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新人教版必修三《Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations》单元教案附导学案1.docx

1、新人教版必修三Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations单元教案附导学案1Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations Listening and speaking & Listening and talking【教材分析】本板块的活动主题是“谈论节日活动”(Talk about festival activities),主要是从贴近学生日常生活的角度来切入“节日”主题。学生会听到发生在三个国家不同节日场景下的简短对话,对话中的人们正在参与或将要亲历不同的庆祝活动。随着全球化的进程加速,国际交流日益频繁,无论是国人走出国门还是外国友人访问中国,都已

2、成为司空见惯的事情。因此,该板块所选取的三个典型节日场景都是属于跨文化交际语境,不仅每组对话中的人物来自不同的文化背景,对话者的身份和关系也不尽相同。【教学目标】1. Master the new words related to holiday: lantern, carnival, costume, dress (sb) up, march, congratulation, congratulate, riddle, ceremony, samba, make-up, after all.2. To understand the origin of major world festival

3、s and the activities held to celebrate them and the significance of these activities;3. Improve listening comprehension and oral expression of the topic by listening and talking about traditional festivals around the world; 4. Improve students understanding of the topic by watching pictures and vide

4、os about different traditional festivals around the world;5. Review the common assimilation phenomenon in English phonetics, distinguish the assimilated phonemes in the natural language flow, and consciously use the assimilation skill in oral expression.【教学重难点】Importance:1. Guide students to pay att

5、ention to the attitude of the speaker in the process of listening, and identify the relationship between the characters;2. Inspire students to use topic words to describe the festival activities based on their background knowledge.Difficulties:In the process of listening to the correct understanding

6、 of the speakers attitude, accurately identify the relationship between the characters.【课前准备】1. To understand the origin of traditional festivals in the world, the celebration activities (customs) of these festivals and the meaning of these activities;2. Talk about holiday celebrations;3. Preview: u

7、nderstand the new words according to the context.【教学过程】Step 1 Lead-inTeachers talk about the worlds traditional festivals, such as the Lantern Festival in China, adults day in foreign countries, carnivals and so on.Step 2 Watching and talkingActivity 11. Teacher lets Ss look at some pictures about f

8、estival activities. During talking about these activities, teacher can add some background knowledge about festivals.Questions:What festivals do the pictures show us?In which country do you think people celebrate each festival?How do people celebrate each festival?2. Ask sb to choose some words or p

9、hrases from the box to celebrate each festival.3. Teacher can show students how to use these word blocks and learn to describe holiday activities in groups. For example:On the Coming-of-Age Day, young girls in Japan would wear traditional costumes.One of the most important activities during the Lant

10、ern Festival is to guess riddles.During the Rio Carnival, you can watch wonderful samba dances.4. The teacher asks students to report the results of the group lecture. Ask these questions:What do people do to celebrate the Chinese Lantern festival?Who will celebrate Coming-of-Age Day? What do they d

11、o to celebrate it?What do you expect to see if you go to the Rio Carnival?5. Learn some words and phrases in the box.Step 3 ListeningActivity 21. Teacher asks sb to read “Listen for relationships”, In pairs, discuss how to identify relationships between people based on their tone and content. The te

12、acher can provide the following questions to inspire students to discuss.What does a tour guide usually say to a tour group? What expressions are frequently used?What questions does an interviewer usually ask during an interview?What would a reporter say or do if he/she wants to interview a tourist?

13、How do friends usually talk?2. Some group representatives are invited to communicate and speak in class.3. Teacher plays the listening tape for students to listen to and write the order of the conversations next to the names of the festivals.4. Play the tape again, students match each conversation w

14、ith the relationship between the speakers.5. Check the answers with class.Activities 3-41. Teacher asks students to look at the tasks and requirements of activity 3. Then read the main ideas of the three dialogues. (Guide the students to guess and fill in the words according to the context. Let the

15、students analyze the English syntactic structure based on the meaning of the sentence and make reasonable inferences.)2. Teacher plays the tape for the second time. After listening to the tape, students discuss the answers in pairs. Then the class communicates and checks the answers.3. Teacher lets

16、students listen to the tape for the third time (Before the teacher plays the recording for the third time, the teacher should prepare the students to take notes and remind them to catch key words, especially phrasal verbs.).Step 4 SpeakingActivity 51. Lead the dialogue by asking questions. Let stude

