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1、学年上海牛津版英语八年级下学期期中模拟测试七有答案上海牛津版8B期中模拟测试(七)一、单选题1Which of the following words matches the sound prtekt?Aprotect Bprevent Cproject Dprovide2Trees help fight _ pollution so we should take care of them.Aagainst Bfor Cwith Dfrom3Its foolish _ Benny to buy a packet of used batteries.Ato Bfor Cof Dwith4Liu

2、Xiang won _ first 110m hurdles race in 2004. Later _ broke the Olympic Games record.Ahim; he Bhis; his Chis; he Dhim; he5Judy knows _ about nature and science so she is called Walking Encyclopedia.Amany Bmuch Ca lot of Dlittle6When Mom looked back on the early days of their marriage, she wondered ho

3、w they had managed with money.Aso few Bsuch few Cso little Dsuch little7 Pass me the raincoat. It is raining _ now. Here you are.Aheavy Bhardly Cheavily Dstrongly8There were about five _ people watching the World Cup in Russia,and _ of them are from foreign countries.Amillions ;seconds three Bmillio

4、n;second threeCmillion;two thirds Dmillions;two third9The chief Wheat agreed with his staff _. Some of the ideas were great.Aby the way Bon the way Cin a way Din the way10My sister was writing an e-mail _ I was watching TV at this time yesterday.Auntil BafterCwhile Das soon as11A: _ I have a look at

5、 your photos?B: Yes, you _.AMay should BMust canCMay need DMay may12My parents often_ me some gifts on my birthday.Abuy Bwill buy Cbuys Dhas bought13We can save water by _ rubbish into the river.Anot throw Bto throw Cthrowing Dnot throwing14The doctor warned his neighbours _ water from a river nearb

6、y.Adrink Bnot drink Cdont drink Dnot to drink15_ heavy the rainstorm is! Yes, the town has experienced the most serious flood during the past ten years.AHow BWhat CHow a DWhat a16-Would you like to go boating with me tomorrow morning?_.AId like to, but I have to do my homework. BYes, Id like.CThanks

7、, I wouldnt, Im busy. DYes, please.17-Ill go to Japan for a trip next month.Great!_AGood luck! BHave a good time!CBest wishes! DGlad to see you again.18Where is Dad?He _ on the computer at the moment.Ais working Bwill work Cworked Dhas worked答案1A2A3C4C5B6C7C8C9C10C11D12A13D14D15A16A17B18A二、选词填空Adesi

8、gned Barguments Ccompliments Ddeveloped E. culturesHave you ever shared a room with someone, perhaps a brother, sister, or roommate? How did you get along with the other person? Did you have frequent _1_ or did you work out a way to share the space without conflict?Astronauts say that one of the mos

9、t difficult parts of space exploration is sharing a tiny area with other people for a long time. Spacecraft are _2_ to make the best use of every bit of room. There is no other area that you can escape to for a quiet time all alone. Nor can you decide to get away and go for a walk. Its even more dif

10、ficult when you share the small area with astronauts from other _3_ who may have very different lifestyles and customs.Agiving up Bgiving out Csuch as Dfor example E. carefullyHow do astronauts manage to have good relationships with their companions? First, astronauts are _4_ selected, for their ski

11、lls, experience, physical fitness, and ability to get along with other people. They are determined to make the space mission a success, even if that means _5_ some personal needs for the time being. Each member of the space team does research or experiments, so that takes up a lot of time. Then, the

12、re are “spacing” techniques _6_listening to music on headphones or writing that can be done alone. Perhaps some of these will help you with your roommate!答案1.B2.A3.E4.E5.A6.C三、用所给单词的正确形式填空1He asked for an _ for what you had done. (explain)2How many cars has the factory _ this year? (product)3Be care

13、ful with the wires or you will get an _ shock. (electricity)4Parents give me 100 yuan as my pocket money _. (month)5“How does electricity come into our flat?” the boy looked _. (puzzle)6In recent years taxi _ have changed a lot in China. (serve)答案:1explanation2produced3electric4monthly5puzzled6servi

14、ces四、句型转换1Tommy has already learned how to speak German. (改为一般疑问句)_ Tommy learned how to speak German _?2John hung up her wet clothes to make them dry quickly. (对划线部分提问)_ did John _ up her wet clothes?3We should take action and solve the problem at once. (保持句意基本不变)We should take action and solve the

