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1、大学思辨英语精读备课Unit1Unit 1 Trust and CharacterText A Do You Like It Here (The story was published in 1939)Words and phrases expected of stude nts to un dersta ndphooey: int. (in formal): used to express disgust or con tempteyeshade: a visor worn on heard for protecti on aga inst glareen suite: adj. adv .

2、in or as a part of a setmake rounds of: to go from place to place (for in specti on)bawl out (at sb)swi ng around: turn around (as if on a hinge or pivot)torture tactics:proceed: go onhalt: stop or pausethrow in: to in sert or in troduce into the course of somethi nggratuitously : free of charge; (u

3、nnecessarily, without apparent reason)certified public acco untant (CPA)peripatetic: walking or travelling abouton acco unt of: because of, for the sake ofimposi ng: very impressivein some small measureabiding: lasting for a long time, enduringin stitute (a search)(turn) yellow: (sla ng) cowardlygiv

4、esb one s word of honor: solemn promise, a verbal commitment agreeingto do or not to do sth. in the futurePreparatory Work1.John O Hara (1905-1970),a keen observer of social status and classdiffere nces, and wrote freque ntly about the socially ambitious. Hisfather died at that time, leaving him una

5、ble to afford Yale, the college of his choice. By all acco un ts, this disappo in tme nt affected OHara deeply for the rest of his life and served to hone the kee n sense of social awareness that characterizes his work. He worked as a reporter for various newspapers. Hegarnered muchcritical acclaim

6、for his short stories, more tha n 200 of which, begi nning in 1928, appeared in TheNew Yorker.In 1934, OHara published his first novel, Appo in tme nt in Samarra ,which was acclaimed on publication. This is the OHara novel that is most consistently praised by critics. Ernest Hemingwaywrote: If youwa

7、nt to read a book by a man who knows exactly what he is writ ing about and has writte n it marvelously well, read Appo in tme nt in Samarra.Harold Bloom namedit to the Western canon. On the other hand, writing in the Atlan tic Mon thly of March 2000, critic Benjamin Schwarz and writer Christi na Sch

8、warz claimed: So widespread is the literaryworlds scor n for Joh n OHara that the in clusi on of Appo in tme ntin Samarra on the Modern Librarys list of the 100 bestEn glish-la nguage no vels of the twen tieth cen tury was used toridicule the en tire project.The epitaph on his tombstone, which he wr

9、ote himself, reads: Betterthan anyone else, he told the truth about his time. He was a professi on al. He wrote hon estly and well. Of this, Gill comme nted:From the far side of the grave, he remains self-defensive andoverbearing. Better than anyone else Not merely better than any other writer of fi

10、ction but better than any dramatist, any poet, anybiographer, any historian It is an astonishing claim. (extracted from Wikipedia)John OHaraconv ersatio nal style and dispassi on ate voice.bullying is often difficult to ignore. Bullies torment their victims in many ways. Torme nting them is not eno

11、ugh, they have to humiliate them and ridicule their victims as well. Bullies use words to destroy their victims, and these words can hurt worse tha n a physical blow. People ofte n say,“Sticks and stones may hurt my bones, but words will never hurt ” .Intoday s society, this phrase is simply not tru

12、e. Words do hurt, and they do destroy lives. Psychological bullying destroys the character of their victim. The bully makesthe victim the center of his abuse. In other words, the bully takes his or her an ger and frustrati on out on the victim.4. The Phi Beta Kappa key is one of this nations most di

13、stinctive symbolsand, in fact, traces its origins to the era of the American Revolution.Con ceived in 1776 by a group of tale nted un dergraduates at the Collegeof William and Mary as an emblemof their secret philosophical society, the key proclaims Phi Beta Kappas centuries-old conviction that The

14、loveof wisdom (is) the guide of Life. As the Society they created encompassed more of the nations finest colleges and universities, its key became a uni versally recog ni zed mark of academic achieveme nt in the liberal arts and scie nces.the third degree: a situati on in which some one tries to fin

15、d out in formati on by ask ing you a lot of questi onseg. If rm eve n half an hour late she gives me the third degree.I got the third degree from my dad whe n I got in last ni ght.give(some one) the lowdow n on (someth ing) : To provide some one with specific or comprehe nsive details about some one

16、, someth ing, or some situati Give me the lowdown on what the boss is planning to do about the companys falling profits.rm wait ing for my brother to give me the lowdow n on Geoffrey beforeI go on a date with him.Theres been a shakeup in the companys upper management,but we wont know how were

