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1、动名词与动词不定式用法类析动名词与动词不定式用法类析 英语中某些动词后可跟动名词或动词不定式,有时两者意思差别不大,有时却截然不同。现分别例析如下:一、两者意思相似,但稍有差别:1startbegin doing sth (或to do sth)析:startbegin doing sth与startbegin to do sth,两者均表示“开始做某事”,一般可通用,但指开始一项长期或习惯的活动时,多用doing形式,例如:(1)I startedbegan learning(或to learn)English in 1992我在1992年开始学英语。 (2)How old were you

2、 when you first started playing football?你第一次踢足球时多大?2.1ike doing sth(或to do sth)析:like doing sth与like to do sth两者均表示“喜欢做某事”,有时可以通用,但表示一般性或抽象的多次性行为多用doing形式;表示某一特定场合具体的动作时,多用to do形式。类似此用法的动词还有hate(憎恨),love(爱、喜欢),prefer(更喜欢)等,例如:(1)Fox example,Lily likes to dance(或dancing),but I like to sing(或singing)

3、例如,莉莉喜欢跳舞,但我喜欢唱歌。(2)He likeshates swimming,but he doesnt likehate to swim today.他喜欢/讨厌游泳,但他今天不喜欢/讨厌游泳。二、两者意思一样,可以互相替换:1continue doing sth.( 或to do sth.)析:continue doing 与 continue to do sth. 两者均表示“继续做某事”,通常可以互相替换。例如:(1)He continued asking (to ask ) the same question . 他继续问同样的问题。三、只有doing sth ,而没有to

4、do sth. 1find doing sth 和practice doing sth. 析:find doing sth 表示“发现某人正在做某事”;practice doing sth 表示“练习做某事”。类似此用法的动词还有:finish(完成),keep (继续),mind (介意),cant help (情不自禁),look forward to (期望),pay attention to (注意),feel like (想要),consider(考虑)等。(1)I find the girl reading a book under the tree .我发现那个女孩在树下读书。(

5、2) I am considering changing my job . 我正在考虑改变我的工作。(3)We must practice speaking English every day. 我们必须每天练习说英语。四、两者意思截然不同:1stop doing sth和stop to do sth析:stop doing sth是“动宾结构”,表示“停止正在做的事情”;stop to do sth表示“停下来改做另一件事”,stop是不及物动词,不定式是目的状语,例如:(1)Stop talking! Its time for class不要讲话!是该上课的时候了。(2)The woman

6、 stopped to have a rest那个女人停下来休息一下。2see sb doing sth与see sb do sth析:see sbdoing sth表示“看见某人正在做某事”;see sbdo sth(do是省to的动词不定式)表示“经常看见某人做某事或看到某一动作的全过程”。类似此用法的动词还有hear(听见),watch(观看),feel(感觉)等,例如:(1) I often saw him play football and yesterday afternoon I saw him playing football我经常看见他踢足球,昨天下午我看到他正在踢足球。(2

7、) I heard the girl singing a song in the room just now .我刚才听见那个女孩在房间唱歌。3 go on doing sth.与go on to do sth析:go on doing sth表示“继续做一直在做的事”,同义词组为go on with sth;go onto do sth表示“继续接着做另一件事”,例如:(1) Please go on doing your homeworkPlease go on with your homework请继续做你的家庭作业。(2)After l finished my homework, I

8、went on to watch TV在我完成作业后,我继续看电视。4remember doing sth与remember to do sth 析:remember doing sth表示“记得做过某事”;remember to do sth表示“记住要做某事”。类似此用法的动词还有forget(忘记),regret(遗憾)等,例如:(1)I rememberforget seeing the film我记得/忘记看过那场电影。(2)Please rememberdont forget to post the letter请记住/不要忘记去寄那封信。5try doing sth与try to

9、 do sth析:try doing sth表示“试着做某事”;try to do sth表示“试图(尽力)做某事”,例如:(1)Let me try driving a car让我试着开那辆小汽车。(2)I try to finish the work on time我试图按时完成那个工作。6need doing与need to do sth析:need doing表示“需要被做”,主语一般为物,相当于need to be done;need to dosth表示“需要做某事”,主语一般为人。类似此用法的动词还有want(需要)等,例如:(1)My car needs mending。=My

10、 car needs to be mended我的小汽车需要修理。(2)We need to study hard我们需要努力学习。常见动名词、分词的习惯用法总结使用-ing分词的几种情况1.在进行时态中。如: 1.He is watching TV in the room. 2.They were dancing at nine oclock last night.2.在there be结构中。如:There is a boy swimming in the river.3.在have fun/problems结构中。如:We have fun learning English this t

