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1、aanimal world. bsports shows. caction movies. ( )12.what does mike think of animal world? ahe likes it very much. bhe doesnt like it because its boring. che thinks it is interesting. 听第二段对话,回答第1315小题。 ( )13.what does paul give to tina? asome comedy books. bsome cartoon books. csome mickey mouse toys

2、. ( )14.who is tinas favorite cartoon character? amickey. bsnow white. clion king. ( )15.what does mickey look like? ahe has a small red nose. bhe has two small round ears. che has two large round ears. .听短文,选择正确的答案。 ( )16.this is a letter from wendy to_. alinda bsandy cmary ( )17.wendy likes the wa

3、tch because_. ait tells the time bit is beautiful cit is very nice ( )18.wendy cant stand_. asoap operas bsports shows csitcoms ( )19._likes soap operas very much. awendy bmarys sister cwendys sister ( )20.what does wendy think of talk shows? ashe doesnt like them. bshe doesnt mind them. cshe loves

4、them. 笔 试 部 分(100分) .单项选择。(15分) ( )21._do you think_the weather today? its pretty good. ahow,of bwhat,of cwhat,of dhow,about ( ) bought an expensive car last week. really?he must be very_. ashy btalented cfriendly drich ( )23._i borrow your math book? you are. aneed bwill cmay dm

5、ust ( )24.can you tell me why he is late? sorry,i dont know the_. amenu bculture creason drole ( )25.welcome to our show,miss liu! _. ayou are welcome bthanks a lotcit is right dim sorry ( ) do you like pleasant goat and big big wolf? i has some bad plots(情节) for kids. astand bmind

6、cread dwatch ( ) dont need to_to go to the pub(酒吧)just jeans and a t-shirt are ok. adress up bget up clook up dput up ( )28.the singer often_on tv.we know her very well. ahappens bbecomes cappears dtakes ( )29.we must_who broke the mirror yesterday. acome out bfind out cgo out dput out ( )30.w

7、here are you going for vacation,john? i plan_to dalian. ago bgoing cwent dto go ( )31.william doesnt _ talk show and jack cant _ soap operas. alike,mind bstand,love cmind,stand dstand,mind ( )32.who likes watching news? greg does.he hopes_about everything new. aknow bknowing cto know dknew ( )

8、you like phoenix legend(凤凰传奇)? yes.i think it is one of_musical groups in china now. amost popular bmore popular cpopular dthe most popular ( )34.what will you do after you finish your schoolwork? my parents expect me_a writer. ato become bbecoming cbecomes dbecame ( )35._? i dont mind them. awhats

9、your favorite movie bwhy do you like soap operas cwhats wrong with you dwhat do you think of sitcoms .完形填空。(10分) american boys and girls love to watch tv.some children _36_six hours a day in school and four to six hours a day in front of the tv set.some children even watch tv for eight _37_ or more

10、on saturdays or sundays. a child can learn geographical(地理学的) things from _38_.some shows help children to understand the news from other parts of the _39_.some programs show people places from other countries or other times in history.children can watch a play,a concert,or a soccer _40_at home.some

11、 programs even _41_children how to use computers or how to cook.its _42_ to watch tv. but as the saying goes:every coin has two problem from american kids is that they watch _43_ tv.they dont have much _44_ to do other activities.playing,reading,spending time with friends and families are

12、much betterthan sitting in front of a tv.another problem is that not all programs are _45_ ones.children also learn something bad from tv. ( )36.a.make btake cspend dkeep ( )37.a.days bhours cminutes dweeks ( )38.a.class bschool cteachers dtv ( ) bcountry cworld dtime ( )40.a.match bplaye

13、r cteam dfan ( )41.a.teach blike cmind dtalk ( )42.a.bad bawful cpopular dfun ( )43.a.a little blittle ctoo much dtoo many ( ) btime cinformation dwork ( )45.a.bad binteresting cboring dgood .阅读理解。(30分) a host:welcome to 8 oclock face to face.tonight we are going to talk to linda,a 14-year

14、-old girl.welcome to the show,linda. linda:thank you like to watch tv very much?yes,i like to watch tv very much.what do you think of soap operas?oh,i love,too.and how about sports shows?i dont mind them.really? and what do you think of sitcoms?i dont like them.and talk shows?thats gr