17、nts understand how to discuss their favorite festivals and give their reasons.E.g.,Conversation 1T: Which of the three festivals do you like best?S1: I think the Coming-of-Age Day is the most interesting.T: Why is it your favourite?S1: Because I like to see women dressed up in their colorful traditi

18、onal kimonos.Conversation 2T: Which of the three festivals attracts you most?S2: The Chinese Lantern Festival.T: I suppose you like yuanxiao, the sweet dumplings.S2: Not only that. I especially like guessing riddles and Im good at it.2. Follow the example of the conversation in activity 5 and work i

19、n pairs to discuss your favorite holiday and explain why. After the discussion, the teacher asks some groups to show the dialogue.Step 5 ActingOne student plays the role of a journalist. The other three students play the roles of the characters in the listening dialogue. They are the Japanese girl a

20、ttending the coming-of-age ceremony, the girl attending the Rio carnival, and the tourist visiting China. The following questions can be used in the interview:What is the purpose of this festival?How do you usually celebrate this festival?What do you like best about this festival?Step 6 Pronunciatio

21、n1. Help students recognize speech assimilation.(1)Teacher plays the recording of activity 1 and asks the students to pay attention to the pronunciation changes of bold letters while listening.(2)Teacher organizes students to carry out activities in pairs: the teacher plays the recording, one person

22、 in the group reads after the words and phrases in activity 1, the other person compares the pronunciation of the recording with that of his partner carefully, and points out the pronunciation problem of his/her partner if there is any difference. Then switch roles, listen to the tape again and comp

23、lete the same task.2. Let students imitate and read.(1)Teacher guides students to understand the requirements of activity 2. Before listening to the tape, the teacher asks the question for students to think: “How does your pronunciation change while reading the sentences?”(2)Teacher plays the tape f

24、or the first time. The students read after the sentences in activity 2.(3)Teacher plays the tape for the second time, the students repeat the sentences again, and then discuss with their partners the differences between the pronunciation of the bold consonants in words and the pronunciation in sente

25、nces, and describe the phonetic assimilation in the flow.(4)Teacher asks different students to read the six sentences of activity 2 and report the result of the discussion on phonetic assimilation. The teacher supplements and corrects the students conclusion, explains it appropriately, and writes th

26、e assimilation pronunciation in these sentences on the blackboard or presents it to the students through the courseware.Step 7 Listening and TalkingActivity 61. Learn the new words about the festivals.2. Look at the pictures and predict what festival Song Lin and Max are going to talk about.3. Liste

27、n and answer the questions.What festival is Max talking about?What did Maxs mother cook?What did Max do during the festival?What did Max and his family do during and after the dinner?What was the best part of the festival?4. Listen again and check the answers with class.Answers:Christmas experiences

28、.Roast turkey, mashed potatoes and Christmas pudding, He helped decorate the Christmas tree and put presents under it, then helped his mum prepare for the family dinner.During dinner they shared stories and told jokes, afterwards they played games, opened their presents.The best part was opening the

29、ir presents on Christmas morning.5. Listen again and tick the phrases that Max or Song Lin uses. Then check the answers with class.6. Have a conversation with the help of these questions:What is the recent festival you have had?How did you celebrate it?How do you feel about the festival? Why?Step 8

30、Homework1)Read the passage again and understand the food culture from a cross-cultural perspective.2)Remember the new words and learn the usages of them.【教学反思】1、通过本节内容学习,学生能否理解发生在三个国家不同节日场景下的简短对话,对话中的人们正在参与或将要亲历不同的庆祝活动;2、通过本节内容学习,学生能否辨别对话中人物之间的关系;3、通过本节内容学习,学生能否掌握听力训练中的听力策略。Unit 1 Festivals and Cele

31、brations Reading and Thinking【教材分析】该板块的活动主题探究节日与庆典的缘由(Discover the reasons for festivals and celebrations),是前面听说板块主题内容的延续,从展示几个不同节日的场景过渡到探讨人们为何欢庆节日、对世界各地的人们庆祝节日的现象追根溯源,进而谈论节日的传承与发展变化,目的在于启发学生的深层思考,体会节日文化的内在实质,感悟世界各国人民共同的精神追求和美好愿望。【教学目标】1. Read the essays with the theme of “why we celebrate festivals

32、”, analyze the discourse structure and textual logic of the essays, understand the development and changes of festival customs, and understand the connotation and significance of festivals;2. Guide students to find the topic sentence quickly and accurately;3. Guide students to summarize and accumulate related vocabulary used to express emotions;4. Guide students to understand the festival culture of different co

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