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1、MBAMPAMPACC考试英语真题MBAMPAMPACC考试英语真题本试卷总分值100分,考试时刻为180分钟) PART I STRUCTURE AND VOCABULARY (20%)1. Smith is to study medicine as soon as he _ military service。A. will finishB. has finishedC. finishD. would finish2. He was laid _ for six weeks with we broken ribs。A. inB. outC. upD. down3. He _ to be af

2、fected by many things。A. forcedB. permittedC. advisedD. tended4.Did you remember to giver Anne the money you own her。Yes, _ I saw her, I remembered.A. momentarilyB. whileC. suddenlyD. the instant4. _ the formation of the sun, the planets and other starsbegan with the consideration of an interstellar

3、 cloud。A. It accepted thatB. Accepted thatC. It is accepted thatD. That is accepted6. He is a man _ no one has a better right to speak。A. whomB. to whomC. than whoD. than whom7._ would have known the answer。A. Clever anyoneB. Anyone cleverC. Anyone is cleverD. Clever is anyone8. Why are you still sm

4、oking? You _。A. should have given up itB. should have given it upC. ought to have given up itD. should given it up9. No visit tor or relative can enter the patients room unless_ by the doctor。A. they are invitedB. he is invitedC. invitedD. been invited10. The sick _and the lost _。A. have cured; have

5、 foundB. has cured; has foundC. have been cured; have been foundD.has been cured; has been found11. Human behavior is mostly a product of learning, _thebehavior of animal depends mainly on instinct。A. whereasB. soC. unlessD. that12. Mumps _ a very common disease which usually affects children。A. was

6、B. isC. areD.were13. The _largest state is, and has been since Alaskasadmission into the Union, Califoria。A. threeB. thirdC. first thirdD. most14. _ the surface of metal, but also weakens it。A. Not only does rust corrodeB. Not only rust corrodeC. Rust, which not only corrodesD. Rust not only corrode

7、s15. Its nice to go for a walk _ a summer evening。A. onB. inC. atD. during16. Are these two issues settled?No, they still were _ conflict.A. duringB. onC. withD. in17. Did the medicine make you feel better?No, _ the worse I feel.A. taking more medicineB. the most medicine I takeC. the more medicine

8、I takeD. when I take more medicine18. His health is _。A. as poor, if not poorer than, his sisterB. poor as his sisters if not poorerC. as poor as, if not poorer than, his sistersD. as poor, if not poorer than his sisters19. Susanne had worked for three years to be a computeranalyst but found her pro

9、gress _。A. discouraging and unsatisfiedB. discourageable and dissatisfactionC. discouraging an dissatisfactionD. unsatisfactory and discouraging20. That definition leaves _ for disagreement。A. much roomB. a small roomC. great deal roomD. not so big a roomPASSAGE 1 JAMAICA Theres no place like home H

10、ere are you , at home in Jamaica in your very own villa, all pastels and privacy. With Evangeline to spoil you: shes going shopping soon, to surprise you with a lobster for dinner. Madly extravagant? Not at all. There are hundreds of villas for rent, all over Jamaica. Bring your family, or share one

11、 with your best friends and the cost becomes inc_ reasingly attractive. A d what nicer way to experience the bountiful wonders of Jamaica than to have your own special place to return to e_ ach evening where you can sit back with a ruin punch, talk about tomo_ rrow, and to yourself, Theresno place l

12、ike home. Make it Jamaica. Again。21. Villa in this advertisement refers to a _。A. boarding houseB. mud hutC. log cabinD. small house22. Madly extravagant in this advertisement means _。A. very cheapB. fairly cheapC. very expensiveD. fairly expensive23. The advertisement implies that you _。A. enjoy si

13、ghtseeing in foreign placesB. dont have to spend a lot of moneyC. may require entertainment by well-known singers。D. need a lot of excitement on your vacation。24. The advertisement appeals to the readers need for _。A. quiet pleasureB. delicious foodC. relaxationD. all of the above25. Bountiful means

14、 _。A. abundantB. fertileC. greatD. prosperousPASSAGE 2BL has dismissed fight works firemen alleged to have been asleep at its Land-Rover works at Solihull when two works inspectors p_ aid an unexpected visit to the duty fireroom shortly before dawn on Monday. All firemen on the night shift, includin