17、 affected un til the boss gives us the lowdow n.West Point: A USmilitary installation in southeast NewYork on the westernbank of the Hudson River north of New York City. It has been a military post si nee 1778 and the seat of the US Military Academy si nee 1802.Sec ond Form an En glish term for an e

18、quivale nt of the 7 th or 8 th grade inAmerica n schools. (also see sixth form: the term refers to the final twoyears of sec on dary educati on in the educati on system of En gla nd and other com mon wealth coun tries)day school :as opposed to a boarding school, it is an institution where children (

19、or high-school age adolescents) are given educationalinstruction during the day, after which children return to their homes.boarding school :a school where some or all people study and live during the school year with their fellow stude nts and possibly teachers an d/or adm ini strators. The word bo

20、ard in g is used in the sense of bed and board, ., lodg ing and meals. Many in depe ndent (private) schools in the Common wealth of Natio ns are board ing schools. Board ing school pupils boarders) no rmally retur n home duri ng the school holidays and, ofte n, weekends, but in somecultures mayspend

21、 the majority of their childhood and adolesce nt life away from their families. In the Un ited States,boardi ng schools comprise various grades, most com monly grades seve n or nine through grade twelve - the high school years.I Un dersta nding the text1.Questi ons a boarding school/prep (dormitory,

22、 a stepping stone to higher educatio n)(2)Men ti oned four times. First at the begi nning. The dorm door had to be kept ope n duri ng study period so that there was no knock (appare ntreason and a convenient excuse. But in another sense, a suggestion of no privacy, convenient for Van Ness to look in

23、 (introduce the idea of“ pan optic on ” ). Then there s the men ti on of Van Ness s half -ope n door. His privilege, authority (needs to knock before being permitted to go in). After Roberts went in, he was ordered to close the door, an indication of Van Ness s authority. Also a closed space might h

24、ave some psychological impact on Roberts getting him trapped. Finally at the end of the story. Roberts not sure whether to leave it open or to close itbut decided to leave it ope n. The door symbolizes Van Nesss power orauthority. The act of Roberts s leaving it open might be an indication of his at

25、tempt to challenge the authority, even though feebly.(3)Not really. He hated Hughes. Wearing eye-shade during study time. Van Ness making rounds of the rooms, meti ng out puni shme nts.(4)manipulative, sadistic, self-important, pompous, sarcastic2.True or falseF(2)T(3)T(4)F(5)T3.Multiple choices(1)B

26、 (2) D(3) B(4) DII Critiq uing the text(1)Roberts s parents divorced when he was ten, moved a lot,had to go tomany schools, un pleasa nt experie nces, I on ely and without a sense ofbel ongingVan Ness saw the boy as susceptible to moral corruptio n (dish on est,sn eaky, un ruly)(2)Self-importa nt/sm

27、ug, overbeari ng/sadistic,show-rather-tha n-telltech nique(3)No t easy for Roberts to detect Van Ness s intentions ,Van Ness using torture tactics, effective to some exte nt, makingRoberts upset, baffled, and frustrated(4)By this time he had guessed what it was all about. Hewas relievedbecause he ha

28、d a clear conscienee. He didn t have to lie whenconfronted with the question about the watch. Previously he probably did have to lie whe n say ing he liked it here.(5)Van Ness was convinced that Roberts was the thief and expected that he would certainly deny his stealing the watch. He would thinkRob

29、erts would be devastated by his interrogation and that wasexactly what he wan ted. He had everythi ng un der con trol.(6)The “bastard ” could refer to Van Ness or Hughes. Roberts was angryat first, then he knew it was no use fighting back as he had learnedit from his previous experie nces. Things al

30、ways en ded like this.(7) The title: colloquial, dramatic. Tur ns out to be a malicious questi on.(8)Robert s point of view. If it were the first-person narration, thetone would be angry, it would be more about clearing the name, a case of being wron ged.FromVan Ness s point of view, it would be abo

31、ut howhe ran the school and how he would teach Roberts a moral less on.Lan guage Enhan ceme ntI Words and phrases1.(1) occupation(2) occupant (3) preoccupy(4) con tempt(5) con temptible(6) con tempt2.“peri - ” : enclosing, encircling, or aroundperipheral ; perinatal(relating to the period around chi

32、ldbirth) ;perimeter ; periodic; periphrastic-tic : perta ining totherapeutic; static; paralytic; dramatic; pathetic3.(1) institute(2) urge(3)transfer(4) in stitute(5)tra nsferred (6) urging4.(1) inn ate(2) intrin sic(3) in here nt(4) scheme(5) tactic (6) strategy5.(1) in some measure(2) on account of(3) at any rate(4) all right (adv. mea ning without doubt)(5)throw n in (6) go with(7)

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