11、erm. They had problems getting to the top of the mountain.4.在介词后面。如:Thanks for helping me. Are you good at playing basketball? What /How about doing sth? 做某事怎么样? I am interested in playing football. 5.在以下结构中1. enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事; 2. finish doing sth; 完成做某事; 3. feel like doing sth 想要做某事;4. stop do

12、ing sth 停止做某事(原来的事)5. forget doing sth 忘记做过某事; 6. go on doing sth 继续做某事(原来的事);7. remember doing sth 记得做过某事; 8. like doing sth 喜欢做某事; 9. find /see/hear/watch sb doing发现/看到/听到/观看某人做 10. try doing sth 试着做某事; 11. need doing sth 需要做某事;12. prefer doing sth 宁愿做某事;13. mind doing sth 介意做某事; 14. miss doing st

13、h 错过做某事; 15. practice doing sth 练习做某事;16. be busy doing sth 忙于做某事; 17. cant help doing sth 禁不住做某事;18. waste time/money doing 浪费时间/金钱做; 19. keep sb.doing 让始终/一直做20. stop sb.(from)doing 阻止某人做某事21. prefer doing to doing =like A better than B喜欢做A更喜欢做B22. “do some +doing”短语如:do some shopping/do some wash

14、ing/do some reading/do some practicing/do some cleaning/do some speaking23“go doing”短语去做某事(主要指文娱活动等)如:go shopping/go fishing/go swimming/go hiking/go skating/go camping/go skiing(滑雪/go boating /go hunting (打猎).注意动词的过去分词的常见搭配: I feel(am/was) excited/ surprised/ amazed /interested /tired/pleased/worri

15、ed/lost Keepclosed / a boy called/named Tom动名词概说动词的-ing形式在起名词作用时,称为动名词,动名词在句中可以:1)用作主语:Dancing bored him。 跳舞使他厌烦。 2)用作表语:Her hobby is collecting stamps. 她的爱好是集邮。3)用作宾语:Please stop talking.请不要说话了。4)用作介词宾语:He was arrested for smuggling. 他因走私而被捕。5)构成合成词:Who won the singing contest? 歌咏比赛谁赢了?还可用于下面这类句子中:

16、No smoking. 禁止吸烟。 No loitering.不许在此逗留。No spitting. 禁止吐痰。 No parking。禁止泊车。作为动词,它也有几种形式:主动形式 被动形式一般式 doing being done完成式 having done having been done它也可以有它的宾语(a)或状语(b):a. He was fond of playing tennis .他喜欢打网球。b. She is thinking of going home this summer. 她想今年夏天回家。它还可以用一个代词或名词所有格表示其逻辑上的主语:He disliked h

17、er working late. 他不喜欢她工作到很晚。用名词所有格显得比较文气,在口语中常把s省略掉:I dont remember my mothers talking about it.(较文气的说法)I dont remember my mother talking about it. (较口语化的说法)有些动名词已变得接近名词或变成名词,它们可有复数形式(a),前面可加冠词(b),甚至有定语修饰(c):a. Dickens often gave rendings of his works. 狄更斯常常朗读自己的作品。b. Who did the cooking? 谁做的饭?c. I

18、always enjoy a little light reading. 我一向喜欢读点轻松的东西。这些可称为名词化动名词(Verbal Nouns)。有些以-ing结尾的词已完全变成名词:He could not analyze his feeling. 他没法分析自己的感情。Take good care of your belongs. 注意保管好你的东西。动名词做主语和表语1)动名词可用作主语Reading French is easier than speaking it. 阅读法文比讲语法容易。Talking to him is talking to a wall. 和他说话等于对牛

19、弹琴。Finding work, is difficult these days. 现今找工作不容易。Smoking may cause cancer. 吸烟会致癌。Walking is my sole exercise. 散步是我唯一的运动。To her, windsurfing is too dangerous.在她看来冲浪太危险。Growing roses is her hobby. 种玫瑰是她的爱好。Gambling is forbidden in our country. 我国禁止赌博。Sailing a boat is great fun. 驾驶帆船很有意思。Talking men

20、ds no holes. (谚)空谈无济于事。2)有时可用先行词it作主语,而把动名词主语放到句子后部去,作表语的可以是形容词)(a),也可以是名词(b):a. Its nice seeing you again. 再次见到你太好了。Its hopeless arguing about it. 争辩这事没有用。Is it worthwhile quarreling with her ? 和她吵架值得吗?It was pleasant and comfortable sitting there. 坐在那里惬意舒适。It was tiring driving from morning till n

