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八年级英语下Unit3第四课时Section B12c.docx

1、八年级英语下Unit3第四课时Section B12c 八年级 2013年 3月 22日 第 4周 星期五 第 4 课时Unit3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?Section B(1-2c)(P21)Learning Goals Master the Past Progressive Tense and use it to describe a past on-going event. How to use the past continuous tense in the adverb clause of time led by“when”

2、and“while”. Be able to master the key vocabulary and the key structures. Encourage students to be able to help some people who are in trouble, to enable to practice English in daily life.Preview1、Look at P21, put the following into English orally, then write them down without looking at the text.1.爬

3、树_ 2.太恐惧_ 3.给警察打电话_4.照相_ 5.跳下_ 6 .向某人叫喊 _7.骑自行车_ 二、Put the following into Chinese.1. Hes scared. 2. Its climbing a tree. 3. Its jumping down. 4. Shes shouting. 5. called the TV station 6. saw a cat in a tree 7. took a photo (设计意图:本部分由于短语和生词不多,所以把句子也拿出来作为预习任务,同时通过检测学生的预习效果,师生可以做到心中有数,教师可以更有针对性地教,学生可以

4、更有针对性的学。)Warming up and leading in.Teacher: I had a very unusual experience last Sunday .Do you want to know it? Students: Yes. Teacher: Let me tell you. Last Sunday, I went to the park with my friend, Dare. When I walked down the street, a pig came to me. I was very surprised .Dare said “Oh, god! W

5、hats it? ” I saw a boy follow the pig , he was running and shouting “Stop ! Stop! ” I wanted to catch that pig . But the pig suddenly flew. We were too surprised. You can imagine how strange it was! A man was walking to us. He said to the boy “Thats good! The performance was a success.” We found tha

6、t the pig was false. Oh ,it was in the film !Teacher: Did you have a very unusual experience? Today we will study a boys experience. Lets come to Section B.(设计意图:导入部分通过讲故事的形式引导学生进入新课的学习,激发了学生的学习兴趣,调动了学生学习的积极性,活跃了课堂气氛。)Presentation: Show some pictures on the screen and ask students to say something a

7、bout the pictures. Provide key vocabulary words as needed. Write these words on the board.Picture a Two boys are playing football .A girl is shouting at them.Picture b There is a dog in the picture . Whats the dog doing ?Its jumping down.Picture c Whats in the picture?There is a snake.The man is afr

8、aid of the snake.Picture d There is a cat in the picture.The cat is climbing the tree.(Show the sentences on the screen.) 1._ Hes scared.2._ Its climbing a tree.3._ Its jumping down.4._ Shes shouting.Now ask students to match the sentences with the pictures. Have them finish the work on their own.(设

9、计意图:通过图片的展示让学生能够图文并茂的认识新学的内容,这样能够调动学生学习的兴趣,使课堂变得生动活泼,还能够让学习与生活实际结合起来。)Whilelistening activities1、Listening for the general idea.2a Listen and choose the main idea of the conversation. A.Johns life at home B. Johns study at school C. Johns experience in a day.2、Listen for the specific ideas.(1)、Liste

10、n. Check ( ) the six things you hear in the chart.(2)、Listen again. Write the letter of who did each thing in the chart.(3)、Listen again and fill in the blanks.Boy: what a day I had!Girl: Tell me about it, John.Boy: well,( ) I was walking to school ,I saw a cat in a tree. It was really scary.Girl: W

11、hat ( ) you do?Boy: I ( ).Girl: And you got the cat?Boy: Nope, ( ) I was climbing the tree, a man saw me. It was his tree and he shouted at me. So I stopped climbing.Girl: Then what happened?Boy: Then the man called the police. And ( ) the man calling the police, a woman ( ) the newspaper.Girl: What

12、 did you do?Boy: I jumped down from the tree. And then the cat jumped down too.Girl: Thats good.Boy: And then the police officer and the newspaper reporter ( ).The police officer said, “Good boy!” And the newspaper reporter took a photo to put in the newspaper.Girl: Thats great.Boy: Yes, but ( ) he

13、was taking the photo, the cat ( ) the tree again.Girl: And what did you do?Boy: What do you think?(4)、Check the students answers .(5)、Listen and repeat .(设计意图:本部分的内容重在培养学生们听大意和听细节信息的能力,先帮助学生理解本部分的大意,然后通过细致的细节听取,并让学生把原文进行填空练习,让学生带着问题进行听力训练。提高学生能力,培养良好的学习习惯。)Postlistening activities1.Pair work:Talk ab

14、out the people in activity 2a .Student A begins a sentence with the word “while” , Student B completes the sentence .A: While John was walking to school, B: While John was walking to school, he saw a cat in a tree.A: While John was climbing the tree, B: While John was climbing the tree, .A: While th

