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1、六年级动词过去式教学案教师辅导教案授课日期: 年 月 日 授课课时: 课时 学员 年 级六年级辅导科目英语 学科教师班 主 任 授课时间 教学课题动词过去式教学目标理解动词过去式的意义,掌握常见动词过去式的变化规则,记住常用动词不规则变化教学重难点动词的不规则变化课前检查作业完成情况: 优 良 中 差建 议: 教学容阅读下面一段小故事:Long long ago,there was a king.He liked new clothes.One day,two men visited the king.“My king,we can make new clothes for you.” The

2、 king was happy.注意,上面字体较大的几个单词和你之前见到的单词有什么区别?iswas like-liked visitvisited iswas这个就是动词的过去式,一般过去时的直接表现形式。1.什么叫一般过去时呢?表示发生在过去的事情或存在的状态,常与just now; a moment ago; ago; yesterday; last week/ month / year / Monday / weekend; this morning等词连用。结构:主语+be动词的过去式(was;were);例句:My pen was on the ground just now.我的

3、铅笔盒刚还在地上。或主语+动词的过去式。例句:I visited a farm。我参观了一个农场。注意:be动词与动词过去式不可同时使用。2.动词过去式的有规则变化1. 一般的直接在词尾加-ed。如: wantwanted, workworked, needneeded, cleancleaned。2. 以不发音的e结尾的在词尾加-d。如:likeliked, livelived, useused, movemoved, smile-smiled, hope-hoped. 注意:ie结尾动词,直接加d,如: died;tied.3. 以一个元音字母加一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节动词,先双写结尾

4、的辅音字母,再加-ed。如:stopstopped, triptripped, planplanned。4. 以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,先把y变成i,再加-ed。如:studystudied, carrycarried, hurryhurried, marrymarried, worryworried, studystudied.3.动词过去式的不规则变化不规则动词过去式(需记忆)am/is was arewere have/hashad do/doesdid cancould willwould shallshouldswimswam singsang ringrang sitsat com

5、ecame givegave runran drinkdrank beginbegan becomebecame buybought bringbrought catchcaught thinkthought teachtaughtsendsent buildbuilt gowent spendspent loselost lendlent meanmeant sweepswept feelfelt learnlearnt/learned smellsmelt sleepslept putput cutcut hithit readread hurthurt letlet beatbeat c

6、ostcost writewrote riderode riserose winwon drivedrove speakspoke getgot forgetforgot choosechose sellsold wakewoke breakbrokeflyflew/flied blowblew drawdrew knowknew throwthrew growgrew seesaw saysaid holdheld taketook understandunderstood standstood maymight meetmet eatate leaveleft wearwore hearh

7、eard makemade hanghung lielay fallfell digdug findfound stealstole4.课堂练习I. Read and write. 1. go 2. watch 3. look 4. see 5. do 6. buy 7. get 8. stand 9. have 10. walk 11. work 12. study 13. catch 14. play 15. run II. Fill in the blanks. 1.Robert (want) to buy a pair of shoes last week.2.Do you like

8、(paint) ?3.My English teacher (not have) three lessons every day.4.How you (go) to school? On foot.5.Ken (do) some washing yesterday.6.Miss Li (teach) us music last term.7. I (get) a pet dog as birthday present last month.8.Tom and Danny always (help) Granny Wang (clean) her room.9.The wolf (live) i

9、n the forest a month ago.10.Mr.Li (drive) to the supermarket yesterday.11.What you (need) for the picnic?12.The boy often (run) in the morning when he was five years old.13. Her father _ (read) a newspaper last night.14. We _ to zoo yesterday, we _ to the park. (go)15. _ you _ (visit) your relatives

10、 last Spring Festival?III. Choose the right answer.( ) 1. She watered the flowers _. A tomorrow B sometimes C yesterday morning ( ) 2.What _ Mike do last weekend ? A do B does C did( ) 3. I _ my room last Sunday. A cleaned B clean C am cleaning ( ) 4. _ you _ TV last night . A Do, watch B Did, watch

11、 C Did, watched( ) 5.-Did your father write an yesterday ? _. A Yes, he did. B Yes, he does C No, he dont( ) 6.They _ on a trip in February ,2007. A are going B going C went( ) 7. _ he _ football two days ago? A Does , play B Did , played C Did , play( ) 8.Mike_ a big tiger in the nature park last y