21、ight. 从早到晚开车很累人。b. Its a wonder meeting you here .在这里碰到你真是奇迹。Its no good coming before that . 在那之前来没有用。Its no use asking me.I dont know any more than you do.问我没用,我知道的不比你多。Its been a lot of fun staying here.住在这里很有意思。It was a waste of time reading that book. 看那本书是浪费时间。3)“There is +no”后可以用动名词左主语,表示“没法”

22、:There was no knowing what he could do .他能做什么很难说。There was no telling when this might happen again.没法预料这样的事什么时候会再发生。Hes selfish,theres no denying it.他很自私,这是不可否认的There was no mistaking in his intention.他的意图不可能看错。4) 动名词还可用作表语:Her hobby is painting. 她的爱好是绘画。Their pastime is going to movies. 他们的消遣是看电影。H

23、er favourite sport is skiing.她最喜欢的运动是滑雪。One of her duties is keeping the department files.她的任务之一是管理部门的档案。His favourite occupation is fishing.他最喜欢的活动是钓鱼Their mayor amusement is raising pigeons. 他们的主要消遣是养鸽子。Her job was tending the sheep. 她的工作是放羊。Seeing is believe. (谚)眼见为实。动名词作宾语1)有许多动词可用动名词作宾语:I sugge

24、sted bringing the meeting to an end.我建议结束会议。He admitted taking the money.他承认钱是他拿的。Do you enjoy teaching?你喜欢教书吗?Avoid over-eating.要避免暴食。Fancy meeting you!真想不到在这里碰到你。I couldnt help laughing.我禁不住笑了起来。He considered going to see Paul in person.他考虑亲自去见保罗。I detest looking at snakes.我讨厌看见蛇。I dread going to

25、big parties.我害怕参加大型晚会。He loves playing the piano.他爱弹钢琴。I like travelling very much.我非常喜欢旅行。I hate lying and cheating.我讨厌撒谎骗人。It has stopped raining。雨已经停了。I finished reading the book last night.这书我昨晚看完了。He kept complaining.他不停地抱怨。I couldnt risk missing the train.我不能冒搭不上火车的险。Theyre practising singing

26、the new song.他们在练习唱新歌。He denied making any statement to that effect.他否认作过这种内容的声明。So you prefer living abroad?这样说你更愿意住在国外?He proposed founding a school there.他建议在那里建一所学校。I advised taking a different approach.我建议采取另一种处理方法。She continued watching me.她继续瞧着我。He located travelling by air.他讨厌坐飞机。Would you m

27、ind moving your car?劳驾把车挪一下可以吗?To raise wages means increasing purchasing power.增加工资意味着提高购买力。He didnt recall saying it.他不记得说过这话。Do you recollect meeting her?你还记得见过她吗?He never can resist making a joke.他总是禁不住要说笑话。The garden needs watering.花园需要浇水。Your coat wants brushing.你的大衣需要刷一下。2)许多成语动词也可以用动名词作宾语:He

28、 has given up playing football.他现在不踢足球了。They will put off doing it until next year.他们将推迟到明年再做此事。Even then she carried on talking.即使在那时,她还继续谈话。Prices keep on increasing.物价不断上涨。Ned left off talking about the firm.奈德不再谈公司的事。She waved to me and went on skteching.她向我挥挥手,又接着画素描。He burst out crying like a

29、child.他像小孩一样突然哭了起来。She decided to cut out smoking.她决定戒烟。在(be)worth后也可跟动名词作宾语:His suggestion is worth considering.他的建议值得考虑。Its worth making an effort.这值得作一番努力。Thats worth watching,isnt it?那值得一看,对吧?New York is a city worth visiting.纽约是一座值得一看的城市。3)有些动词可以用动名词作宾语,也可以用不定式作宾语,有时两者意思不同,如:I remember telling

30、you about it.我记得曾告诉过你这件事。Remember to tell him about it.记得告诉他这件事。Weve always regretted selling the farm。我们一直懊悔把农场卖给他。I regret to tell you that my father is ill.我遗憾的告诉你我父亲病了。Ill never forget hearing Chaliapin singing in that opera.我永远不会忘记听查理亚平在那部歌剧里的演唱。He forgot to bring his umbrella.他忘了带雨伞。Try doing

31、more exercises;youll soon lose weight.多做些运动试试,你的体重很快就会减轻。Ill try to improve.我将设法改进。She couldnt help feeling depressed.她禁不住感到沮丧。All this helped(to)raise farm yields.这一切帮助提高了农业产量。Your hair wants cutting.你的头发需要理了。Somebody wants to see you.有人想见你。The pants need pressing.这条裤子需要熨烫。I dont think you need to worry about it.我想你不必为此发愁。4)有时两种结构只有细微的差别,例如在lik

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