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1、高考英语复习题大全108 . I dont think he could have done such a stupid thing last night, _? A. do I B. could he C. did he D. has he. I first met Tom years ago. He _ in a radio factory at that time. A. had worked B. has worked C. was working D. has been working. The young performers _ the audiences attention t

2、he moment the curtain went up. A. caught B. took C. gathered D. paid. He was an old man, and _ didnt matter much where he lived. A. it B. you C. he D. that. An idea occurred to me _ I might turn to my English teacher for help. A. which B. that C. where D. when. I often see him steal things from our

3、supermarket. Do you think I _ report it to the manager? A. can B. will C. should D. may. - Excuse me. Can I borrow your _ pencil-box? - Certainly, here it is. A. blue cheap plastic B. plastic blue cheap C. cheap blue plastic D. plastic cheap blue. At first _, the bag seems made of real leather. But

4、actually it is just an imitation. A. sight B. look C. appearance D. view. He is always full of _ as though he never knew tiredness. A. strength B. energy C. force D. power. _ the diamond, he had to look for a place to hide it. A. Having stolen B. Having been stolen C. Stolen D. Stealing. _ hes only

5、been learning English for a year, he speaks it very well. A. Considered B. Considering C. Having considered D. To consider. In order to get to Peters house easily, I had his secretary _ a map for me. A. to draw B. draw C. drawn D. drawing. _ two years to looking after her mother, she badly needed a

6、holiday. A. Devoted B. Having been devoted C. Having devoted D. Devoting. - Is there a movie on in the cinema tonight? - There _ be. I will phone the cinema and find it out. A. might B. should C. can D. could. The number of teachers in our college _ greatly increased last term.A number of teachers i

7、n this school _ from the countryside. A. was; is B. was; are C. were; are D. were; is. He _ at the meeting, but his heart attack prevented him. A. will speak B. is going to speak C. had to speak D. was going to speak . The college is planning to offer more English courses to _ the needs of beginners

8、 of English. A. continue B. meet C. deal D. solve. Was it in the lab which was taken charge of by Professor Zhang _ they did the experiment? A. when B. which C. where D. that. - Would you like a cigarette? - No. Its several years _ I gave up smoking. A. after B. since C. when D. before. Juliana work

9、ed harder to _ for the time she had lost when she was ill. A. keep up B. catch up C. make up D. take up. - Alan? - _? Youve rung me three times today! A. Whats yours B. Whats it this time C. How about you D. Hows that. He can speak English, German, French and Japanese. He is really a man with a(n)_

10、for language. A. gift B. present C. ability D. skill. - Look! Ive bought _ new pen. - What _ beautiful pen! It in particular seems nice. A. the; a B. 不填; a C. a; a D. a; the. The program was so exciting that the children kept their eyes _ on the screen. A. to fix B. to be fixed C. fixed D. fixing. A

11、t no time does the salesgirl get up late in the morning, for she is always too busy _ a good rest. A. to take B. taking C. took D. taken. The explanation of our teacher will help make the text easy _. A. to understand B. to be understood C. understood D. understanding. The manager of the restaurant

12、was called John, and _ back, I realized that he wasnt a very good restaurant manager. A. looked B. to look C. looking D. look. - Someone is knocking at the door. _ it be Venis? - No, it _ be her; she left for New York this morning. A. Can; mustnt B. Might; cant C. May; doesnt D. Can; cant. Most stud

13、ents used to listen to their teachers in class and completely obey their teachers, _? A. used they B. werent they C. didnt they D. did they. Remember to send me a photo of us next time you _ to me. A. are writing B. will write C. has written D. write. If you do not feel well, you should not _ going

14、to see a doctor. A. pick out B. give off C. put off D. make out. Mrs. Stewards kept telling her son not to go online too frequently, but _ didnt help. A. she B. he C. it D. which. I had not been reading for half an hour _ I heard steps outside. A. when B. that C. while D. as. - Mary, tea or coffee?