15、eat!i like them.and what do you think of game shows?oh,i cant stand them.theyre so boring.ok!that is interesting.thanks for joining us. 根据对话内容,判断句子正(t)误(f)。 ( )46.linda doesnt like to watch tv. ( )47.linda likes soap operas very much. ( )48.linda doesnt mind sitcoms. ( )49.linda also likes talk show

16、s. ( )50.linda cant stand game shows. ( )51.what time does the show “ ” begin? a10:00. b9:20. c13:30. d22:00. ( )52.what type is the show “tokyo love story”? asitcom. bsports show. csoap opera. dmusic. ( )53.which two shows begin at the same time? aface to face and romantic dream. bhappy family and

17、china music. cchinese mother and football magazine. dchinese mother and happy family. ( )54.which program is fashion show? aromantic dream. bnews. cface to face. dchina sports. ( )55.which channel has the show “good friend contest”? aatv. bbtv. cctv. dcctv. c brad,kevin and tina are three kids from

18、america.they like watching different tv shows.lets learn about what they like watching. brad:i like cartoons very much,such as donald duck and mickey mouse.theyre very a player so i also like watching sports games,such as soccer games,basketball games,tennis games and so on.the games are exci

19、ting,and the players are hao is my favorite player.i can learn a lot from him. kevin:i like animal world best,because i like animals.i watch the program about animals on weekends.the program tells us something about animals.we can know lots of animals from it.we can also know how to prote

20、ct(保护) them. tina:as a girl,i like soap operas and sitcoms.i like watching them because they can make me feel happy. ( )56.the three kids are from_. achina bamerica cengland dfrance ( )57.brad is a player and he likes_. agame shows banimal world csoap operas dcartoons and sports games ( )58._is brad

21、s favorite player. awang hao byao ming cdeng yaping dli ning ( )59.kevin watches the tv show animal world_. aon weekends bon monday con friday devery day【篇二:八下英语课时集训答案】a)找出一个划线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词, 填在题前括号内。 ( ( )1. a. name b. late c. cake d. cat )2. a. book b. cook c. zoo d. good )3. a. big b. bike c. kit

22、e d. hi )4. a. think b. thin c. they d. thank )5. a. under b. student c. study d. up b)将下列单词按照划线部分读音,填在正确的音标后的横线上。 down apple bird seven know 6. e7. ? 8. au 9. ?u 10. ?: 二、单项选择 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 从a、b、c、d四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 填在题前括号内。 ( ) 11. excuse me, do you have any comic books? sorry, i dont hav

23、e _. ask rose. i think she has _. a. some; someb. any; anyc. any; somed. some; any ) 12. do you have a pe lesson today? b. an c. the d. / no, we dont. we have _ art lesson today. a. a ( ) 13. _ there a map and two posters on the wall? ) 14. are the rulers _? yes, theyre _. b. her; i c. him; oursd. y

24、ours; ours ) 15. they go to school five days _ . ) 16. _ the door, please. please come in. the door _. b. be open; is opening d. open; is open b. doesnt likesa. haveb. has c. is d. are a. yours; our a. week b. a weekc. weeks d. for a week a. be open; opensc. open; opens ( ( ) 17. john _ playing bask

25、etball. he likes football. a. isnt liked. doesnt like c. whom d. whos c. dont likea. whose b. who ) 18. _ that man? the one in the green car? oh, thats my uncle.( ) 19. i want the classroom. could you me, please? aclean, helpbto clean, helpcclean, to help dto clean, to help ( ) 20. what can i do for

26、 you? id like two _ _. d. box of apples a. box of appleb. boxes of apples c. boxes of apple ( ) 21. its going to rain. you should _ an umbrella with you. a. bring b. takec. used. put ) 22. whats the time now? a. morning b. ten oclock its .d. june 1st c. thursday ) 23. does your mother cook _ you _ t

27、he weekend? a. for; onb. for; at c. with; on d. to; at ) 24. i have other lessons a. likes b. as music, art and pe. d. liking c. like) 25. lily is a very _ girl. she often _ please and thank you in her c. polite; use d. helpful; uses words. a. nice; useb. polite; uses ) 26. do you usually do on sunday? go shopping or watching tv. a. when b. whatc. w

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