15、 problem_ _ .4Few young people are interested in traditional skills. (改为反意疑问句)Few young people are interested in traditional skills, _ _ ?5The terrible earthquake destroyed thousands of houses in that area. (改为被动语态)Thousands of houses _by the terrible earthquake in that area.6“Have you finished your

16、 homework, Dick?” The teacher asked. (合并为一句)The teacher asked _ Dick _ finished his homework.7common knowledge; that; computers; is; super; are; calculators; it (.)(连词成句)_答案:1 Has yet 2 Why hang 3 right away 4 are they 5were destroyed6 whether/if had 7Itiscommonknowledgethatcomputersaresupercalculat

17、ors.五、阅读单选 The story I would like to tell happened about a year ago. I accepted a position in a company. John, who I knew, told me much about the job and took my curriculum vitae (简历) to his manager. I did not see him as a friend because at the time we did not take part in activities together outsid

18、e of work, nor did our wives. The first week was fine. Nothing was clearly strange with John at first until the second week, when our communication began to get a little strange. John began making conversations like you would have had to pay an employment agency(职业介绍所)several hundred dollars for a j

19、ob like this. I soon forgot his words till the next day when he made another similar conversation. Right then I started to really pay attention to what he meant. He acted as if I owed him money for helping me to get the job. He began to get short with me and I had only been there for two weeks. He s

20、hould train me in building our e-mail servers(服务器). Instead, he went through the process so fast that even an experienced worker could hardly keep up. He would not slow down or check whether I was with him or not. If there was something wrong with a server, he would just deal it by himself and not s

21、top to say anything like you might want to remember this. I was in a bad mood from then on. By the third week I began to get tired of his condescension (傲慢). So I began to challenge him in a way that was only one to one. He would reply to a question of mine with a question or just make me repeat it,

22、 and then cut in on me. I began to hate him. Later I tried to avoid him as much as I could. He stopped me one day and asked me what had happened. I told him he was very condescending. He asked me, “What can I do so that you will not feel like this way in the future?” I simply asked him to treat me w

23、ith the same respect he would like to be treated with. He did it and we got along better slowly. I believed there was hope and finally we would become friends and now we are.1Why didnt the author refer to John as a friend at first?AThey seldom spent free time together. BThey had only met for two wee

24、ks.CTheir wives didnt know each other. DThey had many disagreements on work.2What did John most probably mean by saying the underlined sentence?AThe company he and the author worked in was very good.BThe writer was wise not to ask an employment agency for help.CHe had helped the author get a job wit

25、hout a penny.DThe writer didnt give him several hundred dollars to express his gratitude.3Which of the following is TRUE according to the third and fourth paragraphs?AJohn was an experienced and hard-working employee.BThe writer was very slow in learning new things.CJohn hardly lent an ear to what t

26、he writer expressed.DThe writer slowly got used to his work4Whats the writers purpose of sharing his story?ATo express his dislikes with John.BTo show the importance of communicationCTo remind us what problems can happen at work.DTo describe how to get on with your workmate.答案:1A2C3C4B六、完型填空A Dinner

27、 by candlelightOn my fathers birthday, my parents and I went out for dinner. The restaurant was brightly lit and very noisy, with lots of diners. Waiter moved 1 between the tables.We had just ordered our meals when suddenly all the lights in the restaurant went out. The place went completely dark. A

28、ll the conversations in the restaurant stooped for a moment, and then everybody started talking together. “Whats happened to the lights?” “Ooh, its a blackout!” Some people laughed and others seemed 2 .Then the restaurant manager came in, holding a 3 . He spoke to all the diners, “Ladies and gentlem

29、en, I am very sorry for this. Our power has gone out. The power across the whole neighbourhood and we dont know when it will be restored. Please be patient. Our waiters will bring candles so that you can continue with your evening.”The waiters carne in with lit candles and placed them on the tables.

30、One of the diners asked, “What about our 4 ?”“Dont worry, sir,” replied the manager. “Fortunately, we use gas our kitchen, not electricity, so that the chef can continue cooking all your meals. Once again, ladies and gentlemen, I apologize.”My father said to me, “Lets go out the street and 5 .”He and I went out of the front door and looked up and down the street Sure enough, it was in total darkness.We went back in and sat at the table with my mother. Our faces were lit up by the candlelight. The wait

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