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1、中考应试专项点拨与强化训练导航中考单项选择题中考应试专项点拨与强化训练导航中考“单项选择题”.中考时态,语态专练( ) 1. Young man! If you _late again, youll lose your job. A. will be B. were C. are D. have been( )2. Look! The sun _ down. A. go B. goes C. is going D. going( )3. Look at those black clouds. It _ rain. Let s hurry. A. maybe B. will C. has D.

2、is going to( )4. He asked me if I _ there the next day. A. will go B. should go C. shall go D. am going to( )5. How was your weekend on the farm? Great! We _ with the farmers. A. enjoy ourselves B. went fishing C. will work D. make friends( )6. I didnt see you at the meeting yesterday. Why? I _ for

3、a long distance call from my daughter in Canada then. A. waited B. have waited C. was waiting D. will wait( )7. How time flies! Ten years_ passed.A. have B. has C. is D. are( )8. She _ ill for a week before she came back. A. have been B. was C. had been D. were( )9. you _ the film Harry Potter V ? N

4、ot yet. Ill see it this Sunday. A. Did, see B. Are, seeing C. Have, seen D. Do, see( ) 10. How soon _ your father _ back from Shanghai? in two weeks. A. will, comes B. did, come C. does, come D. will, come.中考主从复合句专练( ) 1. The dinner didnt start _all the friends arrived. A. when B. while C. until D.

5、whether( )2. Well never give up our plan _ happens. A. however B. whatever C. whenever D. wherever( )3. Is Tom at school today? No. Hes at home _ he has a bad cold. A. because B. if C. until D. before( )4. He worked_ hard _ he passed the exam. A. such, that B. so, that C. as, as D. too, to( )5. I do

6、nt know _he will come or not. A. if B. whether C. that D. why( )6. The truth is _ the earth is round. A. which B. what C. that D. whose( )7. _ he said made me angry.A. That B. What C./ D. Why( )8. I will never forget the days _ we spent together. A. when B. that C. if D. what( )9. The teacher said s

7、ound _340 meters per second in the air. A. travelled B. travel C. travels D. is travelling( ) 10. Could you tell me _? Its about ten minutes ride. A. where is your school B. how far your school is from here C. when do you go to school D. which the way to your school is.中考情景交际专练( ) 1. How are you fee

8、ling today? Im going to have a rest. A. Fine B. Not well C. Not too good D. Very good( )2. Hello! Could I speak to Jim, please? _. A. Yes, I am B. No, Im not C. Hold on for a moment, please D. Please dont go away( )3. Would you like some more rice? _ . A. No, thanks, I ve had enough B. Im pleased C.

9、 No problem D. I neednt( )4. Ill go to London on business tomorrow. _ . A. Cant you go? B. Have a good trip. C. Thats very nice. D. I dont think so.( )5. Good luck and have a nice weekend _. Bye-bye. A. The same to you B. You have it too C. You are too D. The same as you( )6. Im sorry to trouble you

10、 ,Miss Gao. _. A. It doesn t matter B. The same to you C. Its very kind of you D. Fine, thank you( )7. I lost my wallet on my way to school this morning. _ . You must be careful next time. A. Take care B. Excuse meC. What a pity D. You re welcome( )8. Morning, sir!_? Id like to buy a T-shirt. A. Wha

11、t is the time B. How are you C. What can I do for you D. How is everything( )9. Do you like fish and chips? _. A. All fight B. No, a lot C. Yes, very much D. Great( ) 10. _Whats the weather like today? _ . A. Its cloudy B. No, I dont like CGood DToo bad.中考词语辨析、惯用法专练( )l. He runs _ faster than me.A.

12、more B. much C. many D. so( )2. There will be many kinds of shoes _ this Sunday. Ill go and buy a pair for my daughter. A. on show B. on duty C. on watch D. on business( )3. Such a large house with a garden is my favorite but I can t _ it. A. spend B. cost C. pay D. afford( )4. Do you have enough st

13、udents to carry the boxes? No, I think we need _ students.A. another B. two others Cmore two D. two more( )5. Thank _our English teacher, we have learned many English songs. A. to B. for C. with D. of( )6._ the population of Guangdong province? A. Whats B. What number is C. How much is D. How many a

14、re( )7. They preferred _in bed rather than horses.A. to lie, to ride B. lying, riding C. to lie, ride! D. lying, ride( )8. The radio is too loud. Will you please_? A. turn it down B. turn it onC. turn off it D. turn down it( )9. This is a big class, and _ of the students are girls.A. two third B. se

15、cond three C. two thirds D. two three( ) 10. The story happened in _. A. 1840s B. 1840s C. the 1840s D. the 1840 s( ) 11. I wrote _ to instruct our school last night. A. a l000-word report B. a l 000-words report C. an l 000-word report D. an l000-words report( ) 12. The teacher looked at him _ surp

