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1、上海中级口译真题及答案2012年3月上海中级口译真题及答案Music affects us as profoundly as anything we experience. Very many people say that music is a big part of their everyday life. We can hear evidence of this in the blurring car radio and see the jogger with his personal stereo. That is the new portability of music. That

2、brings it everywhere people live, play and work. There are different kinds of music , for all tastes classical, pop, rock, rap, jazz, folk each culture has its own style. Different parts of the body resonate to different sounds and pitches, and most significantly, certain kinds of music resound powe

3、rfully in the human spirit. We can listen to music anywhere and everywhere. Listening to music can change your mood sometimes dramatically. Sometimes, if youre feeling low, its tempting to play slow sad music, but this would make you feel worse. And lifting tune or cheerful song can instantly improv

4、e your energy levels and your emotional well being. Music in film and television shows us how music can affect mood. A romantic drama would have a very different film score to a thriller. The old “silent” films originally had a pianist in the cinema playing along, trying to strike the right mood. At

5、 times, when watching a film or TV programme, you know whats about to happen because of the music being played you can anticipate the terror, such as in “Jaws”. Therere many times when Ive turn down the sound during a TV programme and use subtitles because the music unsettles means so much. Playing

6、Mozart when studying is said to increase our IQ. A recent study has showed that children who learn a musical instrument are much quicker at developing spatial awareness and problem solving skills. Relaxation music has a slow rhythm. Sounds are often synthesised and there may be added natural sounds,

7、 such as whalesong, birdsong, waves or gentle rain to help produce a feeling of calm and relaxation. 点评:这是一篇关于各种音乐与人之间的关系的文章。音乐在现今社会因为移动终端设备而变得在生活中无时不在,无处不在。不同的音乐对人的精神和情绪影响也各有不同。悲伤时,如果我们听慢调而悲伤的音乐,我们会更悲伤。而那些快乐的歌曲则能让我们的情绪迅速恢复过来。电影和电视剧中的音乐同样能够影响我们的情绪,例如恐怖片和浪漫爱情片的音乐是如此不同,另外还举了默片时代的音乐以及看电影电视剧时我们配着背景音乐时会做

8、出的一些反应。最后谈到研究表明音乐能提高智商。舒缓的音乐节奏缓慢。同时,音乐中越来越多地加入原生态、大自然的元素来帮住人们获得更多平静和放松。 文章属于考生日常生活中都会接触到的娱乐休闲类的话题,正如文中所说,音乐在我们现今的社会无时、无处不在,相信考生对文中谈及的音乐及其作用都感同身受,从而能够比较轻松地完成这篇听写题目。1. My computer doesnt seem to be working. I have lots of e-mail letters that I have to reply this afternoon. can I use the one over there

9、 on the desk? 2. We had little choice about when to send the bidding documents. Yesterday was too soon to send it, and tomorrow will be too late. 3. Alice has been offered the managers job. Although she has hardly any relevant working experience, this is a big surprise even for herself. 4. You can l

10、earn something about a place by reading a travel book. But you will be more interested and more fascinated when you actually travel there. 5. There are many challenges we face today, but time permits me to concentrate on only one question. That is where shall we get the money for our new investment

11、project? 6. I regret to say that we are still unable to send the goods you ordered. But wed like to emphasize that the delay is entirely due to the circumstances beyond our control. 7. Rather than taking a chance on being grounded at the airport because of the impending strike, we decided to take th

12、e slower but surer route and arrived at Kansas City. 8. Sally turned down both the auditors job and the local school accountant job. The former involved working in the city, and the latter offered a very low pay. 9. A number of houses along the elevated subway route have been torn down, so as to mak

13、e room for two new highways that are being built. 10. Today, it is as difficult for us to imagine family life without information technology as it would have been for our parents to imagine family life without electricity. 评析:10个statements主要还是以商务英语为主。这些句子是我们在商务口语对话,商务信函中常碰到的。难度不大,生词也不多。 Talks and Co

14、nversations 1 M: May I help you? W: Yes, I want to buy some shoes to replace the ones I am wearing. M: Whats wrong with them? W: They are too old and shabby. M: I can see they have simply been worn out. Would you like the same color? More or less? W: Yes, and something a little less casual. M: How a

15、bout this light brown pair? They are similar to what you have, but a little bit dressier. W: Yes. I was thinking of something along that line. I will try them on. M: They certainly look charming. W: The trouble is, they feel uncomfortable. M: Then try on this other pair in the similar style, but by

16、a different manufacturer. W: These are much better, do you have the main red? M: Yes, would you like both pairs? W: Yes, if they wont cost too much. M: Oh, no. They wont. The second pair is half price. Shall I put them both in a box for you? W: Just the red and the old ones. I wear the new brown pai