15、- Tea, _. A. either will do B. Id like to C. if its all the same to you. Carl is starting college in September. _, hes traveling around Europe. A. Therefore B. Meanwhile C. Though D. However. You must get there within an hour. There should be no _ in sending this information to him. A. point B. prob

16、lem C. quarrel D. delay. Miss Smith is a friend of _. A. Marys mothers B. the mother of Mary C. mother of Marys D. Marys of mother . All of the flowers now _ here have developed from those once _ in the forest. A. raised; grown B. rising; growing C. raised; growing D. rising; grown. The -storeyed bu

17、ilding, when _, will shut out the sun _ up the rooms in my house. A. completed; lighted B. completing; lighting C. completing; lighted D. completed; lighting. She is looking forward as much to his return as he himself to _ her. A. have seen B. see C. seeing D. be seen. I think the best thing you sho

18、uld do is _ another job. A. look for B. looking for C. looked for D. about to look for . - Who is the girl standing over there? - Well, if you _ know, her name is Mabel. A. may B. can C. must D. shall . How and why Jack came to China _ not known. When and where to build the new library _ not been de

19、cided. A. is; has B. are; has C. is; have D. are; have. - Oh, dear. I forgot the air tickets. - You _ something. A. have left B. are always leaving C. are leaving D. always left. - Mum, it is nice. I want to skate this afternoon. - Dont you think the ice on the lake is too thin to _ your weight? A.

20、lift B. bear C. catch D. take. Such a noise _ that I couldnt make myself heard. A. are there B. there was C. was there D. there are . _ we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work. A. For now B. Since that C. Now that D. By now. In the middle of the room there is a _ table,

21、with eight chairs around it. A. round huge wooden B. huge wooden round C. round wooden huge D. huge round wooden. I think that he must be looking up the information in the library, _? A. isnt he B. dont I C. do you D. must he. - Hey, Mr. Smith, you are wanted on _ phone. - Who is calling? - _Mr. Gre

22、en. I dont know who he is. A. 不填; A B. the; 不填 C. the; A D. 不填;不填. Susan, _ university student from Europe, teaches me _ art in her spare time. A. an; 不填 B. a; the C. a; 不填 D. an; the. _ the front door _, he had to enter the room through the back door. A. Seen; painted B. Seeing; painted C. Being se

23、en; being painted D. Seeing; being painted. _ and out of breath, we reached the top of the mountain and stopped _ the beautiful scenery. A. Tiring; to admire B. Being tired; admiring C. Tired; to admire D. Tired; admiring. He is rather difficult to make friends with, but his friendship, _, is more t

24、rue than any other. A. once gained B. when to gain C. after gaining D. while gaining. - Why were you late for the meeting? - I had a hard time _ here. A. to drive B. drive C. and drove D. driving. - Must I take a bus? - No, you _. You can walk there. A. must not B. dont C. dont have to D. had better

25、 not to. Most students used to listen to their teachers in class and completely obey their teachers, _? A. used they B. werent they C. didnt they D. did they. - Oh, dear. I forgot the air tickets. - You _ something. A. have left B. are always leaving C. are leaving D. always left. Lets go _ everythi

26、ng and find out where the trouble was. A. up B. on C. over D. without. I was disappointed with the film. I had expected _ to be much better. A. that B. this C. one D. it. - Why didnt you try your best to get on the bus? - I tried to, but _ I could it started moving. A. until B. when C. before D. aft

27、er. - What do you think of Andrew? - There are some things that are not easy to _, and his coldness is one. A. put aside B. get along with C. think of D. put up with. - Really? Who will give _ lecture? What is it about? - Professor Chen, _ President of Peking University, about pollution. A. the; a B

28、. a; the C. the; 不填 D. a; 不填. - Did you happen to see _ black and _ white cat? - Are they missing? I told you to take care of them. A. the; the B. the; 不填 C. a; 不填 D. a; the. Greenhouse phenomena would cause _ rise in sea levels worldwide and change _ weather on the earth. A. a; the B. the; 不填 C. a;

29、 不填 D. 不填; the. The monument was built in honor of the explorer who was believed _ the river. A. to have discovered B. to have been discovered C. to discover D. having been discovered. _ and out of breath, we reached the top of the mountain and stopped _ the beautiful scenery. A. Tiring; to admire B

30、. Being tired; admiring C. Tired; to admire D. Tired; admiring. He let me repeat his instruction _ sure that I understood what was _ after he went away. A. making; to do B. to make; to do C. making; doing D. to make; to be done . Nearly every great building in Beijing was built _ south. A. to face B. facing C. to have

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