems like such a bad idea.But before you hide your runnin

12、g shoes,it might be worth giving that crazy idea a go.According to The Huffington Post,an outdoor run in winter,as opposed to one on a treadmill (跑步机),burns more calories because the body is working hard to regulate (调节) its core temperature.Furthermore,research shows that race times are faster in c

13、old weather than in warmer temperaturesand quicker runs burn more calories.Similarly,cold weather also makes the heart work harder to distribute blood through the body,making that vital muscle even stronger.Outdoor exercise also turns up your energy and rids you of the stress and depression that bui

14、ld up every day.The heat and humidity in summer can drag you down and tire you faster,but cold weather is refreshing. It adjusts you to your surroundings,making you feel alive.Of course,the threat of smog in some builtup areas is a further hurdle to winter exercise. Heart attacks,strokes,lung cancer

15、 and asthma are all dangers of running in smog. The combination of air pollution and exercise increases the potential problems.If you do choose to run outside on smoggy days,take a path in a park or residential area to avoid car exhaust (废气),and go early in the morning, before rush hour. But staying

16、 inside on smoggy days and waiting for the next clear day to run is best.语篇解读本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了冬季户外跑步的意义和方法。冬季户外跑步能燃烧更多的热量,让肌肉更强健,心脏更健康,但是应当避免在雾霾时进行户外活动。5How does cold weather benefit runners,compared with warm weather?AThey can run more slowly.BThey can take in more calories.CTheir hearts can function

17、harder.DTheir body temperature can get lower.解析:细节理解题。由题干关键词“benefit”和“compared with warm weather”可将答案定位至第二段的最后一句“Similarly.makes the heart work harder to distribute blood through the body,making that vital muscle even stronger.”可知,与温暖的天气相比,在寒冷的天气里户外跑步能使心脏更健康,故C项正确。答案:C6How does summer affect runner

18、s?AIt builds up their energy quickly.BIt makes runners tired easily.CIt lessens runners stress.DIt causes heart attacks.解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第二句中的“The heat and humidity in summer can drag you down and tire you faster”可知,夏季的炎热和湿气容易让跑步的人很快就感到疲劳,故B项正确。答案:B7What are the runners supposed to do on smoggy days?AS

19、top driving cars.BDo more exercise.CAvoid outdoor exercise.DRun late in the morning.解析:细节理解题。根据第四段的最后一句“But staying inside on smoggy days and waiting for the next clear day to run is best.”可知,如果有雾霾,最好待在室内,等到天气晴朗时再跑步,故C项正确。答案:C8What can be the best title of the text?ARefresh with a Winter RunBTake Ou

20、tdoor Exercise in SummerCGo to Run in a ParkDFollow the Tips to Reduce Stress解析:标题归纳题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了冬季早晨户外跑步的意义和方法。冬季跑步能燃烧更多的热量,让肌肉更强健,心脏更健康,但是应当避免在雾霾天气进行户外活动。据此可以判断,A项最能概括文意,故A项正确。答案:A.完形填空Jake Olson lost his left eye when he was eight months old because of a born cancer. 1 it was controlled throug

21、h treatments,it reappeared and 2 the loss of his right eye.But after years of cheering for his favorite football team,Jake has 3 the impossible dream.Hes now a part of the team,despite his total 4 ,playing the game not based on sight but on 5 .Being a 6 fan of the USC Trojans,one of Jakes last 7 bef

22、ore he lost his eye was to watch the team play at Notre Dame.His strong liking for the sport didnt go 8 former USC coach Pete reached the boy,inviting him to meet the 9 .Inspired by those players,Jake hoped to be 10 in his schools football team.At first he didnt think he would be of any real 11 but

23、when he heard peoples cheers for football players,his love for football strengthened.So Jake 12 the coach,asking to join the team.The coach told him to 13 the next season.So Jake spent his time practicing hard. 14 ,he became a starter on the team in the next season.Having made his high school footba

24、ll team,it didnt seem too 15 to do the same in college.Coach Steve agreed that Jake 16 the requirements of the team.So Jakes dream came true. 17 football,Jake is also a motivational speaker.“I went into football with the thought that I had nothing to 18 ,”Jake said.“I really had no fear.Going throug