16、rise. A. in B. on C. with D. to( )13_ have known each other for twenty years. A. He and me B. He and I C. I and him D.I and he( )14. The rich man has _ money but _ friends. A. many, few B. many, a few C. much, few D. much, a few( ) 15. No matte _ he says, I don t mind. A. how B. where C. when D. wha

17、t( ) 16. There is _ with my computer ,it doesnt work. A. nothing wrong B. anything wrong C. wrong something D. something wrong( ) 17. Let me show you _ . A. a picture s family B. a my family s picture C. my family of picture D. a picture of my family( ) 18. Rebert often asks us _ his Chinese. A. hel

18、p him B. to help him with C. to help with D. helps him with( ) 19. Xiao Ming is one of _ in class. A. tall boy B. tallest boy C. the tallest boy D. the tallest boys( )20Why _ to the playground?A. dont run B. not to runC. dont to run D. not run导航中考“词汇类题”I根据英文解释、首字母、汉语提示以及句意拼写单词 1. China is a large co

19、untry with many d_ (not the same) cultures and interesting ways of doing things. 2.We can d_ .(separate into parts) them into two parts. 3. Of all the _,I like math best. 4. There are four _in a year. Spring is my favorite. 5. Not only Chinese but also f_like dumplings very much. 6.I ve looked e_but

20、 can not find it. 7.I have got some meat and vegetables. Please come and help me do the c_. 8He was_ (出生)in 1996. 9.Thank you very much for_(借给)me the money. 10. Shes much _(瘦)than last year. 11. Is it the best one of the_(照片)in your family? 12. Bill Gates is one of the greatest persons in _(信息技术) 1

21、3. The Internet is very useful. It can p_ us with the latest. news. 14. English scientists have c_asheep by changing DNA. 15. We should_(使结合)theory with practice in our work. 16.I received an _(出乎意料地)gift on my birthday party yesterday. 17.I have a weight problem and its_(必要的)for me to change my die

22、t. 18.The weather report said that the temperature would fall_(在下面)zero 19As a_(志愿者),he worked for the Olympic Game in Beijing. 20. We should make our hometown a more natural _(环境) to let more people come.lI.选出与句中画线部分意思相同或相近的选项( ) 1. The man was hurt. We must send him to the hospital right away. A.

23、at first B. at last C. at once D. at times( )2. I was mazed at the scenery when I first visited Sanya. A. surprised at B. interested in C. proud of D. pleased with( )3. I reached the airport at half past eight this morning. A. arrived at B. went to C. left for D. hurried to( )4. - Hello! Is Joseph i

24、n? -Hold on, please. A. Im afraid not B. Call again C. Take a seat D. Wait a minut6( )5. In much of China, summer usually lasts from June to August. A. sets off B. ends up C. goes on D. turns on( )6. At times they go to the cinema. A. All the time B. Usually C. On time D. Sometimes( )7. At first, th

25、e girls felt a bit nervous. A. worried B. unhappy C. confident D. pleased( )8. You can see many beautiful flowers everywhere in the park. A. somewhere B. anywhere C. over there D. here and there( )9. I would like a cup of tea. A. want B. borrow C. carry D. know( )10. They got to the hotel at ten to

26、ten, a few minutes late. A. 10:10 B. 10:50 C. 9:50 D. 9:10( )11. I think he will return in half an hour. A. come back B. go back C. call back D. take back( ) 12. The couple lived in an enormous house before. A. very large B. very wide C. very small D. very beautiful( ) 13. They said they would make

27、a journey to Beijing the next year. A. move B. leave C. travel D. walk( )14. We really hope to have a number one hit some day. A. sometime B. sometimes C. some time D. some times( ) 15. How much did you spend on the beach towel? A. cost B. sell C. pay for D. take from( )16. Will you exchange seats w

28、ith me.? A. give B. take C. give and receive D. make( ) 17. Once he made up his mind to do something, there is no stopping him. A. wanted B. decided C. tried D. liked( ) 18. After you reach Beijing, give me a call, please. A. take a call B. bring a call C. telephone to me D. call on meIII根据句子意思,用括号内

29、所给单词的适当形式填空 1. This is my dictionary. Where is _(you)? It s over there, on the bed. 2. He put on his coat and went out _ (quick). 3. A lot of Chinese people are _(pride) of Yao Ming, a famous basketball star in NBA. 4. She is _(good) than Li Ping at swimming. 5. Do you often do some _(wash) at home?

30、 Yes, I do. 6. The little girl can look after _(she) though shes only eight. 7. Mr Johnsons cup is _(break). He is going to buy a new one. 8. We should brush our _(tooth) twice a day.9. This book is the lightest and _(thin)of all the books.10. To his surprise, the books on the_ (twelve) shelf were _(

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