15、e man was calling the police,B: While the man was calling the police, .A: While the newspaper reporter was taking photos,B: While the newspaper reporter was taking photos, .2. Let the students tell the story about Johns experience(经历).Tell the story like this: John had an unusual morning. While John

16、 was walking to school , he saw .It was so John climbed to .While he was , a man saw him and shouted so he stopped .The cat wanted to .The man called and a woman called .While the newspaper reporter was , the cat the tree.(设计意图:本部分的内容重在培养学生们口头表达的能力,同时通过复述引导学生更好地内化语言知识。)3.Lets share your unusual expe

17、rience!What happened? Where did it happen? When did it happen?Sample : I had a very unusual experience (设计意图:通过讨论交流,向同学们展示自己的经历,这样能够调动学生的积极性,让学生把所学知识应用于实际,与现实生活相联系。提高学生的写作能力。)Inquiry into knowledge by translation 一、While John was walking to school, he saw a cat in a tree. 1.表示某人或某物在树上用 ,表示(叶子、花、果实等)

18、长在树上用 。如:树上有一只鸟。 树上有一些苹果。 2.将本句改为when引导的同义句: 二、scared/afraid1. be scared/afraid of (doing)sth/to do sth . 2.Scared可置于名词前作定语,而afraid无此用法。(1).许多人害怕狼。Many people are_ _ wolves.(2).那个小女孩晚上不敢出门。The little girl is _ _ go out at night.(3).那个受惊的小孩仍然在哭。The _ child is still crying.Answers to Inquiry into know

19、ledge by translation 一、 当约翰走着去上学时他看见树上有一只猫。1、 in the tree; on the tree;There is a bird in the tree.There are some apples on the tree.2、 John was walking to school when he saw a cat in the tree.二、(1) afraid of (2) afraid to (3) scaredThe endof class test 1. 根据句意和首字母提示完成句子。 1、Look! The cat is c the tr

20、ee. 2. Its impolite to s at others. 3. Monkeys often j up and down. 4. Im s to go out alone. 5. The man called the p when he couldnt find his car.2.用所给词的适当形式填空 buy, take a photo, get out of, call the police, cook 1. He _ for me in the park yesterday. 2. I _ when I saw a thief in the supermarket. 3.

21、He saw an alien_ the UFO. 4. He_ some fruit from the fruit shop yesterday. 5. The girl_ dinner when her mother came back.3.句型转换 1. I was playing the guitar at this time yesterday.(划线提问) _ _ you _ at this time yesterday? 2. She washed clothes last night.(改过去进行时) She _ _ clothes last night. 3. Youd be

22、tter go to see her tomorrow.( 改否定句) Youd _ _ _ to see her tomorrow 4. I think theres something interesting in his story.( 改否定句) I_ _ theres _ interesting in his story.本节课的亮点:1、导入部分通过讲故事的形式引导学生进入新课的学习,激发了学生的学习兴趣,使学生的注意力进入课堂学习中来,调动了学生学习的积极性,活跃了课堂气氛。2、呈现部分通过图片的展示,让学生形象生动的把所学的内容与图片相匹配,这样既能够生动形象的调动学生,避免了

23、课堂的枯燥,又能够让学生掌握知识。3、最后通过让学生把约翰的经历改写成故事的形式,对本节课所学的内容进行巩固和梳理,让学生把本节课的学习内容进行总结。让学生展示分享彼此的经历,提高学生的写作能力。不足之处:本节课的学习内容与学生的生活实际联系比较密切,但是在课堂教学的过程中,没有能够充分利用这一点来调动学生。Answers:Preview 一、Put the following into English orally.1.climb the tree too scared the police 4.take a photo 5.jump down 6.shout at

24、sb.二、Put the following into Chinese. 1.他恐惧。2.它正在爬树。 3.它正跳下来。 4.她正在呼喊。 5.给电视台打电话 6.看见猫在树上 7.照相While-listening activities1、C2、(3)while ,did, climbed the tree ,while, while, called, arrived, While , went up Postlistening activities1.Pair work:he saw a cat in a tree .a man saw him .a woman called the ne

25、wspaper .the cat went up the tree again .2. Let the students tell the story about Johns experience(经历).a cat in a tree, really scared , the tree, get the cat, climbing the tree, at him, climbing, jump down, the police, the newspaper, taking the photo, went upThe endof class test 一. 1.climbing 2.shout 3.jump 4.scared 5.police二、 1.took a photo 2.was calling the police 3.getting out of 4.bought 5.was cooking三. 1. What were doing 2.was washing 3.better not go 4.dont think anything

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