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职称英语阅读理解 B级 综合.docx

1、职称英语阅读理解 B级 综合2012年职称英语阅读理解(综合类B级)教材1 Eiffel Is an Eyeful 2 Goal of American Education 3 (新增)The Family 4 (新增)Tales of the Terrible Past 5 Spacing in Animals 6 Some Things We Know about Language 7 The Only Way Is Up 8 Clone Farm 9 Income10 (新增)Seeing the World Centuries Ago 11 Importance of Services

2、12 The National Park Service 1713 Find Yourself Packing It On? Blame Friends 14 (新)”Lucky” Lord Lucan-Alive or Dead 15 Pool Watch 16 The Cherokee Nation17 (新增)Oseola McCarty1 Eiffel Is An Eyeful1Some2 300 meters up, near the Eiffel Towers wind-whipped summit the world comes to scribble3. Japanese,Br

3、azilians, Americans they graffiti4 their names,loves and politics on the cold iron transforming the most French of monuments into symbol of a world on the move5.With Paris laid out in miniature6 below,it seems strange that visitors would rather waste time marking their presence than admiring the vie

4、w7. But the graffiti also raises a question : Why, nearly 114 years after it was completed,and decades after it ceased to be the world, s tallest structure,is la Tour Eiffel still so popular8?The reasons are as complex as the iron work that graces9 a structure some 90 stories high. But part of the a

5、nswer is, no doubt, its agelessness. Regularly maintained, it should never rust away. Graffiti is regularly painted over,but the tower lives on.Eiffel represents Paris and Paris is France. It is very symbolic”,says Hugues Richard10,a 31- year-old Frenchman who holds the record for cycling up to the

6、towers second floor 一 747 steps in 19 minutes and 4 seconds, without touching the floor with his feet. Its iron lady,It inspires us11 ”, he says.But to what12? After all,the tower doesn t have a purpose. It ceased to be the world s tallest in 1930 when the Chrysler Building13 went up in New York. Ye

7、s,television and radio signals are beamed from the top,and Gustave Eiffel,a frenetic builder who died on December 27,aged 91 ,used its height for conducting research into weather, aerodynamics and radio communication.But in essence the tower inspires simply by being there _ a blank canvas for visito

8、rs to make of it what they will14. To the technically minded15, its an engineering triumph. For lovers, its romantic.The tower will outlast all of us,and by a long way16”,says Isabelle Esnous, whose company manages Eiffel Tower. 词汇:Eiffel /aifel/ Tower (法国巴黎的)埃菲尔铁塔 eyeful /aiful/ n.引人注目的景象 scribble

9、/skribl/ v.乱涂,乱画 graffiti /grsfizti:/ n涂写,涂画 iron work 铁制品;铁工 agelessness /eid3lisnis/ n.永恒,永不过日寸 rust /rASt/ v.生锈(rust away 锈烂掉) frenetic /frsnetik/ a办极度激动的tinker /tiqko/ n.白铁匠,能做各种小修小补的人aerodynamics /leorsudainaemiks/ n空气动力学 注释:Eiffel Is an Eyefiil:引人注目的埃菲尔铁塔。由于Eiffel和Eyeful读音相似,使用Eyeful而 不是其他的词是有

10、其修辞效果的。埃菲尔铁塔是古斯塔夫埃菲尔(Gustave Eiffel,1832 1923,法国工程师)为1889年的巴黎博览会设计的。该塔在塞纳河南岸,高300公尺(984 英尺)。埃菲尔铁塔的法文是第二段最后一句中的“la Tour Eiffel。some:意为“approximately;about,(大约,将近)。如它 40 people attended the rally.大约 有40个人参加了集会。the world comes to scribble:世界各地的人们来此涂鸦。graffiti:在此用作graffito的动词形式,意思是“涂鸦,在墙或其他表面上创作的画或铭刻”。t

11、ransforming the most French of monuments into symbol of a world on the move.使最有法兰西 色彩的纪念碑成为动感世界的象征。the most + adj. + of + n.意为“在中最为 的” 如:Beethoven is the greatest of musicians.贝多芬是最伟大的音乐家。on the move:在 运动中。in miniature:小型的,小规模的,缩影的would rather waste time marking their presence than admiring the view

12、.宁愿花时间留下到此一游的痕迹,而不去观赏风景。would ratherthan:宁愿而不: He would ratherstay at home watching DVD than going to the cinema.他宁愿待在家里看 DVD,而不愿到电影院去看电影。在原句 Why is la Tour Eiffel still so popular?的 Why 与 la Tour Eiffel still so popular?之间插 AT nearly 114 years after it was completed, and decades after it ceased to

13、be the worlds tallest structure.graces:在此作动词,意为“to give beauty, elegance, or charm to”(使优美,优雅或具有魅力)oHugues Richard:法国自行车运动员,多次打破自行车运动的世界纪录,于2002年4月8日 以19分钟零4秒的成绩骑自行车登上埃菲尔铁塔的第二层,第六次打破自行车运动的世 界纪录。“Its iron lady,it inspires us. ”:“这是铁娘子,能让人产生灵感。”It指埃菲尔铁塔。But to what?这是一个省略句,接着上段Hugues Richard的话发问,完整的句子