15、g the officer in charge, are said to have been sleeping in chairs or stretched out on the floor. This is the second time in recent years that a group of BL empl_ oyees at Solihull has been dismissed for sleeping on duty. Two and a half years ago 13 night shift workers there wer e found a_ sleep. The

16、y had brought sleeping bags, blankets, and built makeshift b_ unks. But it is understood that no such preparations had been m_ ade by the firemen. The eight were brought before a disciplinary hearing on Tuesday and charged with conduct in breach of their duty. They were sum_ marily dismissed. All ei

17、ght have given voice of their intention to appeal under t_ he companys disputes procedure. The hearing is expected to take place next week with officials of the Transport and General Wor_ kers Union representing them。26. According to the passage, inspectors paid an unexpected vis_ it to the duty fir

18、eroom just _。A. before the moon setB. after the moon setC. after the sun setD. before the sun rose27. What were the firemen doing?A. They were building a kind of bed。B. They were mending sleeping bags。C. They were attending a meeting。D. They were sleeping on night shift。28. How could the previous br

19、each of duty at BL be best described?A. 13 night shift workers were found playing cards 30 months ago。B. 13 night shift workers were found sleeping soundly 30 months ago。C. 8 night shift workers were found drinking alcohol three years ago/D. 8 night shift workers were found asleep two and a half yea

20、rs ago。29. We learned that as a result of this latest case _。A. eight firemen were sackedB. thirteen firemen were dismissedC. eight firemen were promotedD. thirteen firemen were fired。30. Which of the following statement is true?A. All firemen of that works have been dismissed。B. The firemen who hav

21、e been fired were going to leave the factory。C. The Workers Union support that these firemen should be fired。D. Those firemen would appeal。PASSAGE 3Promptness is important in American business, academic, and social settings. The importance of punctuality is taug_ ht to young children in school. Tard

22、y slops and the use of bells sig_ nal to the child that punctuality and time itself are to be respected. People who keep appointments are considered dependable. If people are late to job interviews, appointments, or classes, they are often vie_ wed as unreliable and irresponsible. In the business wo

23、rld, time is money and companies may fine their executives for tardiness to busi_ ness meetings. Of course, it is not always possible to be punctual. Social and business etiquette also provides rules for late arrivals. Calling on the telephone if one is going to be more than a few minute_ s late for

24、 schedule appointments is considered polite and is often ex_ pected. Keeping a date of a friend waiting beyond ten to twenty minute_ s is considered rude. On the other hand, arriving thirty minutes late to some parties is acceptable. Respecting deadlines is also important in academic and professiona

25、l ci_ rcles. It is expected that deadlines for class assignments or business reports will be met. Students who hand in assignments late may be surp_ rised to find that the professor will lower their grades or even refus_ e to grade their work. Whether it is a question of arriving on time or of meeti

26、ng a deadline, people are culturally conditioned to regulate t_ ime。31. The best title for this passage is _。A. PromptnessB. TimeC. DeadlinesD. Etiquette32. In the United States the child who must go to bed early, be prompt at school, or bring a tardy slip if he is late_A. is learning the importance

27、 of time and punctuality in his culture。B. Is learning to disobey his parents and teachers。C. Is being punished for disobeying his mother and school officials。D. Is being punished for playing too much。33. If a person is late for a business meeting, he may be _A. criticizedB. firedC. made to payD. gi

28、ven a pay rise34. Social etiquette in the United States allows people_A. to be a few minutes late for interviews and business meetings。B. to come early to partiesC. to be up to a half-hour late for some parties。D. to call a date when he is thirty minutes late。35. The last sentence means _A. people e

29、verywhere regulate time in the same way。B. Condi tions decide how people spend time。C. Regular timetable is important in every culture。D. Different cultures have different customs concerning time。PASSAGE 4Urban life has always involved a balancing of opportunities and rewards against dangers and str

30、ess; its motivating force is, in the broadest s_ ense, money. Opportunities to make money mean competition and competit_ ion is stressful; it is often at its most intense in the largest cities , where opportunities are greatest. The presence of huge numbers of pe_ ople inevitable involves more conflict, more traveling, the overloading of pub

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