25、h 19 in life does make you stronger.Lifes unfair,but its 20 me not to give up and keep fighting.”语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文。Jake Olson双目失明,但这并没有阻止他对运动的热爱。他是高中和大学橄榄球队的队员,并且他还是一位励志演讲人。1A.Unless BThoughCOnly if DNow that解析:根据下文的“it was controlled through treatments,it reappeared.”可知,此处指尽管(Though)经过治疗,癌症被控制住了,但是它还是复发

26、了,并导致(led to)Jake Olson失去了他的右眼。主从句之间存在让步关系,故选Though。答案:B2A.backed off Bheld backCbroke down Dled to解析:参见上题解析。back off“退缩,退却”;hold back“抑制,阻止”;break down“出故障,崩溃”。答案:D3A.forgotten BquittedCrealized Dignored解析:但是,在为他最喜欢的橄榄球队加油多年之后,Jake实现了(realized)那个不可能的梦。下文中的“Jakes dream came true”亦是提示。forget“忘记”;quit

27、“放弃”;ignore“忽视”。答案:C4A.blindness BabsenceCdeafness Dinnocence解析:根据上文中的“lost his left eye”“the loss of his right eye”可知,此处指尽管Jake双目失明(blindness),但他现在成了球队的一员。absence“缺席”;deafness“聋”;innocence“无辜”。答案:A5A.ability BguessCfeel Dimagination解析:根据上文提到的Jake双目失明的内容可知,此处指的应是他打球靠的不是视力而是感觉(feel)。ability“能力”;guess

28、“猜测”;imagination“想象”。答案:C6A.responsible BfaithfulCcareful Dtemporary解析:根据语境及上文的“years of cheering for his favorite football team”可知,此处指作为USC Trojans球队的忠实粉丝,Jake在失去视力之前最后的愿望(wishes)之一是观看球队在Notre Dame的比赛。responsible“负责任的”;faithful“忠实的”;careful“细心的”;temporary“临时的”。答案:B7A.chances BpromisesCcourses Dwish

29、es解析:参见上题解析。答案:D8A.unnoticed BunsolvedCunreported Dunlimited解析:根据下文的“former USC coach Pete reached the boy,inviting him to.”可知,此处指Jake对运动的热爱并不是不被注意的。unnoticed“未被注意的,被忽视的”;unsolved“未解决的”;unreported“未报道的”;unlimited“无限制的,无条件的”。答案:A9A.leaders BplayersCfans Dcoaches解析:根据语境及上文提到的Jake是球队的忠实粉丝以及想观看球队的比赛的内容可

30、知,此处应是指教练Pete邀请Jake跟球员们(players)见面。下文中的“Inspired by those players”是关键的提示信息。答案:B10A.occupied BinvolvedCtrapped Dabsorbed解析:受到那些球员们的鼓舞,Jake希望自己能加入学校的橄榄球队。be involved in是固定搭配,意为“参与,参加”。be occupied in“忙于”;be trapped in“被困在”;be absorbed in“全神贯注于”。答案:B11A.interest BhopeCuse Dconcern解析:此处指尽管Jake想加入学校的橄榄球队,

31、但是因为自身有残疾,Jake最初觉得自己加入球队并不会有什么实际的用处(use)。答案:C12A.approached BappreciatedCrecognized Dgreeted解析:因此,Jake找了教练,请求加入球队。approach“靠近,接洽”;appreciate“感谢,欣赏”;recognize“认出,认可”;greet“迎接,打招呼”。答案:A13A.pull through Bset outCleave off Dcome back解析:根据下文的“the next season.he became a starter on the team in the next season”可知,此处指教练叫Jake下个赛季再回来。pull through“痊愈,康复”;set out“动身踏上”;leave off“停止”;come back“回来,返回”。答案:D14A.Gradually BFinallyCRecently DAccidentally解析:所以Jake花时间刻苦练习,最后,在下个赛季,他成了球队的上场球员。gradually“逐渐地”;finally“最后,终于”;recently“最近”;acc

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