17、r home. Questions: 11. What did the womans shoes look like? 12. What was wrong with the first pair of shoes the woman tried on? 13. How many pairs of shoes did the woman buy? 14. Which shoes did the woman wear home? 点评:这段对话是女士买鞋子的场景。整体上来说,全篇没有难词,比较容易混淆的是对细节的考查。比如女士试了几双鞋,买了几双,为什么没有买,穿着哪双回家了等等,在听的时候学员

18、注意排除干扰项,记下细节。 Talks and Conversations 2 I lived in a dread for a whole year, and I have to be honest and say that at first I wasnt very happy. You see, I was homesick, I missed my family and I just wanted to go home. Part of the problem was my Spanish. I couldnt communicate very well. But I love to

19、eat, and thats what really saved me. You see, once I discovered Tapas oh ,let me explain these delicious appetizers you eat. So I made some Spanish friends and wed go out to Tapas bars. So I got to eat a lot of delicious food. And of course, my Spanish improved dramatically as well. But there was on

20、e thing that was difficult to adjust to, and that was that dinner was always served at a late hour. I wasnt used to eating at eleven at night. Questions: 15. How long did the woman live in a dread? 16. Which of following partially explains why the woman was so homesick at first? 17. What did the wom

21、an particularly like? 18. According to the woman, which was the thing that was difficult to adjust to? 点评:这篇小谈话谈论的是留学生活。女主人公先是谈到自己刚来西班牙时的恐惧状况,然后谈了自己因喜欢西班牙的食物,从而摆脱了不能用西班牙语交流造成的这种恐惧状况。最后她指出,她仍然不习惯西班牙很晚吃饭的习惯。 总体而言,本文比较简单。可能本文中一开篇出现的dread(恐惧、惧怕)一词会困扰部分考生,但其实根据整篇文章,并不难理解其词义。除此以外,针对文章的考查点,并无生僻词。这就提醒考生不要死抠

22、某个单词,而影响整篇短文的把握。 Talks and Conversations 3 M: Mrs. Dereal, can you tell us something about further and continuous education in Britain? W: Further and continuous education in Britain can be of different kinds. Apart from the world famous Open University, there are other colleges that can provide pro

23、grams of further education for adults students. M: We are all quite familiar with the Open University, what about the other colleges? W: Well, first there are the Polytechnics. The Polytechnics are colleges or institutions of further education. They are study centers that offer many different course

24、s for students of all ages. These courses lead to Diplomats or to Degrees awarded by the Council for National Academic Awards, which was set up to award Degrees to adult students in non-university institutions. M: And then what about Non-Degree courses for adult students? W: Second, there are specia

25、list colleges, such as the Agricultural Colleges, Colleges of Art or Music and so on. There are also a large number of local colleges of further education: Technical Colleges and Colleges of Commerce. All these special colleges provide a variety of Non-Degree courses for adult students. M: What abou

26、t the courses? Are they specially designed for adult students? W: Courses for adult students may also be vocational or recreational. That is, they may be related to a persons job or taken purely for interest and pleasure. Examples of popular recreational classes are pottery, woodwork, car maintenanc

27、e, cookery and so on. At the same time, university lecturers may give up some of their free time every week to talk to town and village clubs about anything from archeology to the sociological effects of the industrial revolution. Questions: 19. What is the topic of the interview? 20. What are the p

28、olytechnics? 21. According to the interviewee, what is a vocational course? 22. Which of the following is not a subject for recreational classes? 点评:本段讲的是英国的各种成人进修和继续教育体制,总体难度适中。文章从不同的学校类型入手,分别介绍高职院校、专修学校的课程设置、学位授予等方面,以及职业型和娱乐型教育课程。题目设置基本进口每部分开头的介绍,而22题也考察了学生对细节和举例的把握。 Talks and Conversations 4 As a

29、 normal person, you see colors everywhere, so long as you have good eyesight. In fact, color plays a central role in our life. For example, color is used to communicate life-saving information. To the driver of a vehicle, the green color means “go”, and the red color means “stop”. You should always

30、pull up when the traffic light turns red. Besides, colors can irritate or soothe your eyes, raise your appetite, or even change your mood. A delicious meal with appropriate colors can certainly make your mouth watering. Good colors also help us in many other ways. Statistics show, that in sports com

31、petition a team wearing red has a higher chance of winning. Of course, its largely due to the psychology of wearing red. Luck and ability can be more important. For animals, color reflects their environments and their characteristics. For instance, a male peacock has its tail feathers of bright colo

32、rs to win the attention of female peacocks. A tree frog can be so green as to indicate its poisonous nature. So dont eat it, or you might die. A wasp, with its bright yellow color, may warn us that it has a sting, and it is not afraid to use that sting. People often think that rainbow is the most colorful, but for our artists, all they need are three colors, namely, red, blue and y

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