14、可以是:But what does it inspire people to?the Chrysler Building:是美国纽约帝国大厦(the Empire State Building)建成之前,世界第一 高楼,共77层,设计师是William Van Alen。a blank canvas for visitors to make of it what they will:张空白的画布,任游客自由遐想To the technically minded:对于那些善于从技术角度考虑问题的人来说,从技术的角度来 说。The tower will outlast all of us,and

15、by a long way. ”:“这座塔将在我们所有的人离去后长 久存在。”outlast:意为“ to last longer than”(比持久)。out-:前缀,意思是“比 更”。如:Women are said to outlive men.据说女人比男人长寿。by a long way :副词,意思是“大大地”。练习:1. Why does the author think the Eiffel Tower is transformed into symbol of a world on the move? A) Tourists from all over the world c

16、ome to the Eiffel Tower by car or by plane.B ) Tourists of all nationalities come to scribble on the cold iron of the tower.C) The Eiffel Tower is the tallest building in the world.D ) The Eiffel Tower represents all the towers in the world.2. What seems strange to the author?A) Visitors prefer wast

17、ing time scribbling to enjoying the view.B ) Visitors spends much time watching other people scribbling.C ) Only Japanese,Brazilians and Americans like to mark their presence.D ) Scribbling spread from country to country.3. Which statement is NOT true of Hugues Richard?A ) He is a cyclist.B ) He is

18、a record holder.C ) He climbed 747 steps up the tower in 19 minutes and 4 seconds.D ) He cycled up to the towers second floor.4. What did the builder use the Eiffel Tower for?A) Sending radio and television signals all over the world.B ) Conducting research in various fields.C) Giving people inspira

19、tion.D ) Demonstrating French culture.5. Which of the following is nearest in meaning to “(The Eiffel Tower is like)a blank canvas for visitors to make of it what they will _?A ) Visitors can do whatever they want on the tower.B ) Visitors can paint on the tower whatever they want.C ) Visitors can i

20、magine freely what the tower represents.D) Visitors can draw on a blank canvas provided by the Tower management company. 答案与题解:1. B第一段提供了答案。见注释3、4、5。2. A 第二段第一句中的句型 would rather do something than doing something else,也可以用 prefer doing something to doing something else的句型来表达。所以,A是正确选项。句型解 释见注释7。3. C第

21、四段i诉我们,Hugues Richard蹬车上塔,打破世界纪录。C不是正确选项,因为他 cycling up to the towers second floor,而不是 climbing up the tower.4. B A不是正确选项,因为Gustave Eiffel没有也不可能使用该塔向全世界发射电视信号。 第五段的最后一句提供了答案。5. C第六段的大意是:对不同的人,埃菲尔铁塔有不同的象征意义。见注释14。2 Goal of American EducationEducation is an enormous and expensive part of American life

22、. Its size is matched by its variety. Differences in American schools compared with those found in the majority of other countries lie in the fact that education here has long been intended for everyone not just for a privileged elite. Schools are expected to meet the needs of every child, regardles

23、s of ability, and also the needs of society itself. This means that public schools offer more than academic subjects. It surprises many people when they come here to find high schools offering such courses as typing, sewing, radio repair, computer programming or driver training, along with tradition

24、al academic subjects such as mathematics, history, and languages. Students choose their curricula depending on their interests, future goals, and level of ability. The underlying goal of American education is to develop every child to the utmost of his or her own possibilities, and to give each one

25、a sense of civic and community consciousness. Schools have traditionally played an important role in creating national unity and “Americanizing” the millions of immigrants who have poured into this country from many different backgrounds and origins. Schools still play a large role in the community,

26、 especially in the small towns. The approach to teaching may seem unfamiliar to many, not only because it is informal, but also because there is not much emphasis on learning facts. Instead, Americans try to teach their children to think for themselves and to develop their own intellectual and creat

27、ive abilities. Students spend much time, learning how to use resource materials, libraries, statistics and computers. Americans believe that if children are taught to reason well and to research well, they will be able to find whatever facts they need throughout the rest of their lives. Knowing how

28、to solve problems is considered more important than the accumulation of facts. This is Americas answer to the searching question that thoughtful parents all over the world are asking themselves in the fast-moving time: “How can one prepare todays child for a tomorrow that one can neither predict nor

29、 understand?”1. Which of the following best states the goal of American education? A. To teach every learner some practical skills. B. To provide every learner with rich knowledge. C. To give every student the opportunity to fully develop his/her ability. D. To train every student to be a responsibl

30、e citizen. 2. It is implied in the passage that A. all high-school students take the same courses. B. every high-school student must take some practical ability training courses. C. every public school offers the same academic subjects. D. the subject every student takes may vary. 3. American school

31、s place great emphasis on the learners A. enrichment of knowledge. B. accumulation of facts. C. acquisition of the ability to be creative. D. acquisition of the ability to work with his hands. 4. According to the passage, American education meets the needs of all the following EXCEPT A. the brightes

32、t students. B. the slow students. C. the students from foreign countries. D. the immigrants. 5. Which of the following best states the feature of American education that makes it different from education in other countries? A. The large number of its schools. B. The variety of the courses offered in its schools. C. It

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