12、ear. A sees B is seeing C saw小结:你在本节课有哪些比较薄弱的环节?为什么会有这些薄弱的地方呢?怎么样可以去强化你在这些方面的能力呢?_5. 课后练习1、改错题(请在横线上写上正确的句子)1How is Jane yesterday? _2He go to school by bus last week. _3He goes home at 6:00 last month. _5Did you saw him just now ?_8He wait for you three hours ago. _2、句型转换。1. The children had a good

13、 time in the park.否定句:_一般疑问句:_2. There were about nine hundred people at the concert.否定句:_一般疑问句:_3. I read an English book last week否定句:_一般疑问句:_肯定/否定回答:_4. My brother was in the park just now.否定句:_一般疑问句:_ 5. There were many sheep on the farm last year.否定句:_一般疑问句:_3、选出画线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词。()1AnameBgradeC

14、haveDplane()2AseeBmeetCgreenDeraser()3AknowBnowCflowerDhow()4AbikeBfineCbehindDdifferent()5AtheseBthereCthreeDthat()6.A.sitB.likeC.rightD.nice()7.A.worryB.wrongC.weekD.way()8.A.breadB.meatC.eatD.Seat()9.A.usB.busC.useD.Duck()10.A.greatB.glassC.girlD.Orange4、选择填空。()1Mr.Wangandhisstudents alessonnow A

15、arehavingBhadChaveDarehave()2 YangLinglikefootball?Yes,sheADoes;doesBDo;doCDo;doesDDoes;do()3What underthebed?一TherearesomefootballsAareBisCDWere()4Look,theboycan AskatingBskateCskatesDisskating()5Doyoulike chess?Yes,IdoAplayingBplaysCplayDplayed()6Theman abookinhishandismyuncleA. andBofCwithDfor()7

16、Whosthelady blue?A. inBonCatDwith()8Weusuallystay home SaturdayafternoonA. at;inBat;onCin;atDon;on()9 yournewsweater me,pleaseAShow;toBGive;forCHave;forDShows;to()10Howlongdoesit youtogotoworkbycar?A. takingBtakesCtotakesDtake()11Allmy tomybirthdaypartylastnightAfriendscameBfriendcameCfriendscomeDfr

17、iendcome()12TheWalkmanisin SuHaispocket AtheBCaDThat()13HeresacardforyouHappybirthday! AThanksBNo,thankyouCYes,pleaseDOK()14Whatdayisittoday?一 AItsFebruary10BItsaWednesdayCItsfineDFriday()15“Keepoffthegrass”means AweshouldntmakeanynoiseonthegrassBweshouldntwalkonthegrass Cweshouldnteatordrinkonthegr

18、ass Dweshouldntsmokeonthegrass5、用所给词的正确形式填空。1Theboysliketolistentomusicwhentheydo (they)homework2Mymothersworkis (make)ourcitysafe3Oneday,Mr.GreenaskedMrs.Green (go)shoppingforhim4Wewouldbrushour (tooth)twiceaday5Thisbookisthelightestand (thin)ofallthebooks6Didhe (fly)thekite?Yes,hedid7TheGreens (st

19、ay)athomenextFriday8Tom (notsing)verywell9Therearefivebasketball (play)ineveryteam10September10this (teacher)Day6、连词成句。1your,father,what,do,does(?)2whats,favourite,your,food(?)3tall,young,and,is,the,boy()4old,how,are,you(?)5you,what,would,like,to,eat(?)7、给下列动词加s或es.1swim2watch3do 4ride5photo 6box 8、

20、从栏中选出能与l中句子相对应的答语。(15) ()1Doyouhaveanyproblemswithyourhomework? AIgetupatsixthirty()2Whattimedoyougetup? BImsorryThetrafficwasheavy()3Howaboutgoingoutforawalkaroundthelake? CImgoodatChinese()4CanyoujumphigherthanBen? DYes,thereare()5Whatsthematter? EYes,sheis()6Isyourmothergoodatdrivingacar? FThatsa

21、goodidea()7Arethereanybutterflies? GIhavesomeproblemswithEnglish()8Yourelate HLiuTaos()9Whatareyougoodat? IYes,Ican()10Whoseschoolbagisheavier? JNo,Idont9、补全对话。Shopkeeper:CanIhelpyou? Ben:Yes, 1 likethreepencils,pleaseShopkeeper:CertainlyHereyouareBen:How 2 doesonepencilcost?Shopkeeper:Itsvery 3 Itsonly50fenBen:OK,Ill 4 itHeresfiveyuanShopkeeper:Thankyouandhereisyour 5 10、改错,选出错误的那一项,并在横线上改正。()1Hesgoingtoseeheparentstoda

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