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Adfymzt震撼推荐英语口语 T.docx

1、Adfymzt震撼推荐英语口语 T生命是永恒不断的创造,因为在它内部蕴含着过剩的精力,它不断流溢,越出时间和空间的界限,它不停地追求,以形形色色的自我表现的形式表现出来。泰戈尔T (Page 157-168)775. tab1) One more please. Just put it on my tab. 请再来一份,记在我的帐上好了。2) Im tired of keeping tabs on the kids. 我对监护照顾孩子烦透了。776. table1) Ill get us a table. 我去找(或:定)座位。(注:一般是去餐厅进餐时的用语。)2) Weve got a co

2、uple of plans on the table. 我们有两三个问题摆在桌面上(有待讨论)。3) Would you please set the table? 你能摆放布置一下餐桌吗?4) Steves been ignoring you for too long, its time to turn the tables on him. 史蒂夫已经有太长的时间忽视了你,是该给他有所反击的时候了。5) Many congressmen are given money under the table by lobbyists. 许多国会议员都被说客们给钱买通了。清华大学英语系学生专用口语机:

3、更适合各阶段英语口语学习者使用。官方网站:清华大学英语口语教授研究组提供777. tail1) Look out! Theres a cop on your tail. 小心,有个警察在盯你的梢。2) When the skunk sprayed him, the dog turned tail and ran. 臭鼬向狗喷射体液时,狗扭头就逃跑了。3) Did you catch the tail end of the ball game? 你赶上看球赛的结尾了吗?4) This guy has been tailgating me for six miles. 这家伙紧紧尾随我的车6英里了

4、。778. take1) I think weve been taken by that traveling salesman. 我想,我们已被那个上门推销的推销员骗了。2) You take after your mother. 你长得像你妈妈。3) I was taken aback when the man showed me the file he had on me. 当那男人给我看他的有关我的资料时,我被惊呆了.4) We have to take down all the decorations after the party. 聚会完了之后。我们得把所有的装饰物都拆下来。5)

5、Everybody take five! 各位,(现在)休息5分钟。6) What do you take me for? A fool? 你以为我是什么?一个傻瓜吗?7) We like to take in the beautiful summer scenery. 我们喜欢欣赏美丽的夏日风光。8) This is my final offer. Take it or leave it. 这是我能给你的最低价了,要买就买,不买就请走吧。9) Stop trying to take everything out of context. 不要试图使什么都脱离上下文。10) Every time

6、 you get mad, you take it out on me. 每次你心情不好都拿我出气。11) Im gonna try to take off next Friday from work. 我淮备尽量取消星期五的工作。12) What time is your takeoff scheduled? 你们(飞机的)起飞时间是订于什么时候?13) After we found out what she did, we took off after her. 我们发现了她所干的事以后,向她迅速地追赶上去。14) Junko tries to take on too many thing

7、s at once. 纯子试图一次承担太多工作。15) We took our time driving along the coast. 我们慢条斯理地沿着海岸开着车。16) Are you going to take her out? 你打算把地带出去吗?17) Lets order some Chinese takeout! 我们定一些可以带走的中国菜吧!18) Whos going to take over when you retire? 你退休后谁将接任工作?19) Hitoshi has always taken to the water. 仁志总是喜欢有水的地方。20) Whe

8、n did you take up fishing? 你从什么时候开始钓鱼的?21) Most people are reluctant to take upon themselves business that involves risk. 大多数人不愿意承担带有风险的生意。22) Ive asked Donald to take charge of our next meeting. 我已请唐纳德主持我们的下一次会议。23) Would you help me take down this tent? 你能帮我拆除这帐篷吗?24) Bob makes $300 a week in take

9、-home pay. 鲍勃每周净薪(注:扣除税金、工会绩等后的钱)为300美元。779. talk1) He talks big, but I never see any action. 他总说大话,我从未见过他有任何行动。2) I wish youd have a talk with your son. 我希望你能与你的儿子谈谈。3) The police are trying to make the suspect talk. 警察正在努力让那嫌疑犯开口(注:指供认罪行或交待情况)。4) Dont talk around the issue. Get to the point. 别绕弯子了

10、,说关键的问题吧!5) Dont you talk back to me. 你别跟我顶嘴。6) I know that theyre talking me down. 我知道他们是想驳倒(或译为:以话语鄙薄)我。7) Adults often talk down to children. 大人们常用居高临下的口吻对孩子们讲话。8) Please talk into the microphone. 请对着话筒讲话。9) Dont go away angry. Lets talk this out. 别生气地走啊,我们来彻底地协商一下吧!10) Lee can talk his way out o

11、f anything. 李不管什么事都可以为自己找出辩护的理由。11) Lets talk it over before we make any decisions. 让我们在下结论之前(先)商量一下。12) Aunt Dorothy talks, your ear off on the phone. 多萝西姨在电话里一谈起来就会没完没了。13) Everyone needs someone they can talk to. 每个人部需要有可以谈话的对象。14) I want everyone here to talk up our upcoming dance. 我希望这儿的每个人都为我们

12、即将来临的舞会做宣传。15) I hate to watch a bunch of talking heads. 我讨厌看那帮(常出现在电视的新闻等节目中的)只是说话的上半身人像。16) Lets talk turkey. 让我们坦率地谈一谈。780. tap1) Listen to the trumpeter playing taps. 听那小号手烟熟的(指法)演奏!(也可译为:听那小号手在吹熄灯号。)2) Were trying to tap into the huge Asian market. 我们正在努力打入巨大的亚州市场。3) This sign said: “Beer on ta

13、p.” 告示上写着:“新鲜扎啤”(注:指装在捅里可随时取用的鲜啤酒)。781. taste1) Im afraid telling this joke wouldnt be in good taste. 我担心讲这个笑话会(显得)格调不高。2) Some people find this dish a little spicy for their taste. 有些人会觉得对他们的口味来说,这道莱有点儿辣。782. tear1) Arguing over money is tearing us apart. 金钱上的争吵正在位我们分裂。2) Guilt has been tearing at

14、Jeff all day long. 整整一天,负罪感深深地折磨着杰夫。3) When are they going to tear down that old building? 他们准备什么时候拆除那幢老建筑?4) Id like to tear into that fat slob. 我(真)想向那胖家伙猛扑过去。5) I came home and found her in tears. 我回到家,发现她在哭。6) This show is a real tearjerker. 这个演出是一个真正的让人落泪的演出。783. teeth1) Heres a hamburger you c

15、an sink your teeth into. 这儿有一个让你(忍不住)想咬一口的汉堡包。2) Be careful. That dog is showing its teeth. 小心,那狗在发怒了。3) I woke up with a toothache. 我因牙疼而醒过来。784. tell1) Have you read the tell-all biography of James Dean? 你读过詹姆斯迪思的(对有关自己的一切)毫无隐瞒的自传了吗?2) I can never tell those kids apart. 我永远区分不出来那些孩子。3) Children li

16、ke to tell on each other. 孩子们喜欢相互告状。4) After years of listening to him, I finally told him off. 几年来一直听他的话,最后,我(终于)回口了。5) We keep wondering about the future, but only time will tell. 我们一直在忙碌思考着未来,但是只有时间才能说明。785. temper1) Never lose your temper in the courtroom. 在法庭上千万不要动气。786. terms1) It took a long

17、time for me to come to terms with the changing of this community. 我花了很长的时间来与社会的变化达成妥协(注:意指勉强使自己与社会变化相适应)。2) Barry is successful in terms of money, but not in his personal life. 就金钱来说,巴里是成功的,但其个人生活则不然了。787. that1) Im into art, music and all that stuff. 我对美术、音乐以及诸如此类的东西感兴趣。2) This job will take us two

18、 whole months to complete and well be rushing it at that. 这个工作需要花我们整整两个月的时间去完成,而且我们还得是紧赶慢赶的。3) Youll get a raise, that is to say, at least $100 more a month. 你会得到加薪,也就是说,一个月至少增加100美元。788. thick1) Jane has stood by me through thick and thin. 不论什么情况下,简都是与我站在一起的。(注:含有“同甘共苦”之意。)2) Im pretty thick-skinne

19、d. Youre not going to offend me. 我的脸皮很厚,你不会使我生气的。789. thing1) That crazy man is always seeing things. 那个疯子总是产生幻觉。2) The thing is, I really need a job! 问题是,我实在是需要一份工作!790. think1) I think the world of Kent Derricott. 我很祟仰肯特戴理考特。2) Michelle was going to go out with a motorcycle gang member, but then t

20、hought better of it! 米歇尔本打算和一个(摩托车)飞车族的人一同外出,但后来(经重新考虑后)他打消了这个主意。3) It was my pleasure. Think nothing of it! 乐意为您效劳,请别客气。4) Why dont you think on it and give me your idea tomorrow? 你干吗不想想,然后明天告诉我你的想法?5) Oh, Im sorry. Im just thinking out loud. 噢,对不起。我只是在自言自语。6) I need time to think this over. 我需要时间来

21、仔细考虑一下。7) We need to think through this problem before we make a substantial investment. 在进行大额投资之前,我们需要(彻底)想通这个问题。8) Youd better think twice before you leave that job! 辞去那工作之前,你最好三思而后行。9) We need to think up a name to call this festival. 我们得为这个节日想一个名字出来。10) Mr. Nakamura is a member of a corporate th

22、ink tank. 中村先生是智囊公司(注:也称点子公司)的一员。791. third1) Would you stop giving me the third degree? 你能别再对我严刑拷问吗?2) Im going to mail these advertising circulars third-class. 我打算把这些广告宣传单作为第三类邮件(注:除期刊以外的印刷物)邮寄。3) The novel was written in third person. 那部小说是以第三人称(的方式)写的。4) I dont want to work for a third-rate comp

23、any. 我不想为一个三流公司而工作。5) We must help the people in Third World countries. 我们一定要帮助第三世界国家的人们。792. throat1) The two companies are cutting each others throats with these price wars. 那两个公司正在这些价格竞争之中互相残杀。2) Youll just be cutting your own throat if you quit. 如果放弃的话,你就等于是在自杀。3) I hate it when the boss jumps d

24、own my throat. 我讨厌老板不分清红皂白地对我大发脾气(或:突然粗暴地打断我的说话;粗暴地回答我)。4) Larry is always trying to ram his opinions down my throat. 拉里总是试图把他的想法强加于我。5) It sounds like youve got a frog in your throat. 听起来你的嗓音嘶哑了。793. throw1) Well, these changes really throw a monkey wrench into the system. 喂,这些变化真是使系统乱成一团糟。2) Dont

25、throw away a great opportunity like this. 不要白白放过像这样的绝好的机会。3) We live in a throwaway society. 我们生活在一个(用品多是)一次性的(也可译为:充斥着免赞宣传品的)社会里。4) I caught a small fish, but decided to throw it back. 我抓到了一条小鱼,但(我)决定放它生还。5) That guy looks like a throwback to the sixties. 那家伙看起来像是个(回归)六十年代的人。6) After playing pro ba

26、sketball for 12 years, Tom threw in the towel. 打了12年职业篮球以后,汤姆(自知不能再干这一行而)自愿退出了(注:本义为认输)。7) I cant seem to throw off this cold. 我看起来是甩不掉这感冒了。8) Let me throw on a jacket before we go. 在我们走之前,让我(先)套上件外套。9) The teenager threw himself at the speeding train. 那位少年扑向疾驰的火车。10) Now, dont go throw a fit. 好了,好了

27、,别发脾气了。11) This throws open a whole new realm of possibilities. 这打开了一片全新的可能性领域。12) Did you read about the terrorists attempt to overthrow the government? 你读了有关恐怖分子企图颠覆政府(的消息)了吗?13) I think I need to go throw up. 我感觉想吐。794. thumb1) The punk kids just thumbed their noses at us and walked off. 那些小流氓对我们

28、嗤之以鼻(或:用拇指指着臭子羞尽了我们),然后扬长而去了。2) Im all thumbs today. 我今天笨手笨脚的。3) Our committee rejected the idea thumbs down. 我们委员会坚决地拒绝了那个主意。4) You ought to thumb through this art book sometime. 你什么时候应该浏览一下这本美术书。5) Shes got your under her thumb. 她在牵着你的鼻子走。795. tick1) Id like to know what makes him tick. 我想知道他的动机是什

29、么。2) Sam really ticked me off today. 萨姆今天真的惹恼(注:也可译为狠狠地训斥)了我。796. tickle1) Grandmother was tickled pink to see us. 祖母见到我们开心极了。2) Id be tickled to death to be able to see the White House. 能看到白宫的话,我会高兴死的。797. tie1) Jake doesnt want to be tied down by a family. 杰克不想被家庭所束缚。2) Its interesting how everyth

30、ing ties in at the end of the movie. 每件事情如何在电影的结尾衔接起来是很有意思的。3) This newspaper announcement is tied into the radio program. 这则报纸告示与广播节目有联系。4) Im gonna be tied up this afternoon. 今天下午我会忙得不可开交。798. tight1) Sit tight, and Ill be back in a few minutes. 待在这儿别动,我几分钟后回来。2) My aunt is too tight-fisted to eve

31、r have a good time. 我姑姑用钱太小气,以至于从未享受过生活的乐趣3) These guys are one of the most tight-knit bands around. 这些家伙是属于这儿的最团结的一个乐队。4) They run a tight ship here at your company, dont they? 在你的公司,他们(被)管理得井井有序。不是吗?5) Bills too much of a tightwad to ever eat there. 比尔太吝啬了,以至于(他)决不可能在那儿用餐。799. time1) I keep abreast of the times by reading USA TODAY. 我通过看USA晚报与时代保持着一致。2) The rescue crew is racing against time to save the trapped girl. 救援队正在争分夺秒地抢救被因的女孩。3) Paul always finishes his job ahead of time. 保罗总是提前完成他的工作。4) I can only do one thing at a time. 我一次只能做一件事。5) Some